HR1023LRB098 20994 MST 58683 r


2    WHEREAS, Rare Earth Elements are 17 individual minerals
3that are extremely important in the production of a wide
4variety of products that have domestic, environmental, and
5defensive uses, including mobile phone technology, aerospace
6instruments, radiation medicine, MRI & PET scanning, clean
7energy, radar systems, and satellites; and
8    WHEREAS, It is estimated that China is responsible for more
9than 90% of the global supply of Rare Earth Elements in use
10today and has been suspected of price fixing these materials by
11reducing exportation of "raw" elements in favor of finished
12products; and
13    WHEREAS, Current United States regulatory policy inhibits
14the processing, safe storage, and development of potential uses
15for Thorium, a companion element of rare earth mining and
16processing; this greatly enhances China's rare earth monopoly
17power; and
18    WHEREAS, Missouri's Pea Ridge Mine in Washington County is
19capable of mining all 17 of the Rare Earth Elements and the
20by-product material, Thorium, which can be used as a source
21fuel for nuclear energy; Thorium is not only more abundant, but
22also safer than uranium; and



HR1023- 2 -LRB098 20994 MST 58683 r

1    WHEREAS, The United States does not currently have a
2facility capable of refining these Rare Earth Minerals in a
3cost efficient manner, while China and other countries continue
4to invest in new refining and mining technologies; and
5    WHEREAS, Rare Earth Elements are becoming increasingly
6more important and valuable, and the United States is too
7dependent on foreign sources that gouge prices and exploit
8populations in favor of higher profits; and
9    WHEREAS, Rare Earths Element can be extracted from coal and
10coal tailings and can help contribute to U.S. Rare Earth
11production, giving new life and jobs to the State's coal
12industry, while making it cleaner and more efficient; and
13    WHEREAS, The coal industry will benefit greatly from other
14Rare Earth refining byproducts such as Thorium which may help
15create clean liquid fuels from coal and make Illinois a leader
16in clean-coal technology; and
17    WHEREAS, All by-products of Rare Earth production will be
18safely managed and stored on the site of the central Rare Earth
19Refinery, Strategic Reserve, and Illinois will lead the world
20in developing the safest strategic reserve to store, trace, and
21manage every gram of Thorium by-product from Rare Earth



HR1023- 3 -LRB098 20994 MST 58683 r

1Production; and
2    WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of national security,
3job creation, and quality of life to mine and refine Rare Earth
4Elements within the United States to lessen our dependency on
5China and other foreign sources of these materials; therefore,
6be it
9we strongly encourage the Rare Earth Element mining that is
10taking place at the Pea Ridge Mine in Missouri; and be it
12    RESOLVED, That we also strongly encourage the placement of
13the Rare Earth Cooperative in East St. Louis or another
14location within Illinois, to help shift our dependency on
15foreign rare earth materials, bring stabilization to the global
16market for these types of materials, and create jobs for the
17residents of Illinois; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution are
19presented to the members of the Illinois Congressional
20Delegation, U.S. Senator Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senator Mark
21Kirk, and Governor Pat Quinn.