
Search Help

Keep it simple: Start with a simple search. Additional descriptive words can always be added.

Search for a Word: Searches will look for all forms of a word. For example, if you search for the word control, the search will return records with control, controls, controlled, and/or controlling.

Search for exact word or phrase: Use quotes.

Exclude a word: Prefix the word with hyphen. For example, to exclude the word charter use -charter.

Either Word: Use or between the words.

Accepted abbreviations for inquiry:

Type Abbreviation
House Bill HB
Senate Bill SB
House Resolution HR
Senate Resolution SR
House Joint Resolution HJR
Senate Joint Resolution SJR
House Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment HJRCA
Senate Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment SJRCA
Appointment Messages AM
Joint Session Resolution JSR

Enter the bill or resolution number in the form HB234, HJR2346, etc.
Either upper or lower case letters are acceptable.

Advanced Search Options

Choose between House or Senate, or 'Select Chamber' to include both chambers.
Choose between different types of legislation, or 'Select Legislation Type' to include all types.
By default, search ANY keywords or values you enter. If you'd rather include ALL keywords or values, select 'Inlcude All Keywords'.
Instead of using indicators to exclude terms or values in your search, you can enter the words you'd like to exclude here and we'll take it from there.