State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ]
[ House Amendment 003 ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 1863

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 1863  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:
 4        "AN  ACT  concerning  the Chester Mental Health Center.";
 5    and

 6    by replacing everything after the enacting  clause  with  the
 7    following:

 8        "Section   5.  The   Mental   Health   and  Developmental
 9    Disabilities  Administrative  Act  is  amended  by   changing
10    Section 14 as follows:

11        (20 ILCS 1705/14) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 100-14)
12        Sec.  14.  Chester Mental Health Center.  To maintain and
13    operate a facility for the care, custody,  and  treatment  of
14    persons  with  mental illness or habilitation of persons with
15    developmental  disabilities  hereinafter  designated,  to  be
16    known as the Chester Mental Health Center.
17        Within the Chester Mental Health Center  there  shall  be
18    confined  the following classes of persons, whose history, in
19    the opinion of the Department, discloses dangerous or violent
20    tendencies and who, upon examination under the  direction  of
21    the Department, have been found a fit subject for confinement
                            -2-              LRB9105186RCksam
 1    in that facility:
 2             (a)  Any   male  person  who  is  charged  with  the
 3        commission of a crime but has been acquitted by reason of
 4        insanity as provided in Section 5-2-4 of the Unified Code
 5        of Corrections.
 6             (b)  Any  male  person  who  is  charged  with   the
 7        commission  of  a  crime  but  has been found unfit under
 8        Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
 9             (c)  Any  male  person  with   mental   illness   or
10        developmental  disabilities  or  person in need of mental
11        treatment now  confined  under  the  supervision  of  the
12        Department  or hereafter admitted to any facility thereof
13        or  committed  thereto  by   any   court   of   competent
14        jurisdiction.
15        If  and  when it shall appear to the facility director of
16    the Chester Mental Health Center  that  it  is  necessary  to
17    confine  persons in order to maintain security or provide for
18    the protection  and  safety  of  recipients  and  staff,  the
19    Chester  Mental  Health  Center  may confine all persons on a
20    unit to their rooms.  This period of  confinement  shall  not
21    exceed   10   hours  in  a  24  hour  period,  including  the
22    recipient's scheduled hours of sleep, unless approved by  the
23    Secretary   of   the   Department.    During  the  period  of
24    confinement, the persons confined shall be observed at  least
25    every   15   minutes.    A   record  shall  be  kept  of  the
26    observations.   This  confinement  shall  not  be  considered
27    seclusion as defined in the Mental Health  and  Developmental
28    Disabilities Code.
29        If  it  appears  to  the facility director of the Chester
30    Mental Health Center that it is necessary,  security  devices
31    may  be used on an individual in order to maintain custody or
32    security or to provide  for  the  safety  and  protection  of
33    recipients  and  staff.   This use of security devices is not
34    considered restraint as defined  in  the  Mental  Health  and
                            -3-              LRB9105186RCksam
 1    Developmental Disabilities Code.
 2        If  and  when  it shall appear to the satisfaction of the
 3    Department that any person confined  in  the  Chester  Mental
 4    Health  Center  is  not  or has ceased to be such a source of
 5    danger to the public as to  require  his  subjection  to  the
 6    regimen of the center, the Department is hereby authorized to
 7    transfer  such  person to any State facility for treatment of
 8    persons with mental illness or habilitation of  persons  with
 9    developmental  disabilities,  as the nature of the individual
10    case may require.
11        Subject  to  the  provisions   of   this   Section,   the
12    Department,  except  where  otherwise provided by law, shall,
13    with respect to the management, conduct and  control  of  the
14    Chester  Mental Health Center and the discipline, custody and
15    treatment of the persons confined therein, have and  exercise
16    the  same  rights  and  powers  as  are  vested by law in the
17    Department  with  respect  to  any  and  all  of  the   State
18    facilities  for  treatment  of persons with mental illness or
19    habilitation of persons with developmental disabilities,  and
20    the  recipients  thereof,  and  shall  be subject to the same
21    duties as are imposed by law upon the Department with respect
22    to such facilities and the recipients thereof.
23    (Source: P.A.  88-380;  89-439,  eff.  6-1-96;  89-507,  eff.
24    7-1-97.)".

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