State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 840

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  840,  AS  AMENDED,
 3    with  reference  to page and line numbers of Senate Amendment
 4    No. 1, on page 2, line 8, after "a", by inserting  "microfilm
 5    or"; and

 6    on  page  2,  by  replacing  lines  9  through  12  with  the
 7    following:
 8    "electronic format. The agency may dispose of the original of
 9    any  reproduced record Those records for which the Commission
10    has given or does give written approval for disposal after  a
11    retention  period  of  10  years or less may be digitized and
12    disposed of providing: (i) the reproduction process forms a";
13    and

14    on page 2, line 14, by replacing "details and" with "details,
15    and"; and

16    on page 2, line 16, after "images,", by  inserting  "and,  if
17    electronic, that are retained in a trustworthy manner so that
18    the  records,  and  the information contained in the records,
19    are accessible and  usable for subsequent  reference  at  all
20    times while the information must be retained," and

21    on  page  2,  by  replacing  lines  19  through  32  with the
22    following:
                            -2-            LRB9103344MWgcam03
 1    "reproduced digitized record is disposed of.   Those  records
 2    for  which  the  Commission  has  given  or does give written
 3    approval for disposal after a retention period of  more  than
 4    10  years  or  for  which the Commission has required or does
 5    require permanent retention may be digitized and disposed  of
 6    providing:  (i)  the  reproduction  process  forms  a durable
 7    medium that accurately and legibly  reproduces  the  original
 8    record  in  all  details  and that does not permit additions,
 9    deletions, or changes to the original document  images,  (ii)
10    the records are also reproduced in a microfilm format that is
11    in   compliance  with  Commission  regulations  and  that  is
12    retained for the written  retention  period,  and  (iii)  the
13    Commission  is  notified when the original record is disposed
14    of and also when the microfilmed record is disposed of.".

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