State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ]
[ House Amendment 002 ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]




 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 306

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  306  by  replacing
 3    the title with the following:
 4        "AN  ACT to amend the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law in the
 5    Illinois Municipal Code.": and

 6    by replacing everything after the enacting  clause  with  the
 7    following:

 8        "Section  5.   The  Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
 9    changing   Sections   11-74.6-10,   11-74.6-15,   11-74.6-18,
10    11-74.6-20, 11-74.6-22, 11-74.6-30, 11-74.6-35 and 11-74.6-45
11    as follows:

12        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-10)
13        Sec. 11-74.6-10.  Definitions.
14        (a)  "Environmentally  contaminated   area"   means   any
15    improved   or   vacant   area  within  the  boundaries  of  a
16    redevelopment  project  area  located  within  the  corporate
17    limits  of  a  municipality  when,  (i)  there  has  been   a
18    determination  of release or substantial threat of release of
19    a hazardous substance or  pesticide,  by  the  United  States
20    Environmental Protection Agency or the Illinois Environmental
21    Protection  Agency,  or the Illinois Pollution Control Board,
                            -2-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    or any court, or a release or substantial threat  of  release
 2    which  is  addressed  as  part of the Pre-Notice Site Cleanup
 3    Program under Section 22.2(m) of the  Illinois  Environmental
 4    Protection Act, or a release or substantial threat of release
 5    of   petroleum   under   Section   22.12   of   the  Illinois
 6    Environmental Protection  Act,  and  (ii)  which  release  or
 7    threat of release presents an imminent and substantial danger
 8    to  public health or welfare or presents a significant threat
 9    to public health or the environment, and (iii) which  release
10    or  threat  of release would have a significant impact on the
11    cost of redeveloping the area.
12        (b)  "Department" means the Department  of  Commerce  and
13    Community Affairs.
14        (c)  "Industrial  park"  means an area in a redevelopment
15    project  area  suitable  for  use   by   any   manufacturing,
16    industrial,   research,   or  transportation  enterprise,  of
17    facilities, including but not limited  to  factories,  mills,
18    processing   plants,   assembly   plants,   packing   plants,
19    fabricating  plants, distribution centers, warehouses, repair
20    overhaul or service facilities, freight  terminals,  research
21    facilities,   test  facilities  or  railroad  facilities.  An
22    industrial park may contain space for  commercial  and  other
23    use  as  long  as  the  expected principal use of the park is
24    industrial and  is  reasonably  expected  to  result  in  the
25    creation  of a significant number of new  permanent full time
26    jobs.  An industrial park may also contain related operations
27    and facilities including, but not limited  to,  business  and
28    office   support  services  such  as  centralized  computers,
29    telecommunications, publishing, accounting, photocopying  and
30    similar  activities and employee services such as child care,
31    health  care,  food  service  and  similar   activities.   An
32    industrial  park  may  also  include  demonstration projects,
33    prototype development,  specialized  training  on  developing
34    technology,  and  pure  research  in  any  field  related  or
                            -3-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    adaptable to business and industry.
 2        (d)  "Research  park"  means  an  area in a redevelopment
 3    project area  suitable  for  development  of  a  facility  or
 4    complex  that  includes  research  laboratories  and  related
 5    operations.   These  related  operations may include, but are
 6    not limited to, business and office support services such  as
 7    centralized    computers,   telecommunications,   publishing,
 8    accounting, photocopying and similar activities, and employee
 9    services such as child care, health care,  food  service  and
10    similar activities. A research park may include demonstration
11    projects,  prototype  development,  specialized  training  on
12    developing technology, and pure research in any field related
13    or adaptable to business and industry.
14        (e)  "Industrial  park  conservation  area" means an area
15    within the boundaries of a redevelopment project area located
16    within the corporate limits of a municipality or within 1 1/2
17    miles of the corporate limits of a municipality if  the  area
18    is to be annexed to the municipality, if the area is zoned as
19    industrial  no  later than the date on which the municipality
20    by ordinance designates the redevelopment project  area,  and
21    if the area includes improved or vacant land suitable for use
22    as  an  industrial  park  or  a research park, or both. To be
23    designated as an industrial park conservation area, the  area
24    shall also satisfy one of the following standards:
25             (1)  Standard  One: The municipality must be a labor
26        surplus municipality and  the  area  must  be  served  by
27        adequate  public and or road transportation for access by
28        the unemployed and for the movement of goods or materials
29        and the redevelopment project area shall contain no  more
30        than  2%  of  the  most  recently  ascertained  equalized
31        assessed value  of all taxable real properties within the
32        corporate limits of the municipality after adjustment for
33        all  annexations associated with the establishment of the
34        redevelopment project area or be located in the  vicinity
                            -4-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        of  a  waste  disposal site or other waste facility.  The
 2        project plan shall include a plan for and shall establish
 3        a marketing program to attract appropriate businesses  to
 4        the  proposed industrial park conservation area and shall
 5        include an adequate plan for financing  and  construction
 6        of   the   necessary   infrastructure.  No  redevelopment
 7        projects may be  authorized  by  the  municipality  under
 8        Standard One of subsection (e) of this Section unless the
 9        project  plan  also  provides  for an employment training
10        project that would prepare unemployed workers for work in
11        the industrial park conservation area,  and  the  project
12        has  been  approved  by  official  action  of or is to be
13        operated by the local community college district,  public
14        school  district  or  state or locally designated private
15        industry council or successor agency, or
16             (2)  Standard  Two:  The  municipality  must  be   a
17        substantial  labor surplus municipality and the area must
18        be served by adequate public and or  road  transportation
19        for  access  by  the  unemployed  and for the movement of
20        goods or materials and  the  redevelopment  project  area
21        shall  contain  no  more  than  2%  of  the most recently
22        ascertained equalized assessed value of all taxable  real
23        properties   within   the   corporate   limits   of   the
24        municipality   after   adjustment   for  all  annexations
25        associated with the establishment  of  the  redevelopment
26        project area. No redevelopment projects may be authorized
27        by  the municipality under Standard Two of subsection (e)
28        of this Section unless the project plan also provides for
29        an  employment  training  project  that   would   prepare
30        unemployed  workers  for  work  in  the  industrial  park
31        conservation  area,  and the project has been approved by
32        official action of or is to  be  operated  by  the  local
33        community  college  district,  public  school district or
34        state or locally designated private industry  council  or
                            -5-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        successor agency.
 2        (f)  "Vacant   industrial  buildings  conservation  area"
 3    means an area containing one  or  more  industrial  buildings
 4    located  within the corporate limits of the municipality that
 5    has been zoned industrial for at least  5  years  before  the
 6    designation  of  that area as a redevelopment project area by
 7    the municipality and is planned  for  reuse  principally  for
 8    industrial  purposes.  For  the  area  to  be designated as a
 9    vacant industrial buildings conservation area, the area shall
10    also satisfy one of the following standards:
11             (1)  Standard One: The area shall consist of one  or
12        more  industrial  buildings  totaling at least 50,000 net
13        square feet of industrial space, with a majority  of  the
14        total area of all the buildings having been vacant for at
15        least  18  months; and (A) the area is located in a labor
16        surplus  municipality  or  a  substantial  labor  surplus
17        municipality, or (B) the equalized assessed value of  the
18        properties  within the area during the last 2 years is at
19        least 25% lower than the maximum equalized assessed value
20        of those properties during the immediately  preceding  10
21        years.
22             (2)  Standard  Two: The area exclusively consists of
23        industrial buildings or a building complex operated by  a
24        user or related users (A) that has within the immediately
25        preceding  5  years  either  (i)  employed  200  or  more
26        employees  at  that  location,  or  (ii)  if  the area is
27        located in a municipality with a population of 12,000  or
28        less,  employed  more  than 50 employees at that location
29        and (B) either is currently vacant,  or  the  owner  has:
30        (i)  directly  notified  the  municipality  of the user's
31        intention to terminate operations at the facility or (ii)
32        filed a notice of closure under the Worker Adjustment and
33        Retraining Notification Act.
34        (g)  "Labor surplus municipality" means a municipality in
                            -6-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    which, during the 4 calendar years immediately preceding  the
 2    date  the  municipality by ordinance designates an industrial
 3    park conservation area, the average unemployment rate was  1%
 4    or more over the State national average unemployment rate for
 5    that  same  period  of time as published in the United States
 6    Department of Labor Bureau of  Labor  Statistics  publication
 7    entitled   "The   Employment   Situation"  or  its  successor
 8    publication. For the  purpose  of  this  subsection  (g),  if
 9    unemployment  rate  statistics  for  the municipality are not
10    available, the unemployment rate in the municipality shall be
11    deemed to be: (i) for a municipality that is not in an  urban
12    county,  the  same  as the unemployment rate in the principal
13    county where the municipality  is  located  or  (ii)  for   a
14    municipality  in  an  urban  county  at  that  municipality's
15    option,  either  the  unemployment  rate  certified  for  the
16    municipality  by  the  Department after consultation with the
17    Illinois Department of Labor or the federal Bureau  of  Labor
18    Statistics,  or  the unemployment rate of the municipality as
19    determined by the most recent federal census if  that  census
20    was  not  dated  more than 5 years prior to the date on which
21    the determination is made.
22        (h)  "Substantial labor  surplus  municipality"  means  a
23    municipality   in   which,   during   the  5  calendar  years
24    immediately preceding the date the municipality by  ordinance
25    designates  an industrial park conservation area, the average
26    unemployment rate was 2% or  more  over  the  State  national
27    average  unemployment  rate  for  that same period of time as
28    published in the United States Department of Labor Statistics
29    publication  entitled  "The  Employment  Situation"  or   its
30    successor  publication.  For  the  purpose of this subsection
31    (h), if unemployment rate statistics for the municipality are
32    not available, the  unemployment  rate  in  the  municipality
33    shall be deemed to be:  (i) for a municipality that is not in
34    an  urban  county,  the  same as the unemployment rate in the
                            -7-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    principal county in which the  municipality  is  located;  or
 2    (ii)   for  a  municipality  in  an  urban  county,  at  that
 3    municipality's option, either the unemployment rate certified
 4    for the municipality by  the  Department  after  consultation
 5    with  the  Illinois Department of Labor or the federal Bureau
 6    of  Labor  Statistics,  or  the  unemployment  rate  of   the
 7    municipality  as determined by the most recent federal census
 8    if that census was not dated more than 5 years prior  to  the
 9    date on which the determination is made.
10        (i)  "Municipality" means a city, village or incorporated
11    town.
12        (j)  "Obligations" means bonds, loans, debentures, notes,
13    special certificates or other evidence of indebtedness issued
14    by  the  municipality to carry out a redevelopment project or
15    to refund outstanding obligations.
16        (k)  "Payment in lieu of taxes" means those estimated tax
17    revenues from real property in a redevelopment  project  area
18    derived  from  real  property  that  has  been  acquired by a
19    municipality, which according to the redevelopment project or
20    plan are to be used for a private use, that taxing  districts
21    would  have received had a municipality not acquired the real
22    property and adopted tax increment allocation  financing  and
23    that  would  result  from  levies  made after the time of the
24    adoption of tax increment allocation financing until the time
25    the current equalized assessed value of real property in  the
26    redevelopment   project   area   exceeds  the  total  initial
27    equalized assessed value of real property in that area.
28        (l)  "Redevelopment plan" means the comprehensive program
29    of the municipality for development or redevelopment intended
30    by the payment of redevelopment project costs  to  reduce  or
31    eliminate  the  conditions  that  qualified the redevelopment
32    project area or redevelopment planning area, or both,  as  an
33    environmentally   contaminated   area   or   industrial  park
34    conservation   area,   or   vacant    industrial    buildings
                            -8-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    conservation  area,  or  combination  thereof, and thereby to
 2    enhance the tax bases of the  taxing  districts  that  extend
 3    into the redevelopment project area or redevelopment planning
 4    area.  On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act
 5    of the 91st General Assembly, no redevelopment  plan  may  be
 6    approved or amended to include the development of vacant land
 7    (i)  with  a  golf  course  and  related  clubhouse and other
 8    facilities or (ii) designated by federal, State,  county,  or
 9    municipal  government as public land for outdoor recreational
10    activities or for nature preserves and used for that  purpose
11    within  5  years  prior  to the adoption of the redevelopment
12    plan.  For the  purpose  of  this  subsection,  "recreational
13    activities"  is  limited  to  mean  camping and hunting. Each
14    redevelopment plan must set forth in writing  the  bases  for
15    the  municipal  findings  required  in  this  subsection, the
16    program  to  be  undertaken  to  accomplish  the  objectives,
17    including but  not  limited  to:  (1)  an  itemized  list  of
18    estimated   redevelopment   project   costs,   (2)   evidence
19    indicating   that  the  redevelopment  project  area  or  the
20    redevelopment planning area, or both, on the  whole  has  not
21    been  subject to growth and development through investment by
22    private   enterprise,   (3)   (i)  in   the   case   of    an
23    environmentally    contaminated    area,    industrial   park
24    conservation  area,  or   a   vacant   industrial   buildings
25    conservation  area  classified  under either Standard One, or
26    Standard  Two  of  subsection  (f)  where  the  building   is
27    currently   vacant,   evidence  that  implementation  of  the
28    redevelopment  plan  is  reasonably  expected  to  create   a
29    significant  number  of permanent full time jobs, (ii) in the
30    case of  a  vacant  industrial  buildings  conservation  area
31    classified  under  Standard  Two (B)(i) or (ii) of subsection
32    (f), evidence that implementation of the  redevelopment  plan
33    is  reasonably  expected  to  retain  a significant number of
34    existing permanent full time jobs, and (iii) in the case of a
                            -9-            LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    combination  of   an   environmentally   contaminated   area,
 2    industrial  park  conservation  area,  or  vacant  industrial
 3    buildings  conservation  area,  evidence  that  the standards
 4    concerning the creation or retention of jobs  for  each  area
 5    set forth in (i) or (ii) above are met, (4) an assessment of
 6    the any financial impact of the redevelopment project area or
 7    the  redevelopment planning area, or both, on the overlapping
 8    taxing bodies or any increased demand for services  from  any
 9    taxing  district  affected  by  the  plan  and any program to
10    address such financial impact or increased  demand,  (5)  the
11    sources of funds to pay costs, (6) the nature and term of the
12    obligations  to  be  issued,  (7)  the  most recent equalized
13    assessed valuation of the redevelopment project area  or  the
14    redevelopment  planning area, or both, (8) an estimate of the
15    equalized assessed  valuation  after  redevelopment  and  the
16    general  land  uses  that  are  applied  in the redevelopment
17    project area or the redevelopment planning area, or both, (9)
18    a commitment to fair employment practices and an  affirmative
19    action   plan,   (10)  if  it  includes  an  industrial  park
20    conservation area, the following: (i) a  general  description
21    of  any  proposed  developer,  (ii)  user  and  tenant of any
22    property, (iii) a description  of  the  type,  structure  and
23    general character of the facilities to be developed, and (iv)
24    a  description of the type, class and number of new employees
25    to be employed in the  operation  of  the  facilities  to  be
26    developed,   (11)   if   it   includes   an   environmentally
27    contaminated  area, the following: either (i) a determination
28    of release or substantial threat of release  of  a  hazardous
29    substance  or  pesticide or of petroleum by the United States
30    Environmental Protection Agency or the Illinois Environmental
31    Protection Agency, or the Illinois Pollution Control Board or
32    any court; or (ii) both an environmental audit  report  by  a
33    nationally   recognized   independent  environmental  auditor
34    having a reputation for expertise in these matters and a copy
                            -10-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    of  the  signed  Review  and  Evaluation  Services  Agreement
 2    indicating  acceptance  of   the   site   by   the   Illinois
 3    Environmental  Protection  Agency  into  the  Pre-Notice Site
 4    Cleanup Program, (12) if  it  includes  a  vacant  industrial
 5    buildings  conservation  area,  the  following: (i) a general
 6    description of any proposed developer, (ii) user  and  tenant
 7    of  any  building  or  buildings,  (iii) a description of the
 8    type, structure and general  character  of  the  building  or
 9    buildings  to  be  developed,  and  (iv) a description of the
10    type, class and number of new employees  to  be  employed  or
11    existing  employees  to  be  retained in the operation of the
12    building or buildings to be redeveloped, and (13) if property
13    is to be annexed  to  the  municipality,  the  terms  of  the
14    annexation agreement.
15        No  redevelopment plan shall be adopted by a municipality
16    without findings that:
17             (1)  the redevelopment project area or redevelopment
18        planning area, or both, on the whole has not been subject
19        to growth and development through investment  by  private
20        enterprise  and would not reasonably be anticipated to be
21        developed in accordance with public goals stated  in  the
22        redevelopment   plan   without   the   adoption   of  the
23        redevelopment plan;
24             (2)  the redevelopment plan and project  conform  to
25        the   comprehensive  plan  for  the  development  of  the
26        municipality as a whole, or, for  municipalities  with  a
27        population  of  100,000  or  more, regardless of when the
28        redevelopment  plan  and   project   was   adopted,   the
29        redevelopment  plan  and project either:  (i) conforms to
30        the strategic economic development or redevelopment  plan
31        issued  by  the  designated  planning  authority  of  the
32        municipality  or  (ii)  includes land uses that have been
33        approved by the planning commission of the municipality;
34             (3)  that  the  redevelopment  plan  is   reasonably
                            -11-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        expected  to  create  or  retain  a significant number of
 2        permanent full time jobs as set forth in paragraph (3) of
 3        subsection (l) above;
 4             (4)  the  estimated  date  of  completion   of   the
 5        redevelopment   project  and  retirement  of  obligations
 6        incurred to finance redevelopment project  costs  is  not
 7        later  than  December 31 of the year in which the payment
 8        to the municipal treasurer as provided in subsection  (b)
 9        of  Section  11-74.6-35  is to be made with respect to ad
10        valorem taxes levied in the  twenty-third  calendar  year
11        after  the  year  in  which  the  ordinance approving the
12        redevelopment project area is adopted; a municipality may
13        by municipal ordinance amend  an  existing  redevelopment
14        plan  to conform to this paragraph (4) as amended by this
15        amendatory Act of the 91st  General  Assembly  concerning
16        ordinances  adopted  on  or after January 15, 1981, which
17        municipal  ordinance  may  be  adopted  without   further
18        hearing   or   notice  and  without  complying  with  the
19        procedures  provided  in  this  Law  pertaining   to   an
20        amendment  to  or the initial approval of a redevelopment
21        plan and  project  and  designation  of  a  redevelopment
22        project  area more than 23 years from the adoption of the
23        ordinance approving the project;
24             (5)  in the case of an industrial park  conservation
25        area,   that   the   municipality   is  a  labor  surplus
26        municipality or a substantial labor surplus  municipality
27        and  that the implementation of the redevelopment plan is
28        reasonably expected to create  a  significant  number  of
29        permanent full time new jobs and, by the provision of new
30        facilities,  significantly  enhance  the  tax base of the
31        taxing  districts  that  extend  into  the  redevelopment
32        project area;
33             (6)  in the case of an environmentally  contaminated
34        area,   that   the  area  is  subject  to  a  release  or
                            -12-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        substantial threat of release of a  hazardous  substance,
 2        pesticide  or  petroleum  which  presents an imminent and
 3        substantial  danger  to  public  health  or  welfare   or
 4        presents   a  significant  threat  to  public  health  or
 5        environment, that such release or threat of release  will
 6        have a significant impact on the cost of redeveloping the
 7        area,  that  the implementation of the redevelopment plan
 8        is reasonably  expected  to  result  in  the  area  being
 9        redeveloped,   the   tax  base  of  the  affected  taxing
10        districts being significantly enhanced thereby,  and  the
11        creation  of  a significant number of permanent full time
12        jobs; and
13             (7)  in  the  case  use  of  a   vacant   industrial
14        buildings  conservation  area,  that  the area is located
15        within the corporate limits of a  municipality  that  has
16        been  zoned  industrial  for  at least 5 years before its
17        designation  as  a  project  redeveloped  area,  that  it
18        contains one or more industrial  buildings,  and  whether
19        the  area  has  been  designated  under  Standard  One or
20        Standard Two of subsection (f) and  the  basis  for  that
21        designation.
22        (m)  "Redevelopment  project" means any public or private
23    development project in furtherance of  the  objectives  of  a
24    redevelopment  plan.  On and after the effective date of this
25    amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, no redevelopment
26    plan may be approved or amended to include the development of
27    vacant land (i) with a golf course and related clubhouse  and
28    other  facilities  or  (ii)  designated  by  federal,  State,
29    county,  or  municipal  government as public land for outdoor
30    recreational activities or for nature preserves and used  for
31    that  purpose  within  5  years  prior to the adoption of the
32    redevelopment plan.  For the   purpose  of  this  subsection,
33    "recreational  activities"  is  limited  to  mean camping and
34    hunting.
                            -13-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        (n)  "Redevelopment project area" means a contiguous area
 2    designated by the  municipality  that  is  not  less  in  the
 3    aggregate  than  1  1/2 acres, and for which the municipality
 4    has made a finding that there exist conditions that cause the
 5    area to be classified  as  an  industrial  park  conservation
 6    area,  a  vacant  industrial  building  conservation area, an
 7    environmentally contaminated area or a combination  of  these
 8    types of areas.
 9        (o)  "Redevelopment project costs" means the sum total of
10    all reasonable or necessary costs incurred or estimated to be
11    incurred   by  the  municipality,  and  any  of  those  costs
12    incidental  to  a  redevelopment  plan  and  a  redevelopment
13    project.   These  costs  include,  without  limitation,   the
14    following:
15             (1)  Costs   of  studies,  surveys,  development  of
16        plans,    and    specifications,    implementation    and
17        administration  of  the  redevelopment  plan,  staff  and
18        professional    service    costs    for    architectural,
19        engineering, legal, marketing,  financial,  planning,  or
20        other  services, but no charges for professional services
21        may be  based  on  a  percentage  of  the  tax  increment
22        collected; except that on and after the effective date of
23        this  amendatory  Act  of  the  91st General Assembly, no
24        contracts   for    professional    services,    excluding
25        architectural  and  engineering  services, may be entered
26        into if the terms of the contract extend beyond a  period
27        of  3  years.  In addition, "redevelopment project costs"
28        shall not include lobbying expenses.  After  consultation
29        with  the  municipality, each tax increment consultant or
30        advisor to a municipality that plans to designate or  has
31        designated  a redevelopment project area shall inform the
32        municipality  in  writing  of  any  contracts  that   the
33        consultant  or  advisor has entered into with entities or
34        individuals  that  have  received,  or   are   receiving,
                            -14-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        payments  financed  by tax increment revenues produced by
 2        the redevelopment project area with respect to which  the
 3        consultant   or   advisor   has  performed,  or  will  be
 4        performing,   service   for   the   municipality.    This
 5        requirement shall  be  satisfied  by  the  consultant  or
 6        advisor  before  the  commencement  of  services  for the
 7        municipality and thereafter whenever any other  contracts
 8        with  those  individuals  or entities are executed by the
 9        consultant or advisor;
10             (1.5)  After July  1,  1999,  annual  administrative
11        costs    shall    not   include   general   overhead   or
12        administrative costs of the municipality that would still
13        have  been  incurred   by   the   municipality   if   the
14        municipality  had  not designated a redevelopment project
15        area or approved a redevelopment plan;
16             (1.6)  The  cost  of  marketing  sites  within   the
17        redevelopment  project  area  to  prospective businesses,
18        developers, and investors.
19             (2)  Property assembly costs within a  redevelopment
20        project area, including but not limited to acquisition of
21        land  and  other  real  or personal property or rights or
22        interests therein.
23             (3)  Site  preparation  costs,  including  but   not
24        limited  to  clearance of any area within a redevelopment
25        project area by demolition or  removal  of  any  existing
26        buildings,    structures,    fixtures,    utilities   and
27        improvements and  clearing  and  grading;  and  including
28        installation,  repair,  construction,  reconstruction, or
29        relocation of public streets, public utilities, and other
30        public   site   improvements   within   or   without    a
31        redevelopment  project  area  which  are essential to the
32        preparation of the redevelopment project area for use  in
33        accordance with a redevelopment plan.
34             (4)  Costs     of     renovation,    rehabilitation,
                            -15-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling  of  any
 2        existing  public  or private buildings, improvements, and
 3        fixtures within a redevelopment  project  area;  and  the
 4        cost of replacing an existing public building if pursuant
 5        to  the  implementation  of  a  redevelopment project the
 6        existing public building is to be demolished to  use  the
 7        site for private investment or devoted to a different use
 8        requiring private investment.
 9             (5)  Costs  of  construction  within a redevelopment
10        project area of public improvements,  including  but  not
11        limited  to,  buildings,  structures, works, utilities or
12        fixtures, except that on and after the effective date  of
13        this   amendatory  Act  of  the  91st  General  Assembly,
14        redevelopment project costs shall not include the cost of
15        constructing a new municipal public building  principally
16        used  to  provide  offices,  storage space, or conference
17        facilities or vehicle storage, maintenance, or repair for
18        administrative, public safety, or public works  personnel
19        and  that  is  not intended to replace an existing public
20        building as provided under paragraph  (4)  unless  either
21        (i)  the  construction  of  the  new  municipal  building
22        implements a redevelopment project that was included in a
23        redevelopment  plan  that was adopted by the municipality
24        prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
25        91st General Assembly or (ii) the  municipality  makes  a
26        reasonable   determination  in  the  redevelopment  plan,
27        supported by information that provides the basis for that
28        determination,  that  the  new  municipal   building   is
29        required  to  meet  an  increase  in  the need for public
30        safety  purposes   anticipated   to   result   from   the
31        implementation of the redevelopment plan.
32             (6)  Costs  of  eliminating or removing contaminants
33        and  other  impediments  required  by  federal  or  State
34        environmental laws, rules, regulations,  and  guidelines,
                            -16-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        orders  or other requirements or those imposed by private
 2        lending institutions as a condition for approval of their
 3        financial support, debt or equity, for the  redevelopment
 4        projects,  provided, however, that in the event (i) other
 5        federal  or  State  funds  have  been  certified  by   an
 6        administrative  agency  as  adequate  to  pay these costs
 7        during  the  18  months  after  the   adoption   of   the
 8        redevelopment  plan,  or  (ii)  the municipality has been
 9        reimbursed for such costs by persons legally  responsible
10        for  them,  such  federal, State, or private funds shall,
11        insofar as possible, be fully expended prior to  the  use
12        of  any  revenues deposited in the special tax allocation
13        fund of the municipality  and  any  other  such  federal,
14        State or private funds received shall be deposited in the
15        fund.  The municipality shall seek reimbursement of these
16        costs  from  persons  legally responsible for these costs
17        and the costs of obtaining this reimbursement.
18             (7)  Costs of job training and retraining projects.
19             (8)  Financing costs, including but not  limited  to
20        all  necessary  and  incidental  expenses  related to the
21        issuance of obligations and which may include payment  of
22        interest   on  any  obligations  issued  under  this  Act
23        including interest accruing during the  estimated  period
24        of  construction  of  any redevelopment project for which
25        the obligations are  issued  and  for  not  exceeding  36
26        months   thereafter  and  including  reasonable  reserves
27        related to those costs.
28             (9)  All or a portion of a taxing district's capital
29        costs   resulting   from   the   redevelopment    project
30        necessarily  incurred or to be incurred in furtherance of
31        the objectives of the redevelopment plan and project,  to
32        the  extent the municipality by written agreement accepts
33        and approves those costs.
34             (10)  Relocation  costs  to  the   extent   that   a
                            -17-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        municipality  determines  that  relocation costs shall be
 2        paid or is required to make payment of  relocation  costs
 3        by federal or State law.
 4             (11)  Payments in lieu of taxes.
 5             (12)  Costs  of  job  training, retraining, advanced
 6        vocational education or career education,  including  but
 7        not limited to courses in occupational, semi-technical or
 8        technical fields leading directly to employment, incurred
 9        by  one or more taxing districts, if those costs are: (i)
10        related  to  the   establishment   and   maintenance   of
11        additional job training, advanced vocational education or
12        career  education  programs for persons employed or to be
13        employed by employers located in a redevelopment  project
14        area;  and  (ii)  are  incurred  by  a taxing district or
15        taxing districts other than the municipality and are  set
16        forth in a written agreement by or among the municipality
17        and  the  taxing  district  or  taxing  districts,  which
18        agreement   describes   the  program  to  be  undertaken,
19        including but not limited to the number of  employees  to
20        be trained, a description of the training and services to
21        be  provided,  the number and type of positions available
22        or to be available, itemized costs  of  the  program  and
23        sources of funds to pay for the same, and the term of the
24        agreement.    These   costs  include,  specifically,  the
25        payment by community college  districts  of  costs  under
26        Sections  3-37,  3-38,  3-40  and  3-40.1  of  the Public
27        Community College Act and by school  districts  of  costs
28        under Sections 10-22.20a and 10-23.3a of the School Code.
29             (13)  The interest costs incurred by redevelopers or
30        other   nongovernmental  persons  in  connection  with  a
31        redevelopment  project,    and   specifically   including
32        payments to redevelopers or other nongovernmental persons
33        as   reimbursement   for  such  costs  incurred  by  such
34        redeveloper or  other  nongovernmental  person,  provided
                            -18-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        that:
 2                  (A)  interest costs shall be paid or reimbursed
 3             by   a  municipality  only  pursuant  to  the  prior
 4             official action of the  municipality  evidencing  an
 5             intent to pay or reimburse such interest costs;
 6                  (B)  such  payments  in  any  one  year may not
 7             exceed 30% of the annual interest costs incurred  by
 8             the  redeveloper  with  regard  to the redevelopment
 9             project during that year;
10                  (C)  except as provided  in  subparagraph  (E),
11             the   aggregate   amount   of  such  costs  paid  or
12             reimbursed by a municipality shall not exceed 30% of
13             the  total  (i)  costs  paid  or  incurred  by   the
14             redeveloper  or other nongovernmental person in that
15             year plus (ii) redevelopment project costs excluding
16             any property assembly costs and any relocation costs
17             incurred by a municipality pursuant to this Act;
18                  (D)  interest costs shall be paid or reimbursed
19             by  a  municipality  solely  from  the  special  tax
20             allocation fund established pursuant to this Act and
21             shall not be paid or reimbursed from the proceeds of
22             any obligations issued by a municipality;
23                  (E)  if  there   are   not   sufficient   funds
24             available  in the special tax allocation fund in any
25             year to make such payment or reimbursement in  full,
26             any  amount  of  such  interest cost remaining to be
27             paid or reimbursed by a  municipality  shall  accrue
28             and  be  payable  when  funds  are  available in the
29             special tax allocation fund to make such payment.
30             (14)  The costs of  construction  of  new  privately
31        owned  buildings  shall  not be an eligible redevelopment
32        project cost.
33        If a special service area has been established under  the
34    Special Service Area Tax Act, then any tax increment revenues
                            -19-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    derived  from  the  tax  imposed  thereunder  to  the Special
 2    Service Area Tax Act may be  used  within  the  redevelopment
 3    project  area  for the purposes permitted by that Act as well
 4    as the purposes permitted by this Act.
 5        (p)  "Redevelopment  Planning  Area"  means  an  area  so
 6    designated by  a  municipality  after  the  municipality  has
 7    complied  with  all  the  findings and procedures required to
 8    establish  a  redevelopment  project  area,   including   the
 9    existence   of   conditions  that  qualify  the  area  as  an
10    industrial park  conservation  area,  or  an  environmentally
11    contaminated   area,   or   a   vacant  industrial  buildings
12    conservation area, or a combination of these types of  areas,
13    and adopted a redevelopment plan and project for the planning
14    area  and its included redevelopment project areas.  The area
15    shall not be designated as a redevelopment planning area  for
16    more than 5 years.  At any time in the 5 years following that
17    designation   of   the   redevelopment   planning  area,  the
18    municipality may designate the redevelopment  planning  area,
19    or  any  portion  of  the  redevelopment  planning area, as a
20    redevelopment project area without making additional findings
21    or complying with  additional  procedures  required  for  the
22    creation  of  a redevelopment project area. An amendment of a
23    redevelopment  plan  and  project  in  accordance  with   the
24    findings  and procedures of this Act after the designation of
25    a redevelopment planning area at any time within the 5  years
26    after  the  designation  of  the  redevelopment planning area
27    shall not require  new  qualification  of  findings  for  the
28    redevelopment  project  area  to  be  designated  within  the
29    redevelopment planning area.
30        The  terms "redevelopment plan", "redevelopment project",
31    and "redevelopment project area" have the definitions set out
32    in subsections (l), (m), and (n), respectively.
33        (q)  "Taxing  districts"   means   counties,   townships,
34    municipalities,  and  school,  road, park, sanitary, mosquito
                            -20-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    abatement, forest preserve, public health,  fire  protection,
 2    river  conservancy,  tuberculosis  sanitarium  and  any other
 3    municipal corporations or districts with the  power  to  levy
 4    taxes.
 5        (r)  "Taxing  districts' capital costs" means those costs
 6    of taxing districts for capital improvements that  are  found
 7    by  the municipal corporate authorities to be necessary and a
 8    direct result of the redevelopment project.
 9        (s)  "Urban county" means a county with 240,000  or  more
10    inhabitants.
11        (t)  "Vacant  area",  as  used  in subsection (a) of this
12    Section, means any  parcel or combination of parcels of  real
13    property   without  industrial,  commercial  and  residential
14    buildings that has not been used for commercial  agricultural
15    purposes  within  5  years  before  the  designation  of  the
16    redevelopment project area, unless that parcel is included in
17    an industrial park conservation area.
18    (Source: P.A. 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)

19        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-15)
20        Sec.   11-74.6-15.  Municipal   Powers   and  Duties.   A
21    municipality may:
22        (a)  By ordinance introduced in the governing body of the
23    municipality within 14 to 90 days from the final  adjournment
24    of  the  hearing  specified  in  Section  11-74.6-22, approve
25    redevelopment plans and redevelopment projects, and designate
26    redevelopment planning areas and redevelopment project  areas
27    pursuant  to  notice  and  hearing  required by this Act.  No
28    redevelopment planning area  or  redevelopment  project  area
29    shall  be  designated  unless a plan and project are approved
30    before the designation of the area and the area shall include
31    only those parcels of real property and improvements on those
32    parcels substantially benefited by the proposed redevelopment
33    project improvements. Upon adoption of  the  ordinances,  the
                            -21-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    municipality  shall forthwith transmit to the county clerk of
 2    the county or counties within which the redevelopment project
 3    area is located a certified copy of the ordinances,  a  legal
 4    description  of  the redevelopment project area, a map of the
 5    redevelopment project area, identification of the  year  that
 6    the  county clerk shall use for determining the total initial
 7    equalized assessed value of the  redevelopment  project  area
 8    consistent  with  subsection (a) of Section 11-74.6-40, and a
 9    list of the parcel  or  tax  identification  number  of  each
10    parcel  of  property  included  in  the redevelopment project
11    area.
12        (b)  Make and  enter  into  all  contracts  necessary  or
13    incidental  to  the  implementation  and  furtherance  of its
14    redevelopment plan and project.
15        (c)  Within a  redevelopment  project  area,  acquire  by
16    purchase,  donation,  lease  or  eminent domain; own, convey,
17    lease, mortgage or dispose of land and other  property,  real
18    or  personal,  or  rights  or interests therein, and grant or
19    acquire licenses, easements and options with respect to  that
20    property,  all  in  the  manner  and  at  a  price  that  the
21    municipality  determines  is  reasonably necessary to achieve
22    the objectives of the  redevelopment  plan  and  project.  No
23    conveyance,  lease,  mortgage,  disposition  of land or other
24    property owned by a municipality, or  agreement  relating  to
25    the  development  of  the municipal property shall be made or
26    executed except pursuant to  prior  official  action  of  the
27    corporate  authorities  of  the municipality.  No conveyance,
28    lease, mortgage, or other disposition  of  land  owned  by  a
29    municipality, and no agreement relating to the development of
30    the  municipal  property, shall be made without making public
31    disclosure of the terms and the disposition of all  bids  and
32    proposals   submitted   to  the  municipality  in  connection
33    therewith.   The  procedures  for  obtaining  the  bids   and
34    proposals shall provide reasonable opportunity for any person
                            -22-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    to submit alternative proposals or bids.
 2        (d)  Within  a redevelopment project area, clear any area
 3    by  demolition  or  removal  of   any   existing   buildings,
 4    structures, fixtures, utilities or improvements, and to clear
 5    and grade land.
 6        (e)  Within  a  redevelopment  project  area, renovate or
 7    rehabilitate or  construct  any  structure  or  building,  as
 8    permitted under this Law.
 9        (f)  Within  or  without  a  redevelopment  project area,
10    install, repair, construct, reconstruct or relocate  streets,
11    utilities  and site improvements essential to the preparation
12    of the redevelopment  area  for  use  in  accordance  with  a
13    redevelopment plan.
14        (g)  Within a redevelopment project area, fix, charge and
15    collect  fees,  rents  and  charges for the use of all or any
16    part of any building or property owned or leased by it.
17        (h)  Issue obligations as provided in this Act.
18        (i)  Accept grants, guarantees and donations of property,
19    labor, or other things of value  from  a  public  or  private
20    source for use within a project redevelopment area.
21        (j)  Acquire  and  construct  public  facilities within a
22    redevelopment project area, as permitted under this Law.
23        (k)  Incur, pay or cause to be paid redevelopment project
24    costs; provided, however, that on  and  after  the  effective
25    date  of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, no
26    municipality shall incur redevelopment project costs  (except
27    for planning and other eligible costs authorized by municipal
28    ordinance or resolution that are subsequently included in the
29    redevelopment  plan  for  the area and are incurred after the
30    ordinance or resolution is adopted) that are  not  consistent
31    with  the  program  for  accomplishing  the objectives of the
32    redevelopment plan as included in that plan and  approved  by
33    the  municipality  until  the  municipality  has  amended the
34    redevelopment plan as provided elsewhere  in  this  Law.  Any
                            -23-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    payments  to  be  made by the municipality to redevelopers or
 2    other nongovernmental persons for redevelopment project costs
 3    incurred by such redeveloper or other nongovernmental  person
 4    shall  be  made only pursuant to the prior official action of
 5    the municipality evidencing an intent to pay or cause  to  be
 6    paid  such redevelopment project costs. A municipality is not
 7    required to obtain any right, title or interest in  any  real
 8    or  personal  property  in order to pay redevelopment project
 9    costs associated with such property. The  municipality  shall
10    adopt  such  accounting  procedures  as  may  be necessary to
11    determine that such redevelopment project costs are  properly
12    paid.
13        (l)  Create  a commission of not less than 5 or more than
14    15 persons to be appointed by the mayor or president  of  the
15    municipality   with  the  consent  of  the  majority  of  the
16    governing board of the municipality.  Members of a commission
17    appointed after the effective  date  of  this  Law  shall  be
18    appointed  for  initial  terms  of  1,  2,  3, 4 and 5 years,
19    respectively, in numbers so that the terms of not  more  than
20    1/3  of all members expire in any one year.  Their successors
21    shall be appointed for a term of 5  years.   The  commission,
22    subject  to  approval  of  the  corporate  authorities of the
23    municipality, may exercise  the  powers  enumerated  in  this
24    Section. The commission shall also have the power to hold the
25    public hearings required by this Act and make recommendations
26    to  the  corporate  authorities  concerning  the  adoption of
27    redevelopment plans, redevelopment projects  and  designation
28    of redevelopment project areas.
29        (m)  Make  payment  in  lieu  of all or a portion of real
30    property taxes due to taxing districts. If payments  in  lieu
31    of  all  or  a portion of taxes are made to taxing districts,
32    those payments shall  be  made  to  all  districts  within  a
33    redevelopment project area on a basis that is proportional to
34    the  current collection of revenue which each taxing district
                            -24-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    receives from real  property  in  the  redevelopment  project
 2    area.
 3        (n)  Exercise  any  and  all  other  powers  necessary to
 4    effectuate the purposes of this Act.
 5        (o)  In conjunction with other municipalities,  undertake
 6    and  perform redevelopment plans and projects and utilize the
 7    provisions  of  the  Act  wherever   they   have   contiguous
 8    redevelopment  project  areas  or they determine to adopt tax
 9    increment   allocation   financing   with   respect   to    a
10    redevelopment  project  area  that  includes  contiguous real
11    property within the boundaries of the municipalities, and, by
12    agreement  between  participating  municipalities,  to  issue
13    obligations,  separately  or  jointly,  and  expend  revenues
14    received under this Act for eligible expenses anywhere within
15    contiguous  redevelopment  project  areas  or  as   otherwise
16    permitted in the Act.
17        (p)  Create   an   Industrial   Jobs   Recovery  Advisory
18    Committee of not more than 15 members to be appointed by  the
19    mayor  or  president  of the municipality with the consent of
20    the majority of the governing board of the municipality.  The
21    members of that Committee  shall  be  appointed  for  initial
22    terms  of  1, 2, and 3 years respectively, in numbers so that
23    the terms of not more than 1/3 of all members expire  in  any
24    one  year.  Their successors shall be appointed for a term of
25    3 years.   The  Committee  shall  have  none  of  the  powers
26    enumerated  in this Section.  The Committee shall serve in an
27    advisory  capacity  only.   The  Committee  may  advise   the
28    governing  board  of  the  municipality  and  other municipal
29    officials  regarding  development  issues  and  opportunities
30    within the redevelopment project area. The Committee may also
31    promote  and  publicize  development  opportunities  in   the
32    redevelopment project area.
33        (q)  If a redevelopment project has not been initiated in
34    a  redevelopment  project  area within 5 years after the area
                            -25-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    was  designated  by  ordinance  under  subsection  (a),   the
 2    municipality  shall  adopt  an ordinance repealing the area's
 3    designation as a redevelopment project area.  Initiation of a
 4    redevelopment project shall be evidenced by either  a  signed
 5    redevelopment   agreement   or   expenditures   on   eligible
 6    redevelopment  project  costs associated with a redevelopment
 7    project.
 8        (r)  Within a redevelopment planning  area,  transfer  or
 9    loan  tax  increment  revenues from one redevelopment project
10    area to another redevelopment project area for expenditure on
11    eligible costs in the receiving area.
12        (s)  Use   tax   increment   revenue   produced   in    a
13    redevelopment   project   area  created  under  this  Law  by
14    transferring or loaning  such  revenues  to  a  redevelopment
15    project  area  created  under  the  Tax  Increment Allocation
16    Redevelopment Act that is either contiguous to, or  separated
17    only by a public right of way from, the redevelopment project
18    area that initially produced and received those revenues.
19    (Source: P.A. 90-258, eff. 7-30-97.)

20        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-18)
21        Sec.   11-74.6-18.  If   any   member  of  the  corporate
22    authority,  a  member  of  a  commission  established   under
23    subsection  (l)  of  Section  11-74.6-15,  or  an employee or
24    consultant of the  municipality  involved  in  the  planning,
25    analysis,  preparation  or  administration of a redevelopment
26    plan, or project for a redevelopment project area or proposed
27    redevelopment project area, as defined in Section 11-74.6-10,
28    owns or controls any interest, direct  or  indirect,  in  any
29    property  included  in  any  redevelopment  area, or proposed
30    redevelopment area, he or she shall disclose that interest in
31    writing to the clerk of the municipality, and shall  also  so
32    disclose  the  dates, terms and conditions of any disposition
33    of that interest. These disclosures shall be acknowledged  by
                            -26-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    the  corporate  authorities  and  entered  upon  the official
 2    records and  files  of  the  corporate  authorities.   If  an
 3    individual holds such an interest, then that individual shall
 4    refrain  from  any further official involvement, in regard to
 5    the redevelopment plan, project or area, from voting  on  any
 6    matter  pertaining  to  that  redevelopment  plan, project or
 7    area,  or  communicating  with   other   members,   corporate
 8    authorities,  commissions,  employees  or  consultants of the
 9    municipality  concerning  any  matter  pertaining   to   that
10    redevelopment  plan,  project or area.  No member or employee
11    shall acquire  any  interest,  direct  or  indirect,  in  any
12    property  in  a  redevelopment area or proposed redevelopment
13    area after either the individual obtains  knowledge  of  that
14    plan,  project  or area, or, after the first public notice of
15    that  plan,  project  or  area  under   Section   11-74.6-25,
16    whichever occurs first.
17        For  the  purposes  of  this  Section,  a  month-to-month
18    leasehold  interest  shall  not  be  deemed  to constitute an
19    interest in any  property included in any redevelopment  area
20    or proposed redevelopment area.
21    (Source: P.A. 88-537.)

22        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-20)
23        Sec.  11-74.6-20.  If  a  municipality  or  a  commission
24    designated  pursuant  to subsection (l) of Section 11-74.6-15
25    adopts an ordinance or resolution providing for a feasibility
26    study on the  designation  of  an  area  as  a  redevelopment
27    project  area, a copy of the ordinance or resolution shall be
28    sent by certified mail within a reasonable time to all taxing
29    districts that would be affected by the designation.
30        On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of
31    the 91st General Assembly, the ordinance or resolution  shall
32    include:
33             (1)  The  boundaries  of  the area to be studied for
                            -27-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        possible designation as a redevelopment project area.
 2             (2)  The  purpose  or  purposes  of   the   proposed
 3        redevelopment plan and project.
 4             (3)  A   general   description   of   tax  increment
 5        allocation financing under this Law.
 6             (4)  The name, phone  number,  and  address  of  the
 7        municipal  officer  who  can  be contacted for additional
 8        information about the proposed redevelopment project area
 9        and who  should  receive  all  comments  and  suggestions
10        regarding the redevelopment of the area to be studied.
11    (Source: P.A. 88-537.)

12        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22)
13        Sec.  11-74.6-22.  Adoption  of  ordinance; requirements;
14    changes.
15        (a)  Before  adoption  of  an  ordinance  proposing   the
16    designation   of   a   redevelopment   planning   area  or  a
17    redevelopment  project  area,  or  both,   or   approving   a
18    redevelopment plan or redevelopment project, the municipality
19    or  commission  designated  pursuant  to  subsection  (l)  of
20    Section  11-74.6-15  shall  fix  by ordinance or resolution a
21    time and place for public hearing. Prior to the  adoption  of
22    the  ordinance  or resolution establishing the time and place
23    for the public hearing, the municipality shall make available
24    for public inspection a redevelopment plan or a  report  that
25    provides  in sufficient detail, the basis for the eligibility
26    of  the  redevelopment  project   area   qualifying   as   an
27    environmentally    contaminated    area,    industrial   park
28    conservation  area,  or   a   vacant   industrial   buildings
29    conservation  area, or combination thereof.  The report along
30    with the name of a person to contact for further  information
31    shall  be  sent  to the affected taxing district by certified
32    mail within a reasonable time following the adoption  of  the
33    ordinance  or  resolution establishing the time and place for
                            -28-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    the public hearing.
 2        At the public hearing any interested person  or  affected
 3    taxing  district  may  file  with the municipal clerk written
 4    objections to the ordinance and may be heard  orally  on  any
 5    issues that are the subject of the hearing.  The municipality
 6    shall  hear and determine all alternate proposals or bids for
 7    any proposed conveyance, lease, mortgage or other disposition
 8    of land and all protests and objections at  the  hearing  and
 9    the  hearing may be adjourned to another date without further
10    notice other than a motion to be  entered  upon  the  minutes
11    fixing the time and place of the later hearing. At the public
12    hearing  or  at  any  time  prior  to  the  adoption  by  the
13    municipality  of an ordinance approving a redevelopment plan,
14    the municipality may make changes in the redevelopment  plan.
15    Changes  which  (1) add additional parcels of property to the
16    proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect
17    the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan,  or
18    (3)  substantially change the nature of or extend the life of
19    the redevelopment  project  shall  be  made  only  after  the
20    municipality gives notice, convenes a joint review board, and
21    conducts  a  public  hearing  pursuant  to the procedures set
22    forth in this Section and  in  Section  11-74.6-25.   Changes
23    which  do  not  (1) add additional parcels of property to the
24    proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect
25    the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan,  or
26    (3)  substantially change the nature of or extend the life of
27    the  redevelopment  project  may  be  made  without   further
28    hearing,  provided that the municipality shall give notice of
29    any such changes by mail to each affected taxing district and
30    by publication in a newspaper of general  circulation  within
31    the  affected  taxing  district.   Such notice by mail and by
32    publication shall each occur not later than 10 days following
33    the  adoption  by  ordinance  of  such  changes.  Before  the
34    adoption of an ordinance approving a  redevelopment  plan  or
                            -29-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    redevelopment project, or designating a redevelopment project
 2    area, or redevelopment planning area, or both, changes may be
 3    made  in  the  redevelopment  plan  or project or area if the
 4    changes do not expand the  exterior  boundaries,  or  do  not
 5    substantially affect the general land uses established in the
 6    plan, or substantially change the nature of the redevelopment
 7    project,  without  further  hearing  or  notice, if notice of
 8    those changes is  given  by  mail  to  each  affected  taxing
 9    district  and  by publication in a newspaper or newspapers of
10    general circulation within the affected taxing districts  not
11    less  than  10  days  before  the  adoption of the changes by
12    ordinance.
13        (b)  Before  adoption  of  an  ordinance  proposing   the
14    designation   of   a   redevelopment   planning   area  or  a
15    redevelopment  project  area,  or  both,  or   amending   the
16    boundaries  of  an  existing  redevelopment  project  area or
17    redevelopment planning area, or both, the municipality  shall
18    convene  a  joint review board to consider the proposal.  The
19    board shall consist of  a  representative  selected  by  each
20    taxing  district  that  has  authority  to levy real property
21    taxes on  the  property  within  the  proposed  redevelopment
22    project  area and that has at least 5% of its total equalized
23    assessed value  located  within  the  proposed  redevelopment
24    project  area,  a representative selected by the municipality
25    and a public member.   The  public  member  and  the  board's
26    chairperson  shall  be  selected by a majority of other board
27    members.
28        All board members shall be appointed and the first  board
29    meeting  held  within  14  days  following  the notice by the
30    municipality to all  the  taxing  districts  as  required  by
31    subsection  (c) of Section 11-74.6-25.  The notice shall also
32    advise the taxing bodies  represented  on  the  joint  review
33    board  of  the  time  and  place  of the first meeting of the
34    board.  Additional meetings of the board shall be  held  upon
                            -30-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    the   call  of  any  2  members.   The  municipality  seeking
 2    designation of the redevelopment  project  area  may  provide
 3    administrative support to the board.
 4        The  board  shall  review  the  public  record,  planning
 5    documents and proposed ordinances approving the redevelopment
 6    plan  and project to be adopted by the municipality.  As part
 7    of its deliberations, the board may hold additional  hearings
 8    on the proposal. A board's recommendation, if any, shall be a
 9    written  recommendation  adopted  by  a  majority vote of the
10    board and submitted to the municipality within 30 days  after
11    the board convenes. A board's recommendation shall be binding
12    upon  the  municipality.   Failure of the board to submit its
13    recommendation on a timely basis shall not be cause to  delay
14    the public hearing or the process of establishing or amending
15    the redevelopment project area. The board's recommendation on
16    the  proposal  shall  be  based  upon the area satisfying the
17    applicable eligibility criteria defined in Section 11-74.6-10
18    and whether there is a basis for the municipal  findings  set
19    forth  in  the redevelopment plan as required by this Act. If
20    the board does not file a recommendation it shall be presumed
21    that the board has found that the redevelopment project  area
22    satisfies the eligibility criteria.
23        (c)  After  a  municipality  has  by ordinance approved a
24    redevelopment plan and designated  a  redevelopment  planning
25    area  or  a redevelopment project area, or both, the plan may
26    be amended and additional properties  may  be  added  to  the
27    redevelopment   project   area   only   as  herein  provided.
28    Amendments which (1) add additional parcels  of  property  to
29    the  proposed  redevelopment  project area, (2) substantially
30    affect the general land uses proposed  in  the  redevelopment
31    plan,   (3)   substantially   change   the   nature   of  the
32    redevelopment  project,  (4)  increase  the  total  estimated
33    redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan
34    by more than 5% after adjustment for inflation from the  date
                            -31-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    the  plan  was  adopted,  or (5) add additional redevelopment
 2    project costs to the itemized list of  redevelopment  project
 3    costs  set  out  in the redevelopment plan shall be made only
 4    after the municipality gives notice, convenes a joint  review
 5    board,   and  conducts  a  public  hearing  pursuant  to  the
 6    procedures  set  forth  in  this  Section  and   in   Section
 7    11-74.6-25.   Changes which do not (1) add additional parcels
 8    of property to the proposed redevelopment project  area,  (2)
 9    substantially  affect  the  general land uses proposed in the
10    redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change  the  nature  of
11    the  redevelopment  project, (4) increase the total estimated
12    redevelopment project cost set out in the redevelopment  plan
13    by  more than 5% after adjustment for inflation from the date
14    the plan was adopted, or  (5)  add  additional  redevelopment
15    project  costs  to the itemized list of redevelopment project
16    costs  set out in the redevelopment plan may be made  without
17    further  hearing,  provided  that the municipality shall give
18    notice of any such changes by mail to  each  affected  taxing
19    district  and  by  publication  in  a  newspaper  of  general
20    circulation within the affected taxing district.  Such notice
21    by mail and by publication shall each occur not later than 10
22    days  following  the  adoption  by ordinance of such changes.
23    After the adoption of an ordinance approving a  redevelopment
24    plan  or project or designating a redevelopment planning area
25    or a redevelopment project area, or both, no ordinance  shall
26    be  adopted  altering  the  exterior  boundaries,  except  as
27    provided  in  subsection (p) of Section 11-74.6-10, affecting
28    the general land uses established under the plan or  changing
29    the  nature  of  the  redevelopment project without complying
30    with the procedures provided in this Act  pertaining  to  the
31    initial  approval  of  the  redevelopment plan or project and
32    designation of a redevelopment project area or  redevelopment
33    planning  area.  Hearings  with  regard  to  a  redevelopment
34    planning  area,  redevelopment  project area, project or plan
                            -32-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    may be held simultaneously.
 2        (d)  After the effective date of this amendatory  Act  of
 3    the  91st  General  Assembly, a municipality shall submit the
 4    following information for each redevelopment project area (i)
 5    to the State Comptroller in  the  financial  report  required
 6    under  Section  3  of  the Governmental Account Audit Act and
 7    (ii) to all taxing districts  overlapping  the  redevelopment
 8    project  area  no later than 180 days after the close of each
 9    municipal fiscal year or as soon thereafter  as  the  audited
10    financial statements become available and, in any case, shall
11    be  submitted  before  the annual meeting of the Joint Review
12    Board to each  of  the  taxing  districts  that  overlap  the
13    redevelopment  project  area  After  adoption of an ordinance
14    approving a redevelopment plan or project,  the  municipality
15    shall  annually  report,  within  180 days after the close of
16    each municipal fiscal  year,  to  the  Department  and  shall
17    notify  within 90 days  after  closing  the  municipal fiscal
18    year all taxing districts represented on a joint review board
19    in which the redevelopment project area is located  that  any
20    or all of the following information is available if requested
21    by a majority of such taxing districts within 60 days of such
22    notification:
23             (1)  Any  amendments  to  the redevelopment plan, or
24        the redevelopment project area.
25             (1.5)  A list of  the  redevelopment  project  areas
26        administered  by the municipality and, if applicable, the
27        date each redevelopment project area  was  designated  or
28        terminated by the municipality.
29             (2)  Audited financial statements of the special tax
30        allocation  fund  once  a cumulative total of $100,000 of
31        tax increment revenues has been deposited in the fund.
32             (3)  Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of
33        the municipality that the municipality has complied  with
34        all  of the requirements of this Act during the preceding
                            -33-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        fiscal year.
 2             (4)  An  opinion   of   legal   counsel   that   the
 3        municipality is in compliance with this Act.
 4             (5)  An  analysis of the special tax allocation fund
 5        which sets forth:
 6                  (A)  the balance in the special tax  allocation
 7             fund at the beginning of the fiscal year;
 8                  (B)  all  amounts  deposited in the special tax
 9             allocation fund by source;
10                  (C)  an itemized list of all expenditures  from
11             the  special  tax  allocation  fund  by  category of
12             permissible redevelopment project cost; and
13                  (D)  the balance in the special tax  allocation
14             fund  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal year including a
15             breakdown of that balance by source and a  breakdown
16             of  that  balance  identifying  any  portion  of the
17             balance that is  required,  pledged,  earmarked,  or
18             otherwise  designated  for payment of or securing of
19             obligations and  anticipated  redevelopment  project
20             costs.  Any  portion of such ending balance that has
21             not been identified or is not  identified  as  being
22             required,    pledged,    earmarked,   or   otherwise
23             designated for payment of or securing of obligations
24             or anticipated redevelopment project costs shall  be
25             designated  as surplus. Such ending balance shall be
26             designated as surplus if  it  is  not  required  for
27             anticipated  redevelopment  project  costs or to pay
28             debt   service   on   bonds   issued   to    finance
29             redevelopment project costs, as set forth in Section
30             11-74.6-30 hereof.
31             (6)  A  description of all property purchased by the
32        municipality  within  the  redevelopment   project   area
33        including:
34                  (A)  Street address.
                            -34-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1                  (B)  Approximate   size   or   description   of
 2             property.
 3                  (C)  Purchase price.
 4                  (D)  Seller of property.
 5             (7)  A   statement   setting  forth  all  activities
 6        undertaken  in  furtherance  of  the  objectives  of  the
 7        redevelopment plan, including:
 8                  (A)  Any project implemented in  the  preceding
 9             fiscal year.
10                  (B)  A   description   of   the   redevelopment
11             activities undertaken.
12                  (C)  A  description  of  any agreements entered
13             into  by  the  municipality  with  regard   to   the
14             disposition  or redevelopment of any property within
15             the redevelopment project area.
16                  (D)  Additional information on the use  of  all
17             funds  received  under this Division and steps taken
18             by the municipality to achieve the objectives of the
19             redevelopment plan.
20                  (E)  Information regarding contracts  that  the
21             municipality's tax increment advisors or consultants
22             have entered into with entities or persons that have
23             received, or are receiving, payments financed by tax
24             increment    revenues    produced    by   the   same
25             redevelopment project area.
26                  (F)  Any reports submitted to the  municipality
27             by the joint review board.
28                  (G)  A  review  of  public  and,  to the extent
29             possible, private investment actually undertaken  to
30             date after the effective date of this amendatory Act
31             of  the  91st  General  Assembly and estimated to be
32             undertaken during the following year.   This  review
33             shall,  on a project-by-project basis, set forth the
34             estimated amounts of public and  private  investment
                            -35-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1             incurred after the effective date of this amendatory
 2             Act  of  the  91st  General Assembly and provide the
 3             ratio of private investment to public investment  to
 4             the  date  of  the  report  and  as estimated to the
 5             completion of the redevelopment project.
 6             (8)  With regard to any obligations  issued  by  the
 7        municipality:
 8                  (A)  copies of any official statements; and
 9                  (B)  an  analysis prepared by financial advisor
10             or underwriter setting forth: (i) nature and term of
11             obligation;  and   (ii)   projected   debt   service
12             including required reserves and debt coverage.
13             (9)  For  special  tax  allocation  funds  that have
14        received cumulative deposits of incremental tax  revenues
15        of  $100,000  or more, a certified audit report reviewing
16        compliance with this  Act  performed  by  an  independent
17        public accountant certified and licensed by the authority
18        of  the  State of Illinois.  The financial portion of the
19        audit must be conducted in accordance with Standards  for
20        Audits    of    Governmental   Organizations,   Programs,
21        Activities, and  Functions  adopted  by  the  Comptroller
22        General  of  the  United  States (1981), as amended.  The
23        audit report shall contain a letter from the  independent
24        certified  public  accountant  indicating  compliance  or
25        noncompliance  with the requirements of subsection (o) of
26        Section 11-74.6-10.
27        (e)  The joint review board shall meet annually 180  days
28    after  the  close  of the municipal fiscal year or as soon as
29    the redevelopment project audit for that fiscal year  becomes
30    available  to  review  the  effectiveness  and  status of the
31    redevelopment project area up to that date At the end of  the
32    first  year,  the second year, and at the end of every 3-year
33    period thereafter, the  joint  review  board  shall  meet  to
34    review  and  make a written report to the municipality on the
                            -36-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    effectiveness and status of the redevelopment project area up
 2    to that date.
 3    (Source: P.A. 88-537.)

 4        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-30)
 5        Sec. 11-74.6-30.  Financing.  Obligations secured by  the
 6    special  tax  allocation fund set forth in Section 11-74.6-35
 7    for the redevelopment project area may be issued  to  provide
 8    for  redevelopment project costs.  Those obligations, when so
 9    issued, shall be  retired  in  the  manner  provided  in  the
10    ordinance  authorizing  the  issuance of those obligations by
11    the  receipts  of  taxes  levied  as  specified  in   Section
12    11-74.6-40  against the taxable real property included in the
13    area and any other revenue designated by the municipality.  A
14    municipality may in the ordinance pledge all or any  part  of
15    the  funds  in  and  to  be  deposited  into  the special tax
16    allocation fund  created  under  Section  11-74.6-35  to  the
17    payment  of  the redevelopment project costs and obligations.
18    Any pledge of funds in the special tax allocation fund  shall
19    provide  for  distribution  to the taxing districts of moneys
20    not required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for
21    payment and  securing  of  the  obligations  and  anticipated
22    redevelopment  project  costs,  and any excess funds shall be
23    calculated annually and deemed to be "surplus" funds.   If  a
24    municipality  applies  or pledges only a portion of the funds
25    in the  special  tax  allocation  fund  for  the  payment  or
26    securing  of  anticipated  redevelopment  project costs or of
27    obligations,  any  funds  remaining  in   the   special   tax
28    allocation fund after complying with the requirements of the
29    application  or  pledge shall also be calculated annually and
30    deemed "surplus" funds. All surplus funds in the special  tax
31    allocation fund shall be distributed annually within 180 days
32    after  the  close  of the municipality's fiscal year by being
33    paid by the municipal treasurer to the  county  collector  in
                            -37-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    direct  proportion to the tax incremental revenue received as
 2    a result of an increase in the equalized  assessed  value  of
 3    property  in the redevelopment project area but not to exceed
 4    as to each such source the total incremental revenue received
 5    from that source.  The county  collector  shall  subsequently
 6    distribute  surplus  funds to the respective taxing districts
 7    in  the  same  manner  and  proportion  as  the  most  recent
 8    distribution by the county collector to the  affected  taxing
 9    districts  of  real  property taxes from real property in the
10    redevelopment project area.
11        Without  limiting  the  foregoing  provisions   of   this
12    Section,  in  addition  to obligations secured by the special
13    tax allocation fund,  the  municipality  may  pledge,  for  a
14    period  not greater than the term of the obligations, towards
15    payment of those obligations any part or any  combination  of
16    the  following:  (i)  net  revenues  of  all  or  part of any
17    redevelopment project; (ii) taxes levied  and   collected  on
18    any  or all real property in the municipality; (iii) the full
19    faith and credit of the municipality; (iv) a mortgage on part
20    or all of the redevelopment project; or (v) any  other  taxes
21    or  anticipated  receipts  that the municipality may lawfully
22    pledge.
23        The obligations may be  issued  in  one  or  more  series
24    bearing  interest  at  a  rate  or  rates  that the corporate
25    authorities of the municipality determine by ordinance.   The
26    obligations  shall  bear a date or dates, mature at a time or
27    times, not exceeding 20 years  from  their  respective  issue
28    dates,  be  in a denomination, carry registration privileges,
29    be executed in a manner, be payable in a medium of payment at
30    a place or places, contain covenants, terms  and  conditions,
31    and  be  subject  to  redemption  as  the ordinance provides.
32    Obligations issued under this Law may be sold  at  public  or
33    private sale at a price determined by the corporate authority
34    of  the municipality.  No referendum approval of the electors
                            -38-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    shall  be  required  as  a  condition  for  the  issuance  of
 2    obligations under this Division, except as provided  in  this
 3    Section.
 4        If  the  municipality  authorizes issuance of obligations
 5    under the authority of this  Division  secured  by  the  full
 6    faith  and  credit of the municipality, which obligations are
 7    other than obligations that may be  issued  under  home  rule
 8    powers  provided  by Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois
 9    Constitution,  or pledges taxes levied and collected on  real
10    property  in  the  municipality or pledges the full faith and
11    credit of the municipality,  the  ordinance  authorizing  the
12    issuance  of those obligations or pledging those taxes or the
13    municipality's full  faith  and  credit  shall  be  published
14    within  10 days after the ordinance has been passed in one or
15    more  newspapers  with  general   circulation   within   that
16    municipality.  The  publication  of  the  ordinance  shall be
17    accompanied by a notice of (i) the specific number of  voters
18    required  to  sign  a petition requesting the question of the
19    issuance  of  those  obligations  or  pledging  taxes  to  be
20    submitted to  the  electors,  (ii)  the  time  in  which  the
21    petition must be filed, and (iii) the date of the prospective
22    referendum.   The  municipal  clerk  shall provide a petition
23    form to any individual requesting one.
24        If no petition is filed  with  the  municipal  clerk,  as
25    provided   in   this   Section,  within  30  days  after  the
26    publication of the  ordinance,  the  ordinance  shall  become
27    effective.   If,  however,  within  that  30  day  period,  a
28    petition  is  filed  with  the  municipal  clerk,  signed  by
29    electors  numbering  not  less  than  10%  of  the  number of
30    registered  voters  in  the  municipality,  asking  that  the
31    question of issuing obligations using full faith  and  credit
32    of  the  municipality  as security for the cost of paying for
33    redevelopment project costs, or of  pledging  taxes  for  the
34    payment  of  those  obligations, or both, be submitted to the
                            -39-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    electors of the municipality, the  corporate  authorities  of
 2    the  municipality shall call a special election in the manner
 3    provided by law to vote upon that question, or, if a general,
 4    State or municipal election is to be held within a period  of
 5    not  less  than  30  or  more than  90 days from the date the
 6    petition is filed, shall submit the question at that general,
 7    State or municipal election.  If it appears upon the  canvass
 8    of  the election by the corporate authorities that a majority
 9    of electors voting upon the question voted in  favor  of  the
10    question, the ordinance shall be effective, but if a majority
11    of  the electors voting upon the question are not in favor of
12    the question, the ordinance shall not take effect.
13        The ordinance authorizing  the  obligations  may  provide
14    that  the  obligations  shall contain a recital that they are
15    issued under  this  Law.  The  recital  shall  be  conclusive
16    evidence  of  their  validity  and of the regularity of their
17    issuance.
18        In the event  the  municipality  authorizes  issuance  of
19    obligations  under this Section secured by the full faith and
20    credit of the municipality,  the  ordinance  authorizing  the
21    obligations  may  provide  for  the  levy and collection of a
22    direct annual  tax  upon  all  taxable  property  within  the
23    municipality  sufficient to pay the principal of and interest
24    on the obligations as  they  mature.   The  levy  may  be  in
25    addition  to  and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes
26    authorized to  be  levied  by  the  municipality.  The  levy,
27    however, shall be abated to the extent that moneys from other
28    sources  are available for payment of the obligations and the
29    municipality certifies the amount of those  moneys  available
30    to the county clerk.
31        A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed with the
32    county  clerk  of  each  county  in  which any portion of the
33    municipality is situated, and shall constitute the  authority
34    for the extension and collection of the taxes to be deposited
                            -40-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    in the special tax allocation fund.
 2        A  municipality may also issue its obligations to refund,
 3    in whole or in part, obligations  previously  issued  by  the
 4    municipality  under  the authority of this Law, whether at or
 5    before  maturity,  except  that  the  last  maturity  of  the
 6    refunding obligations shall not be expressed to mature  later
 7    than  December  31  of  the  year in which the payment to the
 8    municipal treasurer as provided in subsection (b) of  Section
 9    11-74.6-35  is  to  be  made with respect to ad valorem taxes
10    levied in the twenty-third calendar year after  the  year  in
11    which  the ordinance approving the redevelopment project area
12    is adopted 23 years from the date of the ordinance  approving
13    the redevelopment project area.
14        If  a  municipality  issues  obligations  under home rule
15    powers or other legislative authority, the proceeds of  which
16    are  pledged  to  pay  for  redevelopment  project costs, the
17    municipality may,  if  it  has  followed  the  procedures  in
18    conformance  with  this  Law,  retire  those obligations from
19    funds in the special tax allocation fund in  amounts  and  in
20    the same manner as if those obligations had been issued under
21    the provisions of this Law.
22        No obligations issued under this Law shall be regarded as
23    indebtedness  of  the municipality issuing the obligations or
24    any other taxing district for the purpose of  any  limitation
25    imposed by law.
26    (Source: P.A. 88-537.)

27        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-35)
28        Sec.  11-74.6-35.  Ordinance for tax increment allocation
29    financing.
30        (a)  A municipality, at the time a redevelopment  project
31    area  is  designated,  may  adopt  tax  increment  allocation
32    financing  by  passing  an  ordinance  providing  that the ad
33    valorem taxes, if any, arising from the levies  upon  taxable
                            -41-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    real property within the redevelopment project area by taxing
 2    districts  and tax rates determined in the manner provided in
 3    subsection (b) of Section  11-74.6-40  each  year  after  the
 4    effective  date  of the ordinance until redevelopment project
 5    costs and all municipal obligations  financing  redevelopment
 6    project costs incurred under this Act have been paid shall be
 7    divided as follows:
 8             (1)  That  portion  of  the  taxes  levied upon each
 9        taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property that
10        is attributable to the lower  of  the  current  equalized
11        assessed value or the initial equalized assessed value or
12        the  updated  initial  equalized  assessed  value of each
13        taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real  property  in
14        the  redevelopment project area shall be allocated to and
15        when collected shall be paid by the county  collector  to
16        the  respective  affected  taxing districts in the manner
17        required by law without regard to  the  adoption  of  tax
18        increment allocation financing.
19             (2)  That  portion,  if  any, of those taxes that is
20        attributable to the increase  in  the  current  equalized
21        assessed  value  of  each  taxable  lot,  block, tract or
22        parcel of real  property  in  the  redevelopment  project
23        area, over and above the initial equalized assessed value
24        or  the  updated initial equalized assessed value of each
25        property in the project area, shall be allocated  to  and
26        when  collected  shall be paid by the county collector to
27        the municipal treasurer who shall deposit that portion of
28        those taxes into a special fund called  the  special  tax
29        allocation  fund  of  the municipality for the purpose of
30        paying  redevelopment  project  costs   and   obligations
31        incurred  in  the payment of those costs and obligations.
32        In any county with a population of 3,000,000 or more that
33        has  adopted  a  procedure  for  collecting  taxes   that
34        provides for one or more of the installments of the taxes
                            -42-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        to  be  billed  and  collected on an estimated basis, the
 2        municipal treasurer shall be  paid  for  deposit  in  the
 3        special tax allocation fund of the municipality, from the
 4        taxes  collected from estimated bills issued for property
 5        in the redevelopment project area, the difference between
 6        the amount actually  collected  from  each  taxable  lot,
 7        block,  tract,  or  parcel  of  real  property within the
 8        redevelopment project area and an  amount  determined  by
 9        multiplying  the  rate  at which taxes were last extended
10        against the taxable lot, block, track, or parcel of  real
11        property  in  the  manner  provided  in subsection (b) of
12        Section 11-74.6-40  by  the  initial  equalized  assessed
13        value  or the updated initial equalized assessed value of
14        the property divided by the  number  of  installments  in
15        which  real  estate taxes are billed and collected within
16        the county, provided  that  the  payments  on  or  before
17        December  31, 1999 to a municipal treasurer shall be made
18        only if each of the following conditions are met:
19                  (A)  The total equalized assessed value of  the
20             redevelopment  project  area  as last determined was
21             not less than 175% of the  total  initial  equalized
22             assessed value.
23                  (B)  Not  more  than 50% of the total equalized
24             assessed value of the redevelopment project area  as
25             last  determined  is  attributable  to  a  piece  of
26             property assigned a single real estate index number.
27                  (C)  The  municipal  clerk has certified to the
28             county clerk that the municipality  has  issued  its
29             obligations  to  which  there  has  been pledged the
30             incremental  property  taxes  of  the  redevelopment
31             project area or taxes levied and collected on any or
32             all property in the municipality or the  full  faith
33             and  credit  of  the  municipality  to pay or secure
34             payment for all or a portion  of  the  redevelopment
                            -43-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1             project  costs.  The  certification  shall  be filed
 2             annually no later than September 1 for the estimated
 3             taxes to be distributed in the following year.
 4        The conditions of paragraphs (A) through (C) do not apply
 5    after December 31, 1999 to payments to a municipal  treasurer
 6    made  by a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants that has
 7    adopted an estimated billing procedure for collecting taxes.
 8    If a county that has adopted the estimated billing  procedure
 9    makes   an  erroneous  overpayment  of  tax  revenue  to  the
10    municipal treasurer, then the county may  seek  a  refund  of
11    that  overpayment.    The  county  shall  send  the municipal
12    treasurer a notice of liability for  the  overpayment  on  or
13    before  the  mailing  date  of  the next real estate tax bill
14    within the county.  The refund shall be limited to the amount
15    of the overpayment.
16        (b)  It is the intent of this Act that  a  municipality's
17    own  ad  valorem  tax  arising  from  levies  on taxable real
18    property be included  in  the  determination  of  incremental
19    revenue  in  the  manner provided in paragraph (b) of Section
20    11-74.6-40.
21        (c)  If  a  municipality  has   adopted   tax   increment
22    allocation  financing  for  a  redevelopment  project area by
23    ordinance and the county clerk thereafter certifies the total
24    initial equalized assessed value or the total updated initial
25    equalized assessed value of the taxable real property  within
26    such  redevelopment  project  area  in the manner provided in
27    paragraph (a) or (b) of Section 11-74.6-40, each  year  after
28    the  date of the certification of the total initial equalized
29    assessed  value  or  the  total  updated  initial   equalized
30    assessed  value  until  redevelopment  project  costs and all
31    municipal obligations financing redevelopment  project  costs
32    have  been  paid,  the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from
33    the  levies  upon  the   taxable   real   property   in   the
34    redevelopment  project area by taxing districts and tax rates
                            -44-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    determined in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of Section
 2    11-74.6-40 shall be divided as follows:
 3             (1)  That portion of  the  taxes  levied  upon  each
 4        taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property that
 5        is  attributable  to  the  lower of the current equalized
 6        assessed value or the initial equalized  assessed  value,
 7        or  the  updated initial equalized assessed value of each
 8        parcel if the updated initial equalized assessed value of
 9        that parcel has been certified in accordance with Section
10        11-74.6-40, whichever has been most  recently  certified,
11        of  each  taxable  lot,  block,  tract, or parcel of real
12        property existing at the time  tax  increment  allocation
13        financing  was adopted in the redevelopment project area,
14        shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid by
15        the county collector to the  respective  affected  taxing
16        districts in the manner required by law without regard to
17        the adoption of tax increment allocation financing.
18             (2)  That  portion,  if  any, of those taxes that is
19        attributable to the increase  in  the  current  equalized
20        assessed  value  of  each  taxable  lot, block, tract, or
21        parcel of real  property  in  the  redevelopment  project
22        area, over and above the initial equalized assessed value
23        of  each  property  existing  at  the  time tax increment
24        allocation financing was  adopted  in  the  redevelopment
25        project  area,  or the updated initial equalized assessed
26        value of each parcel if  the  updated  initial  equalized
27        assessed  value  of  that  parcel  has  been certified in
28        accordance with Section 11-74.6-40, shall be allocated to
29        and  when  collected  shall  be  paid  to  the  municipal
30        treasurer, who shall deposit those taxes into  a  special
31        fund  called  the  special  tax  allocation  fund  of the
32        municipality for  the  purpose  of  paying  redevelopment
33        project  costs  and  obligations  incurred in the payment
34        thereof.
                            -45-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        (d)  The municipality may pledge  in  the  ordinance  the
 2    funds  in  and  to be deposited in the special tax allocation
 3    fund for the  payment  of  redevelopment  project  costs  and
 4    obligations.  No part of the current equalized assessed value
 5    of   each   property   in   the  redevelopment  project  area
 6    attributable  to  any  increase  above  the   total   initial
 7    equalized   assessed  value  or  the  total  initial  updated
 8    equalized assessed value of the property, shall  be  used  in
 9    calculating  the  General  State School Aid Formula, provided
10    for  in  Section  18-8  of  the  School   Code,   until   all
11    redevelopment project costs have been paid as provided for in
12    this Section.
13        Whenever  a  municipality issues bonds for the purpose of
14    financing redevelopment project costs, that municipality  may
15    provide  by ordinance for the appointment of a trustee, which
16    may be any trust  company  within  the  State,  and  for  the
17    establishment  of  any  funds or accounts to be maintained by
18    that trustee, as the municipality deems necessary to  provide
19    for   the   security  and  payment  of  the  bonds.   If  the
20    municipality provides for the appointment of a  trustee,  the
21    trustee  shall  be  considered  the  assignee of any payments
22    assigned by the municipality under that  ordinance  and  this
23    Section.   Any  amounts paid to the trustee as assignee shall
24    be deposited into the funds or accounts established under the
25    trust agreement, and shall be held by the  trustee  in  trust
26    for  the benefit of the holders of the bonds.  The holders of
27    those bonds shall have a lien on and a security  interest  in
28    those  funds  or  accounts while the bonds remain outstanding
29    and unpaid. Upon retirement of the bonds, the  trustee  shall
30    pay  over  any  excess  amounts  held to the municipality for
31    deposit in the special tax allocation fund.
32        When the redevelopment projects costs, including  without
33    limitation  all municipal obligations financing redevelopment
34    project costs incurred under this Law, have  been  paid,  all
                            -46-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1    surplus  funds  then  remaining in the special tax allocation
 2    fund shall be distributed by  being  paid  by  the  municipal
 3    treasurer to the municipality and the county collector; first
 4    to   the   municipality  in  direct  proportion  to  the  tax
 5    incremental revenue received from the municipality,  but  not
 6    to  exceed  the  total  incremental revenue received from the
 7    municipality,  minus  any  annual  surplus  distribution   of
 8    incremental  revenue  previously  made.   Any remaining funds
 9    shall be paid to the county collector who  shall  immediately
10    distribute  that  payment  to  the  taxing  districts  in the
11    redevelopment project area in the same manner and  proportion
12    as  the  most  recent distribution by the county collector to
13    the affected districts  of  real  property  taxes  from  real
14    property situated in the redevelopment project area.
15        Upon  the  payment  of  all  redevelopment project costs,
16    retirement of obligations and the distribution of any  excess
17    moneys  under  this  Section, the municipality shall adopt an
18    ordinance dissolving the special tax allocation fund for  the
19    redevelopment project area and terminating the designation of
20    the  redevelopment  project  area  as a redevelopment project
21    area.  Thereafter the tax levies of taxing districts shall be
22    extended,  collected  and  distributed  in  the  same  manner
23    applicable before the adoption of  tax  increment  allocation
24    financing.   Municipality   shall   notify   affected  taxing
25    districts prior to November if the redevelopment project area
26    is to be terminated by December 31 of that same year.
27        Nothing in this Section shall be construed  as  relieving
28    property  in a redevelopment project area from being assessed
29    as provided in the Property Tax Code or as  relieving  owners
30    of  that  property  from  paying  a uniform rate of taxes, as
31    required  by  Section  4  of  Article  IX  of  the   Illinois
32    Constitution.
33    (Source: P.A. 88-537; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
                            -47-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-45)
 2        Sec. 11-74.6-45.  Expenditure of certain revenues.
 3        (a)  Revenues  received  by  the  municipality  from  any
 4    property,  building  or facility owned, leased or operated by
 5    the municipality or any agency or  authority  established  by
 6    the  municipality  may  be  used to pay redevelopment project
 7    costs, or reduce outstanding obligations of the  municipality
 8    incurred under this Law for redevelopment project costs.  The
 9    municipality  may  deposit  those revenues into a special tax
10    allocation fund.  The fund shall be  held  by  the  municipal
11    treasurer  or  other  person  designated by the municipality.
12    Revenue received by the municipality from the sale  or  other
13    disposition  of  real  property  acquired by the municipality
14    with the proceeds of  obligations  funded  by  tax  increment
15    allocation  financing  shall be deposited by the municipality
16    into the special tax allocation fund.
17        (b)  (Blank). If the redevelopment project area has  been
18    in  existence  for  at  least  5  years  and the municipality
19    proposes a redevelopment project with a redevelopment project
20    cost  exceeding  25%  of   the   amount   budgeted   in   the
21    redevelopment   plan  for  all  redevelopment  projects,  the
22    municipality shall convene a  meeting  of  the  joint  review
23    board  for  the  purpose  of  reviewing  the  need  for  such
24    assistance for the redevelopment project.
25    (Source: P.A. 88-537.)

26        (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-50 rep.)
27        Section  10.   The  Illinois Municipal Code is amended by
28    repealing Section 11-74.6-50.

29        Section 90.  The State Mandates Act is amended by  adding
30    Section 8.23 as follows:

31        (30 ILCS 805/8.23 new)
                            -48-           LRB9100182PTpkam02
 1        Sec.  8.23.  Exempt  mandate.  Notwithstanding Sections 6
 2    and 8 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is  required
 3    for  the  implementation  of  any  mandate  created  by  this
 4    amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly.

 5        Section  99.   Effective  date.  This Act takes effect on
 6    the first day of the third month after becoming law.".

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