State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ House Amendment 001 ][ House Amendment 002 ][ House Amendment 005 ]
[ Conference Committee Report 001 ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 27

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 27, AS AMENDED, by
 3    replacing the title with the following:
 4        "AN ACT to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure  of  1963
 5    by adding Article 106E."; and

 6    by  replacing  everything  after the enacting clause with the
 7    following:

 8        "Section 5.  The Code of Criminal Procedure  of  1963  is
 9    amended by adding Article 106E as follows:

10        (725 ILCS 5/Article 106E heading new)

13        (725 ILCS 5/106E-5 new)
14        Sec.  106E-5.   Purpose  for  task  force.   The Illinois
15    General Assembly  takes  notice  that  public  defenders  and
16    prosecutors  in  the  Illinois  criminal  justice systems are
17    often reimbursed at salary levels far below reasonable  rates
18    for  private  practice.   The  criminal  and juvenile justice
19    systems in Illinois have become  increasingly  technical  and
20    complex due to countless piecemeal amendments to the Criminal
                            -2-            LRB9100064SMdvam03
 1    Code  of 1961, this Code, the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, and
 2    the  Unified  Code  of  Corrections.   It   is   increasingly
 3    difficult  to  remain  current  on legislative amendments and
 4    court decisions in the rapidly changing  justice  systems  of
 5    Illinois.   Increases  in  levels  of  arrests  have  led  to
 6    increased   criminal  and  juvenile  prosecutions  throughout
 7    Illinois  resulting  in  higher   caseloads   for   attorneys
 8    practicing   in   the   justice  system.   Rapid  changes  in
 9    technology have resulted in changes in  court  processing  of
10    criminal  and  juvenile  offenders  that  require concomitant
11    technological skill development  on  the  part  of  attorneys
12    practicing  in  the justice system. Defender services in some
13    areas of Illinois are covered by a single part-time attorney.
14    Local county boards are increasingly challenged to adequately
15    fund local systems of justice.
16        In order for the State to protect its moral  and  ethical
17    integrity,  the  State  must  ensure a justice system that is
18    staffed by attorneys trained and prepared to render competent
19    representation.   The   Illinois   General   Assembly   shall
20    establish   an   independent,   non-partisan  Task  Force  on
21    Professional Practice in  the  Illinois  Justice  Systems  to
22    study   appropriate  levels  of  caseloads,  adequate  salary
23    structures, annual training needs, technological  needs,  and
24    other  issues affecting the development of professionalism of
25    attorneys in the Illinois justice system.

26        (725 ILCS 5/106E-10 new)
27        Sec. 106E-10. Task Force on Professional Practice in  the
28    Illinois  Justice  Systems.   The  Task force on Professional
29    Practice in the Illinois Justice Systems shall  be  comprised
30    of  19  members  who shall serve without compensation and who
31    shall be appointed as follows:
32        (1)  One member appointed by the President of the Senate.
33        (2)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader  of  the
                            -3-            LRB9100064SMdvam03
 1    Senate.
 2        (3)  One  member appointed by the Speaker of the House of
 3    Representatives.
 4        (4)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader  of  the
 5    House of Representatives.
 6        (5)  One member appointed by the Governor.
 7        (6)  One member appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court.
 8        (7)  One member appointed by the Illinois Public Defender
 9    Association.
10        (8)  One  member  appointed  by  the  Illinois  Appellate
11    Prosecutors Association.
12        (9)  One  member  appointed  by  the  Office of the State
13    Appellate Defender.
14        (10)  One member appointed by the Office of the  Attorney
15    General.
16        (11)  One   member   appointed   by  the  Illinois  State
17    Attorneys' Association.
18        (12)  One member appointed by the Illinois Attorneys  for
19    Criminal Justice.
20        (13)  One  member  appointed  by the Office of the Public
21    Defender of Cook County.
22        (14)  One member appointed by the Office of  the  State's
23    Attorney of Cook County.
24        (15)  One  member  appointed  by the Office of the Public
25    Defender of DuPage County.
26        (16)  One member appointed by the Office of  the  State's
27    Attorney of DuPage County.
28        (17)  One  member  appointed  by the Office of the Public
29    Defender of Sangamon County.
30        (18)  One member appointed by the Office of  the  State's
31    Attorney of Sangamon County.
32        (19)  One  member  appointed  by  the  Illinois State Bar
33    Association.
34        The Task Force shall  be  convened  and  chaired  by  the
                            -4-            LRB9100064SMdvam03
 1    member  appointed by the Illinois State Bar Association.  The
 2    Task Force  shall  be  staffed  by  the  Illinois  State  Bar
 3    Association.
 4        The   Task   Force   shall   report   its   findings  and
 5    recommendations to the Governor, the General Assembly, and to
 6    the Illinois Supreme Court no later than 9 months  after  the
 7    effective  date  of  this  amendatory Act of the 91st General
 8    Assembly.

 9        (725 ILCS 5/106E-15 new)
10        Sec. 106E-15. Repeal.  This Article is repealed  December
11    31, 2000.

12        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
13    becoming law.".

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