State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ Senate Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  State  Property  Control  Act by
 2    changing Sections 7 and 7.3.

 3        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section  5.  The State Property Control Act is amended by
 6    changing Sections 7 and 7.3 as follows:

 7        (30 ILCS 605/7) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10)
 8        Sec. 7. Disposition of transferable property.
 9        (a)  Except as provided in  subsection  (c),  whenever  a
10    responsible officer considers it advantageous to the State to
11    dispose  of transferable property by trading it in for credit
12    on a replacement of  like  nature,  the  responsible  officer
13    shall   report   the   trade-in   and   replacement   to  the
14    administrator on forms furnished by the latter. The exchange,
15    trade or transfer of "textbooks" as defined in Section  18-17
16    of  the  School  Code  between  schools  or  school districts
17    pursuant  to  regulations  adopted  by  the  State  Board  of
18    Education  under  that  Section  shall   not   constitute   a
19    disposition  of  transferable  property within the meaning of
20    this Section, even though such exchange,  trade  or  transfer
21    occurs  within 5 years after the textbooks are first provided
22    for loan pursuant to Section 18-17 of the School Code.
23        A State agency may not trade in  an  airplane  until  the
24    Administrator  has  determined  that  no public university or
25    college in Illinois has listed the need  for  a  transferable
26    airplane as provided in Section 7.3.
27        (b)  Except as provided in subsection (c), whenever it is
28    deemed  necessary  to  dispose  of  any  item of transferable
29    property, the administrator shall proceed to dispose  of  the
30    property by sale or scrapping as the case may be, in whatever
31    manner  he considers most advantageous and most profitable to
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 1    the  State.  Items  of  transferable  property  which   would
 2    ordinarily  be  scrapped  and  disposed  of  by burning or by
 3    burial in a landfill may be examined and a determination made
 4    whether the property should be recycled.  This  determination
 5    and  any  sale  of recyclable property shall be in accordance
 6    with rules promulgated by the Administrator.
 7        When the administrator determines that property is to  be
 8    disposed  of  by  sale,  he  shall  offer  it  first  to  the
 9    municipalities,  counties,  and school districts of the State
10    and to  charitable,  not-for-profit  educational  and  public
11    health  organizations,  including  but not limited to medical
12    institutions, clinics, hospitals,  health  centers,  schools,
13    colleges,  universities, child care centers, museums, nursing
14    homes, programs  for  the  elderly,  food  banks,  State  Use
15    Sheltered  Workshops  and the Boy and Girl Scouts of America,
16    for purchase at an appraised value. Notice of  inspection  or
17    viewing  dates and property lists shall be distributed in the
18    manner provided in rules and regulations promulgated  by  the
19    Administrator for that purpose.
20        Electronic   data   processing  equipment  purchased  and
21    charged to appropriations  may,  at  the  discretion  of  the
22    administrator, be sold, pursuant to contracts entered into by
23    the  Director  of Central Management Services or the heads of
24    agencies exempt from "The Illinois Purchasing Act".   However
25    such  equipment  shall  not  be  sold at prices less than the
26    purchase cost thereof or depreciated value as  determined  by
27    the administrator.  No sale of the electronic data processing
28    equipment  and  lease  to  the State by the purchaser of such
29    equipment shall be made under this Act unless the Director of
30    Central Management Services finds  that  such  contracts  are
31    financially advantageous to the State.
32        Disposition  of  other  transferable  property  by  sale,
33    except  sales  directly  to  local governmental units, school
34    districts, and  not-for-profit  educational,  charitable  and
                            -3-                LRB9100737JMmb
 1    public   health   organizations,  shall  be  subject  to  the
 2    following minimum conditions:
 3             (1)  The administrator shall cause the  property  to
 4        be advertised for sale to the highest responsible bidder,
 5        stating  time,  place,  and terms of such sale at least 7
 6        days prior to the time of sale and at  least  once  in  a
 7        newspaper  having  a  general  circulation  in the county
 8        where the property is to be sold.
 9             (2)  If  no  acceptable  bids  are   received,   the
10        administrator  may  then  sell  the  property in whatever
11        manner he considers most advantageous and most profitable
12        to the State.
13        (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act,  an
14    agency  covered  by  this  Act  may  transfer  books,  serial
15    publications,   or   other   library   materials   that   are
16    transferable  property  to  any  of  the  following  entities
17    located in Illinois:
18             (1)  Another agency covered by this Act.
19             (2)  A State supported university library.
20             (3)  A  tax-supported  public  library,  including a
21        library established by a public library district.
22             (4)  A library system organized under  the  Illinois
23        Library  System  Act  or  any library that is a member of
24        such a system.
25        A transfer of  property  under  this  subsection  is  not
26    subject to the requirements of subsection (a) or (b).
27        For  purposes of this subsection (c), "library materials"
28    means physical  entities  of  any  substance  that  serve  as
29    carriers   of  information,  including,  without  limitation,
30    books,   serial   publications,   periodicals,    microforms,
31    graphics,  audio  or  video  recordings, and machine readable
32    data files.
33    (Source: P.A. 89-188, eff. 7-19-95.)
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 1        (30 ILCS 605/7.3) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.3)
 2        Sec. 7.3.  The Administrator shall  have  charge  of  all
 3    transferable  property  and  shall  have  authority  to  take
 4    possession  and control of such property in order to transfer
 5    or assign any such property to any other  State  agency  that
 6    has  need  or  use  for  such  property or to dispose of said
 7    property in accordance with Section 7 of this Act.
 8        The Administrator  may  not  dispose  of  a  transferable
 9    airplane  by  sale  until he or she determines that no public
10    university or college in  Illinois  that  offers  courses  in
11    aviation,   flight  training,  or  other  subjects  involving
12    knowledge of the workings of an airplane has listed the  need
13    for an airplane as provided in this Section.
14        Responsible   officers   shall  periodically  report  all
15    transferable property at locations under their  jurisdictions
16    to  the  Administrator.   The Administrator shall review such
17    reports and arrange for physical examination of said property
18    if necessary to  determine  if  said  items  of  transferable
19    property  should  be  transferred  to  another  State agency,
20    transferred to a central  warehouse,  or  disposed  of.   The
21    Administrator   shall  advise  responsible  officers  of  the
22    results of these reviews as necessary.
23        The staff under the  jurisdiction  of  the  Administrator
24    shall  review  as  necessary  State agencies' inventories for
25    potential items of transferable property.  If in the  opinion
26    of  the  Administrator's  staff,  any  property appears to be
27    transferable, the Administrator shall notify the  responsible
28    officer  of  his  determination.   The  executive head of the
29    agency holding  the  property  in  question  may  appeal  the
30    determination in writing to the Administrator.
31        The   Administrator  will  review  the  determination  in
32    accordance with rules and procedures established pursuant  to
33    Section 5 of this Act.
34        The  Administrator  shall  maintain lists of transferable
                            -5-                LRB9100737JMmb
 1    property and of State agency needs for such property and will
 2    transfer where appropriate listed  transferable  property  to
 3    agencies listing their needs for such property as detailed by
 4    their  responsible  officers.  The  Administrator  must  give
 5    priority  for  transfer of an airplane to a public university
 6    or college in  Illinois  that  offers  courses  in  aviation,
 7    flight training, or other subjects involving knowledge of the
 8    workings  of  an airplane and that has listed the need for an
 9    airplane.
10    (Source: P.A. 82-1047.)

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