State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ House Amendment 007 ]
[ House Amendment 008 ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]


 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1120
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 1120 by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:
 4        "Section  5.   The  Counties  Code  is  amended by adding
 5    Section 5-1062.2 as follows:
 6        (55 ILCS 5/5-1062.2 new)
 7        Sec.  5-1062.2.   Stormwater   management;   southwestern
 8    Illinois.
 9        (a)  Purpose.   Because  stormwater management is crucial
10    to optimize economic development and improve the  quality  of
11    life  in  southwestern  Illinois, the purpose of this Section
12    is:
13             (1)  to allow for the management and  mitigation  of
14        the effects of urbanization on stormwater drainage in the
15        southwestern  Illinois  counties  of Madison, Monroe, and
16        St. Clair;
17             (2)  to set minimum  standards  for  floodplain  and
18        stormwater management; and
19             (3)  to   prepare   plans   for  the  management  of
20        floodplains  and   stormwater   runoff,   including   the
21        management of natural and manmade drainage ways.
22        (b)  The  purposes  of  this Section shall be achieved by
                            -2-            LRB9003548DNmbam02
 1    creating  the  Southwestern  Illinois  Stormwater  Management
 2    Committee to study and  plan  for  stormwater  management  in
 3    southwestern Illinois.
 4        (c)  Definitions.  For purposes of this Section:
 5             (1)  "Board"  or  "county  board"  means  the county
 6        board, or county commission, of a respective county.
 7             (2)  "Committee"  means  the  stormwater  management
 8        planning committee.
 9             (3)  "County" means only those southwestern Illinois
10        counties served by  the  East-West  Gateway  Coordinating
11        Council and includes Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair.
12             (4)  "Drainage  district"  means  an active drainage
13        district that has levied taxes or special assessments, or
14        has elected or appointed trustees, within  the  preceding
15        10 years.
16             (5)  "Impervious  area"  means,  without limitation,
17        that area of property that is covered by materials  other
18        than  soil  and  vegetation  and  that  has  no  intended
19        capacity  to  absorb  stormwater,  such  as parking lots,
20        driveways, sidewalks, patios, tennis courts,  roofs,  and
21        other structures.
22             (6)  "Runoff"  or  "stormwater  runoff" means waters
23        derived  from  melting  snow  or  rain  that  exceed  the
24        infiltration capacity of the soil; rainfall not  absorbed
25        or detained by soil material, nor lost by evaporation.
26             (7)  "Stormwater  management"  includes  all  of the
27        following:  any   facility,   improvement,   development,
28        project,  or  property,  or any interest in any of those,
29        that are constructed or acquired to  control,  treat,  or
30        protect  life  or  property  from storm, waste, flood, or
31        surplus waters. "Stormwater management" includes, but  is
32        not  limited  to,  levees,  spoil  banks, revetments, and
33        bulkheads; the removal of obstructions, including but not
34        limited to bars, logs, and debris from water courses; the
                            -3-            LRB9003548DNmbam02
 1        clearing, deepening, widening,  straightening,  changing,
 2        relocating,  or otherwise improving and maintaining water
 3        courses; the acquisition of real or personal property  or
 4        rights  and  interests  in  real  or personal property to
 5        provide for the free or  natural  flow  or  detention  of
 6        flood  or  storm  water,  storm  bowers, retention ponds,
 7        dams,  impounding  basins,  wetlands,  and   dikes;   the
 8        construction,  operation,  and  maintenance  of any other
 9        works, structures, and  improvements  necessary  for  the
10        control,  treatment,  or  protection  of life or property
11        from  storm,  waste,  flood,  or  surplus   waters;   the
12        provision of related public information; the condemnation
13        of  land  and  other property and rights and interests in
14        land and other property; and the damage of land and other
15        property and rights  and  interests  in  land  and  other
16        property,  for  stormwater management purposes related to
17        the foregoing after just compensation has first been made
18        or paid into court for the owner in the manner prescribed
19        by Article VII of the Code of Civil Procedure.
20             (8)  "Watershed" means all land area drained by,  or
21        contributing  water  to,  the  same  stream, lake, marsh,
22        stormwater facility, groundwater, or low area.
23        (d)  Committee.   The  Southwestern  Illinois  Stormwater
24    Management Committee shall be  established  by  county  board
25    resolution  and  shall  consist of 10 appointed members.  The
26    county board chairman of each county, or in  the  case  of  a
27    home rule county, the chief executive officer of that county,
28    shall  appoint  one  member to the committee, with the advice
29    and consent of the county board.  The  Southwestern  Illinois
30    Council  of  Mayors shall appoint one mayor from each county.
31    The Governor shall appoint 3 members to the Committee,  which
32    shall  include  representatives  from  the following interest
33    groups: real estate development, real estate  brokerage,  and
34    agriculture.   One  member shall be appointed by the drainage
                            -4-            LRB9003548DNmbam02
 1    districts in the 3 counties.
 2             (1)  Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as
 3        the original appointments.
 4             (2)  Committee  members   shall   serve   from   the
 5        effective  date of this amendatory Act of 1997 until June
 6        30, 1998.
 7             (3)  The Committee shall select a  chairperson  from
 8        its members and shall adopt, by majority vote, by-laws to
 9        govern  its  operation.   Committee  members  shall serve
10        without compensation.
11        (e)  Stormwater Management Plan.
12             (1)  The  Committee  shall  develop   a   stormwater
13        management  plan  for presentation to and approval by the
14        county boards.  In preparing  the  stormwater  management
15        plan, the Committee shall coordinate the planning process
16        with  each  county  to ensure that recommended stormwater
17        management projects will have no  significant  impact  on
18        the   levels  or  flows  of  stormwater  in  inter-county
19        watersheds or on the capacity  of  existing  and  planned
20        stormwater retention facilities.
21             (2)  The  Committee  may  seek  advice in developing
22        recommendations  for  the  stormwater  management   plan;
23        however,   the   Committee   is  solely  responsible  for
24        submitting recommendations for the implementation of  its
25        stormwater management plan to the county boards.
26             (3)  The  Committee shall submit recommendations for
27        the implementation of the stormwater management  plan  on
28        or before January 15, 1998.
29             (4)  An  adopted  stormwater  management  plan  must
30        identify  steps  to  be taken by the counties in order to
31        coordinate the development of the plan recommendations.
32             (5)  The Committee shall meet at least quarterly and
33        hold at least one public meeting in  each  county  during
34        the  preparation  of  the  stormwater management plan and
                            -5-            LRB9003548DNmbam02
 1        prior to submitting the plan to the county  boards.   The
 2        Committee  must afford interested persons the opportunity
 3        to be heard at the public meeting.  The hearings shall be
 4        in each county seat.   Notice  of  the  hearing  must  be
 5        published  at least once not less than 15 days in advance
 6        thereof in a newspaper of general  circulation  published
 7        in  the county.  The notice must state the time and place
 8        of the hearing and the place where copies of the proposed
 9        plan will be accessible  for  examination  by  interested
10        parties. After consideration of the matters raised at the
11        hearing, the Committee may amend or approve the plan.
12             (6)  Prior   to   recommending  the  adoption  of  a
13        stormwater management plan  to  the  county  boards,  the
14        Committee  shall  submit  its  plan  to the Department of
15        Natural Resources for review  and  recommendations.   The
16        Department  shall  consider such factors as the impact on
17        the levels  or  flows  in  rivers  and  streams  and  the
18        cumulative  effect  of  stormwater  discharges  on  flood
19        levels.   The Department shall determine whether the plan
20        or ordinances enacted to implement the plan would  comply
21        with the requirements set forth in subsection (f) of this
22        Section.  Within  a  period  not  to  exceed 60 days, the
23        Department shall submit its comments and  recommendations
24        to  the Committee.  Any subsequent amendments to the plan
25        must be submitted to the Department for review.
26             (7)  The Committee shall direct  the  implementation
27        and revision of its stormwater management plan.
28             (8)  The   Committee   may   request,  receive,  and
29        distribute  federal,  State,   and   local   grants   for
30        stormwater management within the counties.
31        (f)  The  county  boards  may  prescribe,  by  ordinance,
32    reasonable  rules  to  regulate stormwater runoff and enforce
33    stormwater  management  in  unincorporated  portions  of  the
34    counties.   These  rules  shall,  at  a  minimum,  meet   the
                            -6-            LRB9003548DNmbam02
 1    standards   for  floodplain  management  established  by  the
 2    Department and the  requirements  of  the  Federal  Emergency
 3    Management  Agency  for  participation  in the National Flood
 4    Insurance Program.
 5        (g)  The county boards shall not enforce any  rules  that
 6    would  interfere with the ability of any drainage district or
 7    farm to operate, maintain, and improve  its  system  for  the
 8    purpose  of  production  of  an  agricultural commodity crop.
 9    This Section is not intended to limit or affect  in  any  way
10    the powers of municipalities to regulate or control land uses
11    as  provided  by law.  Further, the State of Illinois may not
12    require any unit of local government to expend funds for  the
13    purposes of this Section.
14        (h)  The  provisions  of this Section are severable under
15    Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
16        Section 99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect  upon
17    becoming law.".

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