State of Illinois
2011 and 2012


Introduced 2/8/2012, by Sen. Sue Rezin


30 ILCS 605/7.3  from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.3

    Amends the State Property Control Act. Provides that all airplanes and helicopters owned by the State, except those designated for emergency use and those used by a public university as part of a course in aviation, are surplus property and must be sold by a competitive sealed bid method (now, a transferable airplane may be disposed of only if (i) it is no longer needed, (ii) it will not be used as a trade-in, and (iii) a public university or college offering aviation-related instruction or training has not listed its need for an airplane). Requires that the sale proceeds be deposited into the General Revenue Fund. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning finance.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The State Property Control Act is amended by
5changing Section 7.3 as follows:
6    (30 ILCS 605/7.3)  (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.3)
7    Sec. 7.3. The Administrator shall have charge of all
8transferable property and shall have authority to take
9possession and control of such property in order to transfer or
10assign any such property to any other State agency that has
11need or use for such property or to dispose of said property in
12accordance with Section 7 of this Act.
13    Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
14all airplanes and helicopters owned by the State, except those
15designated for emergency use under a plan developed pursuant to
16Section 3.120 of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems
17Act and those used by a public university or college as part of
18a course offered in aviation, flight training, or any other
19subject involving knowledge of the workings of an airplane, are
20deemed surplus and shall be sold by the Administrator as soon
21as possible after the effective date of this amendatory Act of
22the 97th General Assembly using a competitive sealed bid method
23of sale. Proceeds from the sale of those airplanes and



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1helicopters shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
2    The Administrator may not dispose of a transferable
3airplane by sale until he or she determines that (i) the agency
4no longer has a need for the airplane, (ii) the airplane will
5not be used as a trade-in on another aircraft, and (iii) no
6public university or college in Illinois that offers courses in
7aviation, flight training, or other subjects involving
8knowledge of the workings of an airplane has listed the need
9for an airplane as provided in this Section.
10    Responsible officers shall periodically report all
11transferable property at locations under their jurisdictions
12to the Administrator. The Administrator shall review such
13reports and arrange for physical examination of said property
14if necessary to determine if said items of transferable
15property should be transferred to another State agency,
16transferred to a central warehouse, or disposed of. The
17Administrator shall advise responsible officers of the results
18of these reviews as necessary.
19    The staff under the jurisdiction of the Administrator shall
20review as necessary State agencies' inventories for potential
21items of transferable property. If in the opinion of the
22Administrator's staff, any property appears to be
23transferable, the Administrator shall notify the responsible
24officer of his determination. The executive head of the agency
25holding the property in question may appeal the determination
26in writing to the Administrator.



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1    The Administrator will review the determination in
2accordance with rules and procedures established pursuant to
3Section 5 of this Act.
4    The Administrator shall maintain lists of transferable
5property and of State agency needs for such property and will
6transfer where appropriate listed transferable property to
7agencies listing their needs for such property as detailed by
8their responsible officers. The Administrator must give
9priority for transfer of an airplane, that is not to be used as
10a trade-in, to a public university or college in Illinois that
11offers courses in aviation, flight training, or other subjects
12involving knowledge of the workings of an airplane and that has
13listed the need for an airplane.
14(Source: P.A. 91-432, eff. 1-1-00.)
15    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
16becoming law.