Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

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Representative Michael K. Smith (D), 91st District
Click Here to see all bills from Michael K. Smith.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB258Michael K. SmithST BD ED-GRANTS-TRAIN CPR/AEDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00438/10/2007
HB400Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB401Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB402Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB567Michael K. SmithREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB568Michael K. SmithPROC CD-FOREIGN CALL CENTERHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB623Michael K. SmithCREDIT UNION ACT-FUND INVESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-01248/13/2007
HB719Michael K. SmithUTILITIES-SERVICE RELIABILITYHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1026Michael K. SmithFIRE PROTECTION-REIMBURSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1088Michael K. SmithCHILD CARE-DAY CARE-DRUG SCRNHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1089Michael K. SmithAGING-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1090Michael K. SmithUSE/OCC TX-EXEMPT-VET VEHICLESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1787Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1788Michael K. SmithPEN CD-ART 4-DISABILITY PENSNHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1880Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1988Michael K. SmithFIRE INVESTIGATION-REPORTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-02248/16/2007
HB1989Michael K. SmithSCH CONSTRUCTION-JT AGREEMENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1996Michael K. SmithINC TX-LONG TERM HEALTH CREDITHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1997Michael K. SmithDPT AG-AMMONIA METH STUDYHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1998Michael K. SmithSEX OFFENDER COMMUNITY NOTIFHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-08178/14/2008
HB1999Michael K. SmithSCH CD-FINANC OVERSIGHT PANELHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2003Michael K. SmithSCH CD-TEACHER CERT-TESTS-CEUHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2004Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2005Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2008Michael K. SmithSCH CD-READING IMPROVMNT GRANTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2009Michael K. SmithSCH CD-TEXTBK-ELECTRONIC FILEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2011Michael K. SmithCOMMON SCH FUND-TRNSFRS-CLAIMSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2014Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2015Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2016Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2106Michael K. SmithAGRICULTURE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2170Michael K. SmithDRYCLEANER ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2470Michael K. SmithREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3399Michael K. SmithCRIM CD-CHILD SEX OFFENDERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-08198/14/2008
HB3450Michael K. SmithEXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT OFFICEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3629Michael K. SmithSCH CD-PROBATIONARY TEACHERSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3630Michael K. Smith$SURS/HEALTH INS. SECURITY FNDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4386Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4616Michael K. SmithRESID REAL PROP-DISCLOSUREHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4620Michael K. SmithINS CD-WMNS HEART DISEASE PREVHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4640Michael K. SmithSCH CD-FIN INCENTIV-ENERGY CONHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4675Michael K. SmithFIRE PROTECTION-NON-RESIDENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4696Michael K. SmithRENEWABLE FUELS-GRANTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4864Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4865Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4897Michael K. SmithPEN CD-ART 4-OVER 20 YRS SRVCHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4898Michael K. SmithREGULATION-BANKS-REAL ESTATEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5077Michael K. SmithHIGH TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL-TO-WORKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-09498/29/2008
HB5078Michael K. Smith$ISBE-TEACHING EXCELLENCE PROHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5089Michael K. SmithSCH CONSTRUCTION-JT AGREEMENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5325Michael K. SmithSCH CD-CONTINUED READ IMP GRNTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5732Michael K. SmithSCH CD-COMPLIANCE AUDIT-MANDATHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5734Michael K. SmithPROCUREMENT-CONTRACTOR PENALTYHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5782Michael K. SmithEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5783Michael K. SmithSCH CD-DISTINGUISHED PRINCIPALHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5863Michael K. SmithSCH CD-SCH LEADERSHIP PREPHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5899Michael K. SmithPEN CD-ART 4-DISABILITY PENSNHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5970Michael K. SmithSCH CD-DISTINGUISHED PRINCIPALHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HR352Michael K. SmithCONGRATS AM LEGION POST 16HResolution Adopted4/27/2007
HR365Michael K. SmithMEMORIAL-ANTHONY LEEHResolution Adopted5/2/2007
HR366Michael K. SmithMEMORIAL-LARRY JOHNSONHResolution Adopted5/2/2007
HR372Michael K. SmithMEMORIAL - KIMBERLY BOELKESHResolution Adopted5/3/2007
HR580Michael K. SmithCONGRATS-CANTON SPEC OLYMPICSHResolution Adopted7/10/2007
HR594Michael K. SmithCONGRATS - ALAN COLEMANHResolution Adopted7/12/2007
HR646Michael K. SmithCONGRATS - DR. WILLIAM BEACHHResolution Adopted8/7/2007
HR647Michael K. SmithCONGRATS - CHIEF JOHN STANKOHResolution Adopted8/7/2007
HR1164Michael K. SmithCONGRATS-AARP 50THHResolution Adopted4/10/2008
HR1172Michael K. SmithMEMORIAL - LEE GRUBORHResolution Adopted4/10/2008
HR1211Michael K. SmithCONGRATS-LEWISTOWN TUBE BANDHResolution Adopted4/29/2008
HR1427Michael K. SmithCONGRATS-LIMESTONE HS ROCKETSHResolution Adopted7/15/2008
HR1680Michael K. SmithMEMORIAL - DAVID TEBBENHResolution Adopted1/13/2009
HJR30Michael K. SmithGOLD STAR FAMILIES WEEKHAdopted Both Houses5/22/2007
HJR53Michael K. SmithSCHOOL DIST REQUESTS- WAVERSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HJR66Michael K. SmithSCHOOL LEADERSHIP TASK FORCEHAdopted Both Houses7/26/2007
HJRCA42Michael K. SmithCONAMEND-INCOME TAX RATESHTabled Pursuant to Rule 465/4/2008
SB595David KoehlerACT ON AGING-MEDICATION MANAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05358/28/2007
SB746Deanna DemuzioSCH CD-TECH IMMERSION PROJECTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-03878/23/2007
SB809David KoehlerPUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1939Edward D. MaloneySCH CD-CHIEF SCH BUS OFFICIALSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2163William R. HaineEMERGENCY SYS PROVIDERS-CERTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2481Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-TEACHER CERT-TESTSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2676David KoehlerMUNICIPAL HOTEL OPERATORS TAXSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-09679/25/2008
SB2861Deanna DemuzioRENEWABLE FUELS PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2864John J. CullertonSCH/VEH CD-TRANSPORT STUDENTSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SJR72Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORTHResolution Adopted 103-009-00011/2/2007
SJR90Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORTSAdopted Both Houses5/6/2008
SJR109Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009