State of Illinois
92nd General Assembly

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[ Introduced ]




 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 778

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill  778  on  page  5,
 3    line 20 by replacing "items in" with "in items"; and

 4    on page 16, line 16, after "that" by inserting "has"; and

 5    on   page   16,   line   20,   by  replacing  "objects"  with
 6    "objectives"; and

 7    on page 16, by inserting the following immediately after line
 8    31:
 9        "(3)  An organization that is exempt from taxation  under
10    Section   501(c)(3)  or  Section  501(c)(4)  of  the  federal
11    Internal Revenue Code that currently holds  a  bingo  license
12    under  the Bingo License and Tax Act on the effective date of
13    this amendatory Act of the 92nd  General  Assembly,  provided
14    that  the organization's license has remained continuously in
15    effect and the organization  is  not  in  violation  of  this
16    Act."; and

17    on page 25, line 5, by replacing "games" with "game"; and

18    on page 27, line 2, after "Vegas" by inserting "Nights"; and

19    on page 27, by inserting the following immediately after line
20    15:
                            -2-              LRB9203763LDpcam
 1        "Section 10-20. Prior license.
 2        (a)  A  person  who held a license to conduct bingo games
 3    under the Bingo License and Tax Act on the effective date  of
 4    this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly may continue
 5    to  conduct  games  for  which he or she was licensed on that
 6    effective date for as long as that license remains in  effect
 7    if  (i)  his  or her licensed games were exempt from taxation
 8    under Section 501(c)(3) or Section 501(c)(4) of  the  federal
 9    Internal Revenue Code and (ii) he or she has not violated any
10    of the provisions of this Act.
11        (b)  The  provisions  of  the  Bingo  License and Tax Act
12    shall remain in full force and effect  with  respect  to  any
13    person  who  is authorized to conduct bingo games pursuant to
14    this Section for as long as  that  person  is  authorized  to
15    conduct those games pursuant to this Section."; and

16    on page 50, line 1, by replacing "tickets" with "ticket"; and

17    on page 50, line 17, after "employee" by inserting ","; and

18    on page 57, line 7, by replacing ".05" with "0.05"; and

19    on page 57, line 8, by replacing ".05" with "0.05"; and

20    on page 57, line 9, by replacing ".05" with "0.05"; and

21    on  page  57,  line  9,  by  replacing  "On"  with "Except as
22    provided in Section 10-20 of the  Omnibus  Charitable  Gaming
23    Act, on"; and

24    on page 57, line 17, by replacing ".05" with "0.05"; and

25    on page 57, line 18, by replacing ".05" with "0.05"; and

26    on page 57, line 19, by replacing ".05" with "0.05".

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