Higher Education Committee - 104th General Assembly
Bill # | Sponsor | ABR - Short Description | Last Action | Date |
HB 159246HB1809 | Stuart - Katie StuartKatie Stuart | CAP DEV BOARD-INSPECTORS | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 02/25/2025 |
HB 159564HB1932 | Lilly - Camille Y. LillyCamille Y. Lilly | NURSING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160035HB2351 | Hauter - William E HauterWilliam E Hauter | BD HIGHER ED-MEDICAL RESIDENCY | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 02/25/2025 |
HB 160260HB2466 | Ammons - Carol AmmonsCarol Ammons | HIGHER ED-INCARCERATED STUDENT | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160366HB2470 | Gordon-Booth - Jehan Gordon-BoothJehan Gordon-Booth | HIGHER ED-GROW YOUR OWN TEACHR | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160615HB2655 | Rashid - Abdelnasser RashidAbdelnasser Rashid | BD HIGHER ED-AI ED REPORT | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160643HB2669 | Friess - David FriessDavid Friess | HIGHER ED-TEACH ASSIST-LIMIT | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160668HB2676 | Stuart - Katie StuartKatie Stuart | HLTH CARE PROVIDER WORKFORCE | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160795HB2759 | Buclet - Kimberly Du BucletKimberly Du Buclet | STUDENT BILL OF RIGHTS | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160853HB2787 | Hoffman - Jay HoffmanJay Hoffman | BD HIGHER ED-CAPITAL IMPROVE | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 160874HB2806 | McCombie - Tony M. McCombieTony M. McCombie | STEM OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161133HB2930 | Hoffman - Jay HoffmanJay Hoffman | UNIO CONSTRUCT MANAGE AUTO ACT | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161166HB2958 | Crawford - Michael CrawfordMichael Crawford | IBHE-CAREER GUIDE | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161206HB2967 | Stuart - Katie StuartKatie Stuart | HIGHER ED-MISCONDUCT SURVEY | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161207HB2968 | Howard - Terra Costa HowardTerra Costa Howard | TRANSFER REFORM-VARIOUS | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161277HB3011 | Davis - Jed DavisJed Davis | COMMUNITY COLLEGE-BOARD OATH | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161317HB3040 | Syed - Nabeela SyedNabeela Syed | IBHE-DATA DASHBOARD REPORT | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161332HB3055 | Hernandez - Barbara HernandezBarbara Hernandez | HIGHER ED-ASSIST-NONCITIZEN | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161336HB3057 | Harper - Sonya M. HarperSonya M. Harper | DEI-EMPLOYMENT-HIGHER ED | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161346HB3062 | Stuart - Katie StuartKatie Stuart | ST UNI CIVIL SERVICE-EXAMS | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
HB 161499HB3116 | Wilhour - Blaine WilhourBlaine Wilhour | UNIV OF IL-ADMIT IN-STATE STU | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB1809 Sponsor:Katie Stuart ABR - Short Description:CAP DEV BOARD-INSPECTORS Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB1932 Sponsor:Camille Y. Lilly ABR - Short Description:NURSING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2351 Sponsor:William E Hauter ABR - Short Description:BD HIGHER ED-MEDICAL RESIDENCY Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:02/25/2025 |
Bill #:HB2466 Sponsor:Carol Ammons ABR - Short Description:HIGHER ED-INCARCERATED STUDENT Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2470 Sponsor:Jehan Gordon-Booth ABR - Short Description:HIGHER ED-GROW YOUR OWN TEACHR Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2655 Sponsor:Abdelnasser Rashid ABR - Short Description:BD HIGHER ED-AI ED REPORT Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2669 Sponsor:David Friess ABR - Short Description:HIGHER ED-TEACH ASSIST-LIMIT Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2676 Sponsor:Katie Stuart ABR - Short Description:HLTH CARE PROVIDER WORKFORCE Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2759 Sponsor:Kimberly Du Buclet ABR - Short Description:STUDENT BILL OF RIGHTS Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2787 Sponsor:Jay Hoffman ABR - Short Description:BD HIGHER ED-CAPITAL IMPROVE Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2806 Sponsor:Tony M. McCombie ABR - Short Description:STEM OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2930 Sponsor:Jay Hoffman ABR - Short Description:UNIO CONSTRUCT MANAGE AUTO ACT Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2958 Sponsor:Michael Crawford ABR - Short Description:IBHE-CAREER GUIDE Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2967 Sponsor:Katie Stuart ABR - Short Description:HIGHER ED-MISCONDUCT SURVEY Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB2968 Sponsor:Terra Costa Howard ABR - Short Description:TRANSFER REFORM-VARIOUS Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3011 Sponsor:Jed Davis ABR - Short Description:COMMUNITY COLLEGE-BOARD OATH Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3040 Sponsor:Nabeela Syed ABR - Short Description:IBHE-DATA DASHBOARD REPORT Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3055 Sponsor:Barbara Hernandez ABR - Short Description:HIGHER ED-ASSIST-NONCITIZEN Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3057 Sponsor:Sonya M. Harper ABR - Short Description:DEI-EMPLOYMENT-HIGHER ED Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3062 Sponsor:Katie Stuart ABR - Short Description:ST UNI CIVIL SERVICE-EXAMS Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |
Bill #:HB3116 Sponsor:Blaine Wilhour ABR - Short Description:UNIV OF IL-ADMIT IN-STATE STU Last Action:Assigned to Higher Education Committee Date:03/04/2025 |