Transportation: Vehicles & Safety - 104th General Assembly
Bill # | Sponsor | ABR - Short Description | Last Action | Date |
HB 157031HB1239 | II - Maurice A. West, IIMaurice A. West, II | BLOOD TYPE ON STATE ID-LICENSE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/11/2025 |
HB 157055HB1263 | Cabello - John M. CabelloJohn M. Cabello | VEH CD-NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/11/2025 |
HB 157585HB1502 | Stephens - Brad StephensBrad Stephens | OHARE DRIVER SAFE-DEFINITIONS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/18/2025 |
HB 158879HB1718 | Davis - Jed DavisJed Davis | CDL PERMITS-SNOW PLOWS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/18/2025 |
HB 159106HB1751 | Sosnowski - Joe C. SosnowskiJoe C. Sosnowski | VEH CD-NO ROAD TEST OVER 75 | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 159330HB1840 | II - Curtis J. Tarver, IICurtis J. Tarver, II | VEH CD-ALT REG FORMS&DOCS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 159447HB1875 | Rohr - Janet Yang RohrJanet Yang Rohr | VEH CD-BICYCLES-STOP SIGNS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 159504HB1913 | Fritts - Bradley FrittsBradley Fritts | VEH CD-ELECTRIC VEHICLE DECAL | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 159506HB1914 | Fritts - Bradley FrittsBradley Fritts | VEH CD-CDL THIRD PARTY TESTING | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160072HB2359 | Weaver - Travis WeaverTravis Weaver | VEH CD-EMS CHIEF PLATES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160075HB2362 | Weaver - Travis WeaverTravis Weaver | VEH CD-AIR MEDAL SPECIAL PLATE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160105HB2386 | Muhl - Tracy Katz MuhlTracy Katz Muhl | VEHICLE-ARMED FORCES PLATES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160105HB2386 (HCA1) | Muhl - Tracy Katz MuhlTracy Katz Muhl | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/05/2025 | |
HB 160113HB2394 | Benton - Harry BentonHarry Benton | VEH CD-WEIGHT LIMIT EXEMPTION | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160193HB2432 | Jr. - Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. | VEH CD-RELOCATOR PERMIT FEE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160204HB2442 | Ugaste - Dan UgasteDan Ugaste | TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREEMPT DEVICE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160237HB2461 | Jr. - Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. | VEH CD-SPEED CAMERA REVENUE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160309HB2506 | Kifowit - Stephanie A. KifowitStephanie A. Kifowit | VEH CD-MILITARY REG PLATES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160531HB2612 | Niemerg - Adam M. NiemergAdam M. Niemerg | CONSTRUCTION SAFE DETOUR ACT | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160667HB2675 | Moylan - Martin J. MoylanMartin J. Moylan | VEH CD-BIKE TRAIL SIGNAGE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160670HB2678 | Jr. - Lawrence "Larry" Walsh, Jr.Lawrence "Larry" Walsh, Jr. | VEH CD-FARM TRUCK REGISTRATION | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160723HB2727 | Ford - La Shawn K. FordLa Shawn K. Ford | VEH CD-TOWING | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160787HB2751 | Moylan - Martin J. MoylanMartin J. Moylan | VEH CD-UNLICENSED DEALERS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160903HB2825 | Jr. - Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. | VEH CD-SCHOOL BUS PERMITS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160915HB2836 | Kifowit - Stephanie A. KifowitStephanie A. Kifowit | VEH CD-AIR MEDAL SPECIAL PLATE | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161026HB2857 | Jr. - Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. | HIGHWAY WORK ZONE SAFETY ACT | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161137HB2934 | Hirschauer - Maura HirschauerMaura Hirschauer | VEH CD-CHANGE TO SPEED LIMIT | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161143HB2940 | Spain - Ryan SpainRyan Spain | VETERAN REGISTRATION FEES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161147HB2942 | Spain - Ryan SpainRyan Spain | GRADUATED LICENSE SUSPENSION | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161188HB2962 | Muhl - Tracy Katz MuhlTracy Katz Muhl | VEH CD-THIRD DIVISION | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161233HB2983 | Vella - Dave VellaDave Vella | TRANSPORTATION-VARIOUS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161270HB3004 | Hammond - Norine K. HammondNorine K. Hammond | VEHICLE CODE-SPECIAL PLATES | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161321HB3044 | Kifowit - Stephanie A. KifowitStephanie A. Kifowit | AUTONOMOUS VEH REQUIREMENTS | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161512HB3125 | Jr. - Jaime M. Andrade, Jr.Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. | VEH CD- INSTRUCTOR DL REQ | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB1239 Sponsor:Maurice A. West, II ABR - Short Description:BLOOD TYPE ON STATE ID-LICENSE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/11/2025 |
Bill #:HB1263 Sponsor:John M. Cabello ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/11/2025 |
Bill #:HB1502 Sponsor:Brad Stephens ABR - Short Description:OHARE DRIVER SAFE-DEFINITIONS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/18/2025 |
Bill #:HB1718 Sponsor:Jed Davis ABR - Short Description:CDL PERMITS-SNOW PLOWS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/18/2025 |
Bill #:HB1751 Sponsor:Joe C. Sosnowski ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-NO ROAD TEST OVER 75 Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB1840 Sponsor:Curtis J. Tarver, II ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-ALT REG FORMS&DOCS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB1875 Sponsor:Janet Yang Rohr ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-BICYCLES-STOP SIGNS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB1913 Sponsor:Bradley Fritts ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-ELECTRIC VEHICLE DECAL Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB1914 Sponsor:Bradley Fritts ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-CDL THIRD PARTY TESTING Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2359 Sponsor:Travis Weaver ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-EMS CHIEF PLATES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2362 Sponsor:Travis Weaver ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-AIR MEDAL SPECIAL PLATE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2386 Sponsor:Tracy Katz Muhl ABR - Short Description:VEHICLE-ARMED FORCES PLATES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2386 (HCA1) Sponsor:Tracy Katz Muhl ABR - Short Description: Last Action:House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/05/2025 |
Bill #:HB2394 Sponsor:Harry Benton ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-WEIGHT LIMIT EXEMPTION Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2432 Sponsor:Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-RELOCATOR PERMIT FEE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2442 Sponsor:Dan Ugaste ABR - Short Description:TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREEMPT DEVICE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2461 Sponsor:Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-SPEED CAMERA REVENUE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2506 Sponsor:Stephanie A. Kifowit ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-MILITARY REG PLATES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2612 Sponsor:Adam M. Niemerg ABR - Short Description:CONSTRUCTION SAFE DETOUR ACT Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2675 Sponsor:Martin J. Moylan ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-BIKE TRAIL SIGNAGE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2678 Sponsor:Lawrence "Larry" Walsh, Jr. ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-FARM TRUCK REGISTRATION Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2727 Sponsor:La Shawn K. Ford ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-TOWING Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2751 Sponsor:Martin J. Moylan ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-UNLICENSED DEALERS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2825 Sponsor:Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-SCHOOL BUS PERMITS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2836 Sponsor:Stephanie A. Kifowit ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-AIR MEDAL SPECIAL PLATE Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2857 Sponsor:Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. ABR - Short Description:HIGHWAY WORK ZONE SAFETY ACT Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2934 Sponsor:Maura Hirschauer ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-CHANGE TO SPEED LIMIT Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2940 Sponsor:Ryan Spain ABR - Short Description:VETERAN REGISTRATION FEES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2942 Sponsor:Ryan Spain ABR - Short Description:GRADUATED LICENSE SUSPENSION Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2962 Sponsor:Tracy Katz Muhl ABR - Short Description:VEH CD-THIRD DIVISION Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2983 Sponsor:Dave Vella ABR - Short Description:TRANSPORTATION-VARIOUS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3004 Sponsor:Norine K. Hammond ABR - Short Description:VEHICLE CODE-SPECIAL PLATES Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3044 Sponsor:Stephanie A. Kifowit ABR - Short Description:AUTONOMOUS VEH REQUIREMENTS Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3125 Sponsor:Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. ABR - Short Description:VEH CD- INSTRUCTOR DL REQ Last Action:Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Date:03/04/2025 |