State of Illinois
Introduced , by Rep. Jim Durkin - Thomas Morrison
Makes appropriations for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Environmental Protection Agency for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, as follows:
Other State Funds $245,468,200
Federal Funds $ 65,607,600
Total $311,075,800
OMB099 00223 TPW 20223 b
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 1. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois Clean Water Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,044,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 476,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 79,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 260,000
For Contractual Services......................... 210,000
For Travel........................................ 18,400
For Commodities................................... 37,000
For Equipment..................................... 50,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 57,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 42,500
Total $2,277,100
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Payable from U.S. Environmental Protection Fund:
For Contractual Services....................... 1,491,100
For Electronic Data Processing................... 473,300
Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 385,300
For Electronic Data Processing................... 174,200
Payable from Solid Waste Management Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 593,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 138,100
Payable from Subtitle D Management Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 121,400
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 56,900
Payable from Clean Air Act (CAA) Permit Fund:
For Contractual Services....................... 1,005,900
For Electronic Data Processing................... 334,700
Payable from Water Revolving Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 942,600
For Electronic Data Processing................... 354,500
Payable from Used Tire Management Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 390,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 153,500
Payable from Hazardous Waste Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 489,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 141,500
Payable from Environmental Protection
Permit and Inspection Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 376,100
For Electronic Data Processing................... 142,200
For Refunds...................................... 100,000
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 709,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 341,500
Payable from the Illinois Clean Water Fund:
For Contractual Services......................... 660,600
For Electronic Data Processing................... 623,700
Total $10,198,700
Section 10. The sum of $1,450,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency from the EPA Special State Projects Trust Fund for the purpose of funding all costs associated with environmental programs, including costs in prior years.
Section 15. The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the U.S. Environmental Protection Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for all costs associated with environmental projects as defined by federal assistance awards.
Section 20. The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Oil Spill Response Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 25c-1 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 25. The amount of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for awards and grants as directed by the Environmental Protection Trust Fund Commission.
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 4,177,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,904,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 319,600
For Group Insurance............................ 1,104,000
For Contractual Services....................... 2,704,000
For Travel........................................ 31,600
For Commodities.................................. 132,000
For Printing...................................... 15,000
For Equipment.................................... 355,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 215,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 52,000
For Use by the City of Chicago................... 374,600
For Expenses Related to
Clean Air Activities.......................... 4,950,000
Total $16,334,900
Payable from the Environmental Protection
Permit and Inspection Fund for Air
Permit and Inspection Activities:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,350,000
For Other Expenses............................. 2,300,000
Total $4,650,000
Payable from the Vehicle Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 5,005,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,282,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 382,900
For Group Insurance............................ 1,748,000
For Contractual Services, including
prior year costs............................. 18,950,000
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Commodities................................... 15,000
For Printing..................................... 334,000
For Equipment..................................... 60,900
For Telecommunications........................... 175,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 29,200
For the Alternate Fuels Rebate and
Grant Program including rates from
prior years........................................ 0
Total $29,023,200
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Clean Air Act (CAA) Permit Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding Clean Air Act Title V activities in accordance with Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990:
For Personal Services and Other
Expenses of the Program...................... 17,500,000
Section 45. The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternative Compliance Market Account Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for all costs associated with the emissions reduction market program.
Section 50. The sum of $1,414,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Clean Water Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of laboratory analysis of samples.
Section 55. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Community Water Supply Laboratory Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of performing laboratory testing of samples from community water supplies and for administrative costs of the Agency and the Community Water Supply Testing Council:
For Personal Services and Other
Expenses of the Program....................... 1,200,000
Section 60. The sum of $540,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental Laboratory Certification Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of administering the environmental laboratories certification program.
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,735,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,247,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 209,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 825,000
For Contractual Services......................... 200,000
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Commodities................................... 25,000
For Printing...................................... 20,000
For Equipment..................................... 26,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 100,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 25,000
For Use by the Office of the Attorney General.......... 0
For Underground Storage Tank Program........... 2,600,000
Total $8,053,600
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, including prior year costs, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency, payable from the U. S. Environmental Protection Fund, for use of remedial, preventive or corrective action in accordance with the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 as amended:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,064,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 485,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 81,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 295,000
For Contractual Services......................... 140,000
For Travel........................................ 50,000
For Commodities................................... 50,000
For Printing...................................... 10,000
For Equipment..................................... 50,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 35,000
For Contractual Expenses Related to
Remedial, Preventive or Corrective
Actions in Accordance with the
Federal Comprehensive and Liability
Act of 1980, including Costs in
Prior Years.................................. 10,500,000
Total $12,810,900
Section 75. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding the Underground Storage Tank Program.
Payable from the Underground Storage Tank Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 3,293,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,501,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 252,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 910,000
For Contractual Services......................... 320,000
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Commodities................................... 20,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 16,300
For Contracts for Site Remediation and
for Reimbursements to Eligible Owners/
Operators of Leaking Underground
Storage Tanks, including claims
submitted in prior years..................... 45,100,000
Total $51,576,900
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.2 of the Environmental Protection Act:
Payable from the Hazardous Waste Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 4,376,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,995,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 334,800
For Group Insurance............................ 1,219,000
For Contractual Services......................... 442,500
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Commodities................................... 15,000
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Equipment..................................... 40,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 29,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 37,500
For Refunds....................................... 50,000
For Contractual Services for Site
Remediations, including costs
in Prior Years................................ 3,000,000
Total $11,594,400
Section 85. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental Protection Permit and Inspection Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for land permit and inspection activities:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,065,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 960,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 158,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 600,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 30,000
For Travel......................................... 6,500
For Commodities.................................... 5,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment...................................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 5,000
Total $3,855,000
Section 90. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Solid Waste Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.15 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services.......................... 4,819,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,119,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 368,700
For Group Insurance............................ 1,380,000
For Contractual Services......................... 122,000
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Commodities................................... 10,000
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Equipment..................................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 15,000
For Refunds........................................ 5,000
For financial assistance to units of
local government for operations under
delegation agreements......................... 1,700,000
Total $10,652,100
Section 95. The following named sums, or so much therefore as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for all costs associated with solid waste management activities, including costs from prior years:
Payable from the Solid Waste
Management Fund................................ 3,000,000
Section 100. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Used Tire Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for purposes as provided for in Section 55.6 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services.......................... 3,173,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,447,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 242,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 897,000
For Contractual Services, including
prior year costs.............................. 2,000,000
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Commodities................................... 10,000
For Printing...................................... 10,000
For Equipment..................................... 20,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 40,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 25,000
Total $7,885,800
Section 105. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Subtitle D Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding the Subtitle D permit program in accordance with Section 22.44 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services............................ 915,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 417,500
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 70,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 253,000
For Contractual Services......................... 257,000
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Commodities................................... 20,000
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Equipment..................................... 25,000
For Telecommunications............................ 75,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 18,000
Total $2,084,200
Section 110. The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding closure activities in accordance with Section 22.17 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 120. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with the Brownfields Redevelopment program:
Payable from the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund:
For Personal Services and Other
Expenses of the Program....................... 1,656,700
Section 125. The sum of $4,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance for Brownfields redevelopment in accordance with 58.3(5), 58.13 and 58.15 of the Environmental Protection Act, including costs in prior years.
Section 130. The sum of $1,300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for all expenses related to removal or mediation actions at the Worthy Park, Cook County, hazardous waste site.
Section 135. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Electronics Recycling Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Public Act 95-0959, Electronic Products Recycling and Reuse Act.
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 7,124,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,248,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 545,000
For Group Insurance............................ 2,012,000
For Contractual Services....................... 1,800,000
For Travel....................................... 113,900
For Commodities................................... 30,500
For Printing...................................... 48,100
For Equipment.................................... 140,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 106,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 34,800
For Use by the Department of
Public Health................................... 830,000
For non-point source pollution management
and special water pollution studies
including costs in prior years................ 8,950,000
For Water Quality Planning,
including costs in prior years.................. 900,000
For Use by the Department of
Agriculture..................................... 160,000
Total $26,043,800
Section 145. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
and Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 306,500
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 140,000
For State Contribution to
Social Security.................................. 23,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 115,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 10,000
For Travel........................................ 10,000
For Commodities................................... 10,000
For Equipment..................................... 20,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 10,000
Total $660,000
Section 155. The amount of $12,563,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Clean Water Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for all costs associated with clean water activities.
Section 160. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the object and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Water Revolving Fund:
For Administrative Costs of Water Pollution
Control Revolving Loan Program................ 8,000,000
For Program Support Costs of Water
Pollution Control Program.................... 20,000,000
For Administrative Costs of the Drinking
Water Revolving Loan Program.................. 1,500,000
For Program Support Costs of the Drinking
Water Program................................ 10,000,000
For Technical Assistance to Small Systems........ 735,000
For Administration of the Public Water
System Supervision (PWSS) Program,
Source Water Protection, Development
And Implementation of Capacity Development,
and Operator Certification Programs........... 3,600,000
For Clean Water Administration Loan
Eligible Activities.......................... 10,000,000
For Local Assistance and Other 1452(k)
Activities.................................... 5,500,000
Total $59,335,000
Section 165. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Pollution Control Board Division:
Payable from Pollution Control Board Fund:
For Contractual Services................................. 0
For Telecommunications Services.......................... 0
For Operational Expenses............................ 48,000
For Refunds.......................................... 2,000
Total $50,000
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
and Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services.............................. 548,800
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 255,200
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 42,000
For Group Insurance................................ 144,000
For Contractual Services................................. 0
For Travel............................................... 0
For Telecommunications Services........................ 0
Total $990,000
Payable from the Clean Air Act (CAA) Permit Fund:
For Personal Services.............................. 281,500
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 130,900
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 21,600
For Group Insurance................................. 96,000
For Contractual Services............................ 10,000
Total $540,000
Section 170. The amount of $364,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Used Tire Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purposes as provided for in Section 55.6 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 175. The amount of $1,491,100, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Underground Storage Tank Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for case processing of leaking underground storage tank permit and claims appeals.
Section 999. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2016, if and only if Senate Bill 2789 of the 99th General Assembly (the Unbalanced Budget Response Act), as introduced in the Illinois Senate, becomes law..