State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]



 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 827

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  827  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:
 4        "AN ACT concerning economic development."; and

 5    by  replacing  everything  after the enacting clause with the
 6    following:

 7        "Section 1.  Short title.  This Act may be cited  as  the
 8    New Markets Venture Capital Program Act.

 9        Section 5.  Definitions.  In this Act:
10        "Department"    means  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
11    Community Affairs.
12        "Developmental venture capital" means capital in the form
13    of equity investments  in  businesses  made  with  a  primary
14    objective  of fostering economic development in low-income or
15    moderate-income geographic areas.
16        "Director" means the Director of Commerce  and  Community
17    Affairs.
18        "Low-income or moderate-income geographic area" means:
19             (1)   a  census  tract,  or  the  equivalent  county
20        division as defined by  the  Bureau  of  the  Census  for
21        purposes of defining poverty areas, in which:
                            -2-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1                  (A) the poverty rate is not less than 20%;
 2                  (B)  in  the case of a census tract or division
 3             located  within  a  metropolitan  area,  the  median
 4             family income for the tract  or  division  does  not
 5             exceed  the  greater  of 80% of the statewide median
 6             family income or 80% of the metropolitan area median
 7             family income; or
 8                  (C) in the case of a census tract  or  division
 9             not  located  within a metropolitan area, the median
10             family income for the tract  or  division  does  not
11             exceed 80% of the statewide median family income; or
12             (2) any area located within:
13                  (A)  a historically underutilized business zone
14             (HUBZone), as defined in Section 3(p) of  the  Small
15             Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(p));
16                  (B)  an  urban  empowerment  zone  or  an urban
17             enterprise community, as designated by the Secretary
18             of the  federal  Department  of  Housing  and  Urban
19             Development; or
20                  (C)   a  rural  empowerment  zone  or  a  rural
21             enterprise community, as designated by the Secretary
22             of the federal Department of Agriculture.
23        "New markets venture capital  company"  means  a  company
24    that:
25             (1)   has   been   granted  final  approval  by  the
26        Department under subsection (e) of Section 20; and
27             (2) has entered into a participation agreement  with
28        the Department.
29        "Operational assistance" means management, marketing, and
30    other  technical  assistance  that  assists  a small business
31    concern with business development.
32        "Participation agreement" means an agreement between  the
33    Department   and  a  company  granted  final  approval  under
34    subsection (e) of Section 20 that:
                            -3-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1             (1)  details  the  company's  operating   plan   and
 2        investment criteria; and
 3             (2)  requires  the  company  to  make investments in
 4        smaller enterprises at least 80% of which are located  in
 5        low-income or moderate-income geographic areas.
 6        "Specialized small business investment company" means any
 7    small  business investment company that (i) invests solely in
 8    small business concerns that contribute  to  a  well-balanced
 9    State  economy by facilitating ownership in those concerns by
10    persons whose participation in the free enterprise system  is
11    hampered because of social or economic disadvantages; (ii) is
12    organized  or  chartered  under  State  business or nonprofit
13    corporations statutes, or formed as  a  limited  partnership;
14    and  (iii)  was  licensed under Section 301(d) of the federal
15    Small Business Investment Act (15 U.S.C. 681(d)), as  it  was
16    in effect before September 30, 1996.

17        Section  10.   Purposes.  The purposes of the New Markets
18    Venture Capital Program established under this Act are to:
19             (1) promote economic development and the creation of
20        wealth   and   job   opportunities   in   low-income   or
21        moderate-income geographic areas  and  among  individuals
22        living   in  those  areas  by  encouraging  developmental
23        venture  capital  investments  in   smaller   enterprises
24        primarily located in those areas; and
25             (2)   establish   a  developmental  venture  capital
26        program, with the mission of addressing the unmet  equity
27        investment   needs   of   small  enterprises  located  in
28        low-income and moderate-income geographic  areas,  to  be
29        administered by the Department to:
30                  (A)  enter  into  participation agreements with
31             new markets venture capital companies;
32                  (B)   guarantee  debentures  of   new   markets
33             venture capital companies to enable each  company to
                            -4-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1             make  developmental  venture  capital investments in
 2             smaller enterprises in low-income or moderate-income
 3             geographic areas; and
 4                  (C) make grants to new markets venture  capital
 5             companies, and to other entities, for the purpose of
 6             providing    operational   assistance   to   smaller
 7             enterprises financed, or expected to be financed, by
 8             the companies.

 9        Section 15.  Creation of program.   The  Department  must
10    establish  a  new markets venture capital program under which
11    the Department may:
12             (1)  enter  into   participation   agreements   with
13        companies  granted final approval under subsection (e) of
14        Section 20 for the purposes set forth in Section 10;
15             (2) guarantee the debentures issued by  new  markets
16        venture capital companies as provided in Section 25; and
17             (3)  make  grants  to  new  markets  venture capital
18        companies, and to other entities, under Section 40.

19        Section 20.  Selection of  new  markets  venture  capital
20    companies.
21        (a)  A  company is eligible to apply to participate, as a
22    new  markets  venture  capital  company,   in   the   program
23    established under this Act if:
24             (1)  the company is a newly formed for-profit entity
25        or a newly formed for-profit subsidiary  of  an  existing
26        entity;
27             (2)   the   company   has  a  management  team  with
28        experience in community development financing or relevant
29        venture capital financing; and
30             (3) the company has a primary objective of  economic
31        development  of  low-income or moderate-income geographic
32        areas.
                            -5-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1        (b) To participate  as  a  new  markets  venture  capital
 2    company  in the program established under this Act, a company
 3    meeting the eligibility requirements of subsection  (a)  must
 4    submit an application to the Department that includes:
 5             (1)  a  business  plan  describing  how  the company
 6        intends to make successful developmental venture  capital
 7        investments  in  identified low-income or moderate-income
 8        geographic areas;
 9             (2) information regarding the community  development
10        finance  or  relevant  venture capital qualifications and
11        general reputation of the company's management;
12             (3) a description of how the company intends to work
13        with community organizations and to seek to  address  the
14        unmet capital needs of the communities served;
15             (4)  a  proposal describing how the company will use
16        the grant  funds  provided  under  this  Act  to  provide
17        operational assistance to smaller enterprises financed by
18        the  company, including information regarding whether the
19        company   will   use   licensed   professionals,    where
20        applicable,  on  the  company's  staff or from an outside
21        entity;
22             (5) with respect to binding commitments to  be  made
23        to  the  company under this Act, an estimate of the ratio
24        of cash to in-kind contributions;
25             (6) a description of the  criteria  to  be  used  to
26        evaluate whether and to what extent the company meets the
27        objectives of the program established under this Act;
28             (7)   information   regarding   the  management  and
29        financial strength of any parent firm,  affiliated  firm,
30        or  any  other  firm  essential  to  the  success  of the
31        company's business plan; and
32             (8) any other information that  the  Department  may
33        require.
34        (c)  From  among  companies submitting applications under
                            -6-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    subsection (b), the Department must, in accordance with  this
 2    subsection, conditionally approve companies to participate in
 3    the New Markets Venture Capital Program.
 4        In  selecting companies, the Department must consider the
 5    following:
 6             (1) The likelihood that the company  will  meet  the
 7        goals of its business plan.
 8             (2)  The  experience and background of the company's
 9        management team.
10             (3)  The  need  for  developmental  venture  capital
11        investments in the geographic areas in which the  company
12        intends to invest.
13             (4) The extent to which the company will concentrate
14        its  activities  on serving the geographic areas in which
15        it intends to invest.
16             (5) The likelihood that the company will be able  to
17        satisfy the conditions of subsection (d).
18             (6)  The  extent to which the activities proposed by
19        the company will expand  economic  opportunities  in  the
20        geographic areas in which the company intends to invest.
21             (7)  The  strength  of  the  company's  proposal  to
22        provide  operational  assistance  under  this  Act as the
23        proposal relates to the ability of the applicant to  meet
24        applicable  cash  requirements  and  properly use in-kind
25        contributions, including the use  of  resources  for  the
26        services  of  licensed  professionals whether provided by
27        persons on the company's staff or by persons  outside  of
28        the company.
29             (8)  Any  other  factors  deemed  appropriate by the
30        Department.
31        The Department must select companies in such a  way  that
32    promotes investment statewide.
33        (d) The Department must grant each conditionally approved
34    company  a  period of time, not to exceed 2 years, to satisfy
                            -7-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    the following requirements:
 2             (1) Each conditionally approved company  must  raise
 3        not  less  than  $5,000,000 of private capital or binding
 4        capital commitments from one  or  more  investors  (other
 5        than  agencies  or  departments  of  the  State) who meet
 6        criteria established by the Department.
 7             (2) In order to provide  operational  assistance  to
 8        smaller  enterprises  expected  to  be  financed  by  the
 9        company, each conditionally approved company:
10                  (A)   must   have   binding   commitments  (for
11             contribution  in  cash  or  in-kind)  (i)  from  any
12             sources other than the Department that meet criteria
13             established  by  the  Department;  (ii)  payable  or
14             available over a multiyear period acceptable to  the
15             Department (not to exceed 10 years); and (iii) in an
16             amount  not  less  than  30%  of the total amount of
17             capital and commitments raised under  paragraph  (1)
18             of this subsection;
19                  (B)  must have purchased an annuity (i) from an
20             insurance company acceptable to the Department; (ii)
21             using funds  (other  than  the  funds  raised  under
22             paragraph  (1)  of  this subsection) from any source
23             other than the Department;  and  (iii)  that  yields
24             cash  payments over a multiyear period acceptable to
25             the Department (not to exceed 10 years) in an amount
26             not less than 30% of the total amount of capital and
27             commitments  raised  under  paragraph  (1)  of  this
28             subsection; or
29                  (C)  must   have   binding   commitments   (for
30             contributions  in  cash  or  in-kind)  of  the  type
31             described   in   subparagraph   (A)  and  must  have
32             purchased  an  annuity  of  the  type  described  in
33             subparagraph  (B)  that  in   the   aggregate   make
34             available, over a multiyear period acceptable to the
                            -8-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1             Department  (not  to exceed 10 years), an amount not
 2             less than 30% of the total  amount  of  capital  and
 3             commitments  raised  under  paragraph  (1)  of  this
 4             subsection.
 5        (e)  The Department must grant to a company conditionally
 6    approved under subsection (c) final approval  to  participate
 7    in  the  program established under this Act after the company
 8    has met the requirements set forth in subsection (d).

 9        Section 25. Debentures.
10        (a) The Department may guarantee the  timely  payment  of
11    the  principal  and  interest,  as  scheduled,  on debentures
12    issued by any new markets venture capital company.
13        (b) The Department may make guarantees under this Section
14    on any terms and conditions that it deems appropriate, except
15    that the term of any debenture guaranteed under this  Section
16    may not exceed 15 years.
17        (c)  The full faith and credit of the State is pledged to
18    pay all amounts that may be required to  be  paid  under  any
19    guarantee under this Act.
20        (d)  Under this Section, the Department may guarantee the
21    debentures issued by a new markets  venture  capital  company
22    only  to the extent that the total face amount of outstanding
23    guaranteed debentures of the company does not exceed 150%  of
24    the  private  capital  of  the  company, as determined by the
25    Department.  "Private  capital"  includes  capital  that   is
26    considered to be State funds if the capital is contributed by
27    an  investor  other than an agency or department of the State
28    government.

29        Section 30. Issuance and guarantee of trust certificates.
30        (a)  The  Department   may   issue   trust   certificates
31    representing  ownership  of  all  or  a  fractional  part  of
32    debentures  issued  by  a new markets venture capital company
                            -9-              LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    and guaranteed by  the  Department  under  this  Act  if  the
 2    certificates  are  based  on  and  backed  by a trust or pool
 3    approved by the Department and composed solely of  guaranteed
 4    debentures.
 5        (b)  The  Department  may, under any terms and conditions
 6    that it deems appropriate, guarantee the  timely  payment  of
 7    the principal of and interest on trust certificates issued by
 8    the Department or its agents for purposes of this Section.
 9        Each  guarantee  under  this subsection is limited to the
10    extent of  the  principal  and  interest  on  the  guaranteed
11    debentures that compose the trust or pool.
12        In  the  event  that  a  debenture  in a trust or pool is
13    prepaid, or in the event  of  default  of  a  debenture,  the
14    guarantee  of timely payment of principal and interest on the
15    trust certificates shall be  reduced  in  proportion  to  the
16    amount  of  principal  and  interest  that  prepaid debenture
17    represents in the trust  or  pool.  Interest  on  prepaid  or
18    defaulted  debentures  shall  accrue and be guaranteed by the
19    Department only through the date of payment of the guarantee.
20    At any time during its  term,  a  trust  certificate  may  be
21    called  for  redemption  due  to prepayment or default of all
22    debentures.
23        (c) The full faith and credit of the State is pledged  to
24    pay  all  amounts  that  may be required to be paid under any
25    guarantee of a trust certificate issued by the Department  or
26    its agents under this Section.
27        (d)  The  Department  may  not  collect  a  fee  for  any
28    guarantee  of a trust certificate under this Section, but any
29    agent of the Department may collect a  fee  approved  by  the
30    Department for the functions described in subsection (f).
31        (e)  In  the  event  the  Department  pays  a  claim on a
32    guarantee issued under this Section, it shall  be  subrogated
33    fully to the rights satisfied by the payment.
34        No  federal,  State, or local law precludes or limits the
                            -10-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    exercise by the Department of its  ownership  rights  in  the
 2    debentures  residing  in  a trust or pool against which trust
 3    certificates are issued under this Section.
 4        (f)  (1)  The  Department  may  provide  for  a   central
 5        registration  of all trust certificates issued under this
 6        Section. Nothing in this subsection  shall  prohibit  the
 7        use   of  a  book  entry  or  other  electronic  form  of
 8        registration for trust certificates.
 9             (2) The Department may contract  with  an  agent  or
10        agents  to  carry  out  on  behalf  of the Department the
11        pooling and the central registration  functions  provided
12        for  in this Section including, notwithstanding any other
13        provision of law, (i) maintenance, on behalf of and under
14        the direction of the Department, of any  commercial  bank
15        accounts  or investments in obligations of the State that
16        may be necessary to facilitate the creation of trusts  or
17        pools  backed by debentures guaranteed under this Act and
18        (ii) the issuance of trust certificates to facilitate the
19        creation of the trusts or pools.
20             Any agent performing  functions  on  behalf  of  the
21        Department  under  this paragraph must provide a fidelity
22        bond or insurance in  any  amounts  that  the  Department
23        determines  to be necessary in order to fully protect the
24        interests of the State.

25        Section 35.  Fees.  Except as provided in subsection  (d)
26    of  Section  30,  the  Department may charge any fees that it
27    deems appropriate with respect  to  any  guarantee  or  grant
28    issued under this Act.

29        Section 40.  Operational assistance grants.
30        (a)  (1)  In accordance with this Section, the Department
31        may make grants to new markets venture capital  companies
32        and  to  other entities to provide operational assistance
                            -11-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1        to  smaller  enterprises  financed,  or  expected  to  be
 2        financed, by those companies or other entities.
 3             (2) Grants made under this subsection shall be  made
 4        over  a multiyear period not to exceed 10 years and under
 5        any other terms that the Department may require.
 6             (3) In accordance with this Section, the  Department
 7        may  make grants to specialized small business investment
 8        companies to provide operational  assistance  to  smaller
 9        enterprises  financed,  or  expected  to  be financed, by
10        those companies after the effective date of this Act.
11             The proceeds of a grant made under  this  subsection
12        may  be  used  by the company receiving the grant only to
13        provide operational  assistance  in  connection  with  an
14        equity  investment  (made  with  capital raised after the
15        effective date of this Act) in a business  located  in  a
16        low-income    or    moderate-income    geographic   area.
17        Operational assistance referred to in this paragraph  (3)
18        may  not  be  provided  in  connection with more than one
19        equity investment.
20        A  specialized  small  business  investment  company   is
21    eligible  for  a grant under this Section only if the company
22    submits to the Director of Commerce and Community Affairs, in
23    any form and manner that the Director may require, a plan for
24    use of the grant.
25             (4) The amount of a grant made under this subsection
26        to a new markets venture capital company shall  be  equal
27        to  the  resources  (in  cash  or  in-kind) raised by the
28        company under paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of  Section
29        20.   The amount of a grant made under this subsection to
30        any entity other  than  a  new  markets  venture  capital
31        company  shall  be  equal  to  the  resources (in cash or
32        in-kind) raised by the  entity  in  accordance  with  the
33        requirements  applicable  to  new markets venture capital
34        companies set forth in paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of
                            -12-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1        Section 20.
 2             (5) If the amount made available to carry  out  this
 3        Section  is  insufficient  for  the Department to provide
 4        grants in the amounts provided for in paragraph (4),  the
 5        Department  must  make pro rata reductions in the amounts
 6        otherwise payable to each company and entity  under  that
 7        paragraph.
 8        (b)  (1)  The  Department may make supplemental grants to
 9        new  markets  venture  capital  companies  and  to  other
10        entities under any terms that the Department may  require
11        to  provide  additional operational assistance to smaller
12        enterprises financed, or expected to be financed, by  the
13        companies.
14             (2)  The  Department  may require, as a condition of
15        any supplemental grant made under this  subsection,  that
16        the  company  or  entity receiving the grant provide from
17        resources (in cash or in-kind), other than those provided
18        by the Department, a matching contribution equal  to  the
19        amount of the supplemental grant.
20        (c)  None  of  the  assistance  made available under this
21    Section may be used  for  any  operating  expense  of  a  new
22    markets  venture  capital  company  or  a  specialized  small
23    business investment company.

24        Section 45. Bank participation.
25        (a)  Except  as  provided in subsection (b), any national
26    bank, any member bank of the Federal Reserve System, and  any
27    insured bank that is not a member of the system may invest in
28    any  new  markets  venture  capital  company or in any entity
29    established to invest solely in new markets  venture  capital
30    companies.
31        (b)   No  bank  described  in  subsection  (a)  may  make
32    investments described in that  subsection  that  are  greater
33    than 5% of the capital and surplus of the bank.
                            -13-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1        Section  50.  Reporting. Each new markets venture capital
 2    company that participates in the  program  established  under
 3    this  Act must provide to the Department any information that
 4    the Department may require, including (i) information related
 5    to the measurement criteria that the company proposed in  its
 6    program  application  and  (ii)  in  each  case  in which the
 7    company under this Act makes an investment in, or a  loan  or
 8    grant  to,  a business that is not located in a low-income or
 9    moderate-income geographic area, a report on the  number  and
10    percentage  of  employees of the business who reside in those
11    areas.

12        Section 55.  Examinations.
13        (a)  Each  new  markets  venture  capital  company   that
14    participates  in  the  program  established under this Act is
15    subject  to  examinations  made  at  the  direction  of   the
16    Department in accordance with this Section.
17        (b) Examinations under this Section may be conducted with
18    the  assistance  of a private sector entity that has both the
19    qualifications and the expertise  necessary  to  conduct  the
20    examinations.
21        (c)   (1)   The   Department   may  assess  the  cost  of
22        examinations under this Section,  including  compensation
23        of  the  examiners,  against  the  company  examined. Any
24        company against which the Department assesses costs under
25        this paragraph must pay the costs.
26             (2) Funds collected  under  this  Section  shall  be
27        deposited into the General Revenue Fund and used, subject
28        to  appropriation,  for  the  salaries  and  ordinary and
29        contingent expenses of the Department.

30        Section 60.  Injunctions and court orders.
31        (a) Whenever, in the judgment of the  Department,  a  new
32    markets  venture  capital  company  or  any  other person has
                            -14-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    engaged or is about to engage in any acts or  practices  that
 2    constitute or will constitute a violation of any provision of
 3    this Act, of any rule adopted under this Act, or of any order
 4    issued under this Act, the Department may make application to
 5    the  proper  circuit court for an order enjoining the acts or
 6    practices or for  an  order  enforcing  compliance  with  the
 7    provision,  rule,  order.   The  court  has jurisdiction over
 8    those actions and, upon a showing by the Department that  the
 9    new  markets  venture  capital  company  or  other person has
10    engaged or is about to engage in any such acts or  practices,
11    a  permanent  or  temporary injunction, restraining order, or
12    other order shall be granted without bond.
13        (b) In any proceeding under subsection (a),  the  circuit
14    court  may,  to  any  extent  the court deems necessary, take
15    exclusive jurisdiction of the  new  markets  venture  capital
16    company  and  the  assets  of  that company and may appoint a
17    trustee or receiver to hold or administer,  pursuant  to  the
18    direction of the court, the assets of the new markets venture
19    capital company.
20        (c)   The Department  may act as trustee or receiver of a
21    new markets venture capital  company.  Upon  request  of  the
22    Department,  the court may appoint the Department to act as a
23    trustee or receiver of a new markets venture capital  company
24    unless   the  court  deems  the  appointment  inequitable  or
25    otherwise   inappropriate   by   reason   of   the    special
26    circumstances involved.

27        Section 65.  Penalties.
28        (a)  With  respect  to  any  new  markets venture capital
29    company that violates or fails to  comply  with  any  of  the
30    provisions  of  this Act, of any rule adopted under this Act,
31    or of any participation agreement  entered  into  under  this
32    Act, the Department may in accordance with this Section:
33             (1)  void  the  participation  agreement between the
                            -15-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1        Department and the company; and
 2             (2) cause the company to forfeit all of  the  rights
 3        and privileges derived by the company from this Act.
 4        (b) Before the Department may cause a new markets venture
 5    capital   company  to  forfeit  rights  or  privileges  under
 6    subsection (a), the circuit court must find that the  company
 7    committed  a  violation,  or  failed to comply, in a cause of
 8    action brought for that purpose in the county  in  which  the
 9    principal office of the company is located.
10        Each  cause  of  action  brought  by the State under this
11    subsection must be  brought  by  the  by  Department  or  the
12    Attorney General.

13        Section  70.   Unlawful  acts  and  omissions;  breach of
14    fiduciary duty.
15        (a) When any new markets venture capital company violates
16    any provision of this Act,  a rule adopted under this Act, or
17    a participation agreement entered into  under  this  Act,  by
18    reason  of  its failure to comply with its terms or by reason
19    of its engaging in any act or practice  that  constitutes  or
20    will  constitute a violation thereof, the violation must also
21    be deemed to be a violation and an unlawful act committed  by
22    any  person  who, directly or indirectly, authorizes, orders,
23    participates in, causes, brings  about,  counsels,  aids,  or
24    abets   in   the   commission  of  any  acts,  practices,  or
25    transactions that constitute or will constitute, in whole  or
26    in part, the violation.
27        (b)  It  is unlawful for any officer, director, employee,
28    agent, or other participant in the management or  conduct  of
29    the  affairs  of  a  new  markets  venture capital company to
30    engage in any  act  or  practice,  or  to  omit  any  act  or
31    practice,  in  breach  of  the  person's fiduciary duty as an
32    officer, director, employee, agent, or participant if,  as  a
33    result  of  the act or practice, the company suffers or is in
                            -16-             LRB9207344MWpkam
 1    imminent danger of suffering financial loss or other damage.
 2        (c) Except with the written consent of the Department, it
 3    is unlawful:
 4             (1) for any person to be an  officer,  director,  or
 5        employee  of  any new markets venture capital company, or
 6        to become an agent or participant in the conduct  of  the
 7        affairs  or  management  of such a company, if the person
 8        (i) has been convicted of a felony or any other  criminal
 9        offense  involving  dishonesty or breach of trust or (ii)
10        has been found civilly liable in  damages,  or  has  been
11        permanently   or   temporarily   enjoined  by  an  order,
12        judgment, or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction,
13        by reason of any act  or  practice  involving  fraud,  or
14        breach of trust; and
15             (2)  for  any person continue to serve in any of the
16        capacities described in paragraph (1) if (i)  the  person
17        is  convicted  of  a felony or any other criminal offense
18        involving dishonesty or  breach  of  trust  or  (ii)  the
19        person   is  found  civilly  liable  in  damages,  or  is
20        permanently  or  temporarily  enjoined   by   an   order,
21        judgment, or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction,
22        by  reason  of  any  act  or  practice involving fraud or
23        breach of trust.

24        Section 75. Rules.  The Department may  adopt  any  rules
25    necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.".

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