Accessibility for Persons With Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The Illinois General Assembly is committed to making legislative activities and facilities accessible to all. The General Assembly is taking steps to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to legislative activities, programs and services. Additionally, starting in 2008, the Illinois General Assembly web site will be undergoing major renovations to ensure that the content will be more accessible by people with disabilities.

For ADA Accommodations, please email your request to:

General Assembly Document Center

The General Assembly Document Center is located on the 4th floor of the Capitol building, Room 402. The services provided include:

Daily House and Senate calendars and committee schedules are available in Braille. Requests for multiple copies need to be made 48 hours in advance due to the additional time necessary for printing. Please contact the General Assembly Document Center at 217-782-9778.
Daily calendars are also available in larger print upon request.
Assistive Listening Devices for the House and Senate chambers and committee rooms are available.
Bill Status and other information is available at the wheelchair-accessible Online Bill Search Kiosk.

Information Desk

The Information Desk is wheelchair-accessible and is located on the first floor of the Capitol building in Room 107. The services provided include:

Tour of the Capitol that is wheelchair-accessible. Wheelchairs for the tour.
Braille tour guide pamphlet.
Sign language interpreter or reader for the tour. Please contact the Information Desk 48 hours in advance at 217-782-2099.

Visual Accessibility

Daily House and Senate calendars and committee schedules are available in Braille at the General Assembly Document Center on the 4th floor of the Capitol building, Room 402. Requests for multiple copies need to be made 48 hours in advance due to the additional time necessary for printing. Please contact the General Assembly Document Center at 217-782-9778.
All elevators have Braille control panels and floor designations.
Phones with Braille designated numbers are located on the first floor.
Daily calendars are available in larger print upon request at the General Assembly Document Center on the 4th floor.
A Tour Guide can be requested at the Information Desk on the first floor.

Communication Accessibility

The Legislative Information System office can be contacted at 217-782-2050 (TTY).
Assistive Listening Devices for the House and Senate chambers and committee rooms are available at the General Assembly Document Center on the 4th floor of the Capitol building, Room 402.
The General Assembly will request a sign language interpreter for the people with hearing loss upon timely request for floor debate, committee meetings, scheduled public events and meeting with members and staff in Springfield. The request must be made at least 48 hours before the time services are needed.

For House requests, please contact the Office of the Clerk at 217-782-8223.

For Senate requests, please contact the Secretary of the Senate’s Office at 217-782-5715.
Bill Status and other information is available at the wheelchair-accessible Online Bill Search Kiosk located in the General Assembly Document Center on the 4th floor of the Capitol building, Room 402.

Mobility Accessibility

The Illinois General Assembly has made efforts to make the public areas of the Capitol building, including lobbies, public meeting rooms, restrooms and galleries accessible to all citizens. The services provided include:

  • Accessible entrance on the west side of the Capitol building including a ramp and automatic doors.
  • Accessible parking is provided throughout the Capitol complex. Any parking space designated as accessible can be utilized by the public.
  • Space is provided in the Senate and House galleries for wheelchair bound persons.
  • Nine accessible restrooms are available in the Capitol building.
  • Wheelchair accessible elevators are located on the ground floor of the Capitol building.
  • Bill Status and other information is available at the wheelchair-accessible Online Bill Search Kiosk located in the General Assembly Document Center on the 4th floor of the Capitol building, Room 402.

Other Services

A paramedic is available on the 2nd floor of the Capitol building in Room 206.
While the Capitol building and the General Assembly are accessible to all citizens, it is suggested in order to enhance your visit that large groups of citizens with disabilities contact the number listed below.

For inquiries regarding Illinois General Assembly disability services please contact the General Assembly Document Center at 217-782-9778.