State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1296

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1296  on  page  1,
 3    line  5,  after  "15-66",  by inserting "and changing Section
 4    18-101.25"; and

 5    on page 1,  immediately  below  line  12,  by  inserting  the
 6    following:

 7        "(35 ILCS 200/18-101.25)
 8        (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2003)
 9        Sec.  18-101.25.  Intent  to  adopt  an  aggregate  levy;
10    hearing  required.   Upon  making the estimate as provided in
11    Section 18-101.15,  the  corporate  authority  shall  hold  a
12    hearing  on its intent to adopt an aggregate levy.  Except as
13    otherwise provided in this Section, hearings  shall  be  held
14    according to the following schedule.
15             (1)  First  Monday  in  December: Park districts and
16        municipalities.
17             (2)  First  Tuesday  in  December:  Townships,  road
18        districts, and all school districts  except  high  school
19        districts.
20             (3)  First   Wednesday   in  December:  High  school
21        districts and libraries.
22             (4)  First Thursday in December: Counties and forest
                            -2-            LRB9109793SMdvam01
 1        preserve districts.
 2             (5)  First Friday  in  December:  All  other  taxing
 3        districts.
 4        All  hearings shall be open to the public.  The corporate
 5    authority of the taxing district shall  explain  the  reasons
 6    for  the  levy  and  any  proposed  increase and shall permit
 7    persons desiring  to  be  heard  an  opportunity  to  present
 8    testimony  within  such  reasonable  time  limits as it shall
 9    determine.  The hearing shall not coincide with  the  hearing
10    on   the  proposed  budget.   The  corporate  authority  may,
11    however, conduct any other business of the taxing district on
12    the same day.  Failure of a taxing  district  to  convene  or
13    complete  a  public  hearing  on  the  day prescribed in this
14    Section  due  to  good  cause  unrelated   to   inadvertence,
15    including,  but  not  limited  to,  physical  perils  such as
16    natural disasters or acts of  God,  shall  not  constitute  a
17    failure to hold a public hearing under this Division 2.1.  In
18    this  event,  a  taxing  district  may either hold a separate
19    public hearing on its proposed tax levy, or place the hearing
20    on its  proposed  tax  levy  on  the  agenda  of  the  taxing
21    district's  next scheduled meeting.  In either case, a taxing
22    district  shall  give  notice  of  the  hearing  pursuant  to
23    Sections 2.02, 2.03, and 2.04 of the Open Meetings Act.
24        For the purpose of permitting the issuance of warrants or
25    notes in anticipation of the taxes to  be  levied,  a  taxing
26    district  may  hold  (on  any date prior to the first week in
27    December) a hearing on its intent to adopt an aggregate levy.
28    If the estimate of the aggregate levy is more than the amount
29    extended or estimated to be extended, plus any amount  abated
30    by  the  corporate authority prior to the extension, upon the
31    final aggregate levy of  the  preceding  year,  exclusive  of
32    election  costs, notice of this hearing shall be given in the
33    same manner as provided in this Division 2.1.   This  earlier
34    hearing  shall  be  in  addition  to, and not instead of, the
                            -3-            LRB9109793SMdvam01
 1    mandatory  December  hearing,  but  may   be   conducted   in
 2    conjunction with a regular meeting of the taxing district.
 3        Any  taxing  district  with  a  fiscal  year beginning on
 4    December 1 or any taxing district that is required to adopt a
 5    levy ordinance by the first Tuesday in  December,  for  which
 6    the  hearing  day  requirement of this Section would conflict
 7    with the adoption of its tax levy or and annual appropriation
 8    ordinance, or both, may hold a public hearing on its proposed
 9    tax levy prior to and instead of the day prescribed  in  this
10    Section.    This  public  hearing  shall be restricted to the
11    proposed tax levy,  and  no  other  business  of  the  taxing
12    district  shall  be  discussed  or transacted.  Notice of the
13    hearing shall be given as provided in  Section  18-101.35  of
14    this Division 2.1.
15    (Source: P.A. 91-523, eff. 1-1-00.)".

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