State of Illinois
Introduced , by Rep. Jim Durkin - John M. Cabello
Makes appropriations and reappropriations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015.
OMB099 00153 CLB 20153 b
AN ACT making appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 1. It is the intent of the State that all or a portion of the costs of projects funded by appropriations made in this Act from the Capital Development Fund, the School Construction Fund, the Anti-Pollution Fund, the Transportation Bond Series A Fund, the Transportation Bond Series B Fund, the Coal Development Fund, the Transportation Bond Series D Fund, and the Build Illinois Bond Fund will be paid or reimbursed from the proceeds of tax-exempt bonds subsequently issued by the State.
Section 5. The amount of $3,883, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Section 5 of Article 1 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for plans, specifications, and continuation of work pursuant to the report and recommendations of the architectural, structural, and mechanical surveys of the State Capitol Building. This is for the continuation of the rehabilitation of the Capitol Building.
Section 10. The sum of $548,180, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Section 10 of Article 1 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for remodeling, planning, relocation, permanent equipment, and other related expenses, including architectural and engineering fees associated with construction, for the remodeling of office space and other support areas under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Section 15. The sum of $31,908,920, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 1, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for all costs associated with capital upgrades and improvements.
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 1, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 1, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675)
For upgrading the HVAC systems
and for renovations to meet
compliance with ADA, in addition
to funds previously appropriated............. 10,008,453
For equipment, remodeling and all other
costs related to the maintenance, renovation
or restoration of areas located in the
Capitol Building................................. 31,437
Total $10,039,890
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 1, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Office of the Architect of the Capitol for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 1, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675)
For completing the stone restoration, in
addition to funds previously appropriated....... 323,373
For demolition of 222 S. College,
and landscaping of Capitol Complex
in addition to funds previously
appropriated.................................... 963,567
For demolition of 222 South College
Building and landscaping of
Capitol Complex................................. 585,151
For the planning, design, reconstruction,
and construction to renovate or replace
the Stratton Office Building, in addition
to funds previously appropriated............. 6,685,662
Total $8,557,753
Section 30. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $51,058,626
Section 5. The sum of $24,621,713, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 2, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Secretary of State for capital grants to public libraries for permanent improvements.
Section 10. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $24,621,713
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for repairs, maintenance, and capital improvements including construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, materials, equipment, services and all other expenses required to complete the work:
Payable from Agricultural Premium Fund:
For various projects at the Illinois
State Fairgrounds............................. 1,800,000
For various projects at the DuQuoin
State Fairgrounds............................... 750,000
Section 10. The amount of $2,612,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund to the Department of Agriculture for the Conservation Practices Cost-Share program.
Total, this Article $5,162,500
Section 5. The sum of $3,483,998, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 4, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Central Management Services for Information Technology infrastructure expenses including but not limited to related hardware and equipment.
Section 10. The amount of $1,783,877, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Section 10 of Article 4 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Central Management Services for infrastructure improvement, hardware and related costs.
Section 15. The sum of $8,118,965, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 4, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Central Management Services for the Illinois Century Network.
Section 20. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $13,386,840
Section 5. The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Section 5 of Article 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Port Development Revolving Loan Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans associated with the Port Development Revolving Loan Program pursuant to 30 ILCS 750/9-11.
Section 7. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 7 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Uptown Theatre for costs associated with capital improvements.
Section 10. The sum of $17,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Section 10 of Article 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants associated with the redevelopment of Brownfield sites.
Section 20. The sum of $1,975,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants associated with the Illinois Renewable Fuels Development Act.
Section 25. The sum of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois Medical District Commission for capital improvements, acquisition and development of land and structures, including previously incurred costs.
Section 30. The sum of $1,084,747, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Coal Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the specific purposes of acquisition, development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, financing, architectural and technical planning and installation of capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, durable equipment, and land for the purpose of capital development of coal resources within the State.
Section 40. The sum of $14,125,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant for the Illinois Science and Technology Park.
Section 45. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 45 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants associated with the Illinois Renewable Fuels Development Act.
Section 50. The sum of $5,500,001, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants associated with the redevelopment of brownfield sites.
Section 55. The sum of $14,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Coal Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the specific purpose of acquisition, development, construction, reconstruction, improvement, financing, architectural and technical planning and installation of capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, durable equipment, and land for the purpose of capital development of coal resources within the State, including but not limited, to a grant for a commercial scale, low emissions project that produces electric power, synthesizes natural gas or chemicals and demonstrates underground storage of at least 1 million metric tons annually of carbon dioxide.
Section 60. The sum of $3,980,704, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans pursuant but not limited to Article 8, Article 9, or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 65. The sum of $1,567,540, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 65 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans pursuant but not limited to Article 8 or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 70. The sum of $2,600,251, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans pursuant but not limited to Article 8, Article 9, or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 75. The sum of $4,017,122, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 75 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans pursuant but not limited to Article 8, Article 9, or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 80. The sum of $4,524,172, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans pursuant but not limited to Article 8, Article 9, or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 85. The sum of $94,403,635, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 85 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the purpose of making grants and loans to local governments for planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, development, improvement and extension of the public infrastructure, and for any other purposes authorized in subsection (a) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act and for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 90. The sum of $2,200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 90 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the purpose of fostering economic development and increased employment and the well being of the citizens of Illinois, and for any other purposes authorized in subsection (b) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act and for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 95. The sum of $7,506,224, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for purposes authorized in subsection (c) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act and for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 100. The sum of $28,214,727, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 100 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for deposits into the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund and other purposes authorized by subsection (c) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 105. The sum of $28,643,677, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 105 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants to local governments for the acquisition, financing, architectural planning, development, alteration, installation, and construction of capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, durable equipment, and land as authorized by subsection (l) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 110. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 110 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants to local governments for the acquisition, financing, architectural planning, development, alteration, installation, and construction of capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, durable equipment, and land as authorized by subsection (l) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 115. The sum of $10,100,050, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 115 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants pursuant but not limited to Article 8, Article 9, or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.
Section 120. The sum of $13,295,450, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 120 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois’ Future to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants to units of government, educational facilities and not-for-profit organizations for education and training, infrastructure improvements and other capital projects including but not limited to planning, construction, reconstruction, equipment, utilities and vehicles, and all costs associated with economic development programs, community service programs, public health programs, public safety programs, other programs and activities, and for grants to other State agencies for any capital or operating purposes.
Section 125. The sum of $9,550,834, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 125 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants to local governments for capital improvements to civic centers for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
Quad Cities Metropolitan
Exposition and Auditorium
Authority...................................... 3,000,000
Peoria Metropolitan Exposition
Authority...................................... 1,569,797
Springfield Metropolitan
Exposition and Auditorium
Authority.............................................. 0
Rockford Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority........................................ 480,001
Will County Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority........................................ 601,036
Aurora Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority.............................................. 0
Decatur Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority...................................... 2,100,000
Vermilion County Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority........................................ 850,000
Collinsville Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority........................................ 625,000
LaSalle County Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority........................................ 250,000
Quincy Metropolitan Exposition,
Auditorium and Office Building
Authority.............................................. 0
Section 135. The sum of $1,195,268, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 135 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Chicago Housing Authority for LeClaire Courts.
Section 140. The sum of $4,212,022, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 140 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Medical District Commission for capital improvements, including previously incurred costs.
Section 150. The sum of $406,238,628, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 150 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants awarded under the Urban Weatherization Initiative Act.
Section 155. The sum of $2, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 155 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans including but not limited to broadband deployment to expand and strengthen existing broadband network infrastructure, health information technology, telemedicine, distance learning, and public safety.
Section 156. The sum of $4,539,314, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 156 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans including but not limited to broadband deployment to expand and strengthen existing broadband network infrastructure, health information technology, telemedicine, distance learning, and public safety.
Section 160. The sum of $7,078,733, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 160 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants and loans for transportation electrification infrastructure projects; including, but not limited to grants and loans for the purpose of encouraging electric car manufacturing and infrastructure for electric vehicles.
Section 165. The sum of $15,298,006, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 165 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for infrastructure projects that lead directly to private sector expansion or retention activities including but not limited to public infrastructure construction and renovation, financing for the purchase of land and buildings, construction or renovation of fixed assets, site preparation and purchase of machinery and equipment.
Section 180. The sum of $6,147,957, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 180 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to provide loans and grants for the modification, alteration, or retrofitting of renewable fuel plants in Illinois in order to encourage the implementation of technologies that increase the overall efficiency of the renewable fuel production process or reduce the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of the renewable fuel produced including, but not limited to: (i) improved water conservation; (ii) improved energy conservation; (iii) added value to bio-fuel co-products and bi-products; (iv) utilization of renewable energy resources; (v) utilization of fractionation; or (vi) utilization of cellulosic or other biomass conversion.
Section 185. The sum of $10,010,727, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 185 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the requirements necessary to leverage capital-related American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds of equal or greater value in order to make Illinois or Illinois applicants more competitive and/or for costs associated with bondable improvements to match federal, local, private or other funds.
Section 190. The sum of $125,591, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 190 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Phoenix Foundation of Southern Illinois for hospital renovation and equipment.
Section 195. The sum of $7,859,597, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 195 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for costs associated with the redevelopment of brownfield sites.
Section 200. The sum of $9,628,778, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 200 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Aspira, Inc. of Illinois for costs associated with acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, renovation and equipping facilities, including prior incurred costs.
Section 205. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 5, Section 205 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Rockford District 205 for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation and
equipping to a silver certification
from the United States Green
Building Council’s Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design
Green Building Rating System........................... 0
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation...................... 500,000
For the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, renovation.................... 1,000,000
Total $1,500,000
Section 210. The sum of $9,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 210 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for grants for acquisition, construction, renovation and equipping new charter schools, to a silver certification from the United States Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System as approximated below:
For Instituto Del Progresso Latino............. 9,000,000
Section 215. The sum of $4,667,213, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 215 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to provide grants, loans, and other investments to emerging technology enterprises to support and encourage: (i) commercialization of technology based products and services; (ii) technology transfer projects involving the promotion of new or innovative technologies; or (iii) research and development projects to respond to unique, advanced technology projects and which foster the development of Illinois’ economy through the advancement of the State’s economic, scientific, and technological assets.
Section 220. The sum of $5,938,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 220 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to provide grants for land acquisition, infrastructure, equipment and other permissible capital expenditures to businesses that will encourage new investment and the creation or retention of jobs in economically depressed areas of the state.
Section 230. The sum of $3,740,250, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 230 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the University of Chicago Medical Center for costs associated with Provident Hospital.
Section 235. The sum of $1,798,133, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 235 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois Masonic Hospital for capital improvements.
Section 250. The sum of $2,084,459, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 250 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Community Health and Emergency Services, Inc. for the construction of a hospital wing at the Cairo Megaclinic.
Section 260. The sum of $1,125,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 5, Section 260 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Cook County Health and Hospital System for costs associated with medical equipment and capital improvements at Provident Hospital.
Section 285. The sum of $4,900,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 5, Section 285 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Coal Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the purpose of development costs pursuant to Section 8.1 of the Energy Conservation and Coal Development Act.
Section 290. The sum of $143,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for support facilities, acquisition or improvements for Sugar Loaf and/or Fox Mounds or other properties within the Cahokia Mounds National Historic Landmark Boundary.
Section 295. This Article is not subject to limitations under Section 5 of Article 48 of Public Act 95-734 or any similar limitation.
Section 300. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $818,519,812
Section 15. The amount of $750,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 6, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Erie Neighborhood House.
Section 20. The amount of $598,329, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 6, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Family Guidance Center.
Section 30. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $1,348,329
Section 5. The sum of $725,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of boat access areas.
Section 10. The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purposes of the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act and for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, land acquisition, lease, maintenance and improvement of snowmobile trails and access areas.
Section 15. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for all costs for construction and development of facilities for transient, non-trailerable recreational boats, including grants for such purposes and authorized under the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program.
Section 20. The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Chain O’Lakes – Fox River Waterway Management Agency for the Agency’s operational expenses.
Section 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
For multiple use facilities and programs
for boating purposes provided by the
Department of Natural Resources,
including construction and development,
all costs for supplies, materials,
labor, land acquisition, services, studies
and all other expenses required to comply
with the intent of this appropriation......... 1,500,000
Payable from State Parks Fund:
For multiple use facilities and programs
for park and trail purposes provided by
the Department of Natural Resources, including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation................ 150,000
Section 30. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for acquisition and development, including grants, for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provides waterfowl for the Mississippi Flyway.
Section 35. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for construction and renovation of waste reception facilities for recreational boaters, including grants for such purposes authorized under the Clean Vessel Act.
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
For expenses of subgrantee payments:
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund........ 1,500,000
Section 45. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Forest Reserve Fund:
For U.S. Forest Service Program.................. 500,000
Section 50. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Plugging and Restoration Fund to the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals for the Landowner Grant Program authorized under the Oil and Gas Act, as amended by Public Act 90-0260.
Section 55. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Set-Aside Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants and contracts to conduct research, planning and construction to eliminate hazards created by abandoned mines and any other expenses necessary for emergency response.
Section 60. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Furbearer Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the conservation of fur bearing mammals in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.32 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 65. The following named sum, new appropriation, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
For the acquisition, preservation and
stewardship of natural areas, including habitats
for endangered and threatened species, high
quality natural communities, wetlands
and other areas with unique or unusual
natural heritage qualities.................... 6,000,000
Section 70. The sum of $24,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses connected with and to make grants to local governments and to distressed communities as provided in the "Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act".
Section 75. The sum of $550,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Pheasant Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the conservation of pheasants in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.31 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 80. The sum of $1,350,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of high quality habitat lands in accordance with the provisions of the "Habitat Endowment Act", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 85. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of a high quality fish and wildlife habitat and to promote the heritage of outdoor sports in Illinois from revenue derived from the sale of Sportsmen Series license plates.
Section 90. The sum of $900,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources from the Flood Control Land Lease Fund for disbursement of monies received pursuant to Act of Congress dated September 3, 1954 (68 Statutes 1266, same as appears in Section 701c-3, Title 33, United States Code Annotated), provided such disbursement shall be in compliance with 15 ILCS 515/1 Illinois Compiled Statutes.
Section 95. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:
For Outdoor Recreation Programs ............... 2,500,000
Section 100. The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trails Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local governments, not-for-profit organizations, and other groups to operate, maintain and acquire land for off-highway vehicle trails and parks as provided for in the Recreational Trails of Illinois Act, including administration, enforcement, planning and implementation of this Act.
Section 105. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Federal Title IV Fire
Protection Assistance Fund:
For Rural Community Fire Protection Programs..... 525,000
Section 110. The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Snowmobile Trail Establishment Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for
the administration and payment of grants to nonprofit snowmobile clubs and organizations for construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of snowmobile trails and areas for the use of snowmobiles.
Section 115. The sum of $625,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants to timber growers for implementation of
acceptable forestry management practices as provided in the "Illinois Forestry Development Act" as now or hereafter amended.
Section 120. To the extent Federal Funds including reimbursements are made available for such purposes, the sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for Forest Stewardship Technical Assistance.
Section 125. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provides waterfowl to the Mississippi Flyway as provided in the "Wildlife Code", as amended.
Section 130. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated from the Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Purposes of the “Illinois Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act”.
Section 135. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants for the development of waterfowl propagation areas within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provide waterfowl for the Mississippi Flyway as provided in the "Wildlife Code", as amended.
Section 140. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of attracting waterfowl and improving public migratory waterfowl areas within the State.
Section 145. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local government for the acquisition and development of bike paths.
Section 150. The sum of $750,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for land acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths and all other related expenses connected with the acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths.
Section 155. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the development and maintenance, and other related expenses of recreational trails and trail-related projects authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, provided such amount shall not exceed funds to be made available for such purposes from State or federal sources.
Section 160. The following named sum, new appropriation, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the object and purpose hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from the Park and Conservation Fund:
For multiple use facilities and programs
for park and trail purposes provided by
the Department of Natural Resources, including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation ............. 1,000,000
Section 165. The following named sum, new appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from the Adeline Jay Geo-Karis
Illinois Beach Marina Fund:
For rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair,
replacing, fixed assets, and improvement
of facilities at North Point Marina at
Winthrop Harbor................................. 375,000
Section 170. The sum of $13,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund for grants and contracts to conduct research, planning and construction to eliminate hazards created by abandoned mines, and any other expenses necessary for emergency response.
Section 175. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for construction and maintenance of State owned, leased, and managed sites.
Section 180. The sum of $7,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for (i) reallocation of Wildlife and Fish grant reimbursements, (ii) wildlife conservation and restoration plans and programs from federal and/or state funds provided for such purposes or (iii) both purposes.
Total, this Article $81,215,000
Section 5. The sum of $38,424,480, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the non-federal cost share of a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to establish long-term contracts and permanent conservation easements in Illinois; to fund cost-share assistance to landowners to encourage approved conservation practices in environmentally sensitive and highly erodible areas of Illinois; and to fund the monitoring of long-term improvements of these conservation practices as required in the Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Illinois and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Section 10. The sum of $34,480,149, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for water development projects at the approximate cost set forth below:
Ashland – Cass County – For
construction of a flood
control project to relieve flooding............ 148,065
County Stormwater Improvements –
For funding to assist County
Stormwater Programs with
implementation of flood relief
projects........................................ 650,000
Crystal Creek – Cook County –
To design and construct multi-phase
Crystal Creek Flood Control Projects
in Schiller Park and Franklin Park............. 686,527
Des Plaines River Watershed - Lake
and Cook County – For non-federal
cost sharing requirements for the
implementation of flood reduction
measures..................................... 5,826,656
East St. Louis Ecosystem and
IFC - Madison & St. Clair
Counties - For the non-federal
funding to design and construct
this multipurpose ecosystem project........... 1,200,000
Flood Hazard Mitigation – Statewide –
For cost sharing to acquire flood
prone structures, to implement
flood hazard mitigation plans, and
to acquire mitigation sites
associated with flood control projects...... 12,131,245
Hickory/Spring Creek – Will County –
For implementation of Hickory/Spring
Creeks flood control project in
cooperation with the City of Joliet.......... 11,641,657
Village of Union – McHenry County -
For the implementation of flood
damage relief measures........................ 1,282,000
Flood Control at 88th Ave&99th St –
City of Palos Heights – Cook County.............. 71,000
Urban Flood Control Projects –
Statewide – to fund flood damage
reduction projects in partnership
with units of local government................. 843,000
Total $34,480,149
Section 15. The sum of $36,318,519, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for improvements needed at publicly-owned Dams for upgrading and rehabilitation of dams, spillways and supporting facilities, including dam removals and the required geotechnical investigations, preparation of plans and specifications, and the construction of the proposed rehabilitation to ensure reduced risk of injury to the public, and for needed repairs and improvements on and to waterways and infrastructure.
Section 20. The sum of $12,785,984, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for planning, design and construction of ecosystem rehabilitation, habitat restoration and associated development in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Section 25. The sum of $119,146,761, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for capital grants to parks or recreational units for permanent improvements.
Section 30. The sum of $24,536,312, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for capital grants to public museums for permanent improvements.
Section 35. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for capital grants to public museums for costs associated with construction and development.
Section 45. The sum of $1,475,965, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 8, Section 45 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Mud to Parks dredging Illinois rivers and sediment reuse.
Section 50. The sum of $7,034,360, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 8, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for improvements needed at publicly-owned Dams for upgrading and rehabilitation of dams, spillways and supporting facilities, including dam removals and the required geotechnical investigations, preparation of plans and specifications, and the construction of the proposed rehabilitation to ensure reduced risk of injury to the public, and for needed repairs and improvements on and to waterways and infrastructure.
Section 55. The sum of $2,525,823, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of boat access areas.
Section 60. The sum of $2,828,493, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 60, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of boat access areas.
Section 65. The sum of $331,627, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 65, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purposes of the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act and for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, land acquisition, lease, maintenance and improvement of snowmobile trails and access areas.
Section 70. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $4,757,011, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 70, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for all costs for construction and development of facilities for transient, non-trailerable recreational boats, including grants for such purposes and authorized under the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program.
Section 75. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
(From Article 7, Section 25 of
Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 75,
of Public Act 98-0675, as amended)
For multiple use facilities and programs
for boating purposes provided by the
Department of Natural Resources including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies and all
other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation............. $6,362,511
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, and as remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made for such purposes, are reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from the State Parks Fund:
(From Article 8, Section 80,
of Public Act 98-0675, as amended)
For multiple use facilities and programs
for park and trail purposes provided
by the Department of Natural Resources, including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation............... $745,988
(From Article 8, Section 80,
of Public Act 98-0675, as amended)
For multiple use facilities and
purposes provided by the
Department of Natural Resources, including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation................ 244,857
(From Article 7, Section 25, of Public
Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 80,
of Public Act 98-0675, as amended)
For multiple use facilities and programs
for park and trail purposes provided
by the Department of Natural Resources,
including construction and development, all
costs for supplies, materials, labor,
land acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation............... $450,000
Section 85. The sum of $1,141,224, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 85, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Parks Fund to the Department of Natural Resources, in coordination with the Capital Development Board, for the development of the World Shooting and Recreation Complex including all construction and debt service expenses required to comply with this appropriation. Provided further, to the extent that revenues are received for such purposes, said revenues must come from non-State sources.
Section 95. The sum of $68,830, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 95, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for wildlife conservation and restoration plans and programs from federal and/or state funds provided for such purposes.
Section 100. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $1,195,019, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 100, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for construction and renovation of waste reception facilities for recreational boaters, including grants for such purposes authorized under the Clean Vessel Act.
Section 105. The sum of $36,712, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 105, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for planning, design and construction of ecosystem rehabilitation, habitat restoration and associated development in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Section 110. The sum of $853,104, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 110, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for planning, design and construction of ecosystem rehabilitation, habitat restoration and associated development in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Section 115. The sum of $289,020, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 115, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources to acquire, protect and preserve open space and natural lands.
Section 120. The sum of $733,266, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 120, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the non-federal cost share of a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to establish long-term contracts and permanent conservation easements in Illinois; to fund cost-share assistance to landowners to encourage approved conservation practices in environmentally sensitive and highly erodible areas of Illinois; and to fund the monitoring of long term improvements of these conservation practices as required in the Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Illinois and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Section 125. The sum of $503,341, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 125, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for the acquisition of lands, buildings, and structures, including easements and other property interests, located in the 100-year floodplain in counties or portions of counties authorized to prepare stormwater management plans and for removing such buildings and structures and preparing the site for open space use.
Section 130. The sum of $8,079,294, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 130, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for water development projects at the approximate cost set forth below:
Flood Hazard Mitigation - For implementation
of flood hazard mitigation plans, and
acquisition of wetland and tree mitigation
sites for state and local joint
flood control projects in
cooperation with federal agencies, state
agencies, and units of local government,
in various counties............................. 8,079,294
Total $8,079,294
Section 135. The sum of $8,328,810, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 135, of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources for the following projects at the approximate costs set forth below:
Addison Creek Watershed - Cook
and DuPage Counties................................ 10,000
Crisenberry Dam – Jackson County:
For complete rehabilitation of the
dam and spillway, including the
required geotechnical investigation,
the preparation of plans and
specifications, and the construction
of the proposed rehabilitation..................... 20,000
East St. Louis and Vicinity Flood Control -
Madison and St. Clair Counties - For
partial payment of the non-federal cost
requirements of an interior flood protection
project and ecosystem restoration at
East St. Louis and Vicinity area................... 350,000
Flood Mitigation - Disaster
Declaration Areas.............................. 4,395,784
Fox Chain O'Lakes - Lake and McHenry
Counties........................................ 1,239,571
Fox River Dams - Kane, Kendall
and McHenry Counties.............................. 691,577
Prairie/Farmers Creek - Cook County............. 1,495,906
Village of Lemont – Flood Control Reservoir........ 100,000
Village of Bluffs – Flood Control Channel........... 20,971
Union - McHenry County............................... 5,000
Total $8,328,810
Section 140. The sum of $242,161, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 140, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the State Furbearer Fund for the conservation of fur bearing mammals in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.32 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 145. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made for such purposes, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
(From Article 7, Section 65 of
Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8,
Section 145, of Public Act 98-0675 as amended)
For the acquisition, preservation and
stewardship of natural areas,
including habitats for endangered and
threatened species, high quality natural
communities, wetlands and other areas
with unique or unusual natural
heritage qualities.......................... $19,106,348
Section 150. The sum of $96,990,474, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 150, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses connected with and to make grants to local governments as provided in the "Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act".
Section 155. The sum of $2,345,159, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 75 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 155, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Pheasant Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the conservation of pheasants in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.31 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 160. The sum of $5,753,304, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 160, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of high quality habitat lands in accordance with the provisions of the "Habitat Endowment Act", as now or hereafter amended.
Section 165. The sum of $2,285,217, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 85 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 165, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of a high quality fish and wildlife habitat and to promote the heritage of outdoor sports in Illinois from revenue derived from the sale of Sportsmen Series license plates.
Section 170. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 170, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:
For Outdoor Recreation Programs.............. $15,201,455
Section 175. The sum of $3,498,888, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 100 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 175, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trails Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local governments, not-for-profit organizations, and other groups to operate, maintain and acquire land for off-highway vehicle trails and parks as provided for in the Recreational Trails of Illinois Act, including administration, enforcement, planning and implementation of this Act.
Section 180. The sum of $1,432,515, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 180, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the acquisition, planning and development of land and long-term easements, and cost-shared natural resource management practices for ecosystem-based management of Illinois' natural resources, including grants for such purposes.
Section 185. The sum of $1,709,943, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 185, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the acquisition, planning and development of land and long-term easements, and cost-shared natural resource management practices for ecosystem-based management of Illinois' natural resources, including grants for such purposes.
Section 190. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 105 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 190, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Federal Title IV Fire
Protection Assistance Fund:
For Rural Community Fire
Protection Program.............................. 429,482
Section 195. The sum of $291,859, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 110 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 195, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Snowmobile Trail Establishment Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the administration and payment of grants to nonprofit snowmobile clubs and organizations for construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of snowmobile trails and areas for the use of snowmobiles.
Section 200. The sum of $5,035,183, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 115 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 200, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants to timber growers for implementation of acceptable forestry management practices as provided in the "Illinois Forestry Development Act" as now or hereafter amended.
Section 205. The sum of $2,059,856, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 130, of Public Act 98-0675, and Article 8, Section 205 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Illinois Wildlife Preservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Purposes of the "Illinois Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act".
Section 210. To the extent Federal Funds including reimbursements are made available for such purposes, the sum of $125,407, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 120 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 210, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for Forest Stewardship Technical Assistance.
Section 215. The sum of $2,813,021, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 125 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 215, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of attracting waterfowl and improving public migratory waterfowl areas within the State.
Section 220. The sum of $11,736,258, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 145 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 220, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local government for the acquisition and development of bike paths.
Section 225. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 7, Section 160 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 225, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from the Park and Conservation Fund:
For multiple use facilities and programs
for park and trail purposes provided by
the Department of Natural Resources, including
construction and development, all costs
for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition, services, studies, and
all other expenses required to comply with
the intent of this appropriation.............. 5,497,499
Section 230. The sum of $546,011, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 230, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for multiple use facilities and programs for conservation purposes provided by the Department of Natural Resources, including repairing, maintaining, reconstructing, rehabilitating, replacing fixed assets, construction and development, marketing and promotions, all costs for supplies, materials, labor, land acquisition and its related costs, services, studies, and all other expenses required to comply with the intent of this appropriation.
Section 235. The sum of $6,950,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 150 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 235, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for land acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths and all other related expenses connected with the acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths.
Section 240. The sum of $1,125,512, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 240, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the Park and Conservation Fund for multiple use facilities and programs for conservation purposes provided by the Department of Natural Resources, including repairing, maintaining, reconstructing, rehabilitating, replacing fixed assets, construction and development, marketing and promotions, all costs for supplies, materials, labor, land acquisition and its related costs, services, studies, and all other expenses required to comply with the intent of this appropriation.
Section 245. The sum of $9,937,093, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 155 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 245, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the development and maintenance of recreational trails and trail-related projects authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, provided such amount shall not exceed funds to be made available for such purposes from state or federal sources.
Section 250. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made for such purposes, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from the Adeline Jay Geo-Karis Illinois Beach Marina Fund:
(From Article 7, Section 165 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 250, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended)
For rehabilitation, reconstruction,
repair, replacing, fixed assets,
and improvement of facilities at
North Point Marina at Winthrop Harbor......... 3,303,307
Section 255. The sum of $14,189,699, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 170 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 8, Section 255, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund for grants and contracts to conduct research, planning and construction to eliminate hazards created by abandoned mines, and any other expenses necessary for emergency response.
Section 265. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 265, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for water resource management projects as authorized by subsection (g) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 270. The sum of $2,299,867, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 270, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to local governments for the acquisition, financing, architectural planning, development, alteration, installation, and construction of capital facilities consisting of buildings, structures, durable equipment, and land as authorized by subsection (l) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 275. The sum of $22,577,062, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 275, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Illinois Open Land Trust Program as defined by the Illinois Open Land Trust Act as authorized by subsection (m) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act or for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 280. The sum of $9,719,999, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 280, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the Open Land Trust Program.
Section 285. The sum of $4,544,336, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 8, Section 285, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for upgrades to lodges, camps and campsites, including but not limited to previously incurred costs.
Section 290. The sum of $25,397,054, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 7, Section 175, of Public Act 98-0675, Article 8, Section 290 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for construction and maintenance of State owned, leased, and managed sites.
Section 300. The sum of $1,964,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 8, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses of subgrantee payments.
Section 305. The sum of $9,236,420, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 180 of Public Act 98-0675 and Section 305 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for (i) reallocation of Wildlife and Fish grant reimbursements, (ii) wildlife conservation and restoration plans and programs from federal and/or state funds provided for such purposes or (iii) both purposes.
Section 310. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 7, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675 and Section 310 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses of subgrantee payments.
Section 320. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from a reappropriation herein made in Sections 5 through 50, 105 through 135, and 265 through 285 of this Article until after the purpose and amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $624,022,849
Section 5. The sum of $91,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 9, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Illinois National Guard Construction Fund to the Department of Military Affairs for land acquisition and construction of parking facilities at armories.
Section 10. The amount of $471,774, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 9, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Illinois National Guard Construction Fund to the Department of Military Affairs for all costs associated with the construction of Illinois National Guard facilities.
Section 15. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $563,374
Section 5. The sum of $645,509, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 10, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Public Health for grants associated with the Hospital Capital Investment Program.
Section 10. The sum of $1,092,467, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 10, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Illinois Department of Public Health for the CLEAR-WIN Grant Program to correct lead based paint hazards in residential buildings.
Section 15. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditures made from appropriations in this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $1,737,976
Section 5. The sum of $12,825,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Permanent Improvements to Illinois Department of Transportation facilities, including but not limited to the purchase of land, construction, repair, alterations and improvements to maintenance and traffic facilities, district and central headquarters facilities, storage facilities, grounds, parking areas and facilities, fencing and underground drainage, including plans, specifications, utilities and fixed equipment installed and all costs and charges incident to the completion thereof at various locations.
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For costs associated with the identification,
corrective action, and disposal of hazardous
materials at storage facilities................. 600,000
For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
Research Purposes (A)........................ 36,804,000
For repair of damages by motorists
to highway guardrails, fencing,
lighting units, bridges, underpasses,
signs, traffic signals, crash
attenuators, landscaping, roadside
shelters, rest areas, fringe parking
facilities, sanitary facilities,
maintenance facilities including
salt storage buildings, vehicle
weight enforcement facilities including
scale houses, and other highway
appurtenances, provided such amount
shall not exceed funds to be made
available from collections from
claims filed by the Department
to recover the costs of such damages........... 5,500,000
For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
Research Purposes (B)........................ 13,500,000
Total $56,404,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For apportionment to counties
for construction of township bridges
20 feet or more in length as provided
in Section 6-901 through 6-906 of the
"Illinois Highway Code".................... 15,000,000
For apportionment to needy
Townships and Road Districts,
as determined by the Department
in consultation with the County
Superintendents of Highways,
Township Highway Commissioners, or
Road District Highway Commissioners......... 10,014,300
For apportionment to high-growth
cities over 5,000 in population,
as determined by the Department
in consultation with the Illinois
Municipal League............................ 4,000,000
For apportionment to counties
under 1,000,000 in population,
$8,000,000 of the total apportioned
in equal amounts to each
eligible county, and $13,800,000
apportioned to each eligible county
in proportion to the amount of
motor vehicle license fees received
from the residents of
eligible counties.......................... 21,800,000
Total $50,814,300
Section 20. The sum of $110,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Federal/State/Local Airport Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding airport improvement projects, including reimbursements and/or refunds, undertaken pursuant to pertinent state or federal laws.
Section 25. The sum of $42,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Downstate Transit Improvement Fund to the Department of Transportation for making competitive capital grants pursuant to Section 2-15 of the Downstate Public Transportation Act (30 ILCS 740/2-15).
Section 30. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Federal Mass Transit Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for the federal share of capital, operating, consultant services, and technical assistance grants, as well as state administration and interagency agreements, provided such amounts shall not exceed funds to be made available from the Federal Government.
Section 35. The sum of $1,700,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Rail Freight Loan Repayment Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding the State Rail Freight Loan Repayment Program created by Section 49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
Section 40. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Rail Freight Loan Repayment Fund to the Department of Transportation for the Rail Freight Service Assistance Program, created by Section 49.25a through 49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
Section 45. The sum of $4,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Working Capital Revolving Loan Fund to the Department of Transportation for the purpose of making loans to disadvantaged business enterprises certified by IDOT for participation on IDOT-procured construction and construction-related projects under the provisions of the Disadvantaged Business Revolving Loan Program pursuant to Section 610 of the Department of Transportation Law.
Section 50. The sum of $1,060,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of State highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the Road Improvement Program as approximated below:
District 1, Schaumburg................................ ???
District 2, Dixon..................................... ???
District 3, Ottawa.................................... ???
District 4, Peoria.................................... ???
District 5, Paris..................................... ???
District 6, Springfield............................... ???
District 7, Effingham................................. ???
District 8, Collinsville.............................. ???
District 9, Carbondale................................ ???
Statewide (including refunds)......................... ???
Engineering.......................................... ????
Total $1,060,000,000
Section 55. The sum of $39,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Grade Crossing Protection Fund to the Department of Transportation for the installation of grade crossing protection or grade separations at places where a public highway crosses a railroad at grade, as ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission, as provided by law.
Section 60. The sum of $157,910,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program as approximated below:
District 1, Schaumburg................................ ???
District 2, Dixon..................................... ???
District 3, Ottawa.................................... ???
District 4, Peoria.................................... ???
District 5, Paris..................................... ???
District 6, Springfield............................... ???
District 7, Effingham................................. ???
District 8, Collinsville.............................. ???
District 9, Carbondale................................ ???
Statewide (including refunds)........................... 0
Engineering........................................ 0
Total 157,910,700
Section 65. The sum of $581,275,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program as approximated below:
District 1, Schaumburg................................ ???
District 2, Dixon..................................... ???
District 3, Ottawa.................................... ???
District 4, Peoria.................................... ???
District 5, Paris..................................... ???
District 6, Springfield............................... ???
District 7, Effingham................................. ???
District 8, Collinsville.............................. ???
District 9, Carbondale................................ ???
Statewide (including refunds)......................... ???
Total $581,275,000
Section 70. The sum of $19,631,659, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the purpose of funding various street rehabilitation projects on core transit corridors in Champaign County pursuant to a grant from the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery VI(TIGER VI) Program awards as provided in Title VIII of Division F of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (Public Law 113-6). Such expenditures shall not exceed the amounts made available to the Department from a combination of federal and local reimbursements.
Section 75. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Fund to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with the development, financing, and operation of transportation facilities pursuant to the provisions of the Public Private Partnerships for Transportation Act, as amended.
Section 80. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illiana Expressway Proceeds Fund to the Department of Transportation for costs of the Department associated with the Public Private Agreements for the Illiana Expressway Act (605 ILCS 130) provided the total amount obligated shall not exceed the amount deposited/transferred into this Fund.
Section 85. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the South Suburban Airport Improvement Fund to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with the development, financing, and operation of the South Suburban Airport as authorized under the Public-Private Agreements for the South Suburban Airport Act.
Section 90. The sum of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, road construction and all other costs relating to the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program.
Section 95. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from an appropriation herein made in
Section 5 Permanent Improvements
Section 35 State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 40 Federal Rail Freight Loan Repayment
of this Article until after the purpose and the amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $2,175,310,659
Section 5. The sum of $41,736,614, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 5 and Article 13, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Permanent Improvements to Illinois Department of Transportation facilities, including but not limited to the purchase of land, construction, repair, alterations and improvements to maintenance and traffic facilities, district and central headquarters facilities, storage facilities, grounds, parking areas and facilities, fencing and underground drainage, including plans, specifications, utilities and fixed equipment installed and all costs and charges incident to the completion thereof at various locations.
Section 10. The sum of $4,409,380, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Highways Engineering and Consultant Contracts only.
Section 15. The sum of $4,251,481, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30,2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for Highway Engineering and Consultant Contracts only.
Section 20. The sum of $8,807,290, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 10 and Article 13, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with the identification, corrective action, and disposal of hazardous materials at storage facilities.
Section 25. The sum of $54,375,890, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 10 and Article 13, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Highways Formal Contract Specifics Maintenance, Traffic and Physical Research Purposes (A).
Section 30. The sum of $11,798,210, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 10 and Article 13, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for repair of damages by motorists to highway guardrails, fencing, lighting units, bridges, underpasses, signs, traffic signals, crash attenuators, landscaping, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities, sanitary facilities, maintenance facilities including salt storage buildings, vehicle weight enforcement facilities including scale houses, and other highway appurtenances, provided such amount shall not exceed funds to be made available from collections from claims filed by the Department to recover the costs of such damages.
Section 35. The sum of $35,217,771, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 15 and Article 13, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for apportionment to counties for construction of township bridges 20 feet or more in length as provided in Section 6-901 through 6-906 of the "Illinois Highway Code".
Section 40. The sum of $673,496,616, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 20 and Article 13, Section 45 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Federal/State/Local Airport Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding the local or federal share of airport improvement projects, including reimbursements and/or refunds, undertaken pursuant to pertinent state or federal laws, provided such amounts shall not exceed funds available from federal and/or local sources.
Section 45. The sum of $19,233,057, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for such purposes as are described Section 34 of the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, and Section 72 of the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, for airport improvements.
Section 50. The sum of $368,962, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to municipalities, special transportation districts, private non-profit carriers, mass transportation carriers, and the Intercity Rail Program for the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation facilities, including rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other equipment used in connection therewith, as provided by law, for the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will, pursuant to Section 4(b)(2) of the General Obligation Bond Act, as amended.
Section 55. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to municipalities, special transportation districts, private non-profit carriers, mass transportation carriers, and the Intercity Rail Program for the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation facilities, including rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other equipment used in connection therewith, as provided by law, as follows:
Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
General Obligation Bond Act,
as amended.................................. 13,459,946
For the counties of the State outside
the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, McHenry,
and Will, pursuant to Section 4(b)(1)of
the General Obligation Bond
Act, as amended................................. 622,444
For the Department of Transportation's
Operation Greenlight Program pursuant to
Section 4(b)(1) of the General
Obligation Bond Act, as amended.............. 5,522,613
Total $19,605,003
Section 60. The sum of $333,010, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 65 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation to extend the metrolink rail-line to Mid-America Airport, including but not limited to, general infrastructure improvements authorized under Section 2705-305 of the Department of Transportation Law (20 ILCS 2705/2705-305) such as parking lot infrastructure upgrades, pedestrian access improvements, ingress and egress infrastructure and construction of a pedestrian overpass at the Southwestern Illinois College metrolink station.
Section 65. The sum of $14,787,783, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to municipalities, special transportation districts, private non-profit carriers, mass transportation carriers and the Intercity rail program for the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation facilities, including rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other equipment used in connection therewith, as provided by law, pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the General Obligation Bond Act, as amended.
Section 70. The sum of $897,703,270, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 75 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to the Regional Transportation Authority.
Section 75. The sum of $100,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to municipalities, special transportation districts, private non-profit carriers, mass transportation carriers and the Intercity rail program for the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation facilities, including rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other equipment used in connection therewith, as provided by law, for the purpose of downstate public transit systems.
Section 80. The sum of $729,295,459, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 85 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to the Regional Transportation Authority.
Section 85. The sum of $161,424,322, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 90 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for construction costs, making grants and providing project assistance to municipalities, special transportation districts, private non-profit carriers, mass transportation carriers and the Intercity rail program for the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation facilities, including rapid transit, intercity rail, bus and other equipment used in connection therewith, as provided by law, for the purpose of downstate public transit systems.
Section 90. The sum of $89,987,250, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 25 and Article 13, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Downstate Transit Improvement Fund to the Department of Transportation for making competitive capital grants pursuant to Section 2-15 of the Downstate Public Transportation Act (30 ILCS 740/2-15).
Section 95. The sum of $104,543,578, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 30 and Article 13, Section 100 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Federal Mass Transit Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for the federal share of capital, operating, consultant services, and technical assistance grants, as well as state administration and interagency agreements, provided such amounts shall not exceed funds to be made available from the Federal Government.
Section 100. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 105 of Public Act 98-0675 as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, construction, and all other costs relating to rail projects, provided such amounts not exceed funds made available by the federal government for this purpose.
Section 105. The sum of $20,015,463, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 40 and Article 13, Section 110 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Rail Freight Loan Repayment Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding the State Rail Freight Loan Repayment Program created by Section 49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
Section 110. The sum of $1,070,603,305, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 115 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Federal High Speed Rail Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, construction, and all other costs relating to high speed rail projects, provided such amounts not exceed funds made available by the federal government for this purpose.
Section 115. The sum of $12,372,175, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 120 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the General Obligation Bond Act, for track and signal improvements, AMTRAK station improvements, rail passenger equipment, and rail freight facility improvements.
Section 120. The sum of $104,512,703, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 125 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for track and signal improvements, AMTRAK station improvements, rail passenger equipment, and rail freight facility improvements.
Section 125. The sum of $262,546,870, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 130 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation to leverage federal funding in accordance with the Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration’s Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service Program and any other federal grant programs made available for capital and operating improvements for intercity passenger rail.
Section 130. The sum of $4,762,749, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation concerning the federal share of the Rail Freight Loan Repayment Program heretofore made in Article 12, Section 45 and Article 13, Section 135 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Rail Freight Loan Repayment Fund to the Department of Transportation for the Rail Freight Service Assistance Program, created by Section 49.25a through 49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
Section 135. The following named sums or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 140 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Road Fund for the FY04 federal earmarks provided in Conference Report 108-401 which accompanies Public Law 108-199. Expenditures shall not exceed funds to be made available by the federal government.
Bridge Discretionary
North Avenue Bridge, Chicago....................... 324,335
Long Meadow Parkway Fox River Bridge
Crossing, Bolz Road................................ 125,434
US 51, Christian/Shelby Counties................... 116,412
Total $566,181
Section 140. The following named sums or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 145 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Road Fund for the FY05 federal earmarks provided in Conference Report 108-792 which accompanies Public Law 108-447. Expenditures shall not exceed funds to be made available by the federal government.
Bridge Discretionary
Cicero Avenue lighting in University Park.......... 107,337
I-290 Cap, Oak Park................................ 939,749
MacArthur Boulevard Extension, Springfield......... 113,441
U.S. 41/I-176 Interchange improvements
Phase I study.................................... 647,509
Total $1,808,036
Section 145. The sum of $61,804,056, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 150 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 150. The sum of $37,186, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 155 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Pavement Preservation Programs.
Section 155. The sum of $95,923,574, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 160 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for High Priority Projects (HPP) and Transportation Improvement Projects (TI) pertaining to local governments as designated in Public Law 109-59, Title I, Subtitle G, Section 1702 and Subtitle I, Section 1934 of the federal reauthorization act entitled SAFETEA-LU; provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations. Specific project approximations appear in Article 101, Section 25 of Public Act 94-0798.
Section 160. The sum of $7,034,914, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 165 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP), Discretionary Interstate Maintenance and Surface Transportation Priorities earmarks pertaining to state and local governments as designated in the Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2008, Division K, Public Law 110-161; provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations, as approximated in Article 35, Section 20 of Public Act 95-0734.
Section 165. The sum of $10,692,888, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 170 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP), Discretionary Interstate Maintenance, Federal Lands Highway Discretionary, and Surface Transportation Priorities earmarks pertaining to state and local governments as designated in the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, Public Law 111-8; provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations, as approximated in Article 2, Section 20 of Public Act 96-0039.
Section 170. The sum of $5,700,168, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 175 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, for Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP), Discretionary Interstate Maintenance, and Surface Transportation Priorities earmarks pertaining to state and local governments as designated in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010, Public Law 111-11 117; provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations.
Section 175. The sum of $12,056,567, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 180 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Federal Discretionary Program Awards provided for in the “Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011” – Public Law 112-10 (H.R. 1473) provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations. Specific project approximations appear in Article 20, Section 25 of Public Act 97-0725.
Section 180. The sum of $131,051, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 190 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Federal Emergency Relief Program awards provided for in the FFY2012 US DOT Appropriations Bill –Public Law 112-055, provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government for the projects listed below.
Emergency Relief
US 20 from IL 35 in East Dubuque to east edge of Galena;
IL 78 from the south edge of Stockton to 5 miles south of Jo Daviess/Carroll Co. line.
Section 185. The sum of $11,345,774, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 195 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Federal Discretionary Projects identified in Article 20, Section 26 of Public Act 97-0725 provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations obligations limitations or any other federal limitations (These amounts are in additional to amounts appropriated elsewhere).
Section 190. The sum of $102,308,120, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 200, of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, for statewide purposes, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series A Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, and fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program.
Section 195. The sum of $1,085,002,704, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 205 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, for statewide purposes, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series D Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, and fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program.
Section 200. The sum of $938,704,248, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation heretofore made in Article 1, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0780, as amended, for statewide purposes, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series D Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, and fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program.
Section 205. The sum of $200,258, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 210 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for all expenses related to Phase II of the I-57/294 interchange in the County of Cook.
Section 210. The sum of $51,789,126, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 215 and Section 220 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 215. The sum of $30,986,034, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 225 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, are reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 220. The sum of $138,968,130, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 230 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 225. The sum of $247,658,676, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 235 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 230. The sum of $688,567,422, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, less $15,000,000 to be lapsed from the unpaid balance, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Section 235. The sum of $15,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 52 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, for a railroad grade separation of 65th Street and Harlem Avenue in Bedford Park.
Section 240. The sum of $116,654,134, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 55 and Article 13, Section 240 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Grade Crossing Protection Fund to the Department of Transportation for the installation of grade crossing protection or grade separations at places where a public highway crosses a railroad at grade, as ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission, as provided by law.
Section 245. The sum of $47,348,997, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 245 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for expenses associated with land acquisition for the South Suburban Airport.
Section 250. The sum of $7,462,961, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation and reappropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 60 and Article 13, Section 255 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Working Capital Revolving Loan Fund to the Department of Transportation for the purpose of making loans to disadvantaged business enterprises certified by IDOT for participation on IDOT-procured construction and construction-related projects under the provisions of the Disadvantaged Business Revolving Loan Program pursuant to Section 610 of the Department of Transportation Law.
Section 255. The sum of $35,487,754, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 260 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the High Priority Projects (HPP) and Transportation Improvement Projects (TI) specifically identified in Article 101, Section 25 of Public Act 94-0798, provided that such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 260. The sum of $234,657,077, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 265 and Section 270 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 265. The sum of $105,974,210, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 275 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 270. The sum of $367,203,527, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 280 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 275. The sum of $481,278,306, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 285 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the state portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 280. The sum of $407,061,366, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 65 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the State and local portions of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 285. The sum of $5,491,724, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 290 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for all costs associated with the procurement of public private agreements pursuant to the provisions of the Public Private Agreements for the Illiana Expressway Act (605 ILCS 130) as amended, that enable the Illiana Expressway to be developed, financed, constructed, managed, or operated in an entrepreneurial and business-like manner.
Section 290. The sum of $285,991,262, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriations heretofore made in Article 13, Section 295 and Section 300 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 295. The sum of $86,872,198, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 305 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 300. The sum of $116,972,293, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 310 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 305. The sum of $256,663,362, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 315 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program, including refunds.
Section 310. The sum of $533,101,453, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the appropriation heretofore made in Article 12, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the local portion of the Road Improvement Program including refunds.
Section 315. The sum of $763,397, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 320 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) and Discretionary Interstate Maintenance earmarks specifically identified in Article 35, Section 20a of Public Act 95-0734, provided that such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 320. The sum of $27,807,338, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 325 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. (Emergency Repair Program)
Section 325. The sum of $1,853,039, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 330 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) and Discretionary Interstate Maintenance earmarks specifically identified in Article 2, Section 20 of Public Act 96-0039, provided that such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 330. The sum of $455,334, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 335 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation, for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP) and Discretionary Interstate Maintenance earmarks specifically identified in Article 50, Section 16 of Public Act 96-0035, provided that such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 335. The sum of $1,981,717, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 340 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery II (TIGER II) awards designated in Division A of the Consolidated Appropriations Ace, 2010, Public Law 111-117 as identified and approximated in Article 10, Section 20 of Public Act 97-0076; provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the federal government through Congressional designations, annual allocations, obligation limitations, or any other federal limitations.
Section 340. The sum of $2,709,318, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 345 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery II (TIGER II) awards specifically identified in Article 10, Section 20 of Public Act 97-0076, provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid in to the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 345. The sum of $523,415, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 350 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Federal Discretionary Program Awards provided for in the “Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011” – Public Law 112-10 (H.R. 1473) earmarks specifically identified in Article 20 Section 25 of Public Act 97-0725, provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid in to the Road Fund by local governments.
Section 350. The sum of $696,757, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 355 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the local match of all other non-federally reimbursed expenses associated with the Federal Discretionary Projects (specifically identified in Article 20 Section 26 of Public Act 97-0725), provided that such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by local governments. (These amounts are in addition to amounts appropriated elsewhere).
Section 355. The sum of $31,700,205, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 360 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for land acquisition, construction engineering and construction of the Milburn Bypass (US 45 from north of Milburn Road to north of Grass lake Road) provided that such amounts do not exceed amounts reimbursed by the local agency using Lake County Challenge bonds.
Section 360. The sum of $16,024,967, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 365 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, road construction and all other costs relating to the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program, provided such amounts not exceed funds made available by the federal government for this program.
Section 365. The sum of, $10,412,972, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 370 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, road construction and all other costs relating to the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE)program, as awarded from the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) IV, as provided for in the “:consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2012” – P.L. 112-055, provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available by the Federal government.
Section 370. The sum of $242,957,184, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 375 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, road construction and all other costs relating to the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program.
Section 375. The sum of $1,300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 380 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with the relocation of locally-owned utilities along federally-designated High Speed Rail Corridors in Illinois, provided that such amounts do not exceed funds to be made available and paid into the Road Fund pursuant to agreements executed between the Department of Transportation and the affected local governments.
Section 380. The sum of $32,073,110, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 385 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state highways, arterial highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking facilities and sanitary facilities, and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty; and for capital improvements which directly facilitate an effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations and scale houses, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the State portion, provided such amounts do not exceed federal funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Section 385. The sum of $12,203,271, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 390 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering and construction engineering and contract costs of construction, including reconstruction, extension and improvement of state and local roads and bridges, fringe parking facilities and such other purposes as provided by the “Illinois Highway Code”; for purposes allowed or required by Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-850; for land acquisition and signboard removal and control and preservation of natural beauty, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for the State and Local portion, provided such amounts not exceed federal funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Section 390. The sum of $12,064,275, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 395 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation to provide local funding for project expenses in excess of the Local portion of federal funds made available from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provided such amounts do not exceed funds made available and paid into the Road Fund by the local governments.
Section 395. The sum of $5,890,141, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 400 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Federal Mass Transit Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for capital, operating, consultant services, and technical assistance grants, state administration, and intergovernmental and interagency agreements, provided such amounts not exceed federal funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Section 400. The sum of $112,170,057, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended, less $50,000,000 to be lapsed from the unpaid balance, at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 405 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, road construction and all other costs relating to the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program, provided such amounts not exceed federal funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Section 405. The sum of $843,879,019, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from the reappropriation heretofore made in Article 13, Section 410 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Federal High Speed Rail Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants, construction, and all other costs relating to high speed rail projects in compliance with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provided such amounts not exceed funds made available by the federal government for this purpose.
Section 410. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from a reappropriation herein made in:
Section 5 Permanent Improvements
Section 45 Series B - Aeronautics
Section 50 Series B - Transit
Section 55 Series B – Transit
Section 60 Series B - Transit
Section 65 Series B - Transit
Section 70 Series B - Transit
Section 75 Series B - Transit
Section 80 Series B - Transit
Section 85 Series B - Transit
Section 105 State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 115 Series B - Rail
Section 120 Series B - Rail
Section 125 Series B - Rail
Section 130 Federal Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 190 Series A - Road Program
Section 195 Series D - Road Program
Section 200 Series D - Road Program
Section 245 Series B - Land Acquisition 3rd Airport
Section 370 Series B – Transit
of this Article until after the purpose and the amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $12,343,159,464
Section 1. The sum of $250,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for deferred maintenance improvements to state facilities or for use by the State, its departments, authorities, public corporations, commissions and agencies as authorized by subsection (e) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 5. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $250,000,000
Section 1. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Development Board Contributory Trust Fund to the Capital Development Board for capital improvements, including but not limited to, Department of Veterans’ Affairs facilities.
Total, this Article $10,000,000
Section 5. The sum of $16,527,458, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants and other capital improvements awarded under the Community Health Center Construction Act.
Section 10. The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants and other capital improvements to school-based health centers that are operated by a Community Health Center as defined in the federal Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254b).
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Agriculture for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675)
For completing the upgrade of the
electrical distribution system, in
addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital improvements ... 100,759
For constructing a multi-purpose
building, and other capital improvements......... 40,803
For replacing the HVAC in
the administration building,
and other capital improvements................ 1,273,594
For replacing roofing systems –
Administration Building and
Lower Roof, and other capital improvements...... 195,361
Plan and begin electrical
system replacement, and other
capital improvements.............................. 2,016
For replacement of water and sewer
Service to various buildings, and other capital
improvements..................................... 74,479
For an airlock addition to Metrology
(Weights and Measures) Lab, and other capital
improvements..................................... 15,171
For replacing roofs, and other
capital improvements............................. 12,661
Total $1,714,844
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Courts of Illinois for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675)
Plan and begin renovation of
Supreme Court
Building, and other capital improvements.......... 669,274
For renovating the HVAC system on
the 3rd Floor, and other capital
improvements.................................... 140,000
For installing humidifier and water
filtration systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 609,271
For miscellaneous improvements.................... 60,520
Total $1,479,065
Section 25. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Courts of Illinois for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675)
For renovating the Library and
completing HVAC, in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 15,551
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Office of the Secretary of State for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675)
For upgrading fire alarm
panels, and other capital improvements........... 41,068
Plan/begin upgrade of high voltage
distribution system, and other
capital improvements............................ 110,909
For HVAC upgrades, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,269,035
To upgrade electrical systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 117,144
For upgrading the North Patio for
public safety, and other capital
improvements.................................... 102,659
For replacing roofing
systems, and other capital improvements.......... 10,079
For replacing the roofing
system, and other capital improvements........... 35,326
For upgrading the fire alarm and
security systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 16,809
Total $1,703,029
Section 35. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Office of the Secretary of State for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675)
For upgrading fire alarm systems in
two buildings, and other capital
improvements..................................... 17,992
Total $17,992
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Central Management Services for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675)
For the renovation of state-owned
property, and other capital improvements........ 102,339
For renovating state owned
property, and other capital
improvements.................................... 880,521
For upgrading the building security
system at the James R. Thompson Center
and the State of Illinois building
in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 655,000
For renovation of State-owned
property at the following
locations: Kenneth Hall Regional
Office Building, AIG (Franklin Complex)
Building, James R. Thompson Center,
Sangamo Complex (IEPA), Champaign Regional
Office Building (IEPA), Springfield
Regional Office Building, Natural
Resource Center (DNR) and Read -
Building (Elgin Mental Health Center),
and other capital improvements................... 62,138
For installing an emergency generator
and upgrading the electrical system.............. 97,956
For planning and beginning the renovation
of the facility, and other capital
improvements.................................... 462,651
For replacing the roof and other capital
improvements................................. 1,012,947
To replace an emergency generator,
and other capital improvements.................. 180,811
For upgrading the HVAC
system, and other capital improvements........ 2,357,806
For upgrading fire and safety systems,
and other capital improvements................... 27,113
For the purpose of emergency stone
repair at the
James R. Thompson Center, and other
capital improvements.......................... 1,980,286
For planning and beginning
electrical system and life safety
system upgrades, and other
capital improvements............................ 434,892
For upgrading the HVAC
system, and other capital improvements.......... 400,715
For installing an emergency generator,
and other capital improvements................ 3,545,000
For rehabilitating exterior columns, in
addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 11,692
For upgrading mechanical systems, in
addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital improvements..... 27,341
For design services for emergency parapet
wall repairs, and other capital
improvements..................................... 22,656
For replacing roof and upgrading
mechanical and electrical systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 321,956
For medical center (Edwards Center), and other capital
improvements.................................... 184,899
For upgrading HVAC and domestic water
system, and other capital
improvements.................................... 697,486
For replacing Halon and upgrading
the air conditioning, and other capital
improvements.................................... 162,614
For expanding surplus warehouse, and other capital
improvements..................................... 73,584
For upgrading the computer room and the
electrical system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 23,421
For emergency cooling tower replacement
at 4500 S. Sixth Street Road, and other capital
improvements..................................... 56,864
For renovating office space, and other capital
improvements..................................... 92,465
Total $13,875,153
Section 45. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 45, of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Central Management Services for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 45 of Public Act 98-0675)
For upgrading the kitchen and plumbing, and other capital
improvements.................................... 185,838
Total $185,838
Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Natural Resources for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675)
For developing the site and associated
land acquisition, and other capital
improvements.................................... 244,604
For ADA improvements, and other
capital improvements............................ 191,122
For replacing the septic system, and
other capital improvements, in
addition to funds previously appropriated........ 58,023
For road and site improvements at
Carlyle Lake, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,477,424
For infrastructure and site
improvements at Carlyle Lake, and other capital
improvements.................................... 765,485
To replace Cox Bridge at Carlyle State
Fish and Wildlife Area, and other capital
improvements.................................... 550,000
For replacing the campground
sewage treatment system, and other capital
improvements.................................... 340,826
For replacing the sewer treatment
system, and other capital improvements........... 36,503
For replacing floating boardwalk, and other capital
improvements..................................... 24,604
For rehabilitating/repairing railroad
bridges, in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 851,685
For dam rehabilitation and the State's share
to implement the ecological restoration
plan in cooperation with the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, and
land acquisition, and other capital
improvements.................................... 842,605
For repair of the spillway, and
other capital improvements, in addition
to funds previously appropriated................ 364,320
For replacing Lock 14 Bridge, and other capital
improvements..................................... 92,191
For improving the DuPage River Spillway,
and other capital improvements.................. 853,884
For improving DuPage River Spillway,
and other capital improvements.................... 2,172
For stabilizing shoreline, and other
capital improvements............................ 148,763
For replacing or upgrading
electrical system, and other
capital improvements............................. 33,008
For replacing yellow-head marshy dam
culverts, and other capital improvements........ 376,926
For replacing lodge pool dehumidifier, and
other capital improvements
in addition to funds previously appropriated.... 253,247
For design services to replace a lodge
pool dehumidifier, and other capital
improvements...................................... 7,689
For renovating the Galum building for a
mine rescue station, and other
capital improvements............................ 808,670
For miscellaneous improvements.................... 44,740
For renovating the interior, and other capital
improvements..................................... 17,796
For rehabilitating water and sewer
system, and other capital improvements........... 11,615
For rehabilitating office/service area,
and other capital improvements................ 1,119,114
For design services to replace dump and
fish cleaning stations, and other capital
improvements..................................... 22,794
For infrastructure and other
capital improvements............................. 45,910
For constructing an office building,
interpretive center, and other capital
improvements.................................... 166,153
For replacing roofs, and other
capital improvements............................ 149,768
For completing the replacement of the
sewer system, in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 10,907
For rehabilitating the sewage
treatment plant, or a grant to
Friends of Wildlife Prairie Park
for the same purpose, and other capital
improvements.................................... 539,708
For upgrading sewage treatment plant,
For a grant to Friends of Wildlife
Prairie Park for the same purpose,
and other capital improvements.................. 278,210
For replacing/repairing the roofing systems,
and other capital improvements................. 245,000
For replacing/repairing the roofing systems,
and other capital improvements.................. 115,267
For rehabilitating dams and bridges,
and other capital improvements.................. 116,946
For constructing, replacing and
renovating lodges and concession
buildings, and other capital improvements....... 878,761
For replacing roofs, and other capital
improvements.................................... 134,931
For replacing and constructing vault
Toilets, and other capital improvements......... 167,772
For rehabilitating dams, and other capital
improvements..................................... 25,034
For replacing roofs, and other capital
improvements.................................... 206,925
For replacing vault toilets, and other capital
improvements.................................... 285,813
For constructing hazardous material storage
buildings, and other capital
improvements...................................... 9,935
For constructing vault toilets, and other capital
improvements.................................... 137,897
For planning, construction,
reconstruction, land acquisition
and related costs, utilities, site
improvements, and all other expenses
necessary for various capital
improvements at parks, conservation
areas, and other facilities under
the jurisdiction of the Department
of Natural Resources, and other
capital improvements............................ 415,159
Total $13,469,906
Section 55. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Natural Resources for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675)
For rehabilitating visitor's center
exterior, and other capital improvements......... 23,345
Total $23,345
Section 60. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Corrections for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675)
For replacing roofing systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 538,030
For replacing the cooling tower, and other capital
improvements.................................... 201,948
To upgrade a sewage treatment plant, and other capital
improvements..................................... 66,918
For replacing the fire alarm
system, and other capital improvements.......... 452,286
For planning the upgrade and expansion
of the medical care facility, and other capital
improvements..................................... 24,127
For upgrading the roofing system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 49,333
For upgrading the mechanical system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 14,439
To upgrade a sewage treatment plant, and other capital
improvements..................................... 23,581
For replacing domestic hot water
heater, and other capital improvements
in addition to funds previously appropriated.... 239,698
For constructing a multi-purpose medical,
vocational and confinement building and
other improvements, and other capital
improvements.................................... 322,181
For utility upgrade, including gas
and sewer, and other capital
improvements.................................. 4,536,856
For constructing an R & C building
and other capital improvements................... 61,222
For upgrading the fire alarm
system, and other capital improvements.......... 435,275
For upgrading the building automation
system, and other capital improvements........ 1,202,069
For replacing doors and locks, and other capital
improvements..................................... 31,592
For replacing housing unit
roofs, and other capital improvements............ 45,732
For planning and beginning the upgrade
of the power plant, and other capital
improvements.................................... 155,805
For renovating the electrical
distribution system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 67,033
For constructing a medical building and
dietary building, and other capital
improvements.................................... 722,098
For repairs and upgrades, and other capital
improvements.................................. 7,325,539
For replacing toilets and waste lines
at E/W Cell house and upgrade North
Cell house plumbing, and other capital
improvements.................................... 364,351
For renovation or replacement of the
Old Hospital Building, in addition to
funds previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 35,574
For planning and construction of the
Administration Building, and other capital
improvements..................................... 15,338
For replacing doors and frames, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,620,000
For replacing the emergency generator, and other capital
improvements..................................... 44,867
For replacing the roofing
system, and other capital improvements........... 43,343
For replacing the X
House locks, and other capital improvements..... 492,288
For the emergency compressor
failure at Stateville RNC and
other capital improvements...................... 865,123
For replacing doors and locks, and other capital
improvements.................................... 580,000
For replacing windows in B House, and other capital
improvements.................................... 126,480
For replacing power plant and
utility distribution system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 17,454
For upgrading electrical system and elevator
and installing HVAC system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 82,560
For replacing operators and main
gates, in addition to
funds previously appropriated,
and other capital improvements................... 34,242
For an emergency generator, and
other capital improvements....................... 73,283
For replacing roofing systems, and
other capital improvements...................... 714,370
For constructing a multi-purpose program
building, and other capital
improvements..................................... 90,656
For converting Administration Building and
planning construction of an Administration/
Health Care Unit and other capital
improvements.................................... 308,406
For replacement of roofing system, and other
capital improvements............................. 37,409
For replacing windows, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,089,493
For replacing roofing systems, and
other capital improvements....................... 23,987
For replacing the cooler and freezer,
and other capital improvements.................. 356,663
For upgrading the power plant, and other capital
improvements..................................... 20,234
For upgrading the HVAC system and replacing
water lines in six housing units,
and other capital improvements.................. 324,862
For emergency roof replacement on
various buildings, and other capital
improvements.................................... 145,698
For the purpose of funding all
costs associated with constructing
an X-House, and other capital improvements...... 822,598
For the purpose of funding all costs
associated with constructing a
Centralized Medical and
Long-Term Care Facility, and other
capital improvements.......................... 4,175,151
For replacing doors and locks, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,015,137
For upgrading water towers, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,398,018
For planning, design, construction, equipment
and all other necessary costs for a
security facility, and other capital
improvements................................. 54,518,020
For planning a security facility
and land acquisition, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,629,428
For replacing roofing systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 87,682
For replacing or upgrading security and
monitoring systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 278,707
For planning and replacing windows, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,226,942
For replacing security fencing, and other capital
improvements.................................... 292,225
For planning, design, construction, equipment
and all other necessary costs for a
correctional center, and other capital
improvements................................. 54,713,919
For replacing roofing systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 109,250
For upgrading fire and safety systems, in addition to
funds previously appropriated, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,162,289
For renovating Housing Units, in
addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 270,000
For renovating buildings, in addition
to funds previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 274,847
For renovation of buildings, and other capital
improvements..................................... 30,261
For repair and replacement of roofing
systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 10,221
Total $148,037,138
Section 65. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 65, of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Corrections for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 65 of Public Act 98-0675)
For replacing door locking controls
and intercom systems, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,221,298
For installing fire alarm systems, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,600,000
Total $3,821,298
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
For replacing the sprinkler system, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,727,798
For replacing roofs, and other capital improvements 4,612
For upgrading HVAC system, and other
capital improvements............................. 31,724
(From Article 14, Section 70 of Public Act 98-0675)
For replacing roofs, and other capital
improvements in addition to funds
previously appropriated.......................... 26,089
Total $1,790,223
Section 75. The sum of $174,139, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 75 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for costs associated with a new State Emergency Operations Center, and other capital improvements.
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675)
For renovating a retaining wall and two
shelters, and other capital improvements ....... 179,432
For replacement of Monk's Mounds stairs
and other capital improvements.................. 211,080
For restoration of Monk's Mound
and other capital improvements.................. 606,489
For purchasing private land within historic
site boundary and other capital improvements.... 189,979
To create a new entrance around
existing bronze artwork doors
and other capital improvements................... 67,301
To rehabilitate the interior and exterior, and
other capital improvements
at Dana Thomas House State Historic Site........ 555,421
For restoring the mansion, site improvements
and land acquisition, in addition
to funds previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,447,021
For purchase and restoration of the
Tinsley Shop, and other capital improvements.... 920,179
To replace a sewer system at Historic Site, and
other capital improvements....................... 11,918
For rehabilitating site and providing
irrigation system, and other capital
improvements..................................... 93,965
For renovating the interior, and other capital
improvements..................................... 46,131
For providing electrical at campgrounds,
and other capital improvements.................. 110,444
For repairing elevators, and other capital
improvements.................................... 387,464
For purchasing and rehabilitating, and other capital
improvements..................................... 21,721
For statewide ISTEA 21 Match, and other capital
improvements.................................... 262,172
Total $5,110,717
Section 82. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
For constructing library and museum complex, in
addition to funds previously appropriated,
and other capital improvements................ 2,479,646
Section 85. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 85, of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 85 of Public Act 98-0675)
For rehabilitating interior & exterior,
and other capital improvements................... 24,118
For all costs associated with the
stabilization and restoration
of the Pullman Historic Site,
and other capital improvements.................. 600,005
Total $624,123
Section 90. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 90 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Human Services for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 90 of Public Act 98-0675)
For life/safety improvements, and other
capital improvements............................. 15,141
For renovating the Forensic Complex and
constructing two building additions, in
addition to funds previously appropriated,
and other capital improvements................ 3,900,000
For constructing two building additions
at the Forensic Complex, and other capital
improvements.................................. 5,091,371
For completing the replacement
of smoke and heat detectors,
in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 440,000
For upgrading HVAC systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 144,664
For replacing smoke/heat detectors, and other capital
improvements..................................... 37,133
For renovating Unit J-East for
forensic use, and other capital improvements
in addition to funds previously appropriated.. 1,245,530
For replacing the emergency generator, and
other capital improvements...................... 186,910
For upgrading the fire alarm system, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,660,494
For life/safety improvements, and other
capital improvements.......................... 6,982,310
For renovating Sycamore Hall, and other capital
improvements..................................... 94,930
For renovating Sycamore, and other capital
improvements.................................. 4,385,000
For converting the Read Building
for office space, and other capital
improvements, in addition
to funds previously appropriated................. 16,157
For replacing power plant and engineering
building, and other capital
improvements.................................. 4,925,502
For renovating the central dietary
and kitchen, and other capital
improvements.................................. 3,704,073
For construction of roads, parking lots
and street lights, and other capital
improvements.................................... 133,664
For upgrading fire/life safety systems, and
other capital improvements...................... 224,168
For replacing and repairing interior doors,
flooring and walls, in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 249,122
For planning and beginning replacement
of interior doors and flooring
and repairing walls in the Main and
Administration Buildings, and other capital
improvements..................................... 35,888
For replacing the roof on the main
building and renovating the bathrooms
in three dormitories, and other
capital improvements............................ 507,698
For installing sprinkler systems
in the dormitories and elementary
buildings, and other capital improvements..... 2,013,917
For renovating the High School Building
Phase II, and other capital
improvements.................................... 135,066
For renovating High School Building, and other capital
improvements..................................... 96,859
For replacing roofs, and other capital
improvements..................................... 69,156
For renovating auditorium, classroom
and administration buildings, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,026,155
For renovating classrooms in Building 17,
and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,250,724
For renovations to the powerhouse,
boilers and associated coal and ash
equipment, and other capital
improvements..................................... 37,501
For renovating the power house, and other capital
improvements.................................... 656,458
For improving power reliability and
installing emergency lighting, and
other capital improvements in
addition to funds previously appropriated....... 385,141
For upgrading Building C ceiling, and
other capital improvements...................... 131,982
For converting the facility to natural
gas, in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 112,391
For renovating homes, Phase II, in
addition to funds previously appropriated,
and other capital improvements................... 77,343
For upgrading the electrical panel,
and other capital improvements.................. 175,717
For repairing and replacing furnaces and
duct work, in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 41,569
For renovating residential and neighborhood
homes, in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 45,810
For replacing plumbing, HVAC and
boiler systems, and other capital improvements... 47,586
For renovation of residential buildings,
in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital improvements..... 45,810
For replacing mechanicals and upgrading
the fire alarm systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 38,440
For renovating residential pavilions, and
other capital improvements
in addition to funds previously appropriated..... 21,521
For renovating pavilions and
administration building for safety/
security, in addition to
funds previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 99,556
For renovating dietary, and other capital
improvements.................................... 729,885
For upgrading fire alarm system, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,668,072
For replacing roofs – Kennedy and
Administration Building, and other
capital improvements............................ 773,136
For completing the renovation of
the boiler house, in addition to
funds previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,991,120
For replacing the sewer system in
south campus, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,056,004
For planning and beginning renovation
of dietary, and other capital
improvements.................................... 203,263
For work necessary to remedy fire
damper deficiencies, and other capital
improvements.................................... 117,020
For replacing water mains and valves,
in addition to funds previously appropriated, and other capital improvements....................................... 210,015
For replacing roofing systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 244,866
For replacing and repairing roofing
systems, and other capital improvements.......... 35,240
For replacing and repairing roofing
systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 558,859
For repairing or replacing roofs,
and other capital improvements.................. 188,248
For replacing and repairing roofing
systems, and other capital improvements.......... 58,410
For replacement of roofing systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 118,670
For completing various capital
improvements.................................... 366,920
For renovating residences, and other capital
improvements..................................... 85,209
For upgrading fire/life safety systems, and
other capital improvements....................... 36,636
For planning and beginning the renovation
of the power house, and other capital
improvements..................................... 37,297
For various capital improvements,
including planning and construction
of transitional or residential homes,
and other capital improvements.................. 527,150
For upgrading fire alarm systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 47,651
For renovating dietary and stores, and other capital
improvements..................................... 55,334
For renovating mechanicals and
residential areas, and other capital
improvements.................................... 691,943
For completing the upgrade of fire
and life/safety issues, in addition to
funds previously appropriated, and other
capital improvements............................ 600,000
Total $53,889,405
Section 95. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Human Services for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675)
For replacing dorm doors, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,945,671
For renovating the water treatment plant, and other capital
improvements.................................... 678,331
For upgrading the mechanicals in the
power plant, in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements..................................... 45,582
For repair and/or replacement of
roofs, and other capital improvements............ 61,150
Total $2,730,734
Section 100. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 100 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Medical District Commission for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 100 of Public Act 98-0675)
For upgrading utility and infrastructure,
in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital improvements.... 412,685
For upgrading core utilities, and other capital
improvements.................................... 101,289
For upgrading research center, and other capital
improvements.................................... 346,714
Total $860,688
Section 105. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 105 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Military Affairs for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 105 of Public Act 98-0675)
For rehabilitating the mechanical/
electrical systems and renovating
the interior, and other capital
improvements..................................... 17,260
For construction of a military academy
facility, and other capital
improvements..................................... 39,188
For upgrading the interior and
exterior, and other capital
improvements..................................... 32,395
For replacing the mechanical and electrical
systems and installing a kitchen, and other capital
improvements..................................... 73,371
For rehabilitating the interior and
exterior, and other capital
improvements..................................... 14,648
For upgrading the electrical system, and other capital
improvements.................................. 2,249,618
For replacing the mechanical systems, and other capital
improvements..................................... 46,187
For replacing the electrical system,
renovating the interior and installing
air conditioning, and other capital
improvements..................................... 22,310
For capital improvements to the
Lincoln’s ChalleNGe Academy.................. 29,838,249
For constructing an army aviation
support facility, and other
capital improvements.......................... 5,239,576
To complete construction and
Purchase equipment for the Shiloh,
Mt. Vernon, and Carbondale Readiness
Center, and other capital improvements.......... 213,399
Total $37,786,201
Section 110. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 110 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Military Affairs for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 110 of Public Act 98-0675)
For rehabilitating the exterior and
replacing roofing systems, and other capital
improvements.................................... 176,837
Total $176,837
Section 115. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 115 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Revenue for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 115 of Public Act 98-0675)
For repairing emergency generator, and
other capital improvements....................... 14,489
For renovation of the parking ramp, and
other capital improvements...................... 246,877
For completing the upgrade of
building management controls,
in addition to funds
previously appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 186,460
For replacing the dock exhaust system,
and other capital improvements.................. 172,722
For upgrading building management
Controls and other improvements,
and other capital improvements................ 3,455,208
For upgrading the plumbing system,
and other capital improvements.................. 908,359
For renovating the interior and
upgrading HVAC and other improvements,
and other capital improvements................ 2,756,018
Total $7,740,133
Section 120. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 120 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Revenue for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 120 of Public Act 98-0675)
For completing the upgrade of the
Plumbing System, and other capital
improvements.................................... 600,000
Total $600,000
Section 125. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 125 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of State Police for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 125 of Public Act 98-0675)
For installing an emergency generator, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,200,244
For constructing a new forensic
lab in Belleville, and other capital
improvements in addition
to funds previously appropriated.............. 9,692,870
For constructing new forensic lab, and other
capital improvements in
addition to funds previously appropriated....... 215,714
For planning and beginning the
construction of a Metro East
forensic laboratory, and other capital
improvements in addition to
funds previously appropriated................... 340,764
For Effingham District 12 Firing Range, and other capital
improvements..................................... 61,586
For planning and beginning the
construction of an addition
to the Chicago Forensic Laboratory, and
other capital improvements.................... 1,129,393
For planning and design of the rehabilitation
and site improvements of the Springfield
Armory, in addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital
improvements.................................... 352,523
For planning and beginning the
construction of an addition to the
CODIS Laboratory and other improvements,
and other capital improvements.................. 277,750
For emergency roof and interior and
exterior repairs, and other capital
improvements..................................... 71,651
For replacing communications towers
equipment and tower buildings, and other capital
improvements.................................... 539,005
For replacing radio communication towers,
equipment buildings and installing emergency
power generators and other capital
improvements.................................... 250,000
Total $14,131,500
Section 130. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 130 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Veterans' Affairs for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 130 of Public Act 98-0675)
To plan and begin the construction
of a 40-50 bed addition, and other
capital improvements............................. 57,765
For the replacement of the galvanized water
piping, and other capital improvements........... 87,600
For replacing air conditioner chillers,
and other capital improvements................... 26,537
For replacing condensing units, and other capital
improvements..................................... 65,237
For upgrading or construction of roads
and parking lots, and other capital
improvements..................................... 28,785
For planning and constructing additional
storage and support areas, and other capital
improvements..................................... 73,248
For upgrading storm sewer, and other capital
improvements..................................... 97,768
For repairs and upgrades....................... 1,996,811
For planning and beginning
renovation of Kent, Shapers
and Elmore, in addition
to funds previously appropriated................ 841,162
For constructing a bus and
ambulance garage and other
capital improvements............................ 265,605
For improvements to various buildings
and replacement of Fletcher Building
to meet licensure standards, and other capital
improvements.................................. 1,398,294
To replace a chimney stack and ash handling
system, and other capital
improvements.................................... 136,250
For the construction of a 200-bed
veterans’ home facility, and other capital
improvements in addition
to funds previously appropriated............. 48,500,000
For planning and beginning the
Construction of a skilled care
Veterans’ home, and other capital improvements 2,000,000
For the construction of a 200-bed
veterans’ home facility, and other capital
improvements in addition
to funds previously appropriated............. 10,366,317
Total $65,941,379
Section 135. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 135 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Office of the Attorney General for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 135 of Public Act 98-0675)
For replacing electronic ballasts, and
other capital improvements...................... 762,165
For replacing the roof, and other
capital improvements............................. 44,824
Total $806,989
Section 140. The sum of $278,611, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 140 of Public Act 98-0675, to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Corrections for the Illinois Youth Center – Rushville for planning, design, construction, equipment and all other necessary costs to add a cell house, and other capital improvements, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Human Services for the same purpose.
Section 145. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations and reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 145 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 145 of Public Act 98-0675)
For expanding and renovating the
Bio-Safety 3 Laboratory for the
Department of Public Health, and other capital
improvements.................................... 160,356
For upgrading the snow melt system at
the Attorney General Building, and other capital
improvements..................................... 66,116
For upgrading environmental equipment
and HVAC, in addition to funds previously
appropriated - Archives Building, and other capital
improvements..................................... 35,633
For American with Disabilities Act
(ADA) upgrades and other capital improvements 1,415,307
For providing construction contingency and other
capital improvements, in addition to funds
previously appropriated......................... 737,361
For all costs associated with
a timekeeping and payroll system,
including prior year costs, and other
capital improvements............................ 301,122
For emergencies and abatement of
hazardous materials, in
addition to funds previously
appropriated, and other capital improvements.... 345,754
For escalation costs for state
facility projects, in addition
to funds previously appropriated, and
other capital improvements................... 11,848,185
For escalation and emergencies for
higher education projects, in
addition to funds previously appropriated,
and other capital improvements............... 23,315,622
For improving energy efficiency, and other capital
improvements..................................... 56,107
For Emergency Repairs and Hazardous
Material Abatement at State-Owned
Facilities, State Universities, and
Community Colleges............................... 62,685
For the purposes of capital planning
and condition assessment and analysis
of State capital facilities, to be
expended only upon the direction of
the Director of the Governor’s Office
of Management and Budget, and other capital
improvements..................................... 15,326
For abating hazardous materials, and other capital
improvements...................................... 7,731
For retrofitting or upgrading mechanized
refrigeration equipment (CFCs),
and other capital improvements.................. 384,100
For surveys and modifications to buildings
to meet requirements of the federal
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
and other capital improvements................... 21,797
For retrofitting or upgrading mechanized
refrigeration equipment (CFCs),
and other capital improvements.................. 269,347
For surveys and modifications to buildings
to meet requirements of the federal
Americans with Disabilities Act, and other capital
improvements..................................... 52,282
For upgrading and remediating
aboveground and underground storage tanks,
and other capital improvements.................. 829,386
For surveys and modifications to
buildings to meet requirements of the
federal Americans with Disabilities
Act, and other capital improvements.............. 81,823
For surveys and modifications to buildings
to meet requirements of the federal
Americans with Disabilities Act, and
other capital improvements....................... 31,148
Total $40,131,153
Section 150. The sum of $34,863, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 150 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Asbestos Abatement Fund to the Capital Development Board for surveying and abating asbestos-containing materials statewide, and other capital improvements.
Section 155. The sum of $80,250, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 155 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Asbestos Abatement Fund to the Capital Development Board for asbestos surveys and emergency abatement in relation to asbestos abatement in state governmental buildings or higher education residential and auxiliary enterprise buildings, and other capital improvements.
Section 160. The sum of $396,392,588, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 160 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the School Construction Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants to school districts for school construction projects authorized by the School Construction Law, and other capital improvements.
Section 165. The sum of $898,976, or so much of that amount as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 165 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the School Construction Fund to the Capital Development Board for Fiscal Year 2002 School Construction Program grant recipients, and other capital improvements as follows:
Silvis School District 34.............................. 2
Westmont Community Unit School District 201...... 898,974
Section 185. The sum of $18,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 185 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the School Construction Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants to school districts for school improvement projects authorized by the School Construction Law, and other capital improvements.
Section 190. The sum of $475,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 190 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for water resource management projects as authorized by subsection (g) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act and other capital improvements.
Section 195. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article 14, Section 195 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Community College Board for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 195 of Public Act 98-0675)
For various bondable capital improvements........ 570,171
For remodeling for Workforce Preparation
Centers....................................... 3,575,930
For remodeling for a culinary arts
educational facility......................... 10,875,000
For remodeling the Allied Health
program facilities............................ 4,298,223
For Installation of the
Instructional Center Noise Abatement.......... 1,544,600
For Construction of a Student
Service Building............................. 35,524,601
For a Public Safety Building................... 2,244,800
For Construction of a Center for Technology.... 7,569,800
For Construction of a Community Technology Center. 20,836
For renovation of Utilities...................... 254,383
For constructing a laboratory/classroom
facility........................................ 226,567
For all costs associated with
construction of new facilities as
part of Phase Two of the Vandalia
Campus........................................ 5,600,000
For renovating and expanding
Student Services Building Addition............ 1,780,808
For Construction of a Rural
Development Technology Center................. 7,524,100
For Student Services Building addition......... 6,498,007
For constructing classrooms and a
student services building and remodeling
space, in addition to funds previously
appropriated.................................... 473,076
For constructing a classroom/administration
building, providing site improvements and
purchasing equipment, in addition to
funds previously appropriated.................... 41,635
For costs associated with capital
improvements.................................... 500,000
For renovating and expanding
the Student Services Center Addition............ 237,683
For costs associated with capital
improvements at Prairie State College......... 2,762,577
For constructing an addition to the Adult
Training/Outreach Center, in addition to
funds previously appropriated................... 811,858
For Art Program Addition and minor remodeling..... 28,773
For Renovation of the Student
Success Center and Construction
of an Addition to the Student
Success Center................................ 3,278,160
For Construction of an
Arts Instructional Center and
remodeling of existing classroom buildings... 25,638,819
For improving flood retention..................... 72,010
For renovating and expanding
the Technology Building......................... 649,223
For rehabilitating the Liberal Arts
Building...................................... 1,536,546
For rehabilitating the potable water
distribution system.............................. 70,146
For costs associated with capital
improvements.................................. 5,000,000
For costs associated with capital
improvements to the Humboldt Park
Vocational Education Center
at Wilbur Wright College...................... 5,000,000
For Engineering and Technology
Center Renovations............................ 1,359,283
For Construction of a One
Stop/Admissions and Campus/
Student Life Center.......................... 38,876,191
Total $174,443,806
Section 205. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 205 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Community College Board for the Temporary Facility Replacement Program for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 205 of Public Act 98-0675)
For Temporary Facilities Replacement.......... 20,760,413
For Construction of a Classroom Building
at the Grayslake Campus...................... 16,476,268
For Construction of an AC/Refrigeration
and Sheet Metal Technology Building........... 1,495,500
For Construction of the Collision
Repair Technology Center........................ 288,870
For Construction of a Student Center........... 4,029,400
For Renovation and Additions to Dirksen Hall... 2,633,700
For Construction of a Community Technology Center. 97,905
For Temporary Facilities Replacement.............. 44,082
For repair, renovation, and miscellaneous
capital improvements including construction,
reconstruction, remodeling, improvement,
repair and installation of capital facilities,
costs of planning, supplies, equipment,
materials, services, and all expenses on the
Workforce Relocation Center, the Student
Services Center, and other college buildings.
This appropriation shall be in addition to
funds previously appropriated................. 9,881,700
For Construction of a Daycare and Montessori... 1,510,672
For Construction of an Engineering Annex....... 1,536,600
For Renovations to Sangamon Hall South......... 2,991,200
For Construction of a Greenhouse................. 671,600
For Construction of a Pumphouse.................. 115,900
For Construction of a New Building............ 18,785,265
For Construction of an Applied Technology Addition 23,785
For Construction of a Multi-Purpose Building... 3,243,215
To Replace Building “A” Temporary Building..... 2,615,200
To Replace the Hospitality Facility............ 3,944,800
Total $91,146,075
Section 230. The sum of $16,209,024, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 230 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for the Illinois Community College Board for miscellaneous capital improvements including construction, capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services and all other expenses required to complete work at the various higher education institutions. This appropriated amount shall be in addition to any other appropriated amounts which can be expended for such purposes.
Section 235. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 235 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Board of Higher Education for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 235 of Public Act 98-0675)
To plan and begin construction of a
space for the delivery of teacher
training and development and student
enrichment programs............................. 108,843
Section 240. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 240 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for miscellaneous capital improvements including construction, capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services and all other expenses required to complete work at the various higher education institutions. These appropriated amounts shall be in addition to any other appropriated amounts which can be expended for such purposes.
Chicago State University......................... 766,106
Eastern Illinois University.................... 1,548,817
Governors State University........................ 32,672
Illinois State University...................... 3,262,736
Northeastern Illinois University................. 907,768
Northern Illinois University................... 1,914,883
Western Illinois University...................... 322,617
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale...... 3,624,176
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville...... 723,137
University of Illinois - Chicago............... 9,396,823
University of Illinois - Springfield............. 542,891
University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign...... 8,381,363
Total $31,423,989
Section 245. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 245 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for miscellaneous capital improvements, including construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair, and installation of capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other expenses required to complete the work at the various colleges and universities as set forth below. These appropriated amounts shall be in addition to any other appropriated amounts which can be expended for these purposes.
Chicago State University......................... 263,806
Northeastern Illinois University................. 839,586
Illinois Community College Board.............. 17,431,984
Total $18,535,376
Section 255. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 255 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for miscellaneous capital improvements, including construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair, and installation of capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other expenses required to complete the work at the various colleges and universities as set forth below. These appropriated amounts shall be in addition to any other appropriated amounts which can be expended for these purposes.
Chicago State University......................... 119,814
University of Illinois - Chicago................. 118,600
University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign......... 92,037
Illinois Community College Board.............. 21,891,493
Total $22,221,944
Section 270. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from reappropriations heretofore made in Article 14, Section 270 of Public Act 98-0675, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for the projects hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 270 of Public Act 98-0675)
For a grant for the construction
of a Westside campus......................... 39,000,000
For renovating Douglas Hall, in
addition to funds previously appropriated.... 13,125,000
For Construction of an Early
Childhood Development Center.................. 2,588,067
For Remediation of the Convocation
Building, in addition to funds
previously appropriated....................... 3,850,096
For replacing primary electrical feeder cable.... 115,049
For the construction of a conference
Center, Daycare Facility,
renovating Building K (Robinson
Center) and Financial Outreach
Building in addition to funds
previously appropriated....................... 4,835,310
For the construction of a day care facility.... 4,863,999
For the construction of a student
financial outreach building................... 4,718,864
For constructing a new library facility,
site improvements, utilities, and
purchasing equipment, in addition
to funds previously appropriated................. 56,133
For technology improvements and
deferred maintenance............................ 263,134
For remodeling Building K, in addition
to funds previously appropriated.............. 6,789,984
For planning and beginning to remodel
Building K and improving site................... 524,767
For upgrades and improvements to
Electrical systems............................ 5,947,635
For remodeling of the HVAC in the
Life Science Building and Coleman Hall........ 4,757,100
For upgrading the electrical distribution system.. 59,282
For renovating and expanding the
Fine Arts Center, in addition to
funds previously appropriated.................... 14,348
For planning and beginning to renovate
and expand the Fine Arts Center -
Phase 1, in addition to funds
previously appropriated......................... 102,095
For renovation of a Teaching/Learning
Complex, in addition to funds
previously appropriated......................... 327,821
For replacing roadways and sidewalks............. 381,663
For constructing addition and
remodeling the teaching & learning complex,
in addition to funds previously appropriated.... 969,032
For renovations of the Fine Arts Complex...... 53,789,840
For renovating Stevenson and Turner
Halls for life/safety........................... 285,804
For the upgrade and remodeling of
Schroeder Hall................................ 1,869,102
For remodeling Julian and Moulton Halls.......... 376,727
For constructing an education building........ 72,408,937
For renovating Building "C" and
remodeling and expanding Building "E"
and Building "F”.............................. 6,233,200
For planning and beginning to remodel
Buildings A, B and E............................ 126,409
For remodeling in the Science Building
to upgrade heating, ventilating and air
conditioning systems.......................... 2,021,400
For replacing fire alarm systems, lighting
and ceilings.................................... 116,081
For the renovation of Cole Hall
and expanding/renovating Stevens Building..... 2,132,380
For renovating and expanding Stevens Building. 17,697,638
For planning Computer Sciences
Technology Center............................. 2,787,400
For renovating the Founders Library
basement, in addition to funds previously
appropriated.................................... 626,578
For planning a classroom building and
developing site in Hoffman Estates............ 1,314,500
For completing the construction of the
Engineering Building, in addition to
amounts previously appropriated for
such purpose..................................... 12,488
For renovating Altgeld Hall and purchasing
equipment....................................... 94,434
For renovating and constructing
a Science Laboratory, in addition
to funds previously appropriated............. 27,675,654
For constructing a Transportation
Education Center in addition to
funds previously appropriated................. 3,521,759
For planning and beginning Communications
Building...................................... 2,577,929
For renovating and constructing an
addition to the Morris Library, in
addition to funds previously appropriated........ 13,826
For upgrading the campus infrastructure
and renovating campus buildings.............. 19,690,023
Plan, construct, and equip the Chemical
Sciences Building............................ 55,627,457
For planning, construction and equipment
for a chemical sciences building.............. 3,549,048
To plan and begin construction of
a medical imaging research/clinical facility..... 49,753
For remodeling the Clinical Sciences Building.... 854,132
For the renovation of the court area and
Lecture Center, in addition to funds
previously appropriated.......................... 54,793
For renovating Lincoln Hall in addition to funds
previously appropriated....................... 9,317,864
For constructing a Post Harvest
Crop Processing and Research
Laboratory in addition to funds
previously appropriated...................... 19,544,039
For constructing an Electrical
and Computer Engineering Building,
in addition to funds previously appropriated.... 550,536
Expansion of Microelectronics Lab................. 41,764
For planning, construction and equipment
for a biotechnology genomic facility............ 434,265
For planning, construction and equipment
for a supercomputing application facility........ 88,416
For renovation and construction
of the Public Safety Building................. 3,703,716
For constructing a performing arts
center in addition to funds
previously appropriated...................... 66,498,128
Plan and construct performing arts center........ 735,208
For improvements to Memorial Hall................ 222,384
For renovation and construction of a
Riverfront Campus, in addition to
funds previously appropriated................. 6,942,412
For the renovation and construction
of a Riverfront Campus in addition to funds
previously appropriated......................... 906,919
For residence hall rehabilitation
and main building addition...................... 369,734
For “A” wing laboratories remodeling........... 3,561,475
Total $481,713,531
Section 280. The following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 280 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the project hereinafter enumerated:
(From Article 14, Section 280 of Public Act 98-0675)
For construction of facilities, remodeling,
site improvements, utilities and other
costs necessary for adapting the former
campus of Metropolitan Community College
for a Community College Center and Southern
Illinois University, in addition to funds
previously appropriated....................... 1,724,313
Section 310. The sum of $41,369,672, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 310 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the development and improvement of educational, scientific, technical and vocational programs and facilities and the expansion of health and human services, and for any other purposes authorized in subsection (c) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act.
Section 315. The sum of $98,061,022, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 315 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for educational purposes and other capital improvements by State universities and colleges, the Illinois Community College Board created by the Public Community College Act and for grants to public community colleges as authorized by Sections 5-11 and 5-12 of the Public Community College Act as authorized by subsection (a) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 320. The sum of $24,715,018, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 320 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Illinois Board of Higher Education for grants to various private colleges and universities, and other capital improvements.
Section 325. The sum of $2,376,501, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 14, Section 325 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants to units of local government and other eligible entities for all costs associated with land acquisition, construction and rehabilitation projects, and other capital improvements.
Section 330. The sum of $2,517,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 330 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for child care facilities, mental and public health facilities, and facilities for the care of disabled veterans and their spouses, and other capital improvements as authorized by subsection (d) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 335. The sum of $76,980,770, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 335 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for correctional purposes at State prison and correctional centers, and other capital improvements as authorized by subsection (b) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 340. The sum of $20,912,777, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 340 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for open spaces, recreational and conservation purposes and the protection of land and for deposits into the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund, and other capital improvements as authorized by subsection (c) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 345. The sum of $4,632,951, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 345 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for child care facilities, mental and public health facilities, and facilities for the care of disabled veterans and their spouses, and other capital improvements as authorized by subsection (d) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 350. The sum of $47,242,877, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 350 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for use by the State, its departments, authorities, public corporations, commissions and agencies, and other capital improvements as authorized by subsection (e) of Section 3 of the General Obligation Bond Act.
Section 355. The sum of $18,283,658, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 355 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for early childhood construction grants to school districts and not-for-profit providers of early childhood services for children ages birth to 5 years of age for construction or renovation of early childhood facilities, with priority given to projects located in those communities in this State with the greatest underserved population of young children, as identified by the Capital Development Board, in consultation with the State Board of Education, using census data and other reliable local early childhood service data, and other capital improvements.
Section 360. The sum of $4,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 360 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Capital Development Board for a grant to Metropolitan Family Services for an early childhood center located in Gage Park, and other capital improvements.
Section 365. The sum of $3,418,647, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 365 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the State Board of Education for grants to school districts for energy efficiency projects, and other capital improvements.
Section 370. The sum of $75,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 14, Section 370 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Chicago Board of Education for costs associated with school renovation and construction for the purposes of providing vocational education, and other capital improvements.
Section 375. This Article is not subject to limitations under Section 5 of Article 48 of Public Act 95-734 or any similar limitation.
Section 380. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $2,112,448,801
Section 5. The sum of $24,407,208, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 15, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for safety and security improvements at various public universities, private colleges or universities and community colleges or elementary or secondary schools, including prior year costs and reimbursements for prior incurred costs.
Section 10. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditures from appropriations in Section 5 of this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $24,407,208
Section 5. The sum of $20,356,631, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 16, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the School Construction Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for school districts for maintenance projects authorized by School Construction Law.
Section 15. The sum of $25,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 16, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for grants to school districts for school construction projects pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/2-3.146.
Section 20. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditures made from appropriations in this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $45,356,631
Section 5. The sum of $499,897, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 17, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University for all costs associated with renovation and expansion of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. This appropriation is in addition to funds previously appropriated.
Section 10. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditures from appropriations in this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $499,897
Section 5. The sum of $21,761, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made in Article 18, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University for construction and equipment expenses to complete the renovation and expansion of the Morris Library. This appropriation is in addition to funds previously appropriated.
Section 10. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditures from appropriations in Section 5 of this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $21,761
Section 5. The sum of $560,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government for sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to rules defining the Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan program and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged loan program.
Section 10. The sum of $240,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government and privately owned community water supplies for drinking water infrastructure projects pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged loan program.
Section 15. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a small community infrastructure compliance assistance program.
Total, this Article $810,000,000
Section 5. The sum of $1,087,663,720, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 19, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 20, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government for sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to rules defining the Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan program and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged loan program.
Section 10. The sum of $649,879,090, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 19, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675 and Article 20, Section 10 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government and privately owned community water supplies for drinking water infrastructure projects pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged loan program.
Section 15. The sum of $5,007,191, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 20 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to municipalities with designated River Edge Redevelopment Zones for brownfields redevelopment in accordance with Section 58.13 of the Environmental Protection Act, including costs in prior years.
Section 20. The sum of $43,000,260, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 25 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Anti-Pollution Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for reimbursements to eligible owners/operators of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, including claims submitted in prior years and for costs associated with site remediation and grants and contracts associated with safe drinking water and water quality activities.
Section 25. The sum of $2,506,388, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 30 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Anti-Pollution Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants to units of local government for wastewater facilities, pursuant to provisions of the "Anti-Pollution Bond Act".
Section 30. The sum of $4,385,633, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 35 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for wastewater compliance grants to units of local government or sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to procedures and rules established under the Anti-Pollution Bond Act. These grants are limited to projects for which the local government provides at least 30% of the project cost. There is an approved project compliance plan, and there is an enforceable compliance schedule prior to the grant award. The grant award will be based on eligible project cost contained in the approved compliance plan.
Section 35. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 40 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for deposit into the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund for use pursuant to Sections 58.13 and 58.15 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 40. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 45 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for deposit into the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund for use pursuant to Sections 58.13 and 58.15 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 45. The sum of $9,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 50 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for deposit into the Hazardous Waste Fund for use pursuant to Section 22.2 of the Environmental Protection Act, including costs in prior years.
Section 50. The sum of $471,885, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 55 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants and contracts for public drinking water infrastructure, including design and construction, where private drinking water wells have been contaminated by a hazardous substance, including costs in prior years.
Section 55. The sum of $4,776,725, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 60 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to municipalities with designated River Edge Redevelopment Zones for brownfields redevelopment in accordance with Section 58.13 of the Environmental Protection Act, including costs in prior years.
Section 60. The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 65 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants to units of local government and privately owned community water supplies for sewer systems, wastewater treatment facilities and drinking water infrastructure projects, including costs in prior years.
Section 65. The sum of $7,858,247, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 80 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the protection, preservation, restoration and conservation of environmental and natural resources, for deposits into the Water Revolving Fund, and for any other purposes authorized in subsection (d) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act and for grants to State agencies for such purposes.
Section 70. The sum of $16,600,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 85 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the protection, preservation, restoration and conservation of environmental and natural resources, for deposits into the Water Revolving Fund, and for any other purposes authorized in subsection (d) of Section 4 of the Build Illinois Bond Act and for grants to State Agencies for such purposes, including costs in prior years.
Section 75. The sum of $6,159,658, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in article 20, Section 90 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a green infrastructure financial assistance program to address water quality issues.
Section 80. The sum of $2,041,453, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 20, Section 95 of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a small community water supply financial assistance program to address compliance problems.
Section 85. The sum of $12,650,035, or so much therefore as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 18.5, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, is reappropriated from the Anti-Pollution Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants or loans to units of local government for the planning, financing, and construction of municipal sewage treatment works and solid waste disposal facilities and for making of deposits into the Water Revolving Fund and for other purposes under subsection (a) of Section 6 of the General Obligation Bond Act including, but not limited to, a grant for the Spring Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Section 90. The sum of $15,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 19, Section 15 of Public Act 98-0675 is reappropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants and contracts to address nonpoint source water quality issues.
Section 95. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditure made in Sections 15 through 70 and Section 85 of this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $1,911,510,286
Section 5. The sum of $314,597, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2015, from a reappropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 23, Section 5 of Public Act 98-0675, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund for the Illinois Community College Board for remodeling of facilities for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This appropriated amount shall be in addition to any other appropriated amounts which can be expended for these purposes.
Section 10. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditures from appropriations in Section 5 of this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, this Article $314,597
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2015.