April 19, 2011
To the Honorable Members of the
Illinois Senate,
97th General Assembly
I hereby return Senate Bill 1 with a specific recommendation for change.
I commend the sponsors for their work to pass this bill. This legislation will provide additional transparency and accountability to the executive appointment process by expediting the constitutionally required public review before the Senate of appointees serving in expired terms.
The office of citizen is the highest office in the land. One of the best ways to participate in our democracy is by serving on a state board, commission, task force, or other executive appointment. These positions oversee and advise Illinois' elected officials, state agencies and organizations on a wide range of issues that affect the public welfare. They also play a vital role in promoting efficient, effective, and honest government.
It is important that citizens know about Illinois' boards and commissions and how to apply for membership. In 2009, I created appointments.illinois.gov. On this website, citizens can view descriptions of the positions, current members and vacancies, and I encourage all citizens to consider applying for a board or commission.
I applaud the sponsors for working to make the executive appointments process even more transparent. My recommendations for change would honor the intent of the sponsors but would also give citizens ample time to apply for a vacant position and allow a reasonable amount of time for identifying and recruiting qualified candidates.
Therefore, pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(e) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return Senate Bill 1, entitled βAN ACT concerning government,β with the following specific recommendation for change:
On page 5, by adding immediately
below line 22 the following:
β(e) The provisions of this Section
pertaining to a salaried office apply on and after July 1, 2011. The provisions
of this Section pertaining to an office other than a salaried office apply on
and after October 1, 2011.β.
With this change, Senate Bill 1 will have my approval. I respectfully request your concurrence.