State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]
[ House Amendment 002 ]


HB0131 Engrossed                               LRB9100820NTsb

 1        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  School  Code by changing Section
 2    10-22.22c.

 3        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 4    represented in the General Assembly:

 5        Section  5.   The  School  Code  is  amended  by changing
 6    Section 10-22.22c as follows:

 7        (105 ILCS 5/10-22.22c) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.22c)
 8        Sec. 10-22.22c.  (a) Subject to the following  provisions
 9    of  this Section two or more contiguous school districts each
10    of which has an enrollment in grades 9  through  12  of  less
11    than 600 students may, when in their judgment the interest of
12    the  districts  and  of  the  students  therein  will be best
13    served, jointly operate one or more cooperative high schools
14    school attendance centers.  Such action shall be taken for  a
15    minimum  period  of  20 5 school years, and may be taken only
16    with the approval of the voters of each district.  A district
17    with 600 or more students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 may
18    qualify for inclusion with one or more districts having  less
19    than   600  such students by receiving a size waiver from the
20    State Board  of  Education  based  on  a  finding  that  such
21    inclusion   would   significantly  increase  the  educational
22    opportunities of the district's students, and by meeting  the
23    other  prerequisites  of  this  Section.   The  board of each
24    district contemplating such joint operation shall, by  proper
25    resolution,  cause  the  proposition to enter into such joint
26    operation to be submitted to the voters of the district at  a
27    regularly  scheduled  election.  Notice shall be published at
28    least 10 days prior to the date of the election at least once
29    in one or more newspapers published in the district or, if no
30    newspaper is published  in  the  district,  in  one  or  more
31    newspapers  with  a  general circulation within the district.
HB0131 Engrossed            -2-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    The notice shall be substantially in the following form:
 3             NO. ....... AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. .......
 6        Notice is hereby given that on (insert date), the .......
 7    day of ......., 19...., a referendum will be held in  .......
 8    County  (Counties)  for  the purpose of voting for or against
 9    the proposition for School District No.  .......  and  School
10    District  No. ....... to jointly operate (a) cooperative high
11    school (schools) attendance center (centers).
12        The polls will be open at ....... o'clock ....... m., and
13    close at ....... o'clock ....... m., of the same day.
14                                           A ........  B ........
15    Dated (insert date).
16    this ....... day of ......., 19......
17    Regional Superintendent of Schools

18        The proposition shall be in substantially  the  following
19    form:
20    -------------------------------------------------------------
21    Shall the Board of Education of
22    School District No. ...., .....                 YES
23    County (Counties), Illinois be
24    authorized to enter with
25    into an agreement with School          ----------------------
26    District No. ...., .... County
27    (Counties), Illinois to jointly
28    operate (a) cooperative high                     NO
29    school (schools) attendance center (centers)?
30    -------------------------------------------------------------
31    If  the  majority  of those voting on the proposition in each
32    district vote in favor of the proposition, the school  boards
33    of  the  participating districts may, if they agree on terms,
34    execute a contract for such joint operation  subject  to  the
HB0131 Engrossed            -3-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    following provisions of this Section.
 2        (b)  The  agreement  for  joint  operation  of  any  such
 3    cooperative  high  school attendance center shall be executed
 4    on forms provided by the State Board of Education  and  shall
 5    include, but not be limited to, a process to resolve disputes
 6    on  matter  which  each  participating district cannot agree,
 7    provisions for administration,  staff,  programs,  financing,
 8    facilities,  and  transportation subject to the provisions of
 9    this Section.  Such agreements may be modified, extended,  or
10    terminated by approval of each of the participating districts
11    ,  provided  that  a district may withdraw from the agreement
12    during its initial 20-year  term  only  if  the  district  is
13    reorganizing   with   one   or  more  districts  under  other
14    provisions  of  this  Code.   Even  if  2  or  more  of   the
15    participating  district  boards  approve  an extension of the
16    agreement,  any  other  participating  district  shall,  upon
17    failure of its board to  approve  such  extension,  disengage
18    from  such  participation  at  the  end  of  the then current
19    agreement term.
20        (c)  A governing An advisory board,  which  shall  govern
21    the  operation of any such cooperative high school attendance
22    center, shall be composed of an equal number of board members
23    from each of the participating districts, except  that  where
24    all  participating  district boards concur, membership on the
25    governing advisory board may be apportioned  to  reflect  the
26    number of students in each respective district who attend the
27    cooperative  high  school.   The  membership of the governing
28    advisory board shall be not less than 6 nor more than 10  and
29    shall   be   set   by  the  agreement  entered  into  by  the
30    participating  districts.    The   school   board   of   each
31    participating district shall select, from its membership, its
32    representatives   on  the  governing  advisory  board.    The
33    governing advisory board shall prepare and adopt recommend  a
34    budget  for  the  cooperative  high  school attendance center
HB0131 Engrossed            -4-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    which must be approved by each of the participating districts
 2    .  The governing board shall administer the cooperative  high
 3    school  in accordance with the agreement of the districts and
 4    shall have the power to hire, supervise, and terminate staff;
 5    to enter into contracts; to adopt policies  for  the  school;
 6    and  to  take  all other actions necessary and proper for the
 7    operation of the school.  However, the  governing  board  may
 8    not  levy  taxes  or incur any indebtedness except within the
 9    annual budget approved by the participating districts.
10        (d)  (Blank). Each participating  school  district  shall
11    provide any necessary transportation for students residing in
12    the  district,  or  enter  into  an  agreement with the other
13    participating districts for transportation of its students.
14        (e)  Each participating district shall pay its per capita
15    cost of educating the students residing in its  district  and
16    attending  any such cooperative high school attendance center
17    into the budget for the  maintenance  and  operation  of  the
18    cooperative high school attendance center or centers.
19        The  manner  of determining Such per capita cost shall be
20    set forth in the agreement.   Each  district  shall  pay  the
21    amount  owed  the  governing  board  under  the  terms of the
22    agreement from the fund that the district would have used  if
23    the  district  had  incurred  the costs directly and may levy
24    taxes and issue  bonds  as  otherwise  authorized  for  these
25    purposes  in  order  to make payments to the governing board.
26    computed in the following manner.  The cost of operating  and
27    maintaining  each  such  cooperative  high  school attendance
28    center shall be first determined by the  advisory  board  and
29    shall  include the following expenses applicable only to each
30    such  attendance   center   under   rules   and   regulations
31    established by the State Board of Education as follows:
32        (1)  Salaries   of   principals,  teachers,  professional
33    workers, necessary noncertified workers, clerks,  librarians,
34    custodial   employees,   and   any   district   taxes  levied
HB0131 Engrossed            -5-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    specifically for their pension and retirement benefits.
 2        (2)  Educational  supplies   and   equipment,   including
 3    textbooks.
 4        (3)  Administrative costs and communication.
 5        (4)  Operation  of physical plant, including heat, light,
 6    water, repairs, and maintenance.
 7        (5)  Auxiliary  service,   including   up   to   20%   of
 8    unreimbursed transportation costs.
 9        (6)  Depreciation of physical facilities at a rate not to
10    exceed $200 per pupil.
11        (f)  Additional  school districts having an enrollment in
12    grades 9 through 12 of less than 600 students may be added to
13    the agreement in accordance with  the  process  described  in
14    subsection  (a)  of  this  Section.   In the event additional
15    districts are added, a new  contract  shall  be  executed  in
16    accordance with the provisions of this Section.
17        (g)  Upon  formation  of the cooperative high school, the
18    school board of each participating district shall:
19             (1)  confer and coordinate with each other  and  the
20        governing  board,  if  the  governing  board  is  then in
21        existence, as to staffing needs for the cooperative  high
22        school;
23             (2)  in  consultation  with  any exclusive  employee
24        representatives and the governing board, if the governing
25        board is then in existence, establish a combined list  of
26        teachers  in  all participating districts, categorized by
27        positions,  showing  the  length  of  service   and   the
28        contractual  continued  service  status,  if any, of each
29        teacher in each participating district who  is  qualified
30        to  hold  any  such  positions  at  the  cooperative high
31        school, and then distribute this list  to  the  exclusive
32        employee  representatives  on or before February 1 of the
33        school year prior to the commencement of the operation of
34        the cooperative high school or within 30 days  after  the
HB0131 Engrossed            -6-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1        date  of  the  referendum  election  if  the  proposition
 2        receives  a  majority  of  those voting in each district,
 3        whichever occurs first.  This list is in addition to  and
 4        not  a  substitute for the list mandated by Section 24-12
 5        of this Code; and
 6             (3)  transfer  to  the  governing   board   of   the
 7        cooperative  high  school the employment and the position
 8        of so many of the full-time  or  part-time  high   school
 9        teachers  employed  by  a  participating  district as are
10        jointly  determined  by  the   school   boards   of   the
11        participating  districts  and the governing board, if the
12        governing board is then in existence, to be needed at the
13        cooperative high  school,  provided  that  these  teacher
14        transfers shall be done:
15                  (A)  by categories listed on the seniority list
16             mentioned in subdivision (2) of this subsection (g);
17                  (B)  in  each  category,  by having teachers in
18             contractual  continued  service  being   transferred
19             before  any  teachers  who  are  not  in contractual
20             continued service; and
21                  (C)  in order  from  greatest  seniority  first
22             through lesser amounts of seniority.
23        A  teacher  who  is  not in contractual continued service
24    shall not be transferred if there is a teacher in contractual
25    continued service in the same category who  is  qualified  to
26    hold the position that is to be filled.
27        If   there  are  more  teachers  who  have  entered  upon
28    contractual  continued  service  than  there  are   available
29    positions  at  the  cooperative  high  school or within other
30    assignments in the  district,  a  school  board  shall  first
31    remove  or  dismiss  all  teachers  who have not entered upon
32    contractual continued service before removing  or  dismissing
33    any  teacher  who  has  entered  upon  contractual  continued
34    service  and  who is legally qualified (i) to hold a position
HB0131 Engrossed            -7-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    at the cooperative high  school  planned  to  be  held  by  a
 2    teacher  who  has  not  entered  upon  contractual  continued
 3    service or (ii) to hold another position in the participating
 4    district.   As   between   teachers  who  have  entered  upon
 5    contractual continued service, the teacher or  teachers  with
 6    the  shorter  length  of  continuing  service  in  any of the
 7    participating  districts  shall  be  dismissed  first.    Any
 8    teacher  dismissed  as  a result of such a decrease  shall be
 9    paid all earned compensation on or before the third  business
10    day following the last day of pupil attendance in the regular
11    school  term.   If  the  school  board  that  has dismissed a
12    teacher or the governing board  has  any  vacancies  for  the
13    following  school  term  or within one calendar year from the
14    beginning of the following school term, the positions thereby
15    becoming available shall  be  tendered  to  the  teachers  so
16    removed  or dismissed so far as they are legally qualified to
17    hold such positions.  However, if  the  number  of  honorable
18    dismissal  notices in all participating districts exceeds 15%
19    of  full-time  equivalent  positions  filled   by   certified
20    employees (excluding principals and administrative personnel)
21    during   the  preceding  school  year  in  all  participating
22    districts and if  the  school  board  that  has  dismissed  a
23    teacher  or  the  governing  board  has any vacancies for the
24    following school term or within 2  calendar  years  from  the
25    beginning  of  the  following  school  term, the positions so
26    becoming available shall be tendered to the teachers who were
27    so notified, removed, or dismissed  whenever  these  teachers
28    are legally qualified to hold such positions.
29        The  provisions  of Section 24-12 of this Code concerning
30    teachers whose positions are transferred from  one  board  to
31    the  control of a different board shall apply to the teachers
32    who are transferred.  The contractual  continued  service  of
33    any  transferred  teacher is not lost and the governing board
34    is subject to this Code with respect to the  teacher  in  the
HB0131 Engrossed            -8-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1    same  manner as if the teacher had been the governing board's
 2    employee during the time the teacher was actually employed by
 3    the board of the district from which  the  position  and  the
 4    teacher's  employment  were  transferred.  The  time spent in
 5    employment with a participating district by any  teacher  who
 6    has  not  yet  entered upon contractual continued service and
 7    who is transferred to the governing board is  not  lost  when
 8    computing  the  time  necessary for the teacher to enter upon
 9    contractual continued service, and  the  governing  board  is
10    subject  to this Code with respect to the teacher in the same
11    manner as if the  teacher  had  been  the  governing  board's
12    employee during the time the teacher was actually employed by
13    the  school  board  from which the position and the teacher's
14    employment were transferred.
15        If the cooperative high school is dissolved, any  teacher
16    who  was  transferred  from a participating district shall be
17    transferred back to the district and Section  24-12  of  this
18    Code  shall  apply.   In  that case, a district is subject to
19    this Code in the same manner as if  the  teacher  transferred
20    back  had  been  continuously in the service of the receiving
21    district. Administrators, teachers and other  staff  assigned
22    to  the  cooperative high school attendance center or centers
23    by  participating  school  districts  shall  continue  to  be
24    subject  to  employment  by  and  to  maintain  all   rights,
25    privileges and benefits in the districts from which they were
26    assigned,  however,  the  participating districts may jointly
27    employ a principal  to  oversee  the  administration  of  the
28    cooperative  high school attendance center agreement provided
29    the principal does not have authority to employ or  terminate
30    the employment of other personnel.
31        (h)  Upon  formation  of the cooperative high school, the
32    school board of each participating district shall:
33             (1)  confer and coordinate with each other  and  the
34        governing  board,  if  the  governing  board  is  then in
HB0131 Engrossed            -9-                LRB9100820NTsb
 1        existence, as to needs for educational support  personnel
 2        for the cooperative high school;
 3             (2)  in  consultation  with  any  exclusive employee
 4        representative or  bargaining  agent  and  the  governing
 5        board,  if  the  governing  board  is  then in existence,
 6        establish  a  combined  list   of   educational   support
 7        personnel  in  participating  districts,  categorized  by
 8        positions,  showing  the  length of continuing service of
 9        each full-time educational support personnel employee who
10        is qualified to hold any such position at the cooperative
11        high  school,  and  then  distribute  this  list  to  the
12        exclusive employee representative or bargaining agent  on
13        or  before  February  1  of  the school year prior to the
14        commencement of the operation  of  the  cooperative  high
15        school or within 30 days after the date of the referendum
16        election  if the proposition receives a majority of those
17        voting in each district, whichever occurs first; and
18             (3)  transfer  to  the  governing   board   of   the
19        cooperative  high school the employment and the positions
20        of so many of the full-time educational support personnel
21        employees employed by a  participating  district  as  are
22        jointly   determined   by   the   school  boards  of  the
23        participating districts and the governing board,  if  the
24        governing board is then in existence, to be needed at the
25        cooperative  high  school,  provided  that  the full-time
26        educational personnel employee transfers shall be done by
27        categories on the seniority list mentioned in subdivision
28        (2) of  this  subsection  (h)  and  done  in  order  from
29        greatest   seniority  first  through  lesser  amounts  of
30        seniority.
31        If there are more full-time educational support personnel
32    employees  than  there  are  available   positions   at   the
33    cooperative  high  school or in the participating district, a
34    school board shall first remove or dismiss those  educational
HB0131 Engrossed            -10-               LRB9100820NTsb
 1    support  personnel  employees  with  the  shorter  length  of
 2    continuing  service  in  any  of the participating districts,
 3    within the respective category  of  position.  The  governing
 4    board is subject to this Code with respect to the educational
 5    support  personnel  employee  as  if  the educational support
 6    personnel employee had been the  governing  board's  employee
 7    during  the  time  the educational support personnel employee
 8    was actually employed by the school  board  of  the  district
 9    from which the employment and position were transferred.  Any
10    educational  support personnel employee dismissed as a result
11    of such a decrease shall be paid all earned  compensation  on
12    or  before  the  third business day following his or her last
13    day of employment. If the school board that has dismissed the
14    educational support personnel employee or the governing board
15    has any vacancies for the following school term or within one
16    calendar year from the  beginning  of  the  following  school
17    term,  the  positions  thereby  becoming  available  within a
18    specific category  of  position  shall  be  tendered  to  the
19    employees  so  removed  or  dismissed  from  that category of
20    position so far as they are legally qualified  to  hold  such
21    positions.  If  the cooperative high school is dissolved, any
22    educational support personnel employee  who  was  transferred
23    from  a  participating  district shall be transferred back to
24    the district and Section 10-23.5 of this  Code  shall  apply.
25    In  that case, a district is subject to this Code in the same
26    manner as  if  the  educational  support  personnel  employee
27    transferred  back had been continuously in the service of the
28    receiving district.
29    (Source: P.A. 85-759; 85-1005; revised 10-20-98.)

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