State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ]
[ House Amendment 001 ][ Senate Amendment 001 ][ Senate Amendment 004 ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 845

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill 845, AS AMENDED, on
 3    page 1, by replacing lines 1 and 2 with the following:

 4    "AN ACT in relation to  sanitary  districts,  amending  named
 5    Acts."; and
 6    on  page  6,  by  inserting  immediately  after  line  8  the
 7    following:
 8        Section 10.  The Sanitary District Act of 1917 is amended
 9    by changing Section 3 as follows:

10        (70 ILCS 2405/3) (from Ch. 42, par. 301)
11        Sec. 3.  A board of trustees shall be created, consisting
12    of  5  members in any sanitary district which includes one or
13    more municipalities with a population of over 90,000 but less
14    than 500,000 according to the most recent Federal census, and
15    consisting of 3 members in any other district.  However,  for
16    the  Fox  River  Water  Reclamation  District  the  board  of
17    trustees  shall consist of 5 members.  Each board of trustees
18    shall be created for the government, control  and  management
19    of  the  affairs  and  business  of  each  sanitary  district
20    organized  under  this  act shall be created in the following
21    manner:
22        (1)  If the district is located wholly  within  a  single
                            -2-           SRS91HB0845PMcbam04
 1    county,  the  presiding officer of the county board, with the
 2    advice and consent of the county  board,  shall  appoint  the
 3    trustees for the district;
 4        (2)  If  the district is located in more than one county,
 5    the  members  of  the  General  Assembly  whose   legislative
 6    districts encompass any portion of the district shall appoint
 7    the trustees for the district.
 8        In  any  sanitary  district  which  shall have a 3 member
 9    board of trustees, within 60 days after the adoption of  such
10    act, the appropriate appointing authority shall appoint three
11    trustees   not  more  than  2  of  whom  shall  be  from  one
12    incorporated city, town or village in districts in which  are
13    included 2 or more incorporated cities, towns or villages, or
14    parts  of  2  or more incorporated cities, towns or villages,
15    who shall hold their office  respectively  for  1,  2  and  3
16    years,  from  the  first  Monday  of  May  next  after  their
17    appointment and until their successors are appointed and have
18    qualified,  and  thereafter on or before the second Monday in
19    April of each year the appropriate appointing authority shall
20    appoint  one  trustee  whose  term  shall  be  for  3   years
21    commencing the first Monday in May of the year in which he is
22    appointed.   The  length  of  the  term of the first trustees
23    shall be determined by lot at their first meeting.
24        In the  case  of  any  sanitary  district  created  after
25    January  1,  1978  in  which  a 5 member board of trustees is
26    required, the appropriate appointing authority shall  appoint
27    5  trustees,  one of whom shall hold office for one year, two
28    of whom shall hold office for 2 years, and 2  of  whom  shall
29    hold  office  for  3  years from the first Monday of May next
30    after  their  respective   appointments   and   until   their
31    successors  are appointed and have qualified.  Thereafter, on
32    or before the  second  Monday  in  April  of  each  year  the
33    appropriate appointing authority shall appoint one trustee or
34    2  trustees,  as  shall  be  necessary to maintain a 5 member
                            -3-           SRS91HB0845PMcbam04
 1    board  of  trustees,  whose  terms  shall  be  for  3   years
 2    commencing  the first Monday in May of the year in which they
 3    are respectively appointed.  The length of the terms  of  the
 4    first  trustees  shall  be  determined  by lot at their first
 5    meeting.
 6        In any sanitary district created prior to January 1, 1978
 7    in which a 5 member board  of  trustees  is  required  as  of
 8    January 1, 1978, the two trustees already serving terms which
 9    do  not  expire  on May 1, 1978 shall continue to hold office
10    for the remainders of their respective terms, and 3  trustees
11    shall be appointed by the appropriate appointing authority by
12    April  10, 1978 and shall hold office for terms beginning May
13    1, 1978.  Of the three new trustees, one  shall  hold  office
14    for  2  years and 2 shall hold office for 3 years from May 1,
15    1978 and  until  their  successors  are  appointed  and  have
16    qualified.   Thereafter,  on  or  before the second Monday in
17    April of each year the appropriate appointing authority shall
18    appoint one trustee or 2 trustees, as shall be  necessary  to
19    maintain  a  5 member board of trustees, whose terms shall be
20    for 3 years commencing the first Monday in May of the year in
21    which they are respectively appointed.  The  lengths  of  the
22    terms of the trustees who are to hold office beginning May 1,
23    1978  shall be determined by lot at their first meeting after
24    May 1, 1978.
25        No more than 3 members of a 5 member  board  of  trustees
26    may  be  of  the  same  political  party;  except that in any
27    sanitary district which otherwise meets the  requirements  of
28    this Section and which lies within 4 counties of the State of
29    Illinois, or in the Fox River Water Reclamation District; the
30    appointments  of the 5 members of the board of trustees shall
31    be made without regard to political party.
32        Within 60  days  after  the  release  of  Federal  census
33    statistics showing that a sanitary district having a 3 member
34    board  of trustees contains one or more municipalities with a
                            -4-           SRS91HB0845PMcbam04
 1    population over 90,000 but less than 500,000, the appropriate
 2    appointing authority shall appoint 2 additional  trustees  to
 3    the board of trustees, one to hold office for 2 years and one
 4    to  hold office for 3 years from the first Monday of May next
 5    after  their  appointment  and  until  their  successors  are
 6    appointed and have qualified.  The lengths of  the  terms  of
 7    these  two  additional  members shall be determined by lot at
 8    the first meeting of the board of  trustees  held  after  the
 9    additional  members  take office.  The three trustees already
10    holding office in the sanitary  district  shall  continue  to
11    hold  office  for  the  remainders of their respective terms.
12    Thereafter, on or before the second Monday in April  of  each
13    year  the  appropriate appointing authority shall appoint one
14    trustee or 2 trustees, as shall be necessary to maintain a  5
15    member  board  of  trustees, whose terms shall be for 3 years
16    commencing the first Monday in May of the year in which  they
17    are respectively appointed.
18        If  any  sanitary  district  having  a  5 member board of
19    trustees shall cease to contain one  or  more  municipalities
20    with a population over 90,000 but less than 500,000 according
21    to  the most recent Federal census, then, for so long as that
22    sanitary  district  does  not  contain  one  or   more   such
23    municipalities,  on  or  before the second Monday in April of
24    each year the appropriate appointing authority shall  appoint
25    one  trustee  whose  term shall be for 3 years commencing the
26    first Monday in May of the year in which he is appointed.  In
27    districts which include 2 or more incorporated cities, towns,
28    or villages, or parts  of  2  or  more  incorporated  cities,
29    towns, or villages, all of the trustees shall not be from one
30    incorporated city, town or village.
31        If  a  vacancy  occurs  on  any  board  of  trustees, the
32    appropriate appointing authority shall within 60 days appoint
33    a trustee who shall hold office  for  the  remainder  of  the
34    vacated term.
                            -5-           SRS91HB0845PMcbam04
 1        The  appointing  authority  shall  require  each  of  the
 2    trustees  to enter into bond, with security to be approved by
 3    the appointing authority,  in  such  sum  as  the  appointing
 4    authority may determine.
 5        A  majority  of  the board of trustees shall constitute a
 6    quorum but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day.   No
 7    trustee  or  employee  of  such district shall be directly or
 8    indirectly interested in any contract, work  or  business  of
 9    the  district, or the sale of any article, the expense, price
10    or consideration of which is paid by such  district;  nor  in
11    the  purchase of any real estate or property belonging to the
12    district, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or
13    by virtue of legal process  at  the  suit  of  the  district.
14    Provided,   that   nothing   herein  shall  be  construed  as
15    prohibiting the appointment or selection  of  any  person  as
16    trustee or employee whose only interest in the district is as
17    owner  of  real  estate in the district or of contributing to
18    the payment of taxes levied by the  district.   The  trustees
19    shall  have  the  power to provide and adopt a corporate seal
20    for the district.
21        Notwithstanding any other provision in this  Section,  in
22    any  sanitary district created prior to the effective date of
23    this amendatory Act of 1985, in which a five member board  of
24    trustees  has been appointed and which currently includes one
25    or more municipalities with a population of over  90,000  but
26    less  than  500,000,  the  board of trustees shall consist of
27    five members.
28    (Source: P.A. 89-502, eff. 6-28-96.)

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