State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Engrossed ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ Senate Amendment 001 ][ Conference Committee Report 001 ]



 1        AN ACT to amend the  Public  Utilities  Act  by  changing
 2    Section 13-301.

 3        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section 5.   The  Public  Utilities  Act  is  amended  by
 6    changing Section 13-301 as follows:

 7        (220 ILCS 5/13-301) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-301)
 8        (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2001)
 9        Sec.  13-301.  Duties of Commission.  Consistent with the
10    findings and policy established in paragraph (a)  of  Section
11    13-102  and  paragraph (a) of Section 13-103, and in order to
12    ensure the attainment of such policies, the Commission shall:
13        (a)  participate in  all  federal  programs  intended  to
14    preserve  or  extend  universal  telecommunications  service,
15    unless  such  programs  would  place cost burdens on Illinois
16    customers of telecommunications services  in  excess  of  the
17    benefits  they would receive through participation, provided,
18    however, the Commission  shall  not  approve  or  permit  the
19    imposition   of  any  surcharge  or  other  fee  designed  to
20    subsidize or provide a waiver for  subscriber  line  charges;
21    and shall report on such programs together with an assessment
22    of  their  adequacy  and  the  advisability  of participating
23    therein in its annual report to the General Assembly, or more
24    often as necessary;
25        (b)  establish  a  program  to  monitor  the   level   of
26    telecommunications subscriber connection within each exchange
27    in  Illinois, and shall report the results of such monitoring
28    and any actions it  has  taken  or  recommends  be  taken  to
29    maintain and increase such levels in its annual report to the
30    General Assembly, or more often if necessary;
31        (c)  order  all  telecommunications  carriers offering or
                            -2-                LRB9101576JSpc
 1    providing  local  exchange  telecommunications   service   to
 2    propose low-cost or budget service tariffs and any other rate
 3    design  or pricing mechanisms designed to facilitate customer
 4    access to such telecommunications service,  and  shall  after
 5    notice  and  hearing,  implement  any such proposals which it
 6    finds likely to achieve such purpose;
 7        (d)  investigate  the  necessity   and   feasibility   of
 8    establishing  a  fund  from which telecommunications carriers
 9    that offer or provide offering or  providing  local  exchange
10    telecommunications  service,  whose  costs  of providing such
11    service exceed the average cost of providing such service  in
12    Illinois,  could  receive  revenues  intended to mitigate the
13    price impact on customers resulting from the high  or  rising
14    cost  of  such  service;  and  shall  include the results and
15    findings   of   such   investigation   together   with    any
16    recommendations  for  legislative  action in its first annual
17    report to the General Assembly in 1986;
18        (e)  Any  telecommunications  carrier   providing   local
19    exchange telecommunications service which offers to its local
20    exchange  customers  a  choice  of two or more local exchange
21    telecommunications service offerings shall  provide,  to  any
22    such  customer  requesting  it, once a year without charge, a
23    report describing  which  local  exchange  telecommunications
24    service  offering  would  result  in the lowest bill for such
25    customer's local exchange service, based on  such  customer's
26    calling  pattern  and  usage  for  the previous 6 months.  At
27    least once a year, each such carrier shall provide  a  notice
28    to  each  of  its  local  exchange telecommunications service
29    customers describing the availability of this report and  the
30    specific  procedures by which customers may receive it.  Such
31    report  shall  only  be  available  to  current  and   future
32    customers  who  have received at least 6 months of continuous
33    local exchange service from such carrier.
34    (Source: P.A. 87-445.)

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