State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN  ACT  in  relation  to  the  Illinois  wine  industry,
 2    amending named Acts.

 3        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section  5.   The  Illinois  Promotion  Act is amended by
 6    changing Section 4a as follows:

 7        (20 ILCS 665/4a) (from Ch. 127, par. 200-24a)
 8        Sec. 4a. Funds.
 9        (1)  As soon as possible after  the  first  day  of  each
10    month,  beginning July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1997, upon
11    certification of the Department of Revenue,  the  Comptroller
12    shall order transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from
13    the  General  Revenue  Fund  to  a  special fund in the State
14    Treasury, to be known as the  "Tourism  Promotion  Fund",  an
15    amount  equal  to  10%  of the net revenue realized from "The
16    Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act",  as  now  or  hereafter
17    amended,  plus  an  amount  equal  to  10% of the net revenue
18    realized from any tax  imposed  under  Section  4.05  of  the
19    Chicago  World's  Fair  -  1992  Authority  Act,  as  now  or
20    hereafter  amended,  during  the preceding month. Net revenue
21    realized for a month shall be the revenue  collected  by  the
22    State pursuant to that Act during the previous month less the
23    amount  paid  out  during  that  same  month  as  refunds  to
24    taxpayers for overpayment of liability under that Act.
25        All  moneys  deposited  in  the  Tourism  Promotion  Fund
26    pursuant  to  this subsection are allocated to the Department
27    for utilization, as appropriated, in the performance  of  its
28    powers under Section 4.
29        As  soon  as  possible after the first day of each month,
30    beginning July 1, 1997, upon certification of the  Department
31    of  Revenue,  the Comptroller shall order transferred and the
                            -2-                LRB9105553LDmb
 1    Treasurer shall transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the
 2    Tourism Promotion Fund an amount equal  to  13%  of  the  net
 3    revenue realized from the Hotel Operators' Occupation Tax Act
 4    plus  an amount equal to 13% of the net revenue realized from
 5    any tax imposed under Section 4.05  of  the  Chicago  World's
 6    Fair-1992  Authority  Act  during  the preceding month.  "Net
 7    revenue realized for a month" means the revenue collected  by
 8    the  State  under that Act during the previous month less the
 9    amount  paid  out  during  that  same  month  as  refunds  to
10    taxpayers for overpayment of liability under that Act.
11        (1.1)  (Blank).
12        (2)  As soon as possible after  the  first  day  of  each
13    month,  beginning  July  1,  1997,  upon certification of the
14    Department  of   Revenue,   the   Comptroller   shall   order
15    transferred and the Treasurer shall transfer from the General
16    Revenue Fund to the Tourism Promotion Fund an amount equal to
17    8%  of  the  net  revenue  realized from the Hotel Operators'
18    Occupation Tax plus an amount equal to 8% of the net  revenue
19    realized  from  any  tax  imposed  under  Section 4.05 of the
20    Chicago World's Fair-1992 Authority Act during the  preceding
21    month.   "Net revenue realized for a month" means the revenue
22    collected by the State under that  Act  during  the  previous
23    month  less  the  amount  paid  out during that same month as
24    refunds to taxpayers for overpayment of liability under  that
25    Act.
26        All  monies deposited in the Tourism Promotion Fund under
27    this subsection (2) shall be used solely as provided in  this
28    subsection   to  advertise  and  promote  tourism  throughout
29    Illinois. Appropriations of monies deposited in  the  Tourism
30    Promotion  Fund pursuant to this subsection (2) shall be used
31    solely for advertising to promote tourism, including but  not
32    limited  to  advertising  production and direct advertisement
33    costs, but shall not be used to employ any additional  staff,
34    finance  any individual event, or lease, rent or purchase any
                            -3-                LRB9105553LDmb
 1    physical facilities.  The  Department  shall  coordinate  its
 2    advertising  under  this subsection (2) with other public and
 3    private entities in the State engaged  in  similar  promotion
 4    activities.   Print   or  electronic  media  production  made
 5    pursuant to this subsection  (2)  for  advertising  promotion
 6    shall  not  contain  or include the physical appearance of or
 7    reference to the name or  position  of  any  public  officer.
 8    "Public  officer"  means  a  person  who is elected to office
 9    pursuant to statute, or who is appointed to an  office  which
10    is  established,  and  the qualifications and duties of which
11    are prescribed, by statute, to discharge a  public  duty  for
12    the State or any of its political subdivisions.
13        (3)  Until  June  30,  2000,  subject  to  appropriation,
14    moneys  shall  be transferred from the Tourism Promotion Fund
15    into the Grape and Wine Resources Fund  pursuant  to  Article
16    XII  of  the  Liquor Control Act of 1934 and shall be used by
17    the Department in accordance  with  the  provisions  of  that
18    Article.
19    (Source: P.A. 90-26, eff. 7-1-97; 90-77, eff. 7-8-97; 90-655,
20    eff. 7-30-98.)

21        Section 10.  The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by
22    changing Section 12-3 as follows:

23        (235 ILCS 5/12-3)
24        Sec.  12-3.  Funding.   Subject to appropriation, on July
25    1, 1997, July  1,  1998,  and  July  1,  1999,  and  annually
26    thereafter  the  Comptroller shall order the transfer and the
27    Treasurer shall transfer an amount determined by the  General
28    Assembly  from  the Tourism Promotion Fund into the Grape and
29    Wine Resources Fund, which is hereby  created  as  a  special
30    fund  in  the  State  Treasury.  Beginning  July 1, 2000, the
31    Department of Revenue shall deposit $0.02 of the wine  excise
32    tax  collected  on  each  gallon of wine under Section 8-1 of
                            -4-                LRB9105553LDmb
 1    this  Act  into  the  Grape  and  Wine  Resources  Fund.  The
 2    Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  may   make
 3    expenditures  with moneys from the Fund for any of its lawful
 4    purposes under  this  Article,  subject  to  the  advice  and
 5    approval  of  the  Council.  The  Department  of Commerce and
 6    Community Affairs shall  serve  as  the  lead  administrative
 7    agency  for  monitoring the Council's implementation.  Moneys
 8    in  the  Fund  shall  not  be  used  for  any  political   or
 9    legislative  purpose.  The Council shall keep minutes, books,
10    and  records  that  clearly  reflect  all  of  the  acts  and
11    transactions of the Council.  The books of the Council  shall
12    be  audited by a certified public accountant at the Council's
13    expense  at  least  annually.   Within  30  days  after   the
14    completion of the audit, the results shall be provided to the
15    Director  of  Commerce and Community Affairs.  The Department
16    of Commerce and Community Affairs shall  be  reimbursed  from
17    the  Grape  and  Wine  Resources  Fund for any costs incurred
18    under this Act.  Moneys  remaining  in  the  Grape  and  Wine
19    Resources  Fund at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in
20    the Fund for use during the following fiscal year  and  shall
21    not be transferred to any other State fund.
22    (Source: P.A. 90-77, eff. 7-8-97.)

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