State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 818

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  818  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:

 4        "AN   ACT  concerning  waiver  of  rights  by  donors  of
 5    fertilized human eggs."; and

 6    by replacing everything after the enacting  clause  with  the
 7    following:

 8        "Section  1.   Short title.  This Act may be cited as the
 9    Fertilized Human Egg Donor Waiver of Rights Act.

10        Section 5. Definitions.  As used in this Act:
11        "Assisted conception" means a  pregnancy  resulting  from
12    any  intervening medical technology, other than the pregnancy
13    of a woman resulting from the insemination of her ovum  using
14    her  husband's  sperm,  whether  in  vivo  or in vitro, which
15    completely or partially replaces sexual  intercourse  as  the
16    means  of  conception.  Such  intervening  medical technology
17    includes, but is not limited  to,  conventional  medical  and
18    surgical   treatment   as   well  as  noncoital  reproductive
19    technology  such  as  artificial   insemination   by   donor,
20    cryopreservation   of   gametes   and   embryos,   in   vitro
21    fertilization, uterine embryo lavage, embryo transfer, gamete
                            -2-              LRB9104812DJcdam
 1    intrafallopian tube transfer, and low tubal ovum transfer.
 2        "Cryopreservation"  means freezing and storing of gametes
 3    and embryos for possible future use in assisted conception.
 4        "Donor" means an  individual,  other  than  a  surrogate,
 5    unrelated   by  marriage  to  the  recipient  who  donates  a
 6    fertilized human egg resulting from assisted conception.
 7        "Gamete" means either a sperm or an ovum.
 8        "In vitro" means any process that can be observed  in  an
 9    artificial  environment such as a test tube or tissue culture
10    plate.
11        "In vitro fertilization" means the fertilization  of  ova
12    by sperm in an artificial environment.
13        "In  vivo"  means any process occurring within the living
14    body.
15        "Ovum" means the female gamete or reproductive cell prior
16    to fertilization.
17        "Sperm" means the male gamete or reproductive  cell  that
18    impregnates the ovum.

19        Section  10.  Donor  waiver  of  rights.  A  donor  of  a
20    fertilized  human  egg  may execute a written waiver by which
21    the donor may relinquish some or all of the donor's rights as
22    parent of a child conceived through assisted conception.  The
23    donor  of a fertilized human egg may require the recipient of
24    the egg to agree to all terms and conditions of the donor.

25        Section 15.  Form of donor waiver.  The donor waiver  may
26    be in substantially the following form:
27        I  (name  of  donor), hereby relinquish all of my rights,
28    under the Fertilized Human Egg Donor Waiver of Rights Act, as
29    a parent of a child resulting from the fertilized  human  egg
30    donated  by me, subject to the following terms and conditions
31    (if any):
32    ............................
                            -3-              LRB9104812DJcdam
 1    (signature of the donor)
 2    (date)

 3        Section  20.    Form   of   recipient   agreement.    The
 4    recipient's  agreement  to  the  terms  and conditions of the
 5    donor's waiver may be in substantially the following form:
 6        I (recipient of fertilized human egg), agree to all terms
 7    and conditions of the waiver of rights executed by a donor on
 8    (date of waiver) under the Fertilized Human Egg Donor  Waiver
 9    of Rights Act and further agree that the donor shall not have
10    any  rights or duties as a parent to any child resulting from
11    the fertilized human egg donated by the donor.
12    ............................
13    (signature of the recipient)
14    (date of the agreement)

15        Section 25.  Confidentiality.  The donor of a  fertilized
16    human  egg  may require, as a term or condition of the waiver
17    of rights, that the donor's identity be confidential.  If the
18    donor  requires  confidentiality,  the   recipient   of   the
19    fertilized human egg shall not have a right to be informed of
20    the identity of the donor.

21        Section  30.   Duties  of  the  donor.   The  donor  of a
22    fertilized human egg shall not have any duties  of  a  parent
23    that  are otherwise specified by law except those duties that
24    the donor agrees, in writing, to assume.

25        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
26    becoming law.".

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