State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1        AN ACT in relation to leave for employees who have sought
 2    relief under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986.

 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section 1. Short title. This Act  may  be  cited  as  the
 6    Domestic Violence Leave Act.

 7        Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
 8        (a)  "Employee" means a person who:
 9             (1)  has  sought  relief under the Illinois Domestic
10        Violence Act of 1986; and
11             (2)  performs services for hire for an employer for:
12                  (A)  at least 6 consecutive months  immediately
13             preceding a request for leave under this Act; and
14                  (B)  an  average number of hours per week equal
15             to  at  least  one-half  the  full-time   equivalent
16             position  in  the  employer's job classification, as
17             defined by  the  employer's  personnel  policies  or
18             practices   or   in  accordance  with  a  collective
19             bargaining agreement, during those 6 months.
20        "Employee" includes all  individuals  meeting  the  above
21    criteria but does not include an independent contractor.
22        (b)  "Employer"  means  any  of  the  following:  a State
23    agency, officer, or department, a unit of local government, a
24    school district, an  individual,  a  corporation,  a  limited
25    liability  company,  a  partnership,  an  association,  or  a
26    nonprofit  organization, subject to the limitation in Section
27    30.

28        Section 10. Domestic violence leave.
29        (a)  An employer must grant an employee  who  has  sought
30    relief under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 leave
                            -2-                LRB9105185WHdv
 1    of  up  to  a  total of 20 hours during any calendar year for
 2    attendance at court hearings, legal consultations, counseling
 3    sessions, or physician or hospital visits related to domestic
 4    violence or the consequences of  domestic  violence  if  they
 5    cannot  be scheduled during non-work hours; however, no leave
 6    may be taken by an employee of an employer that is subject to
 7    this Act  unless  the  employee  has  exhausted  all  accrued
 8    vacation  leave,  personal  leave, compensatory leave and any
 9    other leave that may be granted to the employee  except  sick
10    leave  and  disability  leave.  Before using leave under this
11    Section, the employee  shall  provide  the  employer  with  a
12    written request for leave at least 24 hours in advance of the
13    time  the  employee  is  required to use the leave, except in
14    emergency situations. The  employee  must  consult  with  the
15    employer  to  schedule  the leave so as not to disrupt unduly
16    the operations of the employer.
17        (b)  Nothing in this Act requires that the leave be paid.

18        Section 15. Compensation. An employee who uses  or  seeks
19    to  use  the  rights  afforded  by  this  Act  may choose the
20    opportunity to make up the time so  taken  as  guaranteed  by
21    this  Act  on  a  different  day  or shift as directed by the
22    employer. An employee who exercises his  or her rights  under
23    this Act shall not be required to make up the time taken, but
24    if the employee does not make up the time taken, the employee
25    shall  not be compensated for the time taken. An employee who
26    does make up the time taken shall be paid at the same rate as
27    paid for normal working time. Employers  shall  make  a  good
28    faith  effort to permit an employee to make up the time taken
29    for the purposes of this Act. If  no  reasonable  opportunity
30    exists  for  the  employee  to  make  up  the time taken, the
31    employee shall  not  be  paid  for  the  time.  A  reasonable
32    opportunity  to  make  up the time taken does not include the
33    scheduling of make-up time in a manner that would require the
                            -3-                LRB9105185WHdv
 1    payment of wages on an overtime  basis.  Notwithstanding  any
 2    other  provision  of this Section, if unpaid leave under this
 3    Act conflicts with the unreduced compensation requirement for
 4    exempt employees under the federal Fair Labor Standards  Act,
 5    an  employer  may  require  an  employee to make up the leave
 6    hours within the same pay period.

 7        Section 20. Verification. Upon request by an employer, an
 8    employee  who  uses  leave  under  this  Act   shall   obtain
 9    verification and submit it to the employer. The Department of
10    Labor  shall  adopt  a  standard  form  of  documentation for
11    verification  purposes,  which  shall  include,  but  not  be
12    limited to, the exact time and date the court hearing,  legal
13    consultation,  counseling  session,  or physician or hospital
14    visit occurred and ended. Failure of an  employee  to  submit
15    the  verification  statement  to his or her employer within 2
16    working days  of  the  leave  under  this  Act  subjects  the
17    employee  to  the standard disciplinary procedures imposed by
18    the employer for unexcused absences from work.

19        Section 25. Employee rights. No employee shall  lose  any
20    employee  benefits,  except as provided in Section 15 of this
21    Act, for exercising his or her rights under this Act. Nothing
22    in this Act  shall  be  construed  to  affect  an  employer's
23    obligation to comply with any collective bargaining agreement
24    or  employee  benefit plan. Nothing in this Act shall prevent
25    an  employer  from  providing  rights  in   excess   of   the
26    requirements  of  this  Act.  The rights afforded by this Act
27    shall not be diminished by any collective bargaining  act  or
28    by any employee benefit plan.

29        Section  30.  Applicability.  This  Act applies solely to
30    public and private employers that employ at least 50 or  more
31    individuals in Illinois, and to their employees.
                            -4-                LRB9105185WHdv
 1        Section 35. Violation. Any employer who violates this Act
 2    is  guilty  of a petty offense and may be fined not more than
 3    $100 for each offense.

 4        Section 40. Limits on leave. No employer that is  subject
 5    to  this  Act is required to grant leave under this Act to an
 6    employee if granting the leave would result in more  than  5%
 7    of  the  employer's  work  force  or 5% of an employer's work
 8    force shift taking leave under this Act at the same time.

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