State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]



 1        AN ACT to amend the  Public  Utilities  Act  by  changing
 2    Sections  2-101, 9-103, 10-102, 10-108, and 10-112 and adding
 3    Section 3-122.

 4        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 5    represented in the General Assembly:

 6        Section  5.   The  Public  Utilities  Act  is  amended by
 7    changing Sections 2-101, 9-103, 10-102,  10-108,  and  10-112
 8    and adding Section 3-122 as follows:

 9        (220 ILCS 5/2-101) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 2-101)
10        Sec.  2-101.   Commerce  Commission  created.   There  is
11    created  an  Illinois  Commerce  Commission  consisting  of 5
12    members not more than 3 of whom shall be members of the  same
13    political  party  at  the  time of appointment.  The Governor
14    shall appoint the members of such Commission by and with  the
15    advice  and  consent  of the Senate.  In case of a vacancy in
16    such office during the recess  of  the  Senate  the  Governor
17    shall  make a temporary appointment until the next meeting of
18    the Senate, when he shall nominate some person to  fill  such
19    office;  and  any person so nominated who is confirmed by the
20    Senate, shall hold his office during  the  remainder  of  the
21    term   and   until  his  successor  shall  be  appointed  and
22    qualified. Each member of the Commission  shall  hold  office
23    for a term of 5 years from the third Monday in January of the
24    year in which his predecessor's term expires.
25        Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  this  Section to the
26    contrary, the term of office of each member of the Commission
27    is terminated on the effective date of this amendatory Act of
28    1995, but the incumbent members shall  continue  to  exercise
29    all  of  the  powers  and  be subject to all of the duties of
30    members of the Commission until their  respective  successors
31    are  appointed  and  qualified.   Of  the  members  initially
                            -2-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1    appointed  under  the  provisions  of  this amendatory Act of
 2    1995, one member shall be appointed  for  a  term  of  office
 3    which  shall  expire  on the third Monday of January, 1997; 2
 4    members shall be appointed for terms of  office  which  shall
 5    expire on the third Monday of January, 1998; one member shall
 6    be  appointed  for a term of office which shall expire on the
 7    third Monday of  January,  1999;  and  one  member  shall  be
 8    appointed  for  a  term  of  office which shall expire on the
 9    third Monday of January,  2000.   Each  respective  successor
10    shall  be  appointed  for  a  term  of 5 years from the third
11    Monday of January of the year in which his predecessor's term
12    expires in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  first
13    paragraph of this Section.
14        Each  member shall serve until his successor is appointed
15    and qualified, except that if the Senate refuses  to  consent
16    to  the  appointment  of  any    member, such office shall be
17    deemed vacant, and within 2 weeks  of  the  date  the  Senate
18    refuses  to  consent to the reappointment of any member, such
19    member shall vacate such office. The Governor shall from time
20    to time designate the member of the Commission who  shall  be
21    its chairman. Consistent with the provisions of this Act, the
22    Chairman   shall  be  the  chief  executive  officer  of  the
23    Commission for the purpose of ensuring that the  Commission's
24    policies are properly executed.
25        Four   members   A   majority  of  the  Commission  shall
26    constitute a quorum to  transact  business,  but  no  vacancy
27    shall  impair  the  right  of  the remaining commissioners to
28    exercise all of the  powers  of  the  Commission;  and  every
29    finding,  order  or  decision  approved  by a majority of the
30    members of the Commission shall be deemed to be the  finding,
31    order or decision of the Commission.
32    (Source: P.A. 89-429, eff. 12-15-95.)

33        (220 ILCS 5/3-122 new)
                            -3-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1        Sec.     3-122.  Electronic.     "Electronic"    includes
 2    electrical, digital, magnetic, optical,  electromagnetic,  or
 3    any  other  form  of  technology  that  entails  capabilities
 4    similar to these technologies.

 5        (220 ILCS 5/9-103) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 9-103)
 6        Sec.  9-103.  Posting of rate schedules.  Subject to such
 7    rules and regulations as the Commission  may  prescribe,  the
 8    schedules  referred  to  in  Section  9-102  shall be plainly
 9    printed, mimeographed or typewritten in  large  type,  and  a
10    copy  thereof shall be posted or kept on file in every office
11    of a public utility where the public transacts business  with
12    such  public  utility.  Any  or all of such schedules kept as
13    aforesaid  shall  be  immediately  produced  by  such  public
14    utility for inspection upon  the  demand  of  any  person.  A
15    notice  printed  in  bold  type,  in  size  prescribed by the
16    Commission, stating that such schedules are on file with  the
17    agent  and  open  to  inspection  by any person, and that the
18    agent will assist any person to determine from such schedules
19    any  rates  or  other  charges,  classification,   rules   or
20    regulations  in  force,  shall  be  kept posted by the public
21    utility in two public and conspicuous places  in  every  such
22    office.  The  form of every such schedule shall be prescribed
23    by the Commission: Provided,  that  in  lieu  of  filing  the
24    entire  schedule  in  each  office,  any  public utility may,
25    subject to the regulations of the Commission,  file  or  keep
26    posted  at  such  office,  schedules  of  such rates or other
27    charges,  classifications,  rules  and  regulations  relating
28    thereto, as are applicable at, to and from  the  place  where
29    such office is located.
30        The  Commission  may  determine and prescribe the form in
31    which the schedules required by this Act to be filed with the
32    Commission and to be kept open to public inspection shall  be
33    prepared  and  arranged, and may change the form from time to
                            -4-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1    time if it shall be found expedient.
 2    (Source: P.A. 84-617; 84-1025.)

 3        (220 ILCS 5/10-102) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 10-102)
 4        Sec.  10-102.  Open  meetings.   All  meetings   of   the
 5    Commission  shall  be conducted pursuant to the provisions of
 6    the Open Meetings Act. Whenever the Commission,  pursuant  to
 7    such  Act,  closes any meeting, or portion of any meeting, it
 8    shall arrange for all discussions, deliberations and meetings
 9    so closed to  be  transcribed  verbatim  by  a  stenographer,
10    certified  court  reporter,  or similar means. The Commission
11    shall review and approve such transcripts within 30  days  of
12    the  date  of  the closed meeting, and when, in its judgment,
13    the exception of  the  Open  Meetings  Act  relied  upon  for
14    authorizing the closing of such meeting, as recorded pursuant
15    to  Section  2a  of  the  Open  Meetings  Act,  is  no longer
16    applicable, such transcripts shall be made available  to  the
17    public.  Any  party to a Commission proceeding shall be given
18    access to the transcript of any closed meeting pertaining  to
19    such  proceeding  prior  to the expiration of the time within
20    which his application for rehearing must be filed,  upon  the
21    signing of an appropriate protective agreement.
22    (Source: P.A. 84-617.)

23        (220 ILCS 5/10-108) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 10-108)
24        Sec. 10-108.  Complaints; notice; parties.  Complaint may
25    be made by the Commission, of its own motion or by any person
26    or  corporation,  chamber of commerce, board of trade, or any
27    industrial,   commercial,   mercantile,    agricultural    or
28    manufacturing  society,  or  any  body  politic  or municipal
29    corporation by petition  or  complaint  in  writing,  setting
30    forth  any  act  or  things  done  or  omitted  to be done in
31    violation, or claimed to be in violation, of any provision of
32    this Act, or of any order or rule of the Commission.  In  the
                            -5-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1    discretion  of  the  Commission,  matters  presented  by  one
 2    complaint  may  be  ordered separated, and matters upon which
 3    complaint may be founded may be joined. No objection shall be
 4    sustained  to  a  separation  merely  because   the   matters
 5    separated  are  under the ownership, control or management of
 6    the same  persons  or  corporation.  No  complaint  shall  be
 7    dismissed  because  of  the  absence  of direct damage to the
 8    complainant.
 9        Upon the filing of a complaint the Commission shall cause
10    a copy thereof to be served upon the  person  or  corporation
11    complained   of  which  shall  be  accompanied  by  a  notice
12    requiring that the complaint be satisfied and answered within
13    a reasonable time to be specified by the Commission or within
14    the discretion of the Commission, by a notice fixing  a  time
15    when  and  place  where  a  hearing  will  be  had  upon such
16    complaint. Notice of the time and place shall also  be  given
17    to   the  complainant  and  to  such  other  persons  as  the
18    Commission shall deem necessary. The  Commission  shall  have
19    authority    to    hear   and   investigate   any   complaint
20    notwithstanding the  fact  that  the  person  or  corporation
21    complained of may have satisfied the complaint.
22        The  time  fixed  for such hearing shall not be less than
23    ten days after the date of the service  of  such  notice  and
24    complaint except as herein provided. Service in all hearings,
25    investigations,  and proceedings before the Commission may be
26    made upon any person upon whom a summons  may  be  served  in
27    accordance  with the provisions of the Civil Practice Law and
28    all existing and future amendments thereto and  modifications
29    thereof  and the Supreme Court Rules now or hereafter adopted
30    in relation to that Law,  and  may  be  made  personally,  by
31    electronic  means,  or  by  mailing same in the United States
32    mail  in  a  sealed  envelope  with  postage   prepaid.   The
33    provisions  of  this  section as to notice shall apply to all
34    hearings held by the Commission or under its authority.
                            -6-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1        Any public utility shall have a right to complain on  any
 2    of  the grounds upon which complaints are allowed to be filed
 3    by other parties, and the same procedure shall be adopted and
 4    followed as in other cases.
 5        All cities shall have power to appear as complainants  or
 6    to  make  application before the Illinois Commerce Commission
 7    for an inquiry, investigation  or  hearing  relating  to  the
 8    rates or other charges or services of public utilities within
 9    such  city;  and  in  case  of  any inquiry, investigation or
10    hearing by or before the Illinois Commerce Commission on  any
11    matter  relating  to  the  rates or other charges or services
12    within any city, the city shall receive  written  notice  not
13    less  than  ten  days  before  such inquiry, investigation or
14    hearing, and shall be entitled to appear and present evidence
15    relating to the subject matter of such inquiry, investigation
16    or hearing. Such notice shall be served upon the city  clerk,
17    and  upon  the city attorney or head of the law department of
18    the city.
19        Whenever there shall be filed a complaint  under  Article
20    IX  of this Act regarding the rates, charges, classifications
21    or services of a public utility, the  Commission  shall  make
22    and  render  findings concerning the subject matter and facts
23    complained of and enter its order  based  thereon  not  later
24    than  one  year after the filing of such complaint unless all
25    parties to the complaint proceeding under Article IX agree to
26    a  period  of  greater  than  one  year,  provided  that  any
27    agreement to extend the one year period must  be  in  writing
28    and  must  be for a specified period of time not exceeding 60
29    days.  The parties may enter into more than one agreement  to
30    extend time.
31        In the event that the Commission fails to enter its order
32    within one year after the filing of the complaint or upon the
33    expiration  of  the  last agreement to extend time, any party
34    may file a complaint in the circuit court  for  an  emergency
                            -7-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1    order  of  mandamus  to  direct  and compel the Commission to
 2    enter its order within 60 days of the expiration of  the  one
 3    year  period  or within 60 days of the expiration of the last
 4    agreement to extend time, and the court shall set a  schedule
 5    to  enable  the  Commission to complete the case and enter an
 6    order within the time frame specified herein.   Summons  upon
 7    the  complaint  shall  be  returnable  within  5  days.   The
 8    complaint  for  an  order of mandamus shall be brought in the
 9    circuit in which the  subject  matter  of  the  complaint  is
10    situated or, if the subject matter of the hearing is situated
11    in more than one circuit, then in any one of those circuits.
12    (Source: P.A. 87-164.)

13        (220 ILCS 5/10-112) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 10-112)
14        Sec.  10-112.  Service of Commission orders.  Every order
15    of the Commission  shall  be  served  upon  every  person  or
16    corporation  to  be  affected  thereby,  either  by  personal
17    delivery  of  a  certified copy thereof, or by mailing in the
18    United States mail a certified  copy  thereof,  in  a  sealed
19    package  with  postage prepaid, or by electronic means to the
20    person  to  be  affected  thereby  or  in  the  case   of   a
21    corporation,  to  any  officer  or  agent thereof upon whom a
22    summons of a circuit court may be served in a  civil  action.
23    Where  such  persons  or  corporations,  or both, exceed 3 in
24    number, service as herein provided may be upon the  attorneys
25    or  representatives  of  record,  if there be any; and in any
26    event, mailing in the United States mail as herein  provided,
27    shall  constitute  service,  without  additional  proof  of a
28    receipt of such certified copy or copies of such  order.   It
29    shall  be  the duty of every person and corporation to notify
30    the Commission forthwith, in writing, of the receipt  of  the
31    certified  copy  of  every  order so served, and in case of a
32    corporation such notification must be signed and acknowledged
33    by a person or officer duly authorized by the corporation  to
                            -8-                LRB9101115JSpc
 1    admit  such service.  Within a time specified in the order of
 2    the Commission every person and corporation upon whom  it  is
 3    served  must,  if  so  required  in  the  order,  notify  the
 4    Commission  in like manner whether the terms of the order are
 5    accepted and will be obeyed.
 6    (Source: P.A. 84-617.)

 7        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
 8    becoming law.

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