State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 531

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  531  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:
 4        "AN ACT concerning child support, amending a named Act.";
 5    and

 6    by  replacing  everything  after the enacting clause with the
 7    following:

 8        "Section 5.  The Illinois  Vehicle  Code  is  amended  by
 9    changing  Sections  7-701,  7-702, 7-702.1,  and 7-703 and by
10    adding Sections 7-702.2, 7-705.1, and 7-706.1 as follows:

11        (625 ILCS 5/7-701)
12        Sec. 7-701.  Findings and purpose.  The General  Assembly
13    finds  that  the timely receipt of adequate financial support
14    has the effect of reducing poverty and State expenditures for
15    welfare  dependency  among  children,  and  that  the  timely
16    payment of  adequate  child  support  demonstrates  financial
17    responsibility.  Further, the General Assembly finds that the
18    State  has  a  compelling  interest  in ensuring that drivers
19    within  the  State  demonstrate   financial   responsibility,
20    including family financial responsibility, in order to safely
21    own  and operate a motor vehicle.  To this end, the Secretary
                            -2-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1    of State is authorized  to  establish  systems  a  system  to
 2    suspend  driver's  licenses  for failure to comply with court
 3    orders of support.
 4    (Source: P.A. 89-92, eff. 7-1-96.)

 5        (625 ILCS 5/7-702)
 6        Sec. 7-702.  Suspension of driver's license  for  failure
 7    to pay child support.
 8        (a)  The  Secretary  of  State shall suspend the driver's
 9    license issued to an obligor upon receiving an  authenticated
10    report  provided for in subsection (a) of Section 7-703, that
11    the person is 90 days or more  delinquent  in  court  ordered
12    child  support payments or has been adjudicated in arrears in
13    an amount equal to 90 days obligation or more, and  has  been
14    found  in  contempt  by  the  court  for  failure  to pay the
15    support.
16        (b)  The circuit court shall certify in an  authenticated
17    report  to  the Secretary of State, as provided in subsection
18    (b) of Section 7-703, when an obligor  is  90  days  or  more
19    delinquent  in  court  ordered  child support payments or has
20    been adjudicated in arrears in an amount  equal  to  90  days
21    obligation  or  more  but  has  not been found in contempt of
22    court.  Upon receiving a certification from the circuit court
23    under this subsection  (b),  the  Secretary  of  State  shall
24    suspend the obligor's driver's license until such time as the
25    obligor becomes current in the support obligation.
26    (Source: P.A. 89-92, eff. 7-1-96.)

27        (625 ILCS 5/7-702.1)
28        Sec.  7-702.1.  Family  financial  responsibility driving
29    permits.  Following the entry of an order that an obligor has
30    been found in contempt by the court for failure to pay  court
31    ordered  child  support  payments  or  upon  a  motion by the
32    obligor who has had his or  her  driver's  license  suspended
                            -3-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1    pursuant  to  subsection  (b) of Section 7-702, the court may
 2    enter an order directing the Secretary of State  to  issue  a
 3    family   financial  responsibility  driving  permit  for  the
 4    purpose of providing the obligor the privilege of operating a
 5    motor vehicle between the obligor's residence  and  place  of
 6    employment, or within the scope of employment related duties;
 7    or  for  the  purpose  of  providing  transportation  for the
 8    obligor or a household member to receive  alcohol  treatment,
 9    other  drug  treatment, or medical care.  The court may enter
10    an order directing the issuance  of  a  permit  only  if  the
11    obligor  has  proven to the satisfaction of the court that no
12    alternative means of transportation are reasonably  available
13    for  the above stated purposes.  No permit shall be issued to
14    a  person  under  the  age  of  16  years  who  possesses  an
15    instruction permit.
16        Upon entry of an order granting the issuance of a  permit
17    to  an  obligor,  the  court shall report this finding to the
18    Secretary of State on a form  prescribed  by  the  Secretary.
19    This form shall state whether the permit has been granted for
20    employment  or  medical  purposes  and  the specific days and
21    hours for which limited driving privileges have been granted.
22        The family financial responsibility driving permit  shall
23    be  subject  to  cancellation,  invalidation, suspension, and
24    revocation by the Secretary of State in the same  manner  and
25    for  the same reasons as a driver's license may be cancelled,
26    invalidated, suspended, or revoked.
27        The Secretary of State shall, upon receipt of a certified
28    court order from the court of jurisdiction,  issue  a  family
29    financial  responsibility  driving  permit. In order for this
30    permit to be issued, an individual's driving privileges  must
31    be  valid  except  for  the  family  financial responsibility
32    suspension. This permit shall be valid  only  for  employment
33    and  medical  purposes  as set forth above.  The permit shall
34    state the days and hours for which limited driving privileges
                            -4-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1    have been granted.
 2        Any submitted court order that contains insufficient data
 3    or fails to comply with any provision of this Code shall  not
 4    be  used  for  issuance  of  the  permit  or  entered  to the
 5    individual's driving record but  shall  be  returned  to  the
 6    court  of  jurisdiction  indicating  why the permit cannot be
 7    issued at that time.  The Secretary of State shall also  send
 8    notice  of  the  return  of the court order to the individual
 9    requesting the permit.
10    (Source: P.A. 89-92, eff. 7-1-96; 90-369, eff. 1-1-98.)

11        (625 ILCS 5/7-702.2 new)
12        Sec. 7-702.2.  Written agreement to pay past-due support.
13        (a)  An obligor  who  is  presently  unable  to  pay  all
14    past-due  support and is subject to having his or her license
15    suspended pursuant to subsection (b)  of  Section  7-702  may
16    come  into  compliance  with  the  court order for support by
17    executing a written payment agreement that is approved by the
18    court and by complying with that agreement.  A condition of a
19    written payment agreement must be that the  obligor  pay  the
20    current  child  support  when  due.  Before a written payment
21    agreement is executed, the obligor shall:
22             (1)  Disclose fully to the court in  writing,  on  a
23        form  prescribed  by  the  court, the obligor's financial
24        circumstances, including income from all sources, assets,
25        liabilities, and work history for the past year; and
26             (2)  Provide documentation to the  court  concerning
27        the  obligor's  financial circumstances, including copies
28        of the most recent State and federal income tax  returns,
29        both  personal  and business; a copy of a recent pay stub
30        representative of a current income; and copies  of  other
31        records  that  show  the obligor's income and the present
32        level of assets held by the obligor.
33        (b)  After full disclosure, the court may  determine  the
                            -5-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1    obligor's  ability  to pay past-due support and may approve a
 2    written  payment  agreement  consistent  with  the  obligor's
 3    ability to pay, not to exceed the court-ordered support.

 4        (625 ILCS 5/7-703)
 5        Sec.  7-703.   Courts  to  report  non-payment  of  court
 6    ordered support.
 7        (a)  The clerk of  the  circuit  court,  as  provided  in
 8    subsection  (b)  of  Section 7-702 of this Act and subsection
 9    (b) of Section 505 of the Illinois Marriage  and  Dissolution
10    of  Marriage Act or as provided in Section 15 of the Illinois
11    Parentage Act of 1984, shall  forward  to  the  Secretary  of
12    State,   on   a   form   prescribed   by  the  Secretary,  an
13    authenticated   document   certifying   the   court's   order
14    suspending the driving privileges of the obligor.    For  any
15    such  certification,  the clerk of the court shall charge the
16    obligor a fee of $5 as provided in the Clerks of Courts Act.
17        (b)  If an obligor is 90 days or more delinquent in court
18    ordered child support payments or  has  been  adjudicated  in
19    arrears  in an amount equal to 90 days obligation or more but
20    has not been held in contempt of  court,  the  circuit  court
21    shall  forward  to  the  Secretary  of State an authenticated
22    document certifying that  an  obligor  is  90  days  or  more
23    delinquent  in  court  ordered  child support payments or has
24    been adjudicated in arrears in an amount  equal  to  90  days
25    obligation or more.
26    (Source: P.A. 89-92, eff. 7-1-96; 89-626, eff. 8-9-96.)

27        (625 ILCS 5/7-705.1 new)
28        Sec.  7-705.1.   Notice  of  noncompliance  with  support
29    order.   Before  forwarding  to  the  Secretary  of State the
30    authenticated report under subsection (b) of  Section  7-703,
31    the  circuit  court must serve notice upon the obligor of its
32    intention to certify the obligor to the Secretary of State as
                            -6-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1    an individual who is not  in  compliance  with  an  order  of
 2    support.  The notice must inform the obligor that:
 3        (a)  If  the  obligor  is  presently  unable  to  pay all
 4    past-due support, the obligor may come into  compliance  with
 5    the  support  order  by executing a written payment agreement
 6    with the court,  as  provided  in  Section  7-702.2,  and  by
 7    complying with that agreement;
 8        (b)  The obligor may contest the issue of compliance at a
 9    hearing;
10        (c)  A  request for a hearing must be made in writing and
11    must be received by the clerk of the circuit court;
12        (d)  If the obligor does not request a hearing to contest
13    the issue of compliance, the obligor's driver's license shall
14    be suspended on the 45th day following the date of mailing of
15    the notice of noncompliance;
16        (e)  If the circuit court certifies the  obligor  to  the
17    Secretary  of  State  for  noncompliance  with  an  order  of
18    support,  the  Secretary  of  State must suspend any driver's
19    license or instruction  permit  the  obligor  holds  and  the
20    obligor's  right to apply for or obtain a driver's license or
21    instruction permit until the obligor  comes  into  compliance
22    with the order of support;
23        (f)  If the obligor files a motion to modify support with
24    the   court  or  requests  the  court  to  modify  a  support
25    obligation, the circuit court shall stay  action  to  certify
26    the  obligor to the Secretary of State for noncompliance with
27    an order of support; and
28        (g)  The obligor may comply with an order of  support  by
29    doing all of the following:
30             (1)  Paying the current support;
31             (2)  Paying  all  past-due  support or, if unable to
32        pay all past-due support and a periodic payment for  past
33        due  support has not been ordered by the court, by making
34        periodic payments in accordance with  a  written  payment
                            -7-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1        agreement approved by the court; and
 2             (3)  Meeting    the   obligor's   health   insurance
 3        obligation.
 4        The notice must include the address and telephone  number
 5    of  the  clerk of the circuit court. The clerk of the circuit
 6    court shall attach a copy of the obligor's order  of  support
 7    to  the notice.  The notice must be served by certified mail,
 8    return receipt requested, by service in hand, or as specified
 9    in the Code of Civil Procedure.

10        (625 ILCS 5/7-706.1 new)
11        Sec. 7-706.1.  Hearing for compliance with support order.
12        (a)  An obligor may request in writing to  the  clerk  of
13    the   circuit  court  a  hearing  to  contest  the  claim  of
14    noncompliance with  an  order  of  support  and  his  or  her
15    subsequent  driver's  license suspension under subsection (b)
16    of Section 7-702.
17        (b)  If a written request for a hearing  is  received  by
18    the  clerk  of  the  circuit  court, the clerk of the circuit
19    court shall set the hearing before the circuit court.
20        (c)  Upon the obligor's written request, the  court  must
21    set   a  date  for  a  hearing  and  afford  the  obligor  an
22    opportunity for a hearing as early as practical.
23        (d)  The  scope  of  this  hearing  is  limited  to   the
24    following issues:
25             (1)  Whether  the  obligor  is required to pay child
26        support under an order of support.
27             (2)  Whether  the  obligor  is  90  days   or   more
28        delinquent in court ordered child support payments or has
29        been adjudicated in arrears in an amount equal to 90 days
30        obligation or more.
31             (3)  Any  additional  issues  raised by the obligor,
32        including the reasonableness of a  payment  agreement  in
33        light  of  the obligor's current financial circumstances,
                            -8-            LRB9100752WHmbam02
 1        to be preserved for appeal.
 2        (e)  All hearings and  hearing  procedures  shall  comply
 3    with requirements of the Illinois Constitution and the United
 4    States  Constitution,  so  that  no person is deprived of due
 5    process of law nor denied equal protection of the laws.   All
 6    hearings shall be held before a judge of the circuit court in
 7    the  county  in  which  the  support  order has been entered.
 8    Appropriate records of the hearings shall be kept.   Where  a
 9    transcript of the hearing is taken, the person requesting the
10    hearing  shall  have  the  opportunity to order a copy of the
11    transcript at his or her own expense.
12        (f)  The action of the circuit  court  resulting  in  the
13    suspension  of any driver's license shall be a final judgment
14    for purposes of appellate review.".

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