State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 113

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 113 on page 1,  by
 3    replacing lines  5 through 30 with the following:

 4        "Section 5.  The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is
 5    amended  by  changing  Sections 1-5, 1-15, 1-30, 10-5, 10-15,
 6    10-20, 10-25, 10-45,  10-50,  10-60,  and  10-65  and  adding
 7    Section 1-13 and Article 12 as follows:

 8        (5 ILCS 100/1-5) (from Ch. 127, par. 1001-5)
 9        Sec. 1-5.  Applicability.
10        (a)  This  Act applies to every agency as defined in this
11    Act. Beginning January 1, 1978, in case of  conflict  between
12    the provisions of this Act and the Act creating or conferring
13    power  on an agency, this Act shall control.  If, however, an
14    agency (or its predecessor in the case of an agency that  has
15    been  consolidated or reorganized) has existing procedures on
16    July 1, 1977, specifically for contested cases or  licensing,
17    those existing provisions control, except that this exception
18    respecting  contested  cases  and licensing does not apply if
19    the Act creating or conferring power on the agency adopts  by
20    express  reference the provisions of this Act.  Where the Act
21    creating  or  conferring  power  on  an  agency   establishes
22    administrative  procedures  not  covered  by  this Act, those
                            -2-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1    procedures shall remain in effect.
 2        (b)  The provisions of this  Act  do  not  apply  to  (i)
 3    preliminary  hearings,  investigations, or practices where no
 4    final determinations affecting State funding are made by  the
 5    State  Board  of  Education, (ii) legal opinions issued under
 6    Section 2-3.7 of the School Code, (iii) as to State  colleges
 7    and    universities,   their   disciplinary   and   grievance
 8    proceedings, academic  irregularity  and  capricious  grading
 9    proceedings, and admission standards and procedures, and (iv)
10    the   class   specifications  for  positions  and  individual
11    position  descriptions  prepared  and  maintained  under  the
12    Personnel Code.  Those class specifications  shall,  however,
13    be made reasonably available to the public for inspection and
14    copying.  The provisions of this Act do not apply to hearings
15    under  Section  20  of  the  Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
16    Property Act.
17        (c)  Section 5-35 of this Act relating to procedures  for
18    rulemaking does not apply to the following:
19             (1)  Rules  adopted  by  the Pollution Control Board
20        that, in accordance with Section 7.2 of the Environmental
21        Protection Act, are identical  in  substance  to  federal
22        regulations    or   amendments   to   those   regulations
23        implementing the following: Sections  3001,  3002,  3003,
24        3004,  3005,  and  9003  of the Solid Waste Disposal Act;
25        Section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental  Response,
26        Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; Sections 307(b),
27        307(c),  307(d),  402(b)(8), and 402(b)(9) of the Federal
28        Water  Pollution  Control  Act;  and  Sections   1412(b),
29        1414(c),  1417(a), 1421, and 1445(a) of the Safe Drinking
30        Water Act.
31             (2)  Rules adopted by the  Pollution  Control  Board
32        that  establish  or  amend  standards for the emission of
33        hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide  from  gasoline  powered
34        motor   vehicles  subject  to  inspection  under  Section
                            -3-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        13A-105 of the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law and rules
 2        adopted under Section 13B-20  of  the  Vehicle  Emissions
 3        Inspection Law of 1995.
 4             (3)  Procedural   rules  adopted  by  the  Pollution
 5        Control Board governing  requests  for  exceptions  under
 6        Section 14.2 of the Environmental Protection Act.
 7             (4)  The  Pollution  Control Board's grant, pursuant
 8        to an adjudicatory determination, of an adjusted standard
 9        for persons who can justify an adjustment consistent with
10        subsection  (a)  of  Section  27  of  the   Environmental
11        Protection Act.
12             (5)  Rules  adopted  by  the Pollution Control Board
13        that  are  identical  in  substance  to  the  regulations
14        adopted by the Office of the  State  Fire  Marshal  under
15        clause (ii) of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of Section
16        2 of the Gasoline Storage Act.
17        (d)  Pay  rates  established  under  Section  8a  of  the
18    Personnel  Code  shall be amended or repealed pursuant to the
19    process set forth in Section 5-50 within  30  days  after  it
20    becomes  necessary  to  do  so  due to a conflict between the
21    rates and the terms  of  a  collective  bargaining  agreement
22    covering  the  compensation  of  an  employee subject to that
23    Code.
24        (e)  Section 10-45 of this Act shall  not  apply  to  any
25    hearing, proceeding, or investigation conducted under Section
26    13-515 of the Public Utilities Act.
27    (Source:  P.A.  90-9,  eff.  7-1-97;  90-185,  eff.  7-23-97;
28    90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

29        (5 ILCS 100/1-13 new)
30        Sec.  1-13.   "Administrative  hearing" means any hearing
31    required to comply with the provisions of this Act concerning
32    a contested case.
                            -4-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        (5 ILCS 100/1-15) (from Ch. 127, par. 1001-15)
 2        Sec.  1-15.   "Administrative  law  judge"    means   the
 3    presiding  officer  or officers at the initial administrative
 4    hearing before each agency  and  each  continuation  of  that
 5    administrative  hearing.  The  term  also includes but is not
 6    limited to hearing examiners, hearing officers, referees, and
 7    arbitrators.
 8    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

 9        (5 ILCS 100/1-30) (from Ch. 127, par. 1001-30)
10        Sec.  1-30.   "Contested  case"  means  an   adjudicatory
11    proceeding   (not   including   ratemaking,   rulemaking,  or
12    quasi-legislative, informational, or similar proceedings)  in
13    which the individual legal rights, duties, or privileges of a
14    party  are required by law to be determined by an agency only
15    after an opportunity for an administrative a hearing.
16    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

17        (5 ILCS 100/10-5) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-5)
18        Sec. 10-5.  Rules required for  hearings.   All  agencies
19    shall adopt rules establishing procedures for administrative
20    contested case hearings.
21    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

22        (5 ILCS 100/10-15) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-15)
23        Sec.   10-15.    Standard  of  proof.   Unless  otherwise
24    provided by law or stated in the agency's rules, the standard
25    of proof  in  any  administrative    contested  case  hearing
26    conducted   under   this  Act  by  an  agency  shall  be  the
27    preponderance of the evidence.
28    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

29        (5 ILCS 100/10-20) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-20)
30        Sec. 10-20.  Qualifications of administrative law judges.
                            -5-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1    All  Agencies  shall  adopt  rules  concerning  the   minimum
 2    qualifications    of    administrative    law    judges   for
 3    administrative contested case hearings not subject to Article
 4    12 of this Act.  The agency head or an attorney  licensed  to
 5    practice  law  in  Illinois  may act as an administrative law
 6    judge or panel for an agency without adopting any rules under
 7    this Section. The  These  rules  may  be  adopted  using  the
 8    procedures in either Section 5-15 or 5-35.
 9    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

10        (5 ILCS 100/10-25) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-25)
11        Sec.  10-25.  Notice  of  contested cases; administrative
12    notice; hearing.
13        (a)  In a contested case, all parties shall  be  afforded
14    an   opportunity   for  an  administrative  a  hearing  after
15    reasonable notice.  The notice shall be served personally  or
16    by  certified  or registered mail or as otherwise provided by
17    law upon the parties or their  agents  appointed  to  receive
18    service of process and shall include the following:
19             (1)  A  statement  of the time, place, and nature of
20        the administrative hearing.
21             (2)  A  statement  of  the   legal   authority   and
22        jurisdiction under which the administrative hearing is to
23        be held.
24             (3)  A  reference  to the particular Sections of the
25        substantive and procedural statutes and rules involved.
26             (4)  Except  where  a  more  detailed  statement  is
27        otherwise  provided  for  by  law,  a  short  and   plain
28        statement  of the matters asserted, the consequences of a
29        failure to  respond,  and  the  official  file  or  other
30        reference number.
31             (5)  The   names   and   mailing  addresses  of  the
32        administrative law judge,  all  parties,  and  all  other
33        persons   to   whom   the  agency  gives  notice  of  the
                            -6-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        administrative hearing unless otherwise  confidential  by
 2        law.
 3        (b)  An  opportunity  shall be afforded all parties to be
 4    represented by legal  counsel  and  to  respond  and  present
 5    evidence and argument.
 6        (c)  Unless  precluded by law, disposition may be made of
 7    any contested case by stipulation, agreed settlement, consent
 8    order, or default.
 9    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

10        (5 ILCS 100/10-45) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-45)
11        Sec.  10-45.   Proposal  for  decision.    Except   where
12    otherwise expressly provided by law, when in a contested case
13    a  majority  of the officials of the agency who are to render
14    the  final decision has  not  heard  the  case  or  read  the
15    record, the decision, if adverse to a party to the proceeding
16    other than the agency, shall not be made until a proposal for
17    decision  is  served  upon  the parties and an opportunity is
18    afforded to each party adversely affected to file  exceptions
19    and  to  present  a brief and, if the agency so permits, oral
20    argument to the  agency  officials  who  are  to  render  the
21    decision.    The   proposal  for  decision  shall  contain  a
22    statement of the reasons therefor and of each issue  of  fact
23    or  law  necessary  to  the  proposed  decision  and shall be
24    prepared by the  persons  who  conducted  the  administrative
25    hearing or one who has read the record.
26    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

27        (5 ILCS 100/10-50) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-50)
28        Sec. 10-50.  Decisions and orders.
29        (a)  A  final decision or order adverse to a party (other
30    than the agency) in a contested case shall be in  writing  or
31    stated  on  in  the  record.   A final decision shall include
32    findings of fact and conclusions of law,  separately  stated.
                            -7-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1    Findings  of  fact, if set forth in statutory language, shall
 2    be accompanied by a concise and  explicit  statement  of  the
 3    underlying  facts supporting the findings.  If, in accordance
 4    with agency rules, a party  submitted  proposed  findings  of
 5    fact,  the decision shall include a ruling upon each proposed
 6    finding.   Parties  or  their  agents  appointed  to  receive
 7    service of process shall be notified either personally or  by
 8    registered  or certified mail of any decision or order.  Upon
 9    request a copy of the decision or order shall be delivered or
10    mailed forthwith to each party and to each  his  attorney  of
11    record.
12        (b)  All  agency  orders  shall  specify whether they are
13    final and subject to the Administrative Review Law.
14        (c)  A decision by any agency in a contested  case  under
15    this  Act  shall be void unless the proceedings are conducted
16    in compliance with the provisions of  this  Act  relating  to
17    contested  cases,  except  to the extent those provisions are
18    waived under Section 10-75  and  except  to  the  extent  the
19    agency  has  adopted  its  own  rules  for contested cases as
20    authorized in Section 1-5.
21    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

22        (5 ILCS 100/10-60) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-60)
23        Sec. 10-60.  Ex parte communications.
24        (a)  Except in the disposition of matters  that  agencies
25    are  authorized  by  law  to entertain or dispose of on an ex
26    parte   basis,   agency   heads,   agency   employees,    and
27    administrative  law judges shall not, after notice of hearing
28    in a contested case or licensing to which the procedures of a
29    contested case apply under this Act, communicate, directly or
30    indirectly, in connection with any issue of  fact,  with  any
31    person  or  party, or in connection with any other issue with
32    any party or the representative of any party, without  except
33    upon notice and opportunity for all parties to participate.
                            -8-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        (b)  However, an agency member may communicate with other
 2    members of the agency, and an agency member or administrative
 3    law judge may have the aid and advice of one or more personal
 4    assistants.
 5        (c)  An  ex  parte  communication  received by any agency
 6    head, agency employee, or administrative law judge  shall  be
 7    made  a  part  of the record of the pending matter, including
 8    all written communications,  all  written  responses  to  the
 9    communications, and a memorandum stating the substance of all
10    oral  communications  and all responses made and the identity
11    of each person from  whom  the  ex  parte  communication  was
12    received.
13        (d)  Communications  regarding  matters  of procedure and
14    practice, such as the format of pleadings, number  of  copies
15    required,  manner  of  service,  scheduling,  and  status  of
16    proceedings, are not considered ex parte communications under
17    this Section.
18    (Source: P.A. 87-823.)

19        (5 ILCS 100/10-65) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-65)
20        Sec. 10-65.  Licenses.
21        (a)  When any licensing is required by law to be preceded
22    by notice and an opportunity for an administrative a hearing,
23    the  provisions  of this Act concerning contested cases shall
24    apply.
25        (b)  When a  licensee  has  made  timely  and  sufficient
26    application  for  the  renewal  of a license or a new license
27    with reference to any activity of a  continuing  nature,  the
28    existing  license  shall  continue  in  full force and effect
29    until the final agency decision on the application  has  been
30    made  unless  a  later  date is fixed by order of a reviewing
31    court.
32        (c)  An application for the renewal of a license or a new
33    license shall include the applicant's social security number.
                            -9-            LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1    Each agency shall require the  licensee  to  certify  on  the
 2    application form, under penalty of perjury, that he or she is
 3    not  more  than  30 days delinquent in complying with a child
 4    support order.  Every application shall state that failure to
 5    so certify shall result  in  disciplinary  action,  and  that
 6    making a false statement may subject the licensee to contempt
 7    of court.  The agency shall notify each applicant or licensee
 8    who acknowledges a delinquency or who, contrary to his or her
 9    certification,  is  found  to  be  delinquent  or  who  after
10    receiving  notice, fails to comply with a subpoena or warrant
11    relating to a paternity or a child support  proceeding,  that
12    the agency intends to take disciplinary action.  Accordingly,
13    the  agency  shall  provide  written  notice  of the facts or
14    conduct upon which  the  agency  will  rely  to  support  its
15    proposed  action and the applicant or licensee shall be given
16    an opportunity for an administrative a hearing in  accordance
17    with  the  provisions  of the Act concerning contested cases.
18    Any delinquency in complying with a child support  order  can
19    be  remedied by arranging for payment of past due and current
20    support.  Any failure to comply with a  subpoena  or  warrant
21    relating  to  a  paternity or child support proceeding can be
22    remedied by complying with the subpoena or warrant.   Upon  a
23    final  finding  of  delinquency  or  failure to comply with a
24    subpoena or warrant, the agency  shall  suspend,  revoke,  or
25    refuse  to  issue or renew the license. In cases in which the
26    Department of Public Aid has previously  determined  that  an
27    applicant  or  a  licensee is more than 30 days delinquent in
28    the payment of child support and has  subsequently  certified
29    the delinquency to the licensing agency, the licensing agency
30    shall  refuse  to  issue  or renew or shall revoke or suspend
31    that person's license based solely upon the certification  of
32    delinquency  made  by  the Department of Public Aid.  Further
33    process, hearings, or redetermination of the  delinquency  by
34    the  licensing  agency shall not be required.   The licensing
                            -10-           LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1    agency may issue or renew  a  license  if  the  licensee  has
 2    arranged  for  payment  of  past  and  current  child support
 3    obligations in a manner satisfactory  to  the  Department  of
 4    Public  Aid.   The  licensing  agency  may impose conditions,
 5    restrictions, or disciplinary action upon that license.
 6        (d)  Except as provided  in  subsection  (c),  no  agency
 7    shall  revoke, suspend, annul, withdraw, amend materially, or
 8    refuse to  renew  any  valid  license  without  first  giving
 9    written  notice  to the licensee of the facts or conduct upon
10    which the agency will rely to support its proposed action and
11    an opportunity for an administrative a hearing in  accordance
12    with  the  provisions of this Act concerning contested cases.
13    At the administrative hearing, the licensee  shall  have  the
14    right to show compliance with all lawful requirements for the
15    retention,  continuation,  or  renewal  of  the license.  If,
16    however, the agency finds that the public  interest,  safety,
17    or welfare imperatively requires emergency action, and if the
18    agency  incorporates  a  finding to that effect in its order,
19    summary suspension  of  a  license  may  be  ordered  pending
20    proceedings   for   revocation   or   other   action.   Those
21    proceedings shall be promptly instituted and determined.
22        (e)  Any  application  for  renewal  of  a  license  that
23    contains required and relevant information,  data,  material,
24    or  circumstances  that  were not contained in an application
25    for the existing license shall be subject to  the  provisions
26    of subsection (a).
27    (Source: P.A. 89-6, eff. 3-6-95; 90-18, eff. 7-1-97.)"; and

28    on  page  2,  by  replacing  lines  4  through  18  with  the
29    following:
30        "Sec.  12-5.  Applicability.  This Article applies to all
31    agencies under the jurisdiction of the  Governor  other  than
32    the following:
33        (a)  Illinois  Labor  Relations  Boards created under the
34    Illinois Public Labor Relations Act;
                            -11-           LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        (b)  Illinois Education Labor Relations Board;
 2        (c)  Illinois Commerce Commission;
 3        (d)  Illinois Industrial Commission;
 4        (e)  Civil Service Commission;
 5        (f)  Pollution Control Board;
 6        (g)  Illinois State Police Merit Board;
 7        (h)  Property Tax Appeal Board; and
 8        (i)  Human Rights Commission."; and

 9    on  page  4,  by  replacing  lines  1  through  11  with  the
10    following:
11    "positions.  The Chief Administrative Law  Judge  may  employ
12    and  direct other staff, including administrative, technical,
13    clerical, and other specialized or technical  personnel  that
14    may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article.
15             (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of
16        this  subsection, each administrative law judge must have
17        been admitted to practice as an attorney  in  this  State
18        for  at  least  5  years  and  must  have  a demonstrated
19        knowledge of and experience  in  administrative  law  and
20        procedure  that  is suitable to the duties of the Office.
21        An administrative  law  judge  must  be  a  full-time  or
22        part-time  employee  of the Office, except that the Chief
23        Administrative Law Judge may contract for the services of
24        an attorney to serve as an administrative law judge for a
25        specific case, when  necessary,  because  of  a  lack  of
26        available employees with the expertise required to handle
27        a specialized contested case.
28             (2)  The  Chief  Administrative Law Judge may employ
29        persons who are not admitted to practice as  an  attorney
30        to   act   as  administrative  law  judges  if  they  are
31        transferred to the Office under subsection (c) of Section
32        12-40 of this Article. The Chief Administrative Law Judge
33        may also employ or contract with persons not admitted  to
34        practice   law   if  those  persons  have  the  requisite
                            -12-           LRB9100084MWmbam01
 1        knowledge of administrative law  and  procedure  and  the
 2        specialized    subject-matter   expertise   to   act   as
 3        administrative law judges in  highly  technical  cases.";
 4        and

 5    on  page  6,  by  replacing  lines  7  through  18  with  the
 6    following:
 7        "Sec.  12-30. Proceedings.  Beginning on January 1, 2001,
 8    an administrative law judge of the Office shall preside  over
 9    any  administrative  hearing  of  any  agency subject to this
10    Article, except that an administrative hearing in a contested
11    case commenced prior to January 1, 2001 and pending before an
12    administrative law judge not transferred  to  the  Office  of
13    Administrative Hearings by operation of Section 12-40 of this
14    Article  shall not be heard by an administrative law judge of
15    the Office without the agreement of the parties."; and

16    on page 10, lines 8, 9, and 18, by replacing "1999" each time
17    it appears with "2000"; and

18    on page 10, lines 19, 23, and 27, by  replacing  "2000"  each
19    time it appears with "2001"; and

20    on page 10, by deleting lines 31 and 32; and

21    by deleting pages 11 through 18; and

22    on page 19, by deleting lines 1 through 19.

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