AN ACT making appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 549,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 115,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 42,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payments... 80,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 8,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 200
For In-State Travel............................... 13,000
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,000
Total $837,400
Section 5. The following amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008:
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 6,834,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 64,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 482,700
For Social Security Contributions................ 313,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight by a Commercial Carrier................. 47,500
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment......... 44,199
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 10,000
Rental of Real Property...................... 1,375,548
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 41,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 621,680
Professional & Artistic Services Not
Elsewhere Classified.......................... 878,069
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 69,375
Surety Bond Insurance Premiums................... 3,193
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,110
Association Dues................................. 2,675
Operating Taxes License Fes..................... 17,713
For In-State Travel.............................. 297,452
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 23,761
For Printing...................................... 42,600
For Telecommunications........................... 234,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 12,200
Total $11,416,775
From the Drivers Education Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................... 58,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System....................... 800
For Social Security Contributions.................. 1,900
For Group Insurance............................... 20,000
Total $80,800
From the School Infrastructure Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................... 88,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 1,000
For Social Security Contributions.................. 3,100
For Group Insurance............................... 20,000
Total $113,000
From the SBE Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services for non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 225,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 58,600
For Social Security Contributions................. 12,200
For Group Insurance............................... 56,600
For Contractual Services
Rental of Real Property........................ 264,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 398,000
Professional & Artistic Services............. 1,062,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 276,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 365,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 42,088
For Printing...................................... 75,000
For Equipment...................................... 4,450
For Telecommunications............................ 25,000
Total $2,865,338
From the SBE Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Travel........................................ 28,500
For Printing....................................... 3,500
For Telecommunications............................. 4,500
Total $36,500
From the SBE Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 1,945,900 For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 10,000
For Retirement Contributions..................... 349,100
For Social Security Contributions................ 131,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 529,200
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Real Property........................ 680,952
Auditing and Management Services............. 1,309,500
Professional & Artistic Services............... 777,894
For Travel..................................... 1,201,155
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 25,500
Educational Instructional Materials............. 80,500
For Printing..................................... 170,500
For Equipment.................................... 190,000
For Telecommunications........................... 200,000
Total $7,601,401
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,217,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 58,000
For Retirement Contributions..................... 157,000
For Social Security Contributions................ 102,700
For Contractual Services:
Legal Fees..................................... 270,999
Professional & Artistic Services............... 652,805
Court Reporting................................. 82,000
Subscriptions.................................... 2,726
Association Dues............................... 234,237
Operating Taxes & License Fees................... 4,400
Total $2,782,267
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 102,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 26,300
For Retirement Contributions...................... 65,900
For Social Security Contributions................. 37,300
For Contractual Services:
Legal Fees..................................... 100,000
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 21,400
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 2,000
Subscriptions.................................... 1,000
Total $356,300
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 7,000
For Retirement Contributions....................... 7,600
For Social Security Contributions.................. 5,700
For Contractual Services
Professional and Artistic Services............... 1,500
Subscriptions...................................... 500
Association Dues.................................... 50
Total $22,350
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,516,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 18,800
For Retirement Contributions..................... 267,700
For Social Security Contributions................ 149,700
For Contractual Services
Professional and Artistic Services............. 179,373
Court Reporting................................. 10,365
Subscriptions................................... 32,600
Total $3,175,338
From the SBE Federal Department of Agriculture Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 3,141,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 10,300
For Retirement Contributions..................... 626,400
For Social Security Contributions................ 104,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 654,700
For Contractual Services:
Freight by Common Carrier.......................... 100
Auditing Management............................ 350,000
Professional and Artistic Services............. 748,600
Subscriptions.................................... 1,000
Association Dues................................. 3,700
Total $5,640,600
From the SBE Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 696,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 3,000
For Retirement Contributions..................... 174,500
For Social Security Contributions................. 50,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 190,900
For Contractual Services:
Professional & Artistic Services............. 1,344,400
Total $2,459,700
From the SBE Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,900,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 32,000
For Retirement Contributions..................... 721,100
For Social Security Contributions................ 166,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 942,700
For Contractual Services:
Freight by Common Carrier.......................... 100
Auditing Management Services................... 275,000
Professional and Artistic Services........... 2,432,590
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 300
Surety Bond Insurance Premiums.................. 18,000
Subscriptions................................... 17,200
Association Dues................................ 12,240
Total $8,518,430
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 3,577,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 28,500
For Retirement Contributions..................... 232,900
For Social Security Contributions................ 186,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight............................................ 235
Professional and Artistic Services............. 460,002
Total $4,485,737
From the SBE Federal Agency Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 88,800
For Retirement Contributions...................... 15,200
For Social Security Contributions.................. 1,400
For Group Insurance............................... 15,500
For Contractual Services......................... 566,628
Total $687,528
From the SBE Federal Department of Education Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,515,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 44,700
For Retirement Contributions..................... 719,500
For Social Security Contributions................ 433,300
For Group Insurance............................ 1,110,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight by Common Carrier.......................... 100
Auditing management Services..................... 5,000
Professional and Artistic Services........... 4,525,779
Surety Bond Insurance Premium.................... 7,000
Subscription..................................... 2,676
Association Dues............................... 114,829
Operating Taxes and License Fees.................... 50
Total $11,479,134
Section 10. The following amounts or so much thereof as may be necessary, which shall be used by the Illinois State Board of Education exclusively for the foregoing purposes and not, under any circumstances, for personal services expenditures or other operational or administrative costs, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008:
From the General Revenue Fund:
For the Philip J. Rock Center
and School................................... 3,577,800
For After School Matters......................... 500,000
For Agudath Israel of America for
School Transportation........................ 1,200,000
For Classroom Cubed............................ 2,000,000
From the General Revenue Fund:
For Standards, Assessments and
Accountability............................. 3,342,700
Section 20. The amount of $575,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for all costs associated with the Community Residential Services Authority.
Section 25. The amount of $1,600,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Teacher Certificate Fee Revolving Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for Teacher Certificates Processing.
Section 30. The amount of $1,008,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Teacher Certificate Institute Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Section 35. The amount of $42,826,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2008, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 2, Section 20 of Public Act 95-0348, is re-appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for Textbook Loans pursuant to Section 18-17 of the School Code.
Section 40. The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for all costs associated with Educator Misconduct Investigations.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Financial Institution Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,205,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 464,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 168,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 699,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 15,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 25,000
Legal Fees....................................... 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 3,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 3,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 160,000
For Out-of-State Travel to conduct examinations... 20,000
Total $3,771,600
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Credit Union Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,600,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 337,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 122,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 397,500
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,500
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 10,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 30,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 700
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 1,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 230,000
Total $2,735,000
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Insurance Producer Administration Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,624,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 762,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 244,200
For Group Insurance............................ 1,446,900
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,000
Legal Fees...................................... 25,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 40,000
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums............... 2,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 25,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 2,000
Computer Software............................... 15,000
For In-State Travel............................... 95,900
Total $6,286,800
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Insurance Financial Regulation Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,322,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 909,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 330,700
For Group Insurance............................ 1,844,400
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 15,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 4,000
Legal Fees...................................... 30,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 15,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 24,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 260,000
Total $7,780,300
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Public Pension Regulation Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 297,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 62,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 22,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 159,000
For Contractual Services:
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
For In-State Travel............................... 34,900
Total $577,700
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for costs associated with the Insurance Fraud Division of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission’s anti-fraud program to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 215,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 45,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 16,500
For Group Insurance............................... 95,400
Total $372,400
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Bank and Trust Company Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 7,738,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,628,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 592,000
For Group Insurance............................ 1,908,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,200
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Auditing and Management Services................ 17,000
Legal Fees....................................... 9,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 2,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 15,000
Travel, Non-State Employees........................ 500
For In-State Travel.............................. 857,100
For Out-of-State Travel to conduct examinations... 40,000
For Corporate Fiduciary Receivership............. 500,000
Total $13,315,800
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Pawnbroker Regulation Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Group Insurance............................... 15,900
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,200
For In-State Travel................................ 3,000
Total $20,100
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Savings and Residential Finance Regulatory Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,096,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 441,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 160,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 763,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Auditing and Management Services................ 10,000
Legal Fees....................................... 2,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 26,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 400
Subscription and Information Services.............. 600
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 147,500
For Out-of-State Travel to conduct examinations... 10,000
Total $3,665,000
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Real Estate License Administration Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,550,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 326,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 118,600
For Group Insurance.............................. 540,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,500
Legal Fees...................................... 39,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 29,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 20,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 2,000
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 6,000
For In-State Travel............................... 74,000
Total $2,710,800
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Appraisal Administration Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 148,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 31,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 11,400
For Group Insurance............................... 63,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,000
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 8,000
For In-State Travel............................... 10,000
For forwarding real estate appraisal fees
to the federal government....................... 30,000
Total $310,100
Section 75. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Auction Regulation Administration Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 60,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 12,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 4,700
For Group Insurance............................... 15,900
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,500
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 2,000
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
Total $102,800
Section 80. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Home Inspector Administration Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 73,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 15,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 5,700
For Group Insurance............................... 15,900
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 1,000
For In-State Travel................................ 6,000
Total $118,600
Section 85. The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Real Estate Audit Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for operating expenses for Real Estate audits.
Section 90. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Professions Dedicated Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,260,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 475,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 173,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 842,700
For Contractual Services:
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 4,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,000
Travel, Non-State Employees..................... 26,400
For In-State Travel............................... 63,000
Total $3,846,900
Section 100. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois State Dental Disciplinary Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 574,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 120,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 43,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 143,100
For Contractual Services:
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 2,000
Hospital and Medical Services...................... 100
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 600
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 4,000
For In-State Travel............................... 17,500
Total $906,100
Section 110. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,327,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 489,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 178,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 604,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 600
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 50,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,100
Travel, Non-State Employees..................... 20,000
For In-State Travel............................... 70,000
Total $3,742,500
Section 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Optometric Licensing and Disciplinary Committee Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 174,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 36,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 13,400
For Group Insurance............................... 47,700
For Contractual Services:
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 5,000
For In-State Travel............................... 12,000
Total $288,800
Section 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Design Professionals Administration and Investigation Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 447,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 94,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 34,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 143,100
For Contractual Services:
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 500
Travel, Non-State Employees..................... 15,000
For In-State Travel............................... 46,000
Total $780,500
Section 125. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois State Pharmacy Disciplinary Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 509,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 107,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 39,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 127,200
For Contractual Services
Hospital and Medical Services................... 79,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,900
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 500
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 4,000
For In-State Travel............................... 26,000
Total $900,000
Section 130. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois State Podiatric Disciplinary Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Contractual Services
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 1,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 200
Travel, Non-State Employees........................ 100
For In-State Travel................................ 4,000
Total $5,300
Section 135. The sum of $398,600 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Registered CPA Administration and Disciplinary Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for the administration of the Registered CPA Program.
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Nursing Dedicated and Professional Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 806,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 169,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 61,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 254,400
For Contractual Services:
Hospital and Medical Services................... 56,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 49,100
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
Travel, Non-State Employees...................... 6,000
For In-State Travel............................... 21,000
Total $1,425,400
Section 155. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Professions Indirect Cost Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,394,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,135,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 412,700
For Group Insurance............................ 3,370,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 30,000
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 240,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 8,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund......... 4,300,900
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 2,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 8,000
Legal Fees..................................... 150,000
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 950,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............ 200,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 40,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 3,200
Travel, Non-State Employees..................... 10,000
For In-State Travel............................... 65,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 155,000
For Printing..................................... 161,500
For Equipment:
Library Books................................... 12,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 738,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 637,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 95,100
Total $18,124,800
Section 160. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Professions Indirect Cost Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for costs and expenses related to the Regulatory/G&A shared services center for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,007,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 212,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 77,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 651,900
Total $1,948,600
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Non-Merit Compensation Employees............. 577,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 121,600
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 44,200
For Contractual Services:
Postage......................................... 18,000
For Travel......................................... 6,400
For Printing...................................... 34,900
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 19,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,700
Total $833,500
For Contractual Services:
Postage......................................... 11,000
For Printing....................................... 8,300
For Equipment........................................ 500
Total $24,500
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Non-Merit Compensation Employees............. 204,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 43,100
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 15,700
For Contractual Services:
Postage.......................................... 1,500
For Travel......................................... 2,200
For Telecommunications............................. 3,300
Total $272,600
For Personal Services............................ 410,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 86,400
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 31,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 111,300
For Contractual Services:
Gas............................................. 10,000
Electricity..................................... 10,000
Water............................................ 2,000 Postage 3,600......................................... For Travel 13,000
For Printing......................................... 500
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 2,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 9,000
Total $636,400
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Non-Merit Compensation Employees............. 550,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 115,800
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 42,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery............. 13,000
Building and Ground Maintenance................. 32,000
Gas............................................. 39,800
Electricity.................................... 125,300
Water............................................ 9,000
For Travel........................................... 400
For Printing......................................... 700
For Telecommunications Services................... 10,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 7,300
Total $953,200
Section 40. The sum of $150,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated from the Illinois Historic Sites Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Administrative Services division for costs associated with but not limited to Union Station, the Old State Capitol and the Old Journal Register Building.
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Non-Merit Compensation Employees .......... 4,623,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 973,300
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 353,700
For Contractual Services:
Building and Ground Maintenance................ 138,000
Gas............................................ 159,700
Electricity.................................... 300,300
Water........................................... 37,000
Postage.......................................... 8,500
For Travel......................................... 7,800
For Equipment..................................... 23,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 19,500
Total $6,744,600
For Contractual Services:
Building and Ground Maintenance................. 12,000
Gas............................................. 22,000
Electricity..................................... 56,700
Water............................................ 1,400
Postage.......................................... 1,000
For Travel......................................... 2,500
For Commodities................................... 18,000
For Equipment..................................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 7,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 5,000
Total $138,600
Section 50. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Historic Sites Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for operations, maintenance, repairs, permanent improvements, special events, and all other costs related to the operation of Illinois Historic Sites and only to the extent which donations are received at Illinois State Historic Sites.
Section 55. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Historic Preservation Agency from the General Revenue Fund for programs and purposes including repairing, maintaining, reconstructing, rehabilitating, replacing, fixed assets, construction and development, studies, all costs for supplies, materials, labor, land acquisition and its related costs, services and other expenses at historic sites.
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation Agency:
For Personal Services............................ 679,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 143,000
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 52,000
For Travel......................................... 1,800
For Commodities.................................... 6,100
For Printing......................................... 600
For Telecommunications Services.................... 4,700
For expenses related to or in support
of the Lincoln Bicentennial..................... 500,000
Total $1,387,600
For the ordinary and contingent expenses
of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential
Library and Museum in Springfield........... 12,083,600
Section 85. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Illinois Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission for expenses and activities related to promoting knowledge and understanding of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln and observances commemorating Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12, 2009.
Section 1. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Labor Relations Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Salary Grade
Employees...................................... 118,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 24,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 9,000
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Legal Fees....................................... 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 19,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 60,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payments.... 72,000
For In-State Travel............................... 10,000
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 30,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,000
Total $372,700
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability:
For Personal Services.............................. 863,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 34,500
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 181,800
For State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 69,100
For Contractual Services........................... 127,400
For Travel........................................... 7,500
For Commodities...................................... 3,000
For Printing......................................... 5,100
For Equipment........................................ 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing....................... 2,700
For Telecommunications Services...................... 9,300
For additional costs associated with
the assumption of duties of the
Pension Laws Commission.......................... 211,200
Total $1,516,300
Section 7. The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Commission on Governmental Forecasting and Accountability for ordinary expenses and operations of the Compensation Review Board.
Section 8. The amount of $6,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Commission on Governmental Forecasting and Accountability for the purpose of making contributions to the State Employees’ Retirement System of Illinois in accordance with subsection (c) of Section 14.1 of the State Finance Act, for affected legislative staff employees.
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Legislative Information System:
For Personal Services............................ 2,634,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................. 105,400
For State Contribution to State Employees’
Retirement System................................ 554,600
For State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 201,500
For Contractual Services........................... 548,900
For Travel.......................................... 14,000
For Commodities...................................... 5,200
For Printing......................................... 3,000
For Equipment........................................ 3,200
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 866,400
For Purchase, Maintenance, and Rental
of General Assembly Electronic Data Processing
Equipment, and any other operational
purposes of the General Assembly................. 782,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 136,900
Total $5,856,300
Section 15. The following amount, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Legislative Information System:
For Purchase, Maintenance, and
Rental of Electronic Data Processing
Equipment and Software relating to the
development and implementation of legislative
systems, and for consulting, technical,
and design services related thereto.................... 0
Section 20. The following amount, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Assembly Computer Equipment Revolving Fund to the Legislative Information System:
For Purchase, Maintenance, and Rental of
General Assembly Electronic Data Processing
Equipment and for other operational
purposes of the General Assembly............... 1,600,000
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Legislative Audit Commission:
For Personal Services.............................. 193,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................... 7,750
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................. 40,700
For State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 14,800
For Contractual Services............................ 19,900
For Travel........................................... 5,200
For Commodities...................................... 1,000
For Printing......................................... 2,150
For Equipment........................................ 1,100
For Electronic Data Processing....................... 3,000
For Telecommunications Services...................... 1,700
Total $290,800
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Legislative Printing Unit:
For Personal Services............................ 1,389,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 55,600
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 292,500
For State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 106,300
For Contractual Services........................... 180,000
For Travel............................................... 0
For Commodities.................................... 139,000
For Printing........................................ 85,000
For Equipment...................................... 300,000
For Telecommunications Services...................... 7,500
Total $2,555,400
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Legislative Research Unit:
For Personal Services............................ 1,269,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 50,800
For State Contribution to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 267,200
For State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 97,200
For Contractual Services........................... 689,900
For Travel.......................................... 20,200
For Commodities..................................... 16,300
For Printing........................................ 27,700
For Equipment...................................... 108,200
For Telecommunications Services..................... 32,000
For Council of State Governments Conference.............. 0
For Model Illinois Government activities............ 10,000
For New Member Conference........................... 30,000
Total $2,619,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Illinois Legislative Research Unit for the following purposes:
For payment of expenses of the
Legislative Staff Intern program,
including stipends, tuition, and
administration for 20 persons.................... 658,700
For payment of expenses of the Zeke
Giorgi Memorial Intern Program, including
stipends, tuition, and administration
for 4 persons.................................... 127,500
Total $786,200
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Legislative Reference Bureau:
For Personal Services............................ 1,845,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 73,900
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 388,550
For State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 141,300
For Contractual Services........................... 145,000
For Travel........................................... 7,000
For Commodities..................................... 10,000
For Printing....................................... 175,400
For Equipment...................................... 210,000
For Telecommunications Services..................... 12,000
Total $3,009,050
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the Architect of the Capitol:
For Personal Services.............................. 358,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 14,400
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................. 75,500
For State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 35,500
For Contractual Services......................... 1,300,000
For Travel.......................................... 10,000
For Commodities...................................... 3,000
For Printing......................................... 5,000
For Equipment........................................ 5,300
For Electronic Data Processing....................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services...................... 7,000
Total $1,821,900
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules:
For Personal Services.............................. 870,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 34,800
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 183,100
For State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 66,600
For Contractual Services............................ 50,400
For Travel.......................................... 24,000
For Commodities..................................... 14,800
For Equipment....................................... 28,000
For Telecommunications Services...................... 7,000
Total $1,278,700
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Frontline Personnel.... 476,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 100,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 36,500
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
For In-State Travel............................... 59,500
For Commodities................................... 12,500
For Printing....................................... 6,500
For Equipment...................................... 2,200
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 34,000
For Operational and Contingent Expenses of
Rural Affairs Council.......................... 182,000
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses of
The Illinois River Coordinating Council......... 95,000
Total $1,026,600
Section 10. The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Agricultural Premium Fund to the Office of Lieutenant Governor for all costs associated with the Rural Affairs Council including any grants or administration expenses.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the Governor to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 1,262,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 265,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 96,600
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance EDP Equipment............... 500
Rental Office Equipment.......................... 5,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 7,000
Legal Fees....................................... 6,000
Gas................................................ 300
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 500
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 200
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
For In-State Travel............................... 58,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,800
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment...................................... 2,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 81,600
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 60,000
Total $1,856,900
Section 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 953,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 302,500
Payable from Adeline Jay Geo-Karis
Illinois Beach Marina Fund...................... 104,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 200,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 63,700
Payable from Adeline Jay Geo-Karis
Illinois Beach Marina Fund....................... 21,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 73,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 23,200
Payable from Adeline Jay Geo-Karis
Illinois Beach Marina Fund........................ 8,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 272,000
Payable from the Partners for Conservation Fund.. 16,000
Payable from the Federal Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Fund............... 8,000
Payable from Adeline Jay Geo-Karis
Illinois Beach Marina Fund....................... 32,000
Payable from the Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund............ 8,000
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Communication Consolidation Payments........... 107,100
Other Rental..................................... 2,000
Legal Fees..................................... 135,000
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 20,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,700
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 34,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.................. 700
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,300
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 92,500
For Telecommunications Services for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 92,900
Payable from Aggregate Operations Regulatory
Fund............................................. 8,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 8,500
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........... 6,500
Total $2,598,500
Section 60. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 43,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 85,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 9,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 18,100
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 3,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 6,600
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 19,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Computer Software.............................. 4,000
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 3,200
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 100
Total $200,300
Section 65. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,065,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 401,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 224,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 84,500
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 81,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 30,700
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 115,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Other Rental................................... 2,200
For Professional and Artistic Services........... 115,400
For Computer Software................................ 200
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 32,500
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 2,000
For Equipment:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 26,100
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,500
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Total $2,208,400
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 724,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 296,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,178,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 152,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 62,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 248,000
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 55,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 22,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 90,200
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 145,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 381,600
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Freight Express and Drayage.................. 116,000
For Other Rental.................................. 90,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............... 50,000
Professional and Artistic Services................ 14,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 100,000
Computer Software................................. 10,500
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Other Rental....................................... 4,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............... 55,000
Postage and Postal Charges........................ 42,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Postage and Postal Charges........................ 50,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund:
Other Rental....................................... 5,400
For Contractual Services for Postage
Expenses for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 24,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 25,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 12,500
For the purpose of remitting funds
collected from the sale of Federal
Duck Stamps to the U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 23,600
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,800
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 14,000
For Commodities for DNR Headquarters:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 25,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 24,200
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.............................. 3,300
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 8,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 163,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 240,600
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 813,000
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 101,600
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 22,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 891,800
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 23,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 123,600
Payable from Illinois Forestry Development Fund... 13,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund.......... 123,600
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,500
For the implementation of the
Camping/Lodging Reservation System:
Payable from the State Parks Fund................ 130,000
For expenses incurred for the implementation,
education and maintenance of the Point of
Sale System:
Payable from the Wildlife & Fish Fund.......... 3,000,000
Total $9,717,700
Section 75. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 270,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 14,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 56,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 3,100
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 1,100
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 14,400
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Communication Consolidation Payments............. 155,100
Professional and Artistic Services................ 20,000
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 3,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Professional and Artistic Services................. 8,000
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 3,000
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 5,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 10,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 10,000
For Expenses of the Environment and Nature
Training Institute for Conservation
Education (E.N.T.I.C.E.):
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 273,400
For expenses incurred in producing
and distributing site brochures,
public information literature and
other printed materials from revenues
received from the sale of advertising:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 25,000
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 50,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 50,000
For the purpose of publishing and
distributing a bulletin or magazine
and for purchasing, marketing and
distributing conservation related
products for resale, and refunds for
such purposes:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 660,900
For Educational Publications Services and
Expenses, Contingent upon Revenues
collected for same:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 25,000
Total $1,689,000
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 223,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 45,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 444,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 47,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 9,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 93,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 17,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 3,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 34,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 16,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 172,000
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Other Rental.................................... 41,600
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 14,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 700
Gas................................................ 400
Electricity........................................ 400
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Repair and Maintenance............................. 200
Rental of Film and Audio/Visual Aids............. 2,200
Other Rental..................................... 7,700
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 9,100
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 30,000
Computer Software.................................. 400
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,000
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 14,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Printing........................................... 100
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 800
For Printing:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 35,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 5,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 22,900
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses of
Special Events:
Payable from Park and Conservation Fund.......... 401,000
For the ordinary and contingent expenses
of the World Shooting and Recreational
Complex, of which no expenditures shall
be authorized from the appropriation
until revenues from sponsorships or
donations sufficient to offset such
expenditures have been collected
and deposited into the State Parks Fund:
Payable from the State Parks Fund................ 350,000
For the ordinary and contingent
expenses of the World Shooting
and Recreational Complex:
Payable from the State Parks Fund................ 500,000
Payable from the Wildlife and Fish Fund........ 1,471,100
Total $4,019,800
Section 85. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,671,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 8,969,200
Payable from Salmon Fund......................... 204,800
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund.... 1,025,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 351,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,888,000
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 43,200
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund...... 215,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 127,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 686,200
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 15,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 78,500
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 2,748,900
Payable from Salmon Fund.......................... 46,100
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund...... 327,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................. 300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,500
Rental of Real Property.......................... 1,500
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,600
Other Rental....................................... 100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 10,000
Gas................................................ 100
Electricity...................................... 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 5,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 119,100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 41,600
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 1,500
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 32,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 6,200
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 7,400
Other Rental.................................... 16,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 57,200
Professional and Artistic Services............. 213,400
Gas............................................. 50,000
Electricity.................................... 264,400
Water............................................ 4,900
Other Utilities.................................... 100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 26,800
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,300
Surety Bonds and Insurance Premiums.............. 3,800
Computer Software.................................. 500
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,900
Permanent Improvements........................... 2,500
Payable from Salmon Fund........................... 2,900
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment........................................ 800
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment............ 200
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,400
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 600
Rental of Real Property............................ 600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 5,000
Professional and Artistic Services................. 900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 11,700
Electricity...................................... 1,500
Computer Software................................ 3,700
Permanent Improvements........................... 1,900
Payable from Natural Heritage Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft................. 400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 700
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 2,200
Other Repair and Maintenance....................... 300
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 100
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 2,300
Other Rental..................................... 1,500
Legal Fees...................................... 10,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 10,000
Electricity........................................ 400
For In-State Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 30,400
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 20,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Fuel and Bottled Gas......................... 1,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Printing......................................... 100
Industrial and Shop Materials.................... 1,000
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride and Road
Use Abrasives.................................... 400
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................ 12,000
Off-Road Equipment.............................. 10,700
Forage Farm and Garden Supplies................ 703,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 2,100
Off-Road Equipment............................... 3,700
Payable from the Natural Heritage Fund:
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 200
Off-Road Equipment............................... 2,100
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 17,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 133,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 11,600
For Equipment:
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 279,700
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund...... 108,700
Payable from Illinois Forestry
Development Fund................................ 100,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 50,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 125,900
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 17,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 200,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 734,400
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund....... 69,200
For the Purposes of the "Illinois
Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act":
Payable from Illinois Wildlife
Preservation Fund.............................. 500,000
For Administration of the "Illinois
Natural Areas Preservation Act":
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund.... 1,527,800
For the Support of the Endangered
Species Protection Board:
Payable from the Natural Areas Acquisition Fund.. 329,800
Total $24,349,200
Section 100. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 6,433,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............ 1,773,100
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 826,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 3,540,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,354,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 373,300
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 174,000
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 745,300
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 492,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 135,700
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 63,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 270,900
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 421,700
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 165,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 789,700
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft................. 400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 3,200
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 2,600
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment............ 400
Other Repair and Maintenance..................... 1,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance.................. 5,600
Rental of Real Property.......................... 1,800
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 100
Other Rental..................................... 1,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 1,000
Electricity........................................ 700
Water.............................................. 100
Fire Protection Services........................... 900
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,600
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 200
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft.............. 20,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 2,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance................. 11,800
Rental of Real Property.......................... 4,200
Other Rental..................................... 1,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 800
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 2,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 1,400
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 1,400
Other Repair and Maintenance..................... 1,100
In-House Repair and Maintenance.................. 4,800
Rental of Real Property.......................... 6,000
Other Rental....................................... 900
Professional and Artistic Services............... 1,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 6,000
Electricity...................................... 1,100
Gas................................................ 200
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 700
Computer Software................................ 8,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 42,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 3,900
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 60,000
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 11,700
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 33,300
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 20,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund................ 5,800
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 128,300
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 159,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 207,800
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 183,700
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 71,500
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 98,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 322,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 232,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 235,700
Total $19,487,500
Section 105. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............. 12,641,300
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............ 1,596,100
Payable from State Parks Fund.................. 1,193,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 6,027,300
For State Contributions to State
Employee's Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 2,660,900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 336,000
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 251,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 1,268,700
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 967,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 122,200
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 91,400
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 461,100
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 536,500
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 626,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............ 2,115,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 900
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft............... 1,400
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 90,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 90,000
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 5,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 3,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 81,300
Rental, Not elsewhere classified................ 37,400
Professional and Artistic Services............. 119,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 296,100
Gas............................................. 15,000
Electricity.................................... 200,000
Water........................................... 39,700
Permanent Improvements.......................... 40,200
Other Utilities.................................. 8,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 200
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft............... 1,100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 7,400
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,100
Repair & maintenance of Real Property........... 22,400
Repair & Maintenance of EDP Equipment.............. 100
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 3,100
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................. 6,500
Professional and Artistic Services............... 1,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 52,500
Gas............................................. 11,200
Electricity.................................... 208,300
Water........................................... 17,600
Permanent Improvements........................... 4,300
Payable from State Parks Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 7,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 295,700
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 112,900
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft................. 900
Repair and Maintenance, EDP Equipment.............. 800
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,700
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,400
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 6,100
Other Rental.................................... 25,300
Professional and Artistic Services............... 2,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 380,000
Gas............................................. 82,300
Electricity.................................... 180,300
Water.......................................... 101,700
Fire Protection Services......................... 7,600
Computer Software.................................. 100
Operating taxes and Licenses....................... 400
Permanent Improvements.......................... 30,600
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 700
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft.............. 500
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 34,700
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,300
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical Equipment...... 26,200
Other Rental..................................... 8,200
Professional and Artistic Services................. 800
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 150,500
Gas............................................. 11,100
Electricity.................................... 246,100
Water............................................ 7,200
Fire Protection Services........................... 100
Permanent Improvement............................ 2,800
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 24,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 5,900
Payable from State Parks Fund..................... 47,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 14,700
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Printing........................................... 400
Mechanical Supplies............................. 10,000
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride,
and Road Use Abrasives.......................... 1,500
Fuel, Oil, and Bottled Gas..................... 158,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off Road Equipment........................... 113,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Fuel, Oil, and Bottled Gas...................... 14,600
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 1,400
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
For Off Road Equipment......................... 7,800
Payable from State Parks Fund:
Educational & Instructional Materials
And Supplies..................................... 600
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride and Road
Use Abrasives.................................. 3,500
Fuel, Oil, and Bottled Gas..................... 102,600
Off-Road Equipment............................. 101,900
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
Printing........................................... 100
Fuel, Oil, and Bottled Gas...................... 62,600
Off-Road Equipment............................. 203,800
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 14,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 153,100
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 711,800
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 440,300
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 43,000
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 141,300
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund............... 16,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 355,900
Payable from State Parks Fund.................... 258,100
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund.............. 170,700
For Wildlife Prairie Park Operations and
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 828,200
Payable from Wildlife Prairie Park Fund.......... 100,000
Total $38,109,800
Section 110. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,751,600
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund.......................... 263,000
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...... 274,900
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 370,600
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.......................... 1,126,400
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........ 1,319,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 368,700
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 55,400
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 57,900
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 78,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 237,100
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund.......... 277,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 134,000
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 20,200
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 21,100
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 28,400
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 86,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund.......... 101,000
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 76,300
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 66,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund................... 119,500
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 351,100
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund.......... 339,800
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 900
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 1,600
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,800
Professional and Artistic Services ............. 10,300
Gas.............................................. 1,000
Electricity..................................... 11,200
Water.............................................. 300
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified................ 200
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,100
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 2,200
Repair and Maintenance of Electronic Data Processing
Equipment........................................ 300
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 800
Gas................................................ 400
Electricity..................................... 14,700
Computer Software................................ 5,700
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................. 300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,000
Rental of Real Property............................ 500
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................... 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,200
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund:
Contractual Reimbursement to Employees............. 700
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 3,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................. 600
Repair and Maintenance, Not Elsewhere Classified 1,400
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 700
Rental of Real Property.......................... 3,900
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 900
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................... 800
Auditing and Management Services................. 7,200
Professional and Artistic Services............. 230,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 12,500
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 300
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 800
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment........................................ 300
Other Repair and Maintenance....................... 400
In-House Repair and Maintenance.................. 1,800
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 9,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,000
Rental of Film and Audio Visual Aids............. 2,800
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................... 600
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,300
Computer Software ............................... 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
Auditing and Management Services................. 7,000
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 19,000
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 22,700
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund............................ 3,400
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 5,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 4,500
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund.............................. 8,100
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........... 15,700
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Printing............................................ 100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 100
Wearing Apparel.................................. 1,500
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies............ 100
Wearing Apparel...................................... 200
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,000
Wearing Apparel.................................. 3,100
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 300
Wearing Apparel.................................. 3,100
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund:
Printing........................................... 100
Educational and Instructional Materials
and Supplies.................................... 1,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 3,700
Wearing Apparel.................................. 5,100
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 1,200
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund .......... 500
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 3,300
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 11,200
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund............ 1,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 200
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 20,000
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ....... 38,200
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 47,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 109,600
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund.......... 121,300
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 11,700
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 8,000
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 31,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................ 119,800
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........... 82,500
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 18,600
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ........ 9,100
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund..................... 7,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 16,000
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........... 10,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 85,700
Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
Injection Control Fund........................... 34,200
Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund........ 51,800
Payable from Underground Resources
Conservation Enforcement Fund.................... 54,000
Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
and Reclamation Fund............................. 60,300
Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund........... 65,300
For the purpose of coordinating training
and education programs for miners and
laboratory analysis and testing of
coal samples and mine atmospheres:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............. 13,700
Payable from the Coal Mining Regulatory Fund...... 32,800
Payable from Federal Surface Mining
Control and Reclamation Fund.................... 344,700
Total $9,402,100
Section 115. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 1,515,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund.............. 132,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 319,100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 27,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 116,000
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 10,100
For Group Insurance:
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 97,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft............... 1,700
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 4,300
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 3,400
In-House Repair and Maintenance.................. 3,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 8,900
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 500
Rental of Data Processing Equipment................ 600
Other Rental....................................... 500
Gas............................................. 11,000
Electricity..................................... 32,900
Water............................................ 2,900
Fire Protection Services......................... 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Surety Bonds and Insurance Premiums................ 400
Computer Software................................ 9,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 900
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft................. 900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment........................................ 800
Rental of Real Property............................ 900
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 500
Gas.............................................. 3,000
Electricity...................................... 8,200
Water.............................................. 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 76,000
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 10,500
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Off-Road Equipment............................... 1,100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 100
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
Mechanical Supplies................................ 200
Off-Road Equipment............................... 4,400
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,400
Payable from State Boating Act Fund............... 33,900
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 25,600
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 3,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 88,200
Payable from State Boating Act Fund................ 3,500
For operating expenses related
to the Dam Safety Program:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 143,400
Total $2,720,300
Section 135. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 11,600
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment............ 200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 15,600
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 23,900
Rental of Real Property......................... 36,300
Other Rental..................................... 3,300
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 2,200
Professional and Artistic Services............... 6,600
Gas.............................................. 3,500
Electricity..................................... 33,300
Water............................................ 3,500
Other Utilities.................................. 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 34,800
Computer Software................................ 4,800
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 600
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 29,300
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 5,500
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 1,000
Off-Road Equipment............................... 2,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,100
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 41,200
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 45,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 40,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 15,700
Total $365,700
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Arts Council to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 861,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 181,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 65,900
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express, and Drayage.................... 4,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 15,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 50,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 3,000
For In-State Travel............................... 23,800
For Printing Costs associated with
Program Guidelines and Applications............. 30,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 12,100
Total $1,347,300
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Attorney General to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the following division of the Office of the Attorney General:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 9,919,500
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers........................... 17,839,300
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 5,843,000
For State Contribution to Social Security...... 2,123,500
For Employees' Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer............................... 328,800
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll Employees................... 70,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 40,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 60,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 5,000
Rental of Real Property........................ 885,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 9,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 1,000
Legal Fees..................................... 165,000
Professional Services.......................... 160,000
Hospital and Medical Services................... 50,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 15,000
Gas.............................................. 2,000
Electricity..................................... 20,000
Water............................................ 2,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 200,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 58,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 95,000
Computer Software................................ 3,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 1,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 213,000
For Commodities................................... 30,000
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 487,500
For Telecommunications........................... 345,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 80,000
For Operational Expenses, Office
of the Inspector General....................... 173,900
Total $39,251,500
Section 10. The sum of $936,300, or so much thereof as is available for use by the Attorney General, is appropriated to the Attorney General from the Illinois Gaming Law Enforcement Fund for State law enforcement purposes.
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the Asbestos Abatement Fund to the Attorney General to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Environmental Enforcement-Asbestos Litigation Division:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 260,400
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 1,024,900
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 270,500
For State Contribution to Social Security......... 98,300
For Employees' Retirement Contributions
Paid by the Employer............................ 14,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 349,800
For Contractual Services
Rental of Real Property........................ 329,100
For In-State Travel................................ 6,000
For Operational Expenses.......................... 30,000
Total $2,383,400
Section 20. The amount of $3,119,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General Court Ordered and Voluntary Compliance Payment Projects Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for use, subject to pertinent court order or agreement, in the performance of any function pertaining to the exercise of the duties of the Attorney General, including State law enforcement and public education.
Section 25. The amount of $1,256,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Charity Bureau Fund to the Office of the Attorney General to enforce the provisions of the Solicitation for Charity Act and to gather and disseminate information about charitable trustees and organizations to the public.
Section 30. The amount of $1,484,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for State law enforcement purposes.
Section 35. The amount of $450,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Litigation Trust Fund to the Attorney General for financial support under the Capital Crimes Litigation Act.
Section 40. The amount of $671,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund to the Attorney General for the funding of a unit responsible for oversight, enforcement, and implementation of the Master Settlement Agreement entered in the case of People of the State of Illinois v. Philip Morris, et al. (Circuit Court of Cook County, No. 96L13146), for enforcement of the Tobacco Product Manufacturers' Escrow Act, and for handling remaining tobacco-related litigation.
Section 45. The amount of $1,858,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General's State Projects and Court Ordered Distribution Fund to the Attorney General for payment of interagency agreements, for court-ordered distributions to third parties, and, subject to pertinent court order, for performance of any function pertaining to the exercise of the duties of the Attorney General, including State law enforcement and public education.
Section 50. The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General's Grant Fund to the Office of the Attorney General to be expended in accordance with the terms and conditions upon which those funds were received.
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named in this Section, are appropriated to the Attorney General to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Attorney General:
Payable from the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 433,100
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 324,400
For State Contribution to State Employees'
Retirement System.............................. 159,400
For State Contribution to Social Security......... 57,900
For Employees' Retirement Contributions
Paid by the Employer............................ 10,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 318,000
For Operational Expenses,
Crime Victims Services Division................ 150,000
For Operational Expenses,
Automated Victim Notification System........... 800,000
Total $2,253,100
Section 60. The amount of $194,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Child Support Administrative Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for child support enforcement purposes.
Section 65. The amount of $1,128,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General Federal Grant Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for funding for federal grants.
Section 75. The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Statewide Grand Jury Prosecution Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for expenses incurred in criminal prosecutions arising under the Statewide Grand Jury Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Auditor General to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services.......................... 5,698,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,199,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 435,900
For Contractual Services....................... 1,165,800
For Travel........................................ 80,000
For Commodities................................... 22,000
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 120,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 75,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 6,000
Total $8,927,100
Section 10. The sum of $19,563,272, or so much of that amount that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Auditor General from the Audit Expense Fund for audits, studies, and investigations.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Contractual Services:
Communication Consolidation Payments............ 38,500
Postage.......................................... 5,000
For In-State Travel............................... 30,800
For Commodities.................................... 4,500
For Printing...................................... 17,000
For Equipment...................................... 2,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 356,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 1,900
Refunds.............................................. 900
Total $480,000
For Contractual Services:
Communication Consolidation Payments............. 8,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,500
For Commodities.................................... 1,300
For Printing....................................... 1,200
For Equipment...................................... 1,100
For Electronic Data Processing................... 513,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,000
Total $527,600
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 123,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 26,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 9,500
For Group Insurance............................... 47,700
For Contractual Services:
Communications Consolidation Payments........... 15,500
For In-State Travel................................ 1,500
For Commodities.................................... 1,300
For Printing....................................... 2,600
For Equipment...................................... 1,600
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,400
Total $231,300
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 47,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System..................... 9,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 3,600
For Group Insurance............................... 47,700
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,500
For In-State Travel.................................. 800
For Commodities.................................... 2,300
For Printing....................................... 6,700
For Equipment...................................... 2,600
For Electronic Data Processing................. 1,609,100
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,300
Total $1,734,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 492,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 103,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 37,700
For Group Insurance............................ 1,812,600
For Contractual Services:
Communication Consolidation Payments............. 1,900
Postage.......................................... 2,000
Auditing and Management Services................ 20,000
Legal Fees..................................... 889,700
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 45,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 236,400
For Commodities................................... 13,800
For Printing...................................... 69,000
For Equipment..................................... 40,300
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 81,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 2,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 52,300
Total $3,900,900
Section 10. In addition to any other amounts appropriated, the following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services for costs and expenses associated with or in support of a General and Regulatory Shared Services Center:
Payable from State Garage Revolving Fund......... 298,100
Payable from Statistical Services
Revolving Fund............................... 1,603,100
Payable from Communications Revolving Fund....... 748,700
Payable from Facilities Management
Revolving Fund................................. 598,300
Payable from Health Insurance Reserve Fund....... 206,200
Total $3,454,400
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 322,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 68,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 24,700
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 700
For In-State Travel................................ 4,200
For Commodities...................................... 900
For Printing......................................... 300
For Equipment..................................... 18,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 13,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,000
Total $454,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,621,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 341,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 124,100
For Goup Insurance............................. 1,224,300
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Electronic Data
Processing Equipment.......................... 20,000
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 153,500
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................. 2,000
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 25,000
Postage and Postal Charges................... 1,079,800
Computer Software................................ 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 54,700
For Commodities................................... 50,300
For Printing...................................... 90,500
For Equipment..................................... 55,700
For Electronic Data Processing................... 129,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 73,900
Total $5,047,200
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Personal Services.......................... 1,051,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 221,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 80,500
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 53,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,300
For Travel........................................ 24,600
For Commodities.................................... 6,100
For Printing....................................... 4,500
For Equipment...................................... 3,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 20,400
Total $1,471,200
For Personal Services.......................... 8,270,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,740,800
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 632,700
For Group Insurance............................ 2,544,000
For Contractual Services:
Professional and Artistic Services............. 150,000
Computer Software................................ 5,300
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
For Travel........................................ 23,000
For Commodities................................... 58,400
For Printing...................................... 34,100
For Equipment.................................... 441,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 74,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment............... 15,350,000
For Refunds....................................... 10,000
Total $29,351,800
For Personal Services........................... 512,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 107,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 39,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 349,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 26,100
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 10,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 46,900
Computer Software.............................. 255,100
For Travel........................................ 15,000
For Commodities.................................... 6,600
For Printing....................................... 1,500
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 9,200
Total $1,380,700
For Personal Services............................ 165,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 34,800
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 12,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 206,700
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Commodities...................................... 300
For Printing......................................... 100
For Equipment...................................... 4,000
Total $443,800
For Group Insurance............................... 47,700
For Contractual Services........................... 8,500
For Travel........................................ 23,300
For Commodities.................................... 1,500
For Printing......................................... 700
For Equipment...................................... 6,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 4,900
Total $100,100
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Group Insurance........................... 24,818,800
Total $24,818,800
For Life Insurance Coverage As Elected
By Members Per The State Employees
Group Insurance Act of 1971.................. 90,452,100
Total $90,452,100
For provisions of Health Care Coverage
As Elected by Eligible Members Per
The State Employees Group Insurance Act
of 1971...................................... 12,752,000
Total $12,752,000
For administrative costs of claims services
and payment of temporary total
disability claims of any state agency
or university employee....................... 6,411,800
For payment of Workers’ Compensation
Act claims and contractual services in
connection with said claims payments........ 121,512,200
Expenditures from appropriations for treatment and expense may be made after the Department of Central Management Services has certified that the injured person was employed and that the nature of the injury is compensable in accordance with the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, and then has determined the amount of such compensation to be paid to the injured person.
For expenses related to the administration
of the State Employees’ Deferred
Compensation Plan............................ 1,019,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Personal Services............................ 655,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 137,900
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 50,200
For Contractual Services:
Communication Consolidation ..................... 2,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,500
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 25,500
Postage......................................... 50,000
For Travel........................................ 22,300
For Commodities................................... 14,200
For Printing...................................... 28,300
For Equipment...................................... 8,700
For Telecommunications Services................... 36,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment...................... 500
For Awards to Employees and Expenses
of the Employee Suggestion Board.................. 8,200
For Wage Claims.................................. 809,500
For Expenses of the Upward Mobility Program ... 4,446,600
For Veterans' Job Assistance Program............. 282,200
For Governor's and Vito Marzullo's
Internship programs............................. 723,800
For Nurses' Tuition............................... 70,000
Total $7,375,000
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Central Management Services:
For Personal Services........................... 400,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 84,300
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 30,600
For Contractual Services:
Communication Consolidation ..................... 6,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Postage.......................................... 3,000
For Travel........................................ 18,000
For Commodities.................................... 4,100
For Printing...................................... 17,500
For Equipment..................................... 10,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 12,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 3,500
Total $594,700
For Expenses of the Business
Enterprise Program.............................. 50,000
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Contractual Services:
For State-Owned Buildings................... 17,570,200
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Facilities Management Revolving Fund to the Department of Central Management Services for expenses related to the following:
For Personal Services......................... 16,243,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 3,419,100
For State Contributions to Social
Security..................................... 1,242,600
For Group Insurance............................ 5,135,700
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Real Property.................... 121,647,800
Building and Ground Maintenance............. 25,425,100
Electricity................................. 23,385,400
For Travel........................................ 91,400
For Commodities.................................. 221,500
For Printing....................................... 6,000
For Equipment..................................... 31,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 516,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 126,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 56,200
Total $197,547,800
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to the Department of Central Management Services:
For Deposit into the Communications Revolving
Fund for the purpose of Education Technology,
including, but not necessarily limited to,
operating and administrative costs.......... 18,152,600
For Personal Services........................ 37,851,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 7,967,300
For State Contributions to Social
Security...................................... 2,895,600
For Group Insurance........................... 10,478,100
For Contractual Services:
Other Rental..................................... 2,000
Statistical Tabulation Services.................. 3,500
Auditing and Management Services.............. 440,100
Professional and Artistic Services............. 735,000
For Travel....................................... 271,500
For Commodities................................... 37,500
For Printing..................................... 203,100
For Equipment..................................... 92,300
For Electronic Data Processing................ 45,119,400
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,741,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 30,000
For Refunds.................................... 3,150,000
Total $110,982,100
For Personal Services......................... 5,941,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,250,600
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 454,500
For Group Insurance............................ 1,812,600
For Contractual Services:
Other Rental..................................... 4,800
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,600
Rental of Real Property.......................... 3,600
Auditing and Management Services................ 75,000
Professional and Artistic Services............. 308,000
Electricity..................................... 50,000
Computer Software............................ 1,250,000
For Travel....................................... 130,300
For Commodities................................... 10,200
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment..................................... 15,000
For Telecommunications Services............... 50,751,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 7,500
For Refunds.................................... 3,293,400
For Education Technology...................... 18,152,600
Total $83,517,300
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the State Civil Service Commission:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.... 148,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 31,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 11,376
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 721
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,872
Rental of Real Property......................... 51,016
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 850
Subscription and Information Services............... 50
For In-State Travel............................... 20,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,500
For Printing....................................... 1,150
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,600
Total $273,135
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 1,902,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 400,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 145,600
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management......................... 80,000
Legal Fees..................................... 181,400
Computer Software............................... 48,400
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Printing...................................... 28,000
For Equipment..................................... 30,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 250,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 120,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 51,700
Total $3,259,200
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 482,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 101,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 36,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 286,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,100
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment.............................. 45,000
For Travel........................................ 60,000
For Printing...................................... 43,200
For Equipment..................................... 44,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 61,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 11,000
Total $1,274,600
Payable from the Intra-Agency Services Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,422,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 299,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 108,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 503,600
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment.............................. 45,000
Repair and Maintenance of
Machinery...................................... 1,500
Repair and Maintenance of EDP.................... 1,400
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,900
Legal Fees..................................... 240,000
Postage........................................ 233,300
Computer Software................................ 2,200
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Printing...................................... 21,400
For Equipment..................................... 75,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 300,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 60,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 25,000
Total $3,363,700
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 798,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 168,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 61,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 294,200
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Printing..................................... 607,600
For Equipment..................................... 10,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 35,000
Total $2,014,600
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 452,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 94,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 34,600
For Travel........................................ 12,000
For Printing......................................... 800
For Equipment...................................... 2,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,600
Total $612,700
Payable from the Federal Industrial Services Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 678,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 142,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 51,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 286,200
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment................................. 500
In-House Repair and Maintenance
of Merchandise................................. 5,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,500
Postage......................................... 10,000
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Printing...................................... 20,000
For Equipment.................................... 150,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 30,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 11,500
Total $1,437,500
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 739,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 155,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 56,600
For Contractual Services:
Postage......................................... 10,000
For Travel........................................ 60,000
For Printing....................................... 4,600
For Equipment...................................... 2,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 110,000
Total $1,139,200
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 962,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 202,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 73,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,000
Legal Fees...................................... 20,000
Electricity..................................... 20,000
Computer Software.............................. 216,300
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Printing......................................... 600
For Equipment...................................... 5,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 59,900
Total $1,592,700
Payable from the Commerce and Community
Affairs Assistance Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 438,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 92,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 33,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 198,800
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management......................... 10,000
Computer Software............................... 56,400
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Printing...................................... 19,100
For Equipment..................................... 15,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 45,400
Total $949,200
Section 85. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from Tourism Promotion Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 355,300
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 74,800
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 27,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 143,100
For Contractual Services:
Computer Software............................... 18,000
For Travel........................................ 20,000
For Printing...................................... 20,000
For Equipment...................................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 24,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 3,400
Total $690,800
Section 90. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 485,100
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System............................... 102,100
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 37,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 13,000
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment............................... 6,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP................... 10,000
Rental of Real Property........................ 267,900
Auditing and Management.......................... 6,500
Gas................................................ 500
Electricity..................................... 11,000
Water.............................................. 300
Postage............................................ 500
For Travel........................................ 40,000
For Printing...................................... 11,500
For Equipment...................................... 5,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 106,500
Total $1,108,300
Section 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 527,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 111,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 40,300
For Travel........................................ 10,000
For Printing......................................... 500
For Equipment...................................... 2,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 18,200
Total $709,700
Payable from the Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
Housing Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 30,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 6,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 2,300
For Group Insurance............................... 47,700
For Travel......................................... 4,000
For Printing......................................... 300
For Equipment...................................... 6,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 4,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 500
Total $102,500
Payable from the Community Services Block Grant Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 386,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 81,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 29,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 174,900
For Travel........................................ 23,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment...................................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,300
Total $713,400
Payable from Community Development/Small
Cities Block Grant Fund:
Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 410,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 86,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 31,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 206,700
For Travel........................................ 27,900
For Printing....................................... 1,300
For Equipment..................................... 13,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,100
Total $793,700
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses to the Illinois Commerce Commission:
Payable from Transportation Regulatory Fund:
For In-State Travel................................ 2,100
For State Contributions to Group Insurance........ 16,200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,600
Total $21,900
Payable from Public Utility Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees......................................... 43,700 For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System..................... 9,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 3,400
For State Contributions to Group Insurance....... 226,800
For In-State Travel............................... 46,100
For Telecommunications............................ 10,000
Total $339,200
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the Public Utility Fund for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois Commerce Commission.
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,835,200
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 314,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,294,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 470,500
For State Contributions to Group Insurance..... 3,255,000
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Real Property...................... 1,102,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 28,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............ 201,800
Subscription and Information Services........... 73,200
For In-State Travel.............................. 163,100
For Printing...................................... 17,700
For Electronic Data Processing................... 514,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 212,500
For Refunds....................................... 17,000
Total $13,500,700
Section 20. The sum of $1,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Underground Utility Facilities Damage Prevention Fund to the Illinois Commerce Commission for refunds.
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the Transportation Fund for ordinary and contingent expenses to the Illinois Commerce Commission:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,022,400
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 61,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 649,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 235,900
For State Contributions to Group Insurance......... 973,500
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,500
Rental of Real Property........................ 270,700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 30,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 52,800
Subscription and Information Services............ 5,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 159,000
For Printing...................................... 12,500
For Electronic Data Processing................... 214,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 125,000
For Refunds....................................... 50,000
Total $5,863,200
Section 5. The sum of $28,985,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund for payment to the Board of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 12 of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the Comptroller to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 722,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 152,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 55,250
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Rental of Real Property...................... 1,203,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 1,500
Gas.............................................. 9,600
Electricity.................................... 180,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,900
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 3,000
Computer Software................................ 7,000
For In-State Travel............................... 42,000
For Commodities................................... 61,050
For Printing...................................... 17,500
For Equipment...................................... 6,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 120,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 4,450
Total $2,609,650
Statewide Fiscal Operations
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,724,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 573,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 208,400
For Contractual Services
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 20,000
Computer Software................................ 2,000
For In-State Travel................................ 4,300
Total $3,532,700
Electronic Data Processing
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,603,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 337,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 122,700
For Contractual Services
Rental of Real Property......................... 49,000
Electricity...................................... 2,000
Postage and Postal Charges................... 2,108,600
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums............... 1,400
For In-State Travel................................ 8,000
For Commodities................................... 59,500
For Printing..................................... 169,150
For Electronic Data Processing................... 824,600
Total $5,285,850
Special Audits
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 890,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 187,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 68,100
For Contractual Services
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,700
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
For In-State Travel............................... 69,500
Total $1,231,500
Merit Commission
For Merit Commission Expenses..................... 46,500
Section 10. The sum amount of $600,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller from the Comptroller’s Administrative Fund for the discharge of duties of the office.
Section 15. The amount of $25,150, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller from the State Lottery Fund for expenses in connection with the State Lottery.
Section 20. The amount of $103,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses for the Office of Inspector General.
Section 25. The amount of $51,500, or so much as may be necessary is appropriated to the state Comptroller for expenses and the administration on Section 15-125 of the Pension Code.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Court of Claims for its ordinary and contingent expenses:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 867,700
For State Contribution to State Employees’
Retirement System.............................. 182,700
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer................................ 40,500
For State Contribution to
Social Security................................. 66,400
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,300
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 9,700
For In-State Travel............................... 15,000
For Printing....................................... 3,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,500
For Refunds.......................................... 500
Total $1,190,600
Section 10. The amount of $213,300, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Court of Claims Administration and Grant Fund to the Court of Claims for administrative expenses under the Crime Victims Compensation Act.
Section 5. The sum of $4,800,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Drycleaner Environmental Response Trust Fund to the Drycleaner Environmental Response Trust Fund Council for use in accordance with the Drycleaner Environmental Response Trust Fund Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 106,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 22,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 8,200
For Contractual Services
Communications Consolidation Payments.......... 160,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 15,000
Other Rental..................................... 2,300
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 11,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Computer Software................................ 4,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 4,500
For Commodities.................................. 2,000
For Printing.................................... 11,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 2,500
Total $354,000
Payable from Wholesome Meat Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 367,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 77,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 28,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 117,000
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 42,300
Other Rental..................................... 1,400
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 17,500
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 700
For In-State Travel................................ 8,000
For Commodities.................................... 7,600
For Printing....................................... 3,100
For Equipment..................................... 27,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 10,000
Total $707,900
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 199,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 42,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 15,300
For Contractual Services:
Other Rental....................................... 500
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 25,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 3,000
Computer Software............................... 17,800
For Printing......................................... 100
For Equipment..................................... 15,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 10,200
Total $328,800
Payable from Agricultural Premium Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 169,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 20,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 13,000
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of EDP
Equipment........................................ 300
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 31,600
Computer Software................................ 7,000
For Equipment..................................... 22,000
For Operations of Auto Equipment.................. 10,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,300
Total $266,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,098,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 441,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 160,600
For Contractual Services
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 800
Other Rental..................................... 1,500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 272,800
For Commodities.................................... 2,000
For Printing....................................... 3,300
For Equipment..................................... 12,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 10,000
Total $3,009,700
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 731,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 154,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 56,000
For Contractual Services
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 15,000
Other Rental..................................... 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 6,000
Advertising........................................ 300
For In-State Travel................................ 5,300
For Commodities...................................... 300
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,800
Total $976,200
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,469,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 519,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 189,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 6,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 5,000
Other Rental..................................... 1,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 16,000
Gas............................................. 18,000
Electricity..................................... 70,000
Water............................................ 3,800
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Structure Acquisition.......................... 325,700
For In-State Travel............................... 18,000
For Commodities:
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 1,500
Gas and Oil for Off-Road Equipment............... 1,200
Medical and Laboratory Supplies................ 328,100
For Printing....................................... 9,500
For Equipment..................................... 48,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 32,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 58,000
Total $4,132,900
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,336,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 491,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 178,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,500
Total $3,023,900
Payable from Wholesome Meat Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,851,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 600,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 218,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 917,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 21,800
Other Rental..................................... 1,100
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 2,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 9,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Computer Software................................ 2,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,500
For In-State Travel.............................. 255,500
For Commodities...................................... 800
For Printing....................................... 3,000
For Equipment.................................... 250,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 35,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 175,000
Total $5,365,100
Payable from Agriculture Master Fund:
For expenses Relating to
Inspection of Agricultural Products.......... 540,000
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 693,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 146,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 49,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment........................................ 600
Other Rental....................................... 500
For In-State Travel................................ 2,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment...................................... 1,400
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 3,100
Total $898,400
Payable from the Weights and Measures Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,310,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 275,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 100,300
For Group Insurance............................ 577,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,500
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 2,900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 14,600
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,000
Other Rental....................................... 500
Auditing and Management Services................ 22,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
Computer Software............................... 15,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
For In-State Travel............................... 92,500
For Printing...................................... 12,700
For Equipment.................................... 291,100
For Telecommunications Services.................... 9,800
For Refunds....................................... 10,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 235,200
Total $2,979,400
Payable from the Motor Fuel and Petroleum
Standards Fund:
For the regulation of motor fuel quality.......... 25,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 368,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 77,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 28,200
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 300
Other Rental....................................... 800
For In-State Travel............................... 16,000
For Printing......................................... 900
For Equipment........................................ 200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 4,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 4,300
Total $500,900
Payable from the Used Tire Management Fund:
For Mosquito Control............................... 40,000
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 470,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 100,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 36,100
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 200
Rental of Real Property.......................... 1,700
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,400
Other Rental..................................... 3,300
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 35,600
Auditing and Management Services................. 4,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,200
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,600
For In-State Travel............................... 13,400
For Commodities
Forage Farm and Garden Supplies.................... 300
For Printing....................................... 7,100
For Equipment..................................... 31,800
For Telecommunications Services.................... 9,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 17,100
For the Ordinary and Contingent
Expenses of the Natural Resources
Advisory Board...................................... 2,000
Total $743,500
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,251,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 474,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 172,300
For Contractual Services:
In-House Repair and Maintenance................ 190,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 23,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 17,000
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 500
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 37,000
Other Rental....................................... 800
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 515,700
Gas............................................ 275,000
Electricity.................................... 558,000
Water........................................... 60,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 43,000
Computer Software................................ 2,500
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
Fixed Equipment.................................. 5,000
For Payment to the City of Springfield
for Fire Protection Services at the
Illinois State Fairgrounds....................... 121,000
For Commodities
Mechanical Supplies............................. 10,000
Off-Road Equipment.............................. 21,500
Forage Farm and Garden Supplies.................. 3,000
For Equipment..................................... 68,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 5,800
Total $4,881,400
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 918,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 194,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 70,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 13,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 18,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance................. 69,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,400
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 23,000
Professional and Artistic Services................. 200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 87,000
Gas.............................................. 6,000
Electricity.................................... 175,500
Water........................................... 55,000
Other Utilities.................................. 5,500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies................................ 500
Off-Road Equipment.............................. 48,000
Forage Farm and Garden Supplies.................. 8,500
For Equipment..................................... 90,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 20,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 19,800
Total $1,830,000
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 246,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 52,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 18,900
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 5,000
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 800
Professional and Artistic Services............. 199,800
Surety Bonds and Insurance Premiums.............. 1,100
Other Contractual Services..................... 155,700
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
Forage Farm and Garden Supplies.................. 1,000
For Printing....................................... 7,200
For Equipment...................................... 3,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 14,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,000
Total $712,900
Section 65. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Illinois State Fair Fund:
For Operations of the Illinois State Fair
Including Entertainment and the Percentage
Portion of Entertainment Contracts........... 4,000,000
Section 70. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 2,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System....................... 500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................... 200
For Contractual Services
Other Rental....................................... 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,400
For In-State Travel................................ 2,400
For Printing....................................... 3,300
For Equipment...................................... 6,100
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 2,900
Total $23,400
Payable from Illinois Standardbred
Breeders Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 3,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System....................... 700
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................... 300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 300
Other Rental..................................... 2,900
For In-State Travel................................ 1,400
For Printing....................................... 2,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 5,700
Total $17,500
Payable from Illinois Thoroughbred
Breeders Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 138,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 29,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 10,600
For Contractual Services:
Other Rental....................................... 500
For In-State Travel................................ 2,200
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Equipment..................................... 14,200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 8,100
Total $209,900
Section 5. The sum of $262,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Procurement Policy Board for its ordinary and contingent expenses.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Property Tax Appeal Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,256,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 264,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 96,100
For Contractual Services
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 13,200
Rental of Real Property.......................... 1,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 400
Subscription and Information Services.............. 100
For In-State Travel............................... 29,600
For Printing....................................... 2,900
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 21,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 4,700
For Costs Associated with the Appeal
Process and the Reestablishment of a
Cook County Office.............................. 32,000
Total $1,763,100
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Revenue:
For Refund of certain taxes in lieu
of credit memoranda, where such
refunds are authorized by law.................. 3,288,300
For Refunds...................................... 8,008,100
For Refunds as provided for in Section
13a.8 of the Motor Fuel Tax Act.................... 6,000
For refunds associated with the
Simplified Municipal Telecommunications
Act................................................ 6,000
For administration of the Rental
Housing Support Program.......................... 600,000
For administration of the Illinois
Affordable Housing Act......................... 2,000,000
Section 12. The sum of $3,000,000 is appropriated from the Predatory Lending Database Program Fund to the Department of Revenue for grants pursuant to the Predatory Lending Database Program, administered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority.
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Revenue:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees..................................... 56,867,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 11,969,900
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 4,350,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 120,700
Rental of Office Equipment........................ 30,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 7,000
Rental of Real Property............................ 1,100
Rental of Data Processing Equipment............... 90,000
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment..... 2,894,500
Auditing Services................................. 72,900
Legal Fees....................................... 230,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance.................. 25,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 1,081,800
Contractual Employees............................. 19,900
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 201,600
Subscription and Information Services............. 61,300
Computer Software................................ 175,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses......................... 900
For In-State Travel................................ 950,000
For Revenue Stamps................................. 353,000
For Printing....................................... 774,300
For Electronic Data Processing.................. 10,247,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 670,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............... 52,600
Total $91,246,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees..................................... 10,507,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 2,211,700
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 803,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 3,192,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage...................... 12,500
Rental of Office Equipment........................ 94,500
Rental of Real Property.............................. 300
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment.......................................... 500
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment....... 755,700
Legal Fees........................................... 300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 7,500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 545,800
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 5,800
Subscription and Information Services.............. 8,700
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 1,500
For In-State Travel................................ 587,800
For Printing....................................... 143,800
For Electronic Data Processing................... 7,840,600
For Telecommunications Services.................... 468,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............... 41,600
For Administrative Costs of
Joint State/Federal Motor Fuel
Tax Enforcement Program........................... 35,500
For Administrative Costs Associated
With the Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement
Grant from USDOT................................. 180,000
Total $27,446,400
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 434,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 91,500
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 33,300
For Group Insurance................................ 174,900
For In-State Travel................................. 27,500
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 101,300
For Telecommunications Services..................... 30,700
Total $894,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 531,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 111,900
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 40,700
For Group Insurance................................ 190,800
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Real Property.............................. 800
Subscription and Information Services.............. 1,300
For In-State Travel................................. 40,700
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 196,200
For Telecommunications Services...................... 7,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............... 18,500
Total $1,139,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 239,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 50,400
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 18,300
For Group Insurance................................ 111,300
For In-State Travel................................. 22,400
For Revenue Stamps..................................... 300
For Electronic Data Processing...................... 92,200
For Telecommunications Services..................... 20,800
Total $555,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 792,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 166,800
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 60,600
For Group Insurance................................ 222,600
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 177,500
For Telecommunications Services..................... 16,100
For Administration of the Illinois
Petroleum Education
and Marketing Act.................................. 4,500
For Administration of the Dry
Cleaners Environmental
Response Trust Fund Act........................... 69,900
For Administration of the Simplified
Telecommunications Act......................... 1,103,000
For Administration of the Dyed Diesel
Fuel Roadside Enforcement Plan per
P.A. 91-173, including prior year costs........... 14,800
For administrative costs associated
with the Municipality Sales Tax
as directed in Public Act 93-1053................. 92,700
Total $2,721,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 7,669,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 1,614,300
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 586,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 2,559,900
For Contractual Services:
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment........ 18,400
Legal Fees....................................... 100,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 284,300
For In-State Travel................................ 198,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 3,061,700
For Telecommunications Services.................... 280,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 2,500
Total $16,375,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 399,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 84,000
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 30,600
For Group Insurance................................. 95,400
For In-State Travel................................. 33,100
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 132,000
For Telecommunications Services..................... 15,100
Total $789,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees........................................ 100,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 21,100
For State Contributions to Social Security........... 7,700
For Group Insurance................................. 64,800
For Electronic Data Processing...................... 67,500
For Telecommunications Services...................... 9,400
Total $270,500
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Revenue for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois Gaming Board:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 3,971,700
For State Contributions to the
State Employees' Retirement System.............. 836,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 303,800
For Group Insurance............................ 1,493,700
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Employees............................ 7,500
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 7,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment..... 240,000
Legal Fees..................................... 325,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 15,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 18,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 5,000
Fingerprinting Services........................ 25,000\
For In-State Travel............................... 69,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 35,000
For Telecommunications........................... 191,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 41,900
For Refunds....................................... 25,000
For Expenses Related to the Illinois
State Police.................................. 9,000,000
Total $16,617,400
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Revenue:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees..................................... 1,917,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 403,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 146,700
For Group Insurance................................ 683,700
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 4,400
Rental of Office Equipment........................ 10,000
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment........ 69,000
Legal Fees........................................ 25,000
Postage and Postal Charges........................ 44,600
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 5,600
Subscription and Information Services.............. 4,000
For In-State Travel................................. 99,800
For Printing......................................... 2,500
For Electronic Data Processing...................... 63,700
For Telecommunications Services..................... 32,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............... 50,000
For Refunds.......................................... 2,500
For expenses related to the
Retailer Education Program....................... 109,200
For expenses related to Tobacco Study.............. 194,500
For the purpose of operating the
Beverage Alcohol Sellers and
Servers Education and Training
(BASSET) Program................................. 110,300
Total $3,979,000
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Revenue for the ordinary and contingent expenses for Lottery, including operating expenses related to Multi-State Lottery games pursuant to the Illinois Lottery Law:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 6,580,300
For State Contributions for the State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,385,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 503,400
For Group Insurance............................ 2,738,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 10,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment.................................... 866,200
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment..... 766,600
Auditing Services............................... 80,100
Legal Fees..................................... 625,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 87,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 9,400
Computer Software................................ 2,000
Professional Services........................ 5,000,000
For In-State Travel............................... 80,300
For Printing....................................... 1,500
For Electronic Data Processing................. 1,077,300
For Telecommunications Services................ 4,281,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 261,700
For Refunds....................................... 24,000
Total $24,390,200
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Revenue for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois Racing Board:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................... 156,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 33,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 12,000
For Group Insurance................................ 286,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 5,000
Rental of Office Equipment........................... 800
Facility Management Revolving Fund Payment........ 14,200
Auditing Services.................................. 4,200
Legal Fees........................................ 11,000
Postage and Postal Charges........................... 800
Court Reporting and Filing Services............... 40,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 1,800
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 1,000
Fingerprinting Services........................... 50,000
For In-State Travel.................................. 9,800
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 163,500
For Telecommunications Services..................... 45,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment...................... 9,800
For Refunds............................................ 100
For Expenses related to the Laboratory
Program........................................ 1,933,100
For Expenses related to the Regulation
of Racing Program.............................. 3,935,100
Total 6,713,500
Section 55. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Revenue:
For costs and expenses related to or in
support of a Government Services
shared services center......................... 3,153,800
For costs and expenses related to or in
support of a Government Services
shared services center........................... 353,400
For costs and expenses related to or
in support of a Government Services
shared services center............................ 83,400
For costs and expenses related
to or in support of a Government
Services shared services center................... 80,800
For costs and expenses related
to or in support of a Government
Services shared services
center........................................... 262,200
For costs and expenses related to or
in support of a Government Services
shared services center............................ 79,100
Total $4,012,600
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State to meet the ordinary, contingent, and distributive expenses of the following organizational units of the Office of the Secretary of State:
For Personal Services for Non Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund ............. 799,300
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund ........... 1,222,100
Payable from Road Fund ...................... 1,320,400
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 168,250
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 61,150
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 3,600
Postage and Postal Charges.................... 58,400
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 59,300
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 13,850
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 6,200
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 6,000
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 61,050
For Personal Services for Non Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 36,505,200
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund........ 197,550
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund...................... 78,900
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund......................... 3,372,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund...................... 2,085,600
For Employee Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 4,000
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund....................... 1,600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 69,600
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 44,300
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 7,684,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 41,600
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund...................... 16,600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 709,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 439,000
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 2,792,600
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 15,100
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund....................... 6,000
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 258,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 159,500
For Group Insurance:
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund......... 68,400
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund...................... 26,600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund......................... 1,504,800
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 720,400
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 8,400
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment.................... 75,700
Rental Real Property....................... 2,211,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............. 260,200
Gas.......................................... 192,300
Electricity................................ 5,274,000
Water........................................ 180,700
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.......... 167,800
Postage and Postal Charges................... 400,000
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums............... 900
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services.... 3,600
Computer Software............................. 32,250
Payable from Road Fund......................... 900,000
Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund............. 1,500,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 500 Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund......................... 600
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 2,300
Rental Real Property......................... 569,800
Postage and Postal Charges................... 300,000
Computer Software............................. 61,900
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund:
Rental Real Property......................... 244,800
Postage and Postal Charges................... 200,000
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 295,800
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 2,000
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 21,900
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund.......................... 9,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 502,150
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund............ 500
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund......................... 450
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................. 7,100
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 13,300
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 428,000
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund............ 750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................. 3,750
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 16,500
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 191,050
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund....................... 1,750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund........................... 103,250
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund........................ 110,500
For Electronic Data Processing:
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special Services Fund........................ 4,500,000
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 220,500
Payable from Lobbyist Registration Fund.......... 1,950
Payable from Registered Limited
Liability Partnership Fund......................... 300
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 31,900
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 42,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 214,750
Payable from Securities Audit
and Enforcement Fund............................ 75,000
Payable from Department of Business Services
Special Operations Fund......................... 42,500
For Refunds:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 5,000
Payable from Road Fund....................... 1,137,100
For Personal Services for Non Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from General Revenue Fund........... 16,940,200
Payable from Road Fund...................... 61,989,200
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 643,200
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund...................................... 36,600
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund......... 1,101,400
For Employees Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund...................... 12,900
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund....... 700
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 22,700
For State Contribution to
State Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 3,565,700
Payable from Road Fund...................... 13,048,100
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 135,400
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund..... 7,700
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 231,800
For State Contribution to
Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............ 1,295,900
Payable from Road Fund....................... 4,742,200
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund...................... 49,200
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund....................................... 2,800
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 84,300
For Group Insurance:
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 205,700
Payable From Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund...................................... 26,600
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 499,200
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 7,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance.............. 36,000
Postage and Postal Charges................. 2,740,000
Computer Software............................. 14,200
Payable from Road Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 800
Rental Real Property....................... 5,590,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............. 301,000
Gas........................................... 27,400
Electricity.................................. 165,000
Water.......................................... 7,400
Postage and Postal Charges................. 2,800,000 Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage................. 173,800
Postage and Postal Charges................... 500,000
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund
Postage and Postal Charges.................. 914,000
For Travel Expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 374,000
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 69,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund...................... 10,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund......................................... 300
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............. 6,000
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 146,250
Payable from Road Fund......................... 151,550
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund................... 2,000,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle
Review Board Fund.................................. 250
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 10,000
For Printing:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 644,150
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 50,000
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 500,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund......................................... 500
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 25,000
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 187,500
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 50,000
Payable from CDLIS/AAMVAnet Trust Fund......... 181,900
Payable from the Secretary of State
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund........... 111,250
For Telecommunications:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 765,050
Payable from Road Fund.......................... 10,950
Payable from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund..................... 150,000
Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
Board Fund......................................... 850
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund............ 15,000 For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. 275,750
Section 145. The amount of $250,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the SOS Federal Projects Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the payment of any operational expenses relating to the cost incident to augmenting the Illinois Commercial Motor Vehicle safety program by assuring and verifying the identity of drivers prior to licensure, including CDL operators; for improved security for Drivers Licenses and Personal Identification Cards; and any other related program deemed appropriate by the Office of the Secretary of State.
Section 150. The amount of $200,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Securities Investors Education Fund for any expenses used to promote public awareness of the dangers of securities fraud.
Section 155. The amount of $2,500, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Secretary of State Evidence Fund for the purchase of evidence, for the employment of persons to obtain evidence, and for the payment for any goods or services related to obtaining evidence.
Section 160. The amount of $115,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for the cost of administering the Alternate Fuels Act.
Section 165. The amount of $6,687,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Special Services Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for office automation and technology.
Section 170. The amount of $7,000,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost incident to providing new or replacement plates for motor vehicles.
Section 175. The sum of $900,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State DUI Administration Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for operation of the Department of Administrative Hearings of the Office of Secretary of State and for no other purpose.
Section 180. The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police DUI Fund to the Secretary of State for the payments of goods and services that will assist in the prevention of alcohol-related criminal violence throughout the State.
Section 185. The amount of $40,000 is appropriated from the Secretary of State Police Services Fund to the Secretary of State for purposes as indicated by the grantor or contractor or, in the case of money bequeathed or granted for no specific purpose, for any purpose as deemed appropriate by the Director of Police, Secretary of State in administering the responsibilities of the Secretary of State Department of Police.
Section 195. The amount of $10,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State from the State Library Fund to increase the collection of books, records, and holdings; to hold public forums; to purchase equipment and resource materials for the State Library; and for the upkeep, repair, and maintenance of the State Library building and grounds.
Section 200. The following amount, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for any operations, alterations, rehabilitation, new construction, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of the various buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State to enhance security measures in the Capitol Complex:
From the General Revenue Fund.................. 3,700,000
Section 205. The amount of $9,000,000, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State Identification Security and Theft Prevention Fund to the Office of Secretary of State for all costs related to implementing identification security and theft prevention measures.
Section 210. The sum of $4,000,000, or so much of this amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State for all Secretary of State costs associated with the implementation of the provisions of Article XIV (Constitutional Revision) of the Illinois Constitution, including without limitation the duties under the Constitutional Convention Act and the Illinois Constitutional Amendment Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the State Employees' Retirement System:
For Personal Services............................ 53,600
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 9,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 4,100
For Contractual Services.......................... 25,000
For Travel......................................... 1,800
For Commodities...................................... 200
For Printing........................................... 0
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 1,500
For Telecommunications Services...................... 500
Total $96,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer for Prior Fiscal Year:
Payable from General Revenue Fund............... 50,000
Section 10. The sum of $59,983,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges' Retirement System for the State's Contribution, as provided by law.
Section 15. The sum of $8,847,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Trustees of the General Assembly Retirement System for the State's Contribution, as provided by law.
Section 5. The sum of $3,916,338, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Education Assistance Fund to the State Universities Retirement System for deposit into the Community College Health Insurance Security Fund for the State's contribution, as required by law.
Section 10. The sum of $200,523,900, minus the amount transferred to the State Universities Retirement System pursuant to continuing appropriation authorized by the State Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated from the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.12 of "AN ACT in relation to State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended.
Section 15. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System for the State's contribution, as provided by law:
Payable from the Education Assistance Fund..... 249,692,100
Section 5. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois for the State's contributions, as provided by law:
Payable from the Common School Fund........ 1,449,889,000
Section 10. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated from the Education Assistance Fund to the Teachers' Retirement System for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For additional costs due to the establishment
of minimum retirement allowances
pursuant to Sections 16-136.2 and
16-136.3 of the "Illinois
Pension Code", as amended.................... 1,900,000
Section 5. The amount of $65,044,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Education Assistance Fund to the Public School Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago for the state’s contribution for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008.
Section 10. The amount of $9,778,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Public School Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago for the state’s contribution for retirement contributions under Section 17-127 of the Pension Code for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008.
Section 15. The amount of $75,474,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Education Assistance Fund to the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois for transfer into the Teachers’ Health Insurance Security Fund as the state’s contribution for teachers’ health insurance.
Section 5. The following amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Board of Elections for its ordinary and contingent expenses as follows:
The Board
For Contractual Services
Court Reporting and Filing Services............... 17,000
For In-State Travel................................. 19,000
Total $36,000
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees...... 278,004
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer.................................. 11,120
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................. 58,517
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 21,267
For Contractual Services
Rental of Real Property.......................... 202,200
Gas................................................ 9,500
Electricity....................................... 41,000
Water................................................ 700
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.................. 600
Postage and Postal Charges........................ 64,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses......................... 100
For In-State Travel................................. 18,000
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies....................... 14,000
For Printing......................................... 5,450
For Equipment........................................ 2,100
For Telecommunications.............................. 71,050
Total $797,608
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.... 1,100,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer.................................. 44,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 231,539
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 84,150
For Contractual Services
Employee Tuition and Fees.......................... 4,500
For In-State Travel................................. 35,600
For Printing........................................ 26,500
For Equipment........................................ 3,900
For reimbursing federal government for
disallowed HAVA program expenditure per
federal Election Assistance Commission
special audit report E-HP-IL-07-06................. 3,889
Total $1,534,078
General Counsel
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees...... 202,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer................................... 8,080
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 42,519
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 15,453
For Contractual Services
Legal Fees........................................ 55,000
Professional and Artistic Services................ 20,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............... 20,000
For In-State Travel.................................. 9,000
For Equipment.......................................... 500
Total $372,552
Campaign Disclosure
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees...... 350,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer.................................. 14,012
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 73,735
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 26,798
For In-State Travel.................................. 9,500
For Printing......................................... 7,400
For Equipment........................................ 9,100
Total $490,845
Information Technology
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees...... 320,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid By Employer.................................. 12,800
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................. 67,357
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 24,480
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment........... 32,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 346,000
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums................... 600
Computer Software................................. 63,000
For In-State Travel.................................. 5,500
For Commodities..................................... 14,500
For Printing........................................... 700
For Equipment...................................... 140,000
Total $1,026,937
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security and
Employment Service Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,926,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 405,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 147,400
For Group Insurance............................ 1,828,500
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Legal Fees..................................... 120,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 40,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 20,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 43,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 118,900
Total $4,653,700
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security
and Employment Service Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees..................... 11,152,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 2,347,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 853,200
For Group Insurance............................ 4,929,000
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 190,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 5,100
Statistical and Tabulation Services......... 13,070,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 755,000
Postage and Postal Charges.................. 10,517,400
Subscription and Information Services........... 80,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services.... 130,000
For In-State Travel............................... 55,300
For Printing..................................... 969,600
For Equipment.................................. 1,566,200
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,322,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 53,200
Payable from Title III Social Security
and Employment Service Fund:
For expenses related to America's
Labor Market Information System................ 1,500,000
Total $49,497,400
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security and
Employment Service Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 58,206,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................ 12,251,900
For State Contributions to Social
Security..................................... 4,452,800
For Group Insurance........................... 21,862,500
For Contractual Services
Statistical and Tabulation Services............ 793,900
Auditing and Management Services............... 350,000
Legal Fees..................................... 100,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............ 500,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 25,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 10,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 572,300
For Telecommunications Services................ 3,123,900
For Refunds...................................... 300,000
For the expenses related to the
Development of Training Programs............... 100,000
For the expenses related to Employment
Security Automation.......................... 5,000,000
For expenses related to a Benefit
Information System Redefinition............. 15,000,000
Total $122,648,800
Payable from the Unemployment Compensation
Special Administration Fund:
For expenses related to Legal
Assistance as required by law................ 2,000,000
For deposit into the Title III
Social Security and Employment
Service Fund................................ 12,000,000
For Interest on Refunds of Erroneously
Paid Contributions, Penalties and
Interest....................................... 100,000
Total $14,100,000
Section 20. The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Title III Social Security and Employment Services Fund to the Department of Employment Security, for all costs, including administrative costs associated with providing community partnerships for enhanced customer service.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 231,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 48,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 17,700
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,200
For In-State Travel................................ 5,800
For Commodities
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 5,000
For Equipment...................................... 2,900
For Telecommunications Services................... 18,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 7,500
Total $338,500
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Payable from U.S. Environmental Protection Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 183,700
Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 62,100
Payable from Solid Waste Management Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 119,100
Payable from Subtitle D Management Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 28,400
Payable from CAA Permit Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 217,300
Payable from Water Revolving Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 177,200
Payable from Used Tire Management Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 51,700
Payable from Hazardous Waste Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 102,200
Payable from Environmental Protection
Permit and Inspection Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 112,500
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 95,700
Payable from the Clean Water Fund:
For Electronic Data Processing................... 263,900
Total $1,413,800
Section 80. The sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Industrial Hygiene Regulatory and Enforcement Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of administering the industrial hygiene licensing program.
Section 85. The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Oil Spill Response Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 25c-1 of the Environmental Protection Act.
Section 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,461,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 518,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 188,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 699,600
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 28,000
Electricity..................................... 40,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 35,100
For In-State Travel............................... 39,500
For Commodities
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 66,800
For Printing....................................... 7,500
For Equipment.................................... 346,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 107,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 60,000
For Use by the City of Chicago................... 374,600
For Expenses Related to
Clean Air Activities.......................... 2,650,000
Total $7,623,200
Payable from the Environmental Protection
Permit and Inspection Fund for Air
Permit and Inspection Activities:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,612,800
For Refunds...................................... 100,000
Total $2,712,800
Payable from the Vehicle Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,916,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 613,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 223,000
For Group Insurance............................ 1,160,700
For Contractual Services
For Vehicle Emissions Testing in Nonattainment
Areas of the State.......................... 18,125,600
Postage and Postal Charges................... 1,087,800
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 5,900
For In-State Travel............................... 60,900
For Printing..................................... 179,500
For Equipment..................................... 44,100
For Telecommunications............................ 42,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 22,700
Total $24,482,600
Section 100. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the CAA Permit Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding Clean Air Act Title V activities in accordance with Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees and Other
Expenses of the Program..................... 10,227,600
Total $10,227,600
Section 105. The named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of administering the Alternate Fuels Rebate Program and the Ethanol Fuel Research Program:
For Personal Services and Other Expenses....... 225,000
Section 119. The sum of $436,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of laboratory analysis of samples.
Section 120. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Community Water Supply Laboratory Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of performing laboratory testing of samples from community water supplies and for administrative costs of the Agency and the Community Water Supply Testing Council:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees and Other
Expenses of the Program........................ 951,800
Section 125. The sum of $678,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental Laboratory Certification Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of administering the environmental laboratories certification program.
Section 130. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the EPA Special State Projects Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of performing laboratory analytical services for government entities.
Section 135. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,900,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 610,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 222,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 779,100
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 24,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 41,200
For In-State Travel............................... 37,500
For Commodities
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 14,000
For Printing...................................... 10,000
For Equipment..................................... 41,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 16,200
For Use by the Office of the Attorney General..... 25,000
For Underground Storage Tank Program........... 1,994,500
Total $6,766,300
Section 140. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, including prior year costs, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency, payable from the U. S. Environmental Protection Fund, for use of remedial, preventive or corrective action in accordance with the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 as amended:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,422,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 299,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 108,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 381,600
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 8,000
Gas.............................................. 2,000
Electricity...................................... 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
For In-State Travel............................... 58,800
For Commodities
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 10,100
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment..................................... 99,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 25,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 44,200
For Contractual Expenses Related to
Remedial, Preventive or Corrective
Actions in Accordance with the
Federal Comprehensive and Liability
Act of 1980, including Costs in
Prior Years.................................. 10,355,000
Total $12,842,700
Section 145. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding the Underground Storage Tank Program.
Payable from the Underground Storage Tank Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,665,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 561,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 203,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 747,300
For Contractual Services
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 31,300
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 74,000
For In-State Travel................................ 9,000
For Printing....................................... 2,500
For Equipment..................................... 87,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 25,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 15,500
Total $4,421,700
Section 150. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.2 of the Environmental Protection Act:
Payable from the Hazardous Waste Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,123,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 867,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 315,500
For Group Insurance............................ 1,160,700
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 11,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 24,500
For In-State Travel............................... 53,500
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 10,000
For Printing...................................... 32,500
For Equipment.................................... 143,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 30,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 75,000
For Contractual Services for Site
Remediations, including costs
in Prior Years............................... 22,000,000
Total $28,872,400
Section 155. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental Protection Permit and Inspection Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for land permit and inspection activities:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,447,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 304,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 110,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 540,600
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
For In-State Travel................................ 7,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,000
For Printing....................................... 5,500
For Equipment...................................... 4,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 9,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 4,500
Total $2,454,000
Section 160. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Solid Waste Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.15 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 3,884,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 817,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 297,200
For Group Insurance............................ 1,208,400
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 45,000
For In-State Travel............................... 49,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,000
For Printing...................................... 17,400
For Equipment..................................... 18,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 34,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 20,000
For financial assistance to units of
local government for operations under
delegation agreements......................... 1,750,000
For grants and contracts for
removing waste, including costs for
demolition, removal and disposal.............. 3,000,000
Total $11,142,300
Section 170. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Used Tire Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for purposes as provided for in Section 55.6 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,025,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 426,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 154,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 620,100
For Contractual Services, including
prior year costs:
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 52,000
For In-State Travel............................... 55,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 20,000
For Printing...................................... 10,000
For Equipment.................................... 141,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 23,000
Total $3,574,300
Section 175. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Subtitle D Management Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding the Subtitle D permit program in accordance with Section 22.44 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,193,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 251,200
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 91,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 333,900
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 8,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 22,000
For In-State Travel............................... 11,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 15,200
For Printing...................................... 26,500
For Equipment..................................... 75,000
For Telecommunications............................ 42,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 20,000
Total $2,100,200
Section 185. The sum of $95,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Hazardous Waste Occupational Licensing Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for expenses related to the licensing of Hazardous Waste Laborers and Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operators, as mandated by Public Act 85-1195.
Section 190. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with the Brownfields Redevelopment program:
Payable from the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees and Other Expenses of the Program...... 814,700
Section 200. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from U.S. Environmental
Protection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,766,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 1,213,700
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 441,100
For Group Insurance............................ 1,733,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 21,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 30,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 10,000
For In-State Travel............................... 80,900
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 15,700
For Printing...................................... 29,000
For Equipment.................................... 195,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 53,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 33,500
For all costs associated with
the Drinking Water Operator
Certification Program, including
costs in prior years............................ 700,000
Total $10,323,500
Section 205. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Hazardous Waste Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.2 of the Environmental Protection Act:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 301,600
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 63,500
For State Contribution to
Social Security.................................. 23,100
For Group Insurance............................... 79,500
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 2,000
For Equipment..................................... 13,000
For Telecommunications............................. 4,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 2,000
Total $494,600
Section 210. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
and Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,258,900
For State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 265,000
For State Contribution to Social Security......... 96,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 397,500
For Contractual Services:
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,500
For In-State Travel............................... 19,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 26,100
For Printing....................................... 3,000
For Equipment..................................... 65,900
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 6,100
Total $2,154,500
Section 215. The named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Partners for Conservation Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of funding lake management activities:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees and Other Expenses
of the Program................................ 349,000
Section 225. The amount of $5,531,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Clean Water Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for all costs associated with clean water activities.
Section 235. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the object and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Water Revolving Fund:
For Administrative Costs of
Water Pollution Control Revolving
Loan Program................................. 1,907,500
For Program Support Costs of Water
Pollution Control Program.................... 6,472,900
For Administrative Costs of the Drinking
Water Revolving Loan Program................. 1,063,000
For Program Support Costs of the Drinking
Water Program................................ 1,738,000
Total $11,181,400
Payable from Pollution Control Board Fund:
For Contractual Services
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,000
Total $6,000
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
and Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 343,200
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System............................... 72,200
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 26,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 174,900
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,500
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,600
Total $628,700
Payable from the CAA Permit Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 148,300
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................. 31,200
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 11,300
For Group Insurance................................ 222,600
Total $413,400
Section 5. The sum of $150,100, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Executive Ethics Commission for its ordinary and contingent expenses.
Section 5. The sum of $3,449,250, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of Executive Inspector General for its ordinary and contingent expenses.
Section 10. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Supreme Court:
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 6,830,500
For State Contributions
to State Employees' Retirement................. 1,437,700
For State Contributions
to Social Security............................... 522,500
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 29,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 78,400
Rental of Real Property........................ 372,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 35,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 24,900
Gas.............................................. 6,300
Electricity..................................... 20,700
Water............................................ 5,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,200
Fire Protection Services........................... 300
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 42,900
Contractual Employees............................ 2,800
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,900
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 500
For In-State Travel................................. 12,500
For Commodities...................................... 8,500
For Printing........................................ 19,000
For Electronic Data Processing...................... 37,000
For Telecommunications.............................. 67,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 5,400
Total, this Section $9,564,400
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Supreme Court to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Judges of the Appellate Courts, and the Clerks of the Appellate Courts, and the Appellate Judges Research Projects:
Administration of the First Appellate District
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 7,448,300
For State Contribution
to State Employees' Retirement................. 1,567,800
For State Contributions
to Social Security............................... 569,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 21,700
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 88,900 Rental of Real Property.................................... 81,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 39,900
Contractual Employees........................... 22,300
For In-State Travel.................................... 800
For Commodities..................................... 11,000
For Printing........................................ 19,100
For Telecommunications.............................. 45,600
Total $9,917,300
Administration of the Second Appellate District
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 2,906,200
For State Contributions
to State Employees' Retirement................... 611,700
For State Contributions
to Social Security............................... 222,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,100
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 51,900
Rental of Real Property........................ 440,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 31,800
Gas............................................. 33,400
Electricity..................................... 66,800
Water............................................ 4,100
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 23,500
Contractual Employees........................... 32,300
Subscription and Information Services.............. 300
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
For In-State Travel.................................. 2,500
For Commodities...................................... 2,700
For Printing......................................... 3,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 1,100
For Telecommunications.............................. 34,400
Total $4,477,600
Administration of the Third Appellate District
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 2,136,000
For State Contributions to
State Employees' Retirement...................... 449,600
For State contributions
to Social Security............................... 163,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 22,400
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 29,500
Rental of Real Property........................ 231,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 30,800
Gas............................................. 19,900
Electricity..................................... 40,700
Water............................................ 2,800
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 22,600
Contractual Employees........................... 30,900
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
For In-State Travel.................................. 1,600
For Commodities...................................... 5,700
For Printing......................................... 3,900
For Telecommunications.............................. 31,400
Total $3,224,800
Administration of the Fourth Appellate District
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 2,171,700
For State Contributions
to State Employees' Retirement................... 457,100
For State Contributions
to Social Security............................... 166,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 9,600
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 38,100
Rental of Real Property........................ 176,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 36,100
Gas.............................................. 6,100
Electricity...................................... 7,600
Water............................................ 2,200
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 1,100
Fire Protection Services........................... 200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,900
Contractual Employees............................ 5,900
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
For In-State Travel.................................. 4,500
For Commodities...................................... 3,000
For Printing......................................... 3,400
For Telecommunications.............................. 25,900
Total $3,142,500
Administration of the Fifth Appellate District
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 2,158,400
For State Contributions to
State Employees' Retirement...................... 454,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 165,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 8,300
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 25,700
Rental of Real Property........................ 217,400
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 25,900
Gas............................................. 18,400
Electricity..................................... 41,200
Water............................................ 3,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 22,000
Contractual Employees........................... 21,900
For In-State Travel.................................. 3,300
For Commodities...................................... 2,100
For Printing......................................... 7,300
For Telecommunications.............................. 28,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 1,100
Total $3,207,200
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Supreme Court for ordinary and contingent expenses of the Circuit Court:
For Mandatory Arbitration.......................... 921,800
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 1,075,100
For State Contribution
to State Employees' Retirement................... 226,300
For State Contribution
to Social Security................................ 82,200
For In-State Travel:
Circuit Court Personnel.......................... 137,000
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 500
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 21,700
Contractual Employees........................... 27,500
For Electronic Data Processing................... 1,026,600
Total, this Section $3,518,800
Section 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Supreme Court for ordinary and contingent expenses of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts:
For Personal Services............................ 5,621,200
For Retirement - Paid by Employer................ 1,213,900
For State Contributions to
State Employees' Retirement................... 1,183,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 430,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 77,100
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 160,200
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 3,200
Rental of Real Property...................... 1,983,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,100
Professional Services........................... 75,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 23,300
Electricity.................................... 132,800
Water............................................ 4,700
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,200
Fire Protection Services........................... 900
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 128,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 19,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,000
Contractual Employees........................... 48,100
For In-State Travel................................. 93,600
For Commodities..................................... 19,100
For Printing........................................ 44,900
For Electronic Data Processing................... 1,572,700
For Telecommunications............................. 118,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............... 15,700
Total, this Section $12,973,700
Section 30. The sum of $58,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Supreme Court for the contingent expenses of the Illinois Courts Commission.
Section 35. The sum of $14,392,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Mandatory Arbitration Fund to the Supreme Court for Mandatory Arbitration Programs.
Section 45. The sum of $409,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Lawyers' Assistance Program Fund to the Supreme Court for lawyers' assistance programs.
Section 50. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Supreme Court Historic Preservation Fund to the Supreme Court for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Supreme Court Historic Preservation Commission.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the State Treasurer to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
From General Revenue Fund.................... 1,678,600
From State Pensions Fund....................... 929,600
For Employee Retirement Contribution
From General Revenue Fund....................... 62,500
From State Pensions Fund........................ 37,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System
From General Revenue Fund...................... 353,400
From State Pensions Fund....................... 195,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security
From General Revenue Fund...................... 128,400
From State Pensions Fund........................ 71,100
For Group Insurance
From State Pension Fund........................ 842,700
For Contractual Services
From General Revenue Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... $2,800
Rental of Real Property........................ 467,200
Gas.............................................. 9,000
Electricity..................................... 31,300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 8,500
Computer Software............................... 18,400
For Contractual Services
From State Pensions Fund
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Real Property........................ 260,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 90,000
Computer Software................................ 3,000
For In-State Travel
From General Revenue Fund...................... 100,500
From State Pensions Fund........................ 50,000
For Commodities
From General Revenue Fund....................... 42,900
From State Pensions Fund........................ 31,900
For Printing
From General Revenue Fund....................... 15,000
From State Pensions Fund........................ 15,000
For Equipment
From General Revenue Fund........................ 7,500
From State Pensions Fund........................ 20,000
For Electronic Data Processing
From General Revenue Fund.................... 1,238,000
From State Pensions Fund..................... 1,214,100
For Telecommunications Services
From General Revenue Fund...................... 125,000
From State Pensions Fund........................ 55,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
From General Revenue Fund........................ 7,600
From State Pensions Fund......................... 2,700
Total $8,115,500
Section 10. The amount of $500,000, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Treasurer from the Matured Bond and Coupon Fund for payment of matured bonds and interest coupons pursuant to Section 6u of the State Finance Act.
Section 15. The amount of $225,450, or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated from the Capital Litigation Trust Fund to the State Treasurer for the State Treasurer’s costs to administer the Capital Litigation Trust Fund in accordance with the Capital Crimes Litigation Act.
Section 20. The following named amount of $275,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Treasurer for expenses related to an Inspector General position.
Section 5. The amount of $13,091,050, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for furnishing the items provided in Section 4 of the General Assembly Compensation Act to members of their respective houses throughout the year in connection with their legislative duties and responsibilities and not in connection with any political campaign as prescribed by law. Of this amount, 37.436% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 62.564% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 10. Payments from the amounts appropriated in Section 5 hereof shall be made only upon the delivery of a voucher approved by the member to the State Comptroller. The voucher shall also be approved by the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives as the case may be.
Section 15. The amount of $20,603,400 or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to meet the ordinary and incidental expenses of the Senate legislative leadership and legislative staff assistants and the House Majority and Minority leadership staff, general staff and office operations. Of this amount, 25.7% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures, 25.7% is appropriated to the Senate Minority Leader for such expenditures and 24.8% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures, and 23.8% is appropriated to the House Minority Leader for such expenditures.
Section 20. The amount of $9,382,100, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the ordinary and incidental expenses of committees, the general staff and operations, per diem employees, special and standing committees, expenses incurred in transcribing and printing of debates. Of this amount, 43.018% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 56.982% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 25. The amount of $309,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the ordinary and incidental expenses, also including the purchasing on contract as required by law of printing, binding, printing paper, stationery and office supplies. For the House, no part of which shall be expended for expenses of purchasing, handling or distributing such supplies and against which no indebtedness shall be incurred without the written approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Of this amount, 69.277% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 30.723% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 30. The amount of $4,483,050, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate for the use of standing committees for expert witnesses, technical services, consulting assistance and other research assistance associated with special studies and long range research projects which may be requested by the standing committees and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for Standing House Committees pursuant to the Legislative Commission Reorganization Act of 1984. Of this amount, 46.862% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 53.138% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 35. The amount of $167,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate and the Senate Minority Leader for allowances for the particular and additional services appertaining to or entailed by the respective officers of the Senate. Of this amount, 50% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 50% is appropriated to the Senate Minority Leader for such expenditures.
Section 40. The amount of $88,100, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for travel, including expenses to Springfield of members on official legislative business during weeks when the General Assembly is not in session. Of this amount, 65.5% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 34.5% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 45. The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated from the General Assembly Operations Revolving Fund to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for to meet ordinary and contingent expenses. Of this amount, 50% is appropriated to the President of the Senate for such expenditures and 50% is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for such expenditures.
Section 50. The amount of $441,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended from an appropriation heretofore made for such purposes in Article 90 of Public Act 95-0348 as amended by this Act, is appropriated to the Speaker of the House for expenses in connection with the planning and preparation of redistricting of legislative and representative districts as required by Article IV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970.
Section 55. The amount of $341,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the General Assembly to meet ordinary and contingent expenses. Any use of funds appropriated under this Section must be approved jointly by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate.
Section 60. As used in Section 15 hereof, except where the approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives is expressively required for the expenditure of or the incurring of indebtedness against an appropriation for certain purchases on contract, “Speaker” means the leader of the party having the largest number of members of the House of Representatives as of January 12, 2008, and “Minority Leader” means the leader of the party having the second largest number of members of the House of Representatives as of January 12, 2008.
Section 65. The sum of $328,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Legislative Ethics Commission to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Commission and the Office of Legislative Inspector General.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department on Aging:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Contractual Services:
Reimbursements to employees...................... 1,525 Rental of Office Equipment..................................... 60 Contracts to hire temporary employees............. 16,705 For In-State Travel........................................ 16,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 200
Total $35,290
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Aging:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 390,020
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement System............................... 82,095 For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 29,837 For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 16,515
Reimbursements to employees........................ 708
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.............................. 371
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 17,909
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 1,487
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,214
Contracts for training internal staff............ 2,025
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 60,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 66,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,700
Total $694,781
Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 11,400
For State Contributions to State Employees’ Retirement
Systems.......................................... 2,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................... 872
For Group Insurance............................... 60,800 For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,098
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 686
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,500
For Printing....................................... 6,400
For Equipment........................................ 550
For Telecommunications Services................... 14,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,200
Total $115,906
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Aging:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
and Essential Frontline Employees.............. 352,500
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems.............................. 74,198
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 26,966
For In-State Travel............................... 10,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 500
Total $464,164
Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
and Essential Frontline Employees.............. 585,650
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems............................. 123,273
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 44,802
For Group Insurance.............................. 258,400 For In-State Travel.............................................. 26,050
Total $1,038,175
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Aging:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
and Essential Frontline Employees.............. 142,300
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems.............................. 29,953
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 10,866
For In-State Travel............................... 10,000
For Commodities:
Essential Operational Commodities................ 500
Total $193,619
Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 62,400
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems.............................. 13,135
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 4,774
For Group Insurance............................... 81,000 For In-State Travel............................................... 5,000
Total $166,309
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Aging:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
and Essential Frontline Employees.............. 174,000
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems.............................. 36,625
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 13,311
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 253
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 876
For In-State Travel............................... 12,350
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 500
For Printing...................................... 23,500
Total $261,415
Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
and Essential Frontline Employees.............. 101,100
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems.............................. 21,281
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 7,734
For Group Insurance............................... 64,800 For In-State Travel......................................... 5,000
Total $199,915
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 8,165,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,718,714
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 624,645
For Contractual Services:
Employee Reimbursement........................... 4,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 11,500
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment......... 12,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 17,500
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 2,500
Legal Fees..................................... 843,000
Postage and Postal Charges................... 2,243,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 85,000
Contracts Related to Consulting Services
for the Bureau of Interagency Coordination.... 80,700
For Travel....................................... 137,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 320,700
For Printing..................................... 443,150
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,220,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 47,500
Total $15,978,109
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 7,969,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,677,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 609,667
For Contractual Services:
Employee Payroll................................ 15,000
Reimbursement to Employee.......................... 200
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 17,600
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,200
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 209,900
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 66,700
Computer Software................................ 9,300
Contracts Related to Conducting Frontend
Client Eligibility Investigations............. 562,500
Contracts Related to Conducting Investigations
of Alleged Employee Misconduct................. 20,000
Contracts Related to Fraud Prevention Audits.... 56,500
Contracts Related to Post Payment Audits........ 50,000
Contracts Related to Inpatient
Hospital Diagnosis – Post Payment
Review Process............................... 124,400
For Travel....................................... 200,000
For Equipment.................................... 101,900
Total $11,691,867
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees..................................... 683,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 143,912
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 52,303
For Group Insurance.............................. 187,600
Total $1,067,515
Payable from Long-Term Care Provider Fund:
For Administrative Expenses:
For Personal Services.......................... 125,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 22,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 9,200
For Group Insurance............................. 28,900
For Contractual Services........................... 800
Total $186,500
Payable from Energy Administration Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 184,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 38,899
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 14,137
For Group Insurance............................... 56,500
For Contractual Services:
Employee Payroll................................. 3,700
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,500
For Travel........................................ 25,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,000
For Equipment...................................... 9,350
For Telecommunications Services.................... 6,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 500
For Administrative and Grant Expenses
Relating to Training, Technical
Assistance, and Administration of the
Weatherization Programs......................... 250,000
Total $593,886
Payable from Low Income Home Energy
Assistance Block Grant Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,146,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 241,285
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 87,692
For Group Insurance.............................. 262,800
For Contractual Services:
Employee Reimbursement............................. 300
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 100
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,500
Computer Software.................................. 600
Contracts Related to Providing Instructors,
Laboratories and Classrooms for Home
Weatherization Programs....................... 195,000
For Travel....................................... 165,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 7,300
For Printing...................................... 65,000
For Equipment..................................... 72,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 586,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 2,900
For Expenses Related to the
Development and Maintenance of
the LIHEAP System............................. 1,037,000
Total $3,872,077
Payable from Child Support Administrative Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 51,377,000
For Personal Services related to positions
That are Federally required, including
Accompanying rules.............................. 93,925
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 10,834,115
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 3,937,526
For Group Insurance........................... 15,558,400
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 35,600
Reimbursement to Employee........................ 3,600
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 45,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment........ 670,800
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,200
Legal Fees...................................... 19,000
Postage and Postal Charges................... 1,403,900
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 19,600
Computer Software.............................. 780,500
Contracts to Units of Local Government
for Child Support Services................ 36,538,000
Contracts related to Legal Processing
Services for Child Support Cases............. 918,000
Contracts Related to Intercepting
Unemployment Insurance Benefits................ 5,000
Contracts Related to Federally Required
Public Service Announcements for the
Child Support Program......................... 16,000
For Travel....................................... 529,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 271,400
For Printing..................................... 153,800
For Equipment.................................... 509,400
For Telecommunications Services................ 4,221,400
For Child Support Enforcement
Demonstration Projects........................ 1,000,000
For Administrative Costs Related to
Enhanced Collection Efforts including
Paternity Adjudication Demonstration......... 11,058,700
For Costs Related to the State
Disbursement Unit............................ 16,643,200
Total $155,655,166
The amount of $38,952,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the Child Support Administrative Fund.
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,621,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 341,352
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 124,060
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 900
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 4,200
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 10,100
For Travel........................................ 17,500
For Equipment..................................... 14,800
Total $2,134,612
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,896,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,241,112
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 451,067
For Group Insurance............................ 1,808,100
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 236,200
Reimbursement to Employee........................ 3,700
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment........ 168,000
Legal Fees..................................... 160,200
Postage and Postal Charges................... 2,339,700
Computer Software.............................. 212,800
Contracts Related to Investigations Based
on Referrals From IDHS Local Offices........ 1,360,000
For Contracts Related to Local Education
Agency School Based Health Services........... 351,000
For Travel....................................... 120,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 32,600
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment.................................. 1,000,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 227,700
Total $15,613,479
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,266,000
For Personal Services related to positions
that are Federally required, including
accompanying rules............................. 111,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,552,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 2,017,879
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 93,000
Reimbursement to Employees....................... 1,400
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 190,700
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,300
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 386,300
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 7,500
Computer Software............................... 47,400
Contracts Related to Local Education
Agency Medicaid Claiming..................... 500,000
Contracts Related to Minimum
Data Set Contracts........................... 300,000
Contracts Related to the Money
Follows the Person Grant..................... 281,300
For Travel....................................... 165,000
For Equipment..................................... 29,150
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,422,000
For Medical Management Services................ 8,745,800
For Purchase of Services Relating to
and costs associated with the development,
implementation and operation of an
electronic medical client eligibility
verification system:
Personal Services.............................. 570,400
Retirement..................................... 101,500
Social Security................................. 43,100 Contractual Services............................. 266,750
Travel............................................. 750
For Costs Associated with the
Development, Implementation and
Operation of a Medical Data
Warehouse..................................... 3,894,900
For Refunds of Premium Payments Received
Pursuant to Section 25(a)(2) of the
Children's Health Insurance Program Act,
or under the provisions of the Health
Benefits for Workers with Disabilities
Program, or under the provisions of the
Covering ALL KIDS Health
Insurance Act .................................. 125,200
Total $51,121,029
Payable from Provider Inquiry Trust Fund:
For expenses associated with
providing access and utilization
of Department eligibility files.............. 1,500,000
Section 85. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from:
General Revenue Fund....................... 1,067,891,000
Road Fund.................................... 142,997,300
Total $1,210,888,300
The amount of $1,877,540,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the Health Insurance Reserve Fund for provisions of health care coverage as elected by eligible members per the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971.
Section 90. The amount of $194,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services from the General Revenue Fund for costs associated with healthcare procurement:
Personal Services.............................. 143,700
Retirement...................................... 25,600
Social Security................................. 11,000 Contractual Services.............................. 14,300
Total $194,600
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 170,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 6,500
For Retirement Contributions...................... 35,889
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 13,043
For Contractual Services........................... 4,100
Total $230,032
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For costs associated with the operation
of Tinley Park Mental Health Center or
the Transition of Tinley Park Mental Health
Center Services to alternative community
or state-operated settings................... 20,900,900
Total $20,900,900
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,629,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,184,890
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 430,635
For Group Insurance.................................. 100
For Contractual Services:
Payroll........................................ 113,400
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 346,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 100,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 50,000
For contracts related to hiring
Impartial hearing officers................... 215,245
For contracts related to the
Cost allocation plan.......................... 10,000
For contracts related to developing
Grant Applications............................ 35,000
For contracts related to hiring
Dispute resolution mediators................... 5,000
For contracts related to the
RIN project.................................. 214,100
For contracts related to statewide
Computer recycling services................... 55,000
For contracts related to hiring
Temporary staff.............................. 161,700
For In-State Travel............................... 94,800
For Commodities:
Office & Library Supplies.................... 1,042,000
For Printing..................................... 491,600
For Equipment.................................... 108,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,542,600
For In-Service Training:
Contractual Services............................ 12,200
Telecommunications............................... 1,700
For Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act:
Personal Services............................... 85,000
Retirement...................................... 14,100
Social Security.................................. 6,500
Contractual Services........................... 128,250
Telecommunications............................... 3,000
For Indirect Cost Principles/Interfund
Transfer Payable to the Vocational
Rehabilitation Fund........................... 1,664,650
Total $13,744,670
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,421,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 720,149
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 261,729
For State Group Insurance...................... 1,632,900 For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 63,400
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 46,600
Legal Fees...................................... 99,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 10,500
For In-State Travel............................... 68,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 131,700
For Printing...................................... 18,500
For Equipment..................................... 99,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 226,500
For In-Service Training:
Contractual Services............................ 98,350
Travel.......................................... 58,250
Telecommunications............................... 2,900
Total $6,959,278
Payable from DHS Private Resources Fund:
For Costs associated with Human
Services Activities funded by
Private Donations............................... 150,000
Total $150,000
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for repairs and maintenance, roof repairs and/or replacements and miscellaneous at the Department's various facilities and are to include capital improvements including construction, reconstruction, improvements, repairs and installation of capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, materials, and all other expenses required for roof and other types of repairs and maintenance, capital improvements and demolition.
For Repair, Maintenance and other Capital
Improvements at various facilities.............. 797,850
For Miscellaneous Permanent Improvements........... 125,350
Total $923,200
Section 35. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services as follows:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 9,000
Payable from Mental Health Fund.................... 100,000
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund ......... 5,000
Payable from Drug Treatment Fund..................... 5,000
Payable from the Early Intervention
Services Revolving Fund......................... 300,000
Payable from DHS Federal Projects Fund.............. 25,000
Payable from USDA Women, Infants and Children Fund. 200,000
Payable from Maternal and Child Health
Services Block Grant Fund......................... 5,000
Payable from Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Fund....... 30,000
Total $679,000
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for ordinary and contingent expenses:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 7,175,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,510,329
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 548,910
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 14,100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment....................... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance EDP
Equipment........................................ 700
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 22,600
Statistical & tabulating services............ 9,943,200
Computer Software.............................. 369,500
For Technology Management..................... 14,192,900
For In-State Travel............................... 51,900
For Equipment.................................... 800,000
For Electronic Data Processing................. 2,450,400
For Telecommunications Services................ 2,994,000
Total $40,076,239
Payable from the Mental Health Fund:
For costs related to the provision
of MIS support services provided to
Departmental and Non-Departmental
Personal Services.............................. 620,600
Retirement..................................... 102,700
Social Security................................. 47,400
Group Insurance................................ 127,200
Other.......................................... 599,800
Total $1,497,700
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,120,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 446,302
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 162,203
For State Group Insurance........................ 461,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property....................................... 2,500
Repair and Maintenance EDP
Equipment...................................... 5,000
Computer Software............................... 40,000
For Contractual Services:
For Information Technology Management........ 1,480,700
For In-State Travel............................... 50,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 1,500
For Printing...................................... 32,900
For Equipment.................................... 850,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,950,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 2,800
Total $7,605,305
Payable from USDA Women, Infants and Children Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 262,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 55,212
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 20,066
For State Group Insurance......................... 47,700
For Contractual Services:
Computer Software............................... 92,900
For Contractual Services:
Information Technology Management.............. 391,900
For Electronic Data Processing................... 150,000
Total $1,020,078
Payable from Maternal and Child Health Services
Block Grant Fund:
For Operational Expenses Associated with
Support of Maternal and Child Health
Personal Services.............................. 159,400
Retirement...................................... 26,400
Social Security................................. 12,200
Group Insurance................................. 47,700
Total $245,700
Section 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund for the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 6,681,200
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 73,020
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,421,696
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 516,698
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 12,700
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,200
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 8,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 57,200
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 3,300
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 11,100
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,900
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 2,100
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 430,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 390,600
Gas............................................ 101,900
Electricity.................................... 105,700
Water............................................ 8,200
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 16,800
Pharmaceutical Services.......................... 3,700
Fire Protection Services........................ 13,700
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,700
Computer Software................................ 4,400
For contracts related to hiring
a behavioral specialist....................... 10,000
For In-State Travel................................ 1,950
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 7,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 19,700
Food Supplies.................................. 256,900
Household and Cleaning.......................... 84,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 2,400
For Printing....................................... 2,250
For Equipment..................................... 19,725
For Telecommunications Services................... 55,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 14,000
Total $10,357,439
Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 16,753,400
For Personal Services for individuals
That provide psychiatric treatment............. 445,700
For Personal Services for individuals
That provide dietary services................... 53,556
For Personal Services for the
Hospital administrator.......................... 77,316
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 3,647,786
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,325,743
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,700
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 27,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 70,900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 39,900
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 62,900
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 100
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 7,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 759,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 198,400
Gas............................................ 110,300
Electricity.................................... 203,900
Water........................................... 35,300
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 46,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 400
Computer Software............................... 22,200
For contracts related to
Accreditation services......................... 4,000
For In-State Travel............................... 14,700
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 22,300
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 1,300
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 7,000
Food Supplies.................................. 241,900
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 45,600
Forage Farm and Garden............................. 700
For Printing....................................... 6,000
For Equipment..................................... 65,175
For Telecommunications Services.................. 109,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 32,500
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program...... 3,300
Total $24,458,576
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Old Age Survivors' Insurance Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,185,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 5,511,786
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,003,191
For State Group Insurance...................... 8,196,500
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 100,000
Reimbursement...................................... 500
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 125,000
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 100,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,000
Medical Consultant Fees...................... 8,000,000
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 4,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 300,000
Electricity..................................... 15,000
Water........................................... 20,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 898,800
Computer Software.............................. 117,500
For hiring temporary staff..................... 414,350
For In-State Travel............................... 99,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 325,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 700
For Printing...................................... 82,500
For Equipment.................................... 909,950
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,404,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment................ 100
Total $54,824,077
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,367,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 919,210
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 334,076
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 400
For In-State Travel............................... 58,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 900
For Printing....................................... 1,700
For Equipment........................................ 450
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,100
Total $5,684,936
Section 75. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,352,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 495,157
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 179,959
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 15,200
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 5,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment........................................ 100
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property....................................... 5,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,000
Medical Consultant Fees........................ 113,000
Computer Software............................... 10,800
For Contracts related to
Hiring Temporary Staff......................... 7,000
For In-State Travel............................... 49,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 5,100
Education and Instructional Supplies............. 6,700
For Equipment...................................... 2,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 211,100
Total $3,469,916
Payable from the Community Mental Health Services
Block Grant Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 394,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 82,975
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 30,156
For State Group Insurance........................ 143,100
For Contractual Services ........................ 119,400
For In-State Travel................................ 5,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,300
For Equipment...................................... 2,500
Total $781,631
Section 85. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 637,500
For Personal Services for Internal
Security Investigations...................... 1,436,124
For Personal Services for Office
Associates...................................... 78,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 453,001
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 164,637
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll.............................. 2,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 23,100
Medical Consultant Fees............................ 300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 17,900
Gas.............................................. 5,400
Electricity..................................... 11,000
Water............................................ 6,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 2,600
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,500
Computer Software................................ 2,000
For contracts related to
Hiring Temporary Staff......................... 8,700
For In-State Travel............................... 67,050
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 20,100
For Equipment..................................... 38,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 93,700
Total $3,076,912
Section 90. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,052,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 852,990
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 310,009
For Contractual Services:
Computer Software................................ 1,200
For In-State Travel.............................. 101,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,500
For Equipment.................................... 178,850
For Telecommunications Services................... 80,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 11,600
For Money Follows the Client:
Personal Services.............................. 400,500
Retirement...................................... 66,300
Social Security................................. 30,700
Total $6,104,049
Section 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 468,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 98,530
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 35,810
For Contractual Services........................... 2,500
For In-State Travel................................ 1,900
For Equipment........................................ 700
For Telecommunications Services................... 31,300
Total $638,840
Payable from the Prevention/Treatment – Alcoholism
and Substance Abuse Block Grant Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,136,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 239,159
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 86,919
For State Group Insurance........................ 413,400
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 290,900
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 5,500
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 100
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 18,000
Rental of Film, Audio and Visual Aids............ 3,200
Computer Software................................ 1,500
For contracts related to the
Living Initiative............................ 184,000
For contracts related to the
Cost Allocation Plan.......................... 10,000
For contracts related to Assistance and
Other Technology Transfer Activities.......... 25,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 100,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 1,300
For Printing...................................... 17,500
For Equipment...................................... 7,150
For Electronic Data Processing................... 300,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 117,800
For Expenses Associated with the Administration
of the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention
and Treatment Programs.......................... 215,000
Total $3,172,628
Section 130. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services:
For Lincoln Developmental Center
Operational Expenses:
Contractual Services........................... 903,700
Commodities..................................... 77,000
Telecommunications............................... 4,200
Total $984,900
Section 135. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,579,800
For Personal Services for Special Education
Services........................................ 74,508
For Personal Services for the
Hospital Administrator.......................... 72,120
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 77,904
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 5,642,044
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,050,531
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 29,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 56,400
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 31,100
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 85,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 36,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 100
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 7,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,015,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 124,700
Gas............................................. 20,000
Electricity...................................... 4,400
Water.......................................... 150,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............ 100,000
Pharmaceutical Services.......................... 2,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 48,200
Computer Software............................... 20,700
For contracts related to
Accreditation Services........................ 11,200
For contracts related to
Hiring forensic expert(s) for the
Department of Justice Survey.................. 20,000
For contracts related to
Hiring outside consultants for the
Department of Justice Survey.................. 20,000
For contracts related to
Training Staff for the
Department of Justice Survey.................. 21,000
For contracts related to employing
Medical Directors............................ 460,000
For In-State Travel............................... 12,450
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 27,500
Education and Instructional Supplies............. 5,700
Coal and Coke.................................. 549,300
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 51,500
Food Supplies.................................. 550,000
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 148,600
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 3,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 28,500
For Printing....................................... 9,700
For Equipment..................................... 65,550
For Telecommunications Services.................. 148,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 41,650
For Living Skills................................. 37,400
Total $38,451,357
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Illinois Veterans' Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,493,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 314,409
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 114,268
For State Group Insurance........................ 349,800
For In-State Travel................................ 6,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 5,000
For Equipment...................................... 3,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 19,500
Total $2,306,277
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,933,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 5,669,232
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,060,413
For State Group Insurance...................... 8,344,300
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll.......................... 1,187,600
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 61,300
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 254,900
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,300
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 5,000
Legal Fees....................................... 2,200
Hospital and Medical Services................... 29,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 301,500
Gas.............................................. 1,700
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 249,000
Computer Software................................ 1,300
Interpreter Services........................... 113,000
For contracts related to providing
Disability and behavioral health services...... 7,250
Sign language interpreter services.............. 44,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 700,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 33,400
Educational and Instructional Supplies............. 900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 200
Household and Cleaning Supplies.................. 1,300
For Printing...................................... 72,550
For Equipment.................................... 314,950
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,476,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 2,850
For Administrative Expenses of the
Statewide Deaf Evaluation Center:
Personal Services.............................. 142,900 Retirement........................................ 23,700
Social Security................................. 10,900
Group Insurance................................. 47,700
Contractual...................................... 4,500
Telecommunications.............................. 13,200
Total $48,121,045
Section 155. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 436,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 91,837
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 33,377
For State Group Insurance........................ 131,000
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 400
For In-State Travel............................... 19,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 1,000
For Printing......................................... 200
For Equipment..................................... 16,050
For Telecommunications Services................... 12,800
Total $742,064
Section 165. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 263,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 55,464
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 20,158
For State Group Insurance........................ 159,000
For Contractual Services.......................... 61,000
For In-State Travel............................... 25,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 300
For Equipment..................................... 20,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 16,900
Total $621,322
Payable from the Rehabilitation Services
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Fund:
For Federally Assisted Programs:
Personal Services............................... 79,800
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by Employer.................................. 900
Retirement...................................... 13,200
Social Security.................................. 6,100
Group Insurance................................. 31,800
Contractual Services........................... 197,100
Travel.......................................... 16,500
Commodities..................................... 52,550
Telecommunications............................... 2,800
Refunds......................................... 28,600
Total $429,350
Section 170. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 19,864,700
For Personal Services related to
Vocational Education........................... 129,820
For Personal Services for the
Hospital administrator.......................... 93,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 4,228,264
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,536,711
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 113,700
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,600
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 14,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 188,900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 17,800
In-House Repair & Maintenance.................. 114,800
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 53,300
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 7,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 346,400
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 157,600
Gas............................................ 491,500
Electricity.................................... 387,900
Water........................................... 34,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 15,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 500
Computer Software............................... 20,800
Fixed Equipment.................................. 3,000
For contracts related to Accreditation
Services...................................... 54,010
For contracts related to
dietary services.............................. 34,950
For contracts related to foreign
Language interpreter services................. 36,000
For contracts related to the
Med-B billing system.......................... 55,400
For contracts related to
Sign language interpreting services........... 15,000
Transcription................................... 24,900
For In-State Travel............................... 13,600
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 14,100
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 4,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 19,800
Food Supplies.................................. 367,000
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 77,500
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 6,600
For Printing....................................... 4,950
For Equipment..................................... 34,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 211,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 13,700
For Expenses Related to Living
Skills Program................................... 20,000
Total $28,847,805
Section 175. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 6,845,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,440,804
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 523,643
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 35,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 349,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 300
Computer Software................................ 8,300
For Private Hospitals for Recipients
of State Facilities........................ 1,879,900
For In-State Travel............................... 49,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 24,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.................................. 22,446,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 2,100
For Printing...................................... 13,950
For Equipment..................................... 33,150
For Telecommunications Services................... 38,400
Total $33,696,247
Payable from the Mental Health Fund:
For Costs Related to Provision of Support
Services Provided to Departmental and Non-
Departmental Organizations:
Personal Services............................ 1,355,100
Retirement..................................... 224,400
Social Security................................ 103,600
Group Insurance................................ 461,100
Contractual Services......................... 1,302,850
Travel.......................................... 35,900
Total $3,482,950
For all costs associated with
Medicare Part D............................... 1,500,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For Federally Assisted Programs:
Contractual Services......................... 1,175,200
Travel.......................................... 23,250
Commodities..................................... 13,550
Telecommunications............................... 3,990
Total $2,715,990
Section 180. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 11,705,600
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 69,612
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,478,564
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 900,804
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 1,500
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 141,200
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment..................... 149,000
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 60,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 26,400
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 3,000
Statistical and tabulating services.............. 2,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,850,300
Institutional Burial Services................ 2,831,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 76,500
Gas............................................ 375,000
Electricity.................................... 575,000
Water........................................... 50,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 15,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Computer Software................................ 8,000
Site Improvements................................ 7,500
Fixed Equipment................................. 59,200
Food services.................................. 608,820
For In-State Travel............................... 20,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 51,500
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 4,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 452,000
Food Supplies.................................. 238,600
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 104,100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 100
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 900
For Printing....................................... 6,000
For Equipment.................................... 196,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 149,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 87,900
For Sexually Violent Persons
Program....................................... 1,660,000
Total $27,994,200
Section 185. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund for the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 9,241,900
For Personal Services for the
Hospital Administrator.......................... 89,436
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,964,153
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 713,847
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 110,900
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 7,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 229,100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 42,900
Repair and Maintenance of EDP
Equipment..................................... 23,100
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 44,400
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 26,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 3,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 7,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 389,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 610,800
Gas............................................ 410,100
Electricity.................................... 270,400
Water........................................... 15,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 10,000
Fire Protection Services........................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,400
Computer Software............................... 20,200
For contracts related to
Accreditation Services........................ 11,500
For In-State Travel................................ 7,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,500
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 4,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 25,000
Food Supplies.................................. 190,000
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 70,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 500
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 200
For Printing....................................... 4,950
For Equipment..................................... 20,625
For Telecommunications Services.................. 103,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 7,700
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program...... 8,800
Total $14,710,811
Section 190. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 19,559,800
For Personal Services for Related to
Dietary Services............................... 108,420
For Personal Services for Security................ 62,988
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director.............................. 113,004
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 4,177,008
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,518,082
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,100
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 3,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 183,500
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment....................... 2,500
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 70,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 57,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 10,000
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 623,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 422,900
Gas............................................. 57,600
Electricity.................................... 570,000
Water........................................... 34,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 11,000
Pharmaceutical Services............................ 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,200
Computer Software................................ 3,500
For In-State Travel................................ 3,550
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 15,700
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 1,300
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 51,200
Food Supplies.................................. 765,600
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 146,600
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,800
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 15,100
For Printing....................................... 7,200
For Equipment..................................... 26,475
For Telecommunications Services.................. 132,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 42,000
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 13,500
Total $28,820,827
Section 195. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 12,284,500
For Student, Member or Inmate Compensation........ 13,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,588,585
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 940,789
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 395,100
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,600
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 4,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 223,800
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 26,600
In-House Repair & Maintenance.................. 157,500
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 35,100
Rental of Real Property............................ 400
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 9,800
Hospital and Medical Services................... 84,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 31,300
Gas............................................ 307,700
Electricity.................................... 391,700
Water........................................... 16,200
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 13,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,700
Subscription and Information Services........... 18,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Interpreter Services............................ 22,730
For contracts related to evaluating
Infants and toddlers.......................... 10,000
For In-State Travel................................ 9,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 30,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies.......... 41,800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 7,200
Food Supplies.................................. 271,600
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 63,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,300
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 16,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment.................................... 132,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 113,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 52,600
For Health and Safety Improvement Projects....... 250,000
Total $18,584,504
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Secondary Transitional Experience
Program......................................... 50,000
Section 200. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 6,447,300
For Student, Member or Inmate Compensation........ 16,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,360,544
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 494,473
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 101,900
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,100
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment........................................ 400
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 83,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 16,000
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 26,500
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 20,300
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,000
Hospital and Medical Services................... 85,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 19,100
Gas............................................. 13,000
Electricity.................................... 167,000
Water............................................ 9,400
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 6,100
Pharmaceutical Services............................ 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,500
Computer Software............................... 11,500
For In-State Travel................................ 6,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 13,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies.......... 36,500
Coal and Coke................................... 20,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 4,500
Food Supplies.................................. 101,500
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 22,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,700
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 3,300
For Printing....................................... 2,500
For Equipment..................................... 80,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 16,500
For Technology Equipment......................... 250,000
Total $9,497,417
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Secondary Transitional Experience Program.... 42,900
Section 205. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 22,382,000
For Personal Services for the
Hospital Administrator......................... 102,660
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 4,732,796
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,720,076
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 56,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 6,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 115,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment....................... 9,900
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 11,300
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 25,800
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,800
Rental of data processing equipment................ 700
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 11,900
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 636,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 602,200
Gas............................................ 240,000
Electricity.................................... 318,200
Water........................................... 36,300
Fire Protection Services........................ 50,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Computer Software............................... 21,100
Transcription Services.......................... 36,120
Accreditation Services.......................... 18,000
For contracts related to
Hiring Temporary Staff........................ 13,900
For In-State Travel............................... 22,650
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 38,200
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 3,100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 18,000
Food Supplies.................................. 322,800
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 58,600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 25,800
For Printing....................................... 9,550
For Equipment..................................... 50,775
For Telecommunications Services.................. 196,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 19,250
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 14,200
Total $31,944,477
Section 210. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,307,100
For Personal Services related to
Physical Therapy................................ 79,800
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 91,344
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 5,573,406
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,025,586
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,300
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 2,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 185,100
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 30,300
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 95,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 14,500
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 400
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 515,800
Institutional Burial Services.................... 5,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 373,000
Gas.............................................. 7,000
Electricity.................................... 450,000
Water........................................... 95,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 90,000
Fire Protection Services......................... 3,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Computer Software.................................. 500
For In-State Travel................................ 4,950
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 24,800
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 2,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 105,000
Food Supplies.................................. 653,600
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 175,600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 2,000
For Printing....................................... 4,850
For Equipment..................................... 91,725
For Telecommunications Services................... 96,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 30,150
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program...... 2,900
Total $37,153,311
Section 215. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 46,761,600
For Personal Services related to
Psychological Services.......................... 67,236
For Personal Services related to
Hiring Psychiatrists........................... 157,740
For Personal Services related to
Workshop Programs.............................. 117,150 For Personal Services related to
Psycho/Social Programs.......................... 58,020
For Personal Services related to
Community Placements............................ 63,432
For Personal Services for the
Hospital Administrator.......................... 71,328
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 9,955,442 For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 3,618,183
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,600 Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 5,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 178,900
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 83,700
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 83,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 500
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 7,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,378,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 190,400
Gas.......................................... 1,571,200
Electricity.................................... 737,200
Water.......................................... 152,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 100
Computer Software............................... 31,600
Accreditation Services.......................... 29,500
Hospital Sitter Services........................ 50,000
Interpreter Services............................ 47,000
Psychiatric Services............................ 14,000
For In-State Travel............................... 16,250
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 43,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 7,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 63,300
Food Supplies.................................. 767,300
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 139,400
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,100
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 18,000
For Printing...................................... 13,050
For Equipment..................................... 98,550
For Telecommunications Services.................. 223,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 65,100
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 31,200
Total $66,933,681
Section 220. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for
Registered Nurses.............................. 199,620
For Personal Services for
Rehabilitation/Mobility Instructors.......... 1,131,276
For Personal Services for
Rehabilitation Case Coordinators................ 43,644
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 289,327
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 105,152
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 1,300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 15,300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
For In-State Travel............................... 27,450
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 400
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 5,600
For Printing......................................... 200
For Equipment........................................ 200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,000
Total $1,826,069
Section 225. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 31,336,400
For Personal Services Related to
Maintaining medical records..................... 57,708
For Personal Services for
Special education services...................... 61,848
For Personal Services for the
Hospital administrator.......................... 87,432
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 6,639,568
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,413,069
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 47,900
Contractual Reimbursements......................... 400
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,200
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 14,100
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 21,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 16,200
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 91,900
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,400
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 600
Rental of Film, Audio and Visual Aids.............. 600
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 15,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,258,000
Institutional Burial Services.................... 2,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 28,000
Gas............................................ 143,000
Electricity.................................... 399,700
Water........................................... 40,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 82,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 6,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 62,000
Computer Software............................... 19,000
Fixed Equipment.................................. 1,800
Dietician Services.............................. 22,670
Accreditation Services.......................... 10,800
For In-State Travel............................... 37,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 19,200
Mechanical Supplies................................ 700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 35,600
Food Supplies.................................. 447,100
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 133,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 100
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 15,500
For Printing....................................... 5,350
For Equipment..................................... 37,725
For Telecommunications Services................... 98,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 24,550
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program...... 4,600
Total $44,756,820
Section 230. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 21,028,000
For Personal Services related to
Day programming................................. 50,340
For Personal Services for
Physical Therapy................................ 57,684
For Personal Services for the
Facility director............................... 82,956
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 4,466,383
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,623,252
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,600
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 1,900
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 155,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 43,200
In-House Repair & Maintenance.................. 139,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 53,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 20,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 2,600
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 667,200
Institutional Burial Services.................... 3,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 235,200
Gas.............................................. 6,000
Electricity...................................... 1,000
Water.......................................... 145,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 45,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Computer Software................................ 2,000
For In-State Travel................................ 7,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 34,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 7,900
Coal and Coke.................................. 499,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 57,200
Food Supplies.................................. 594,400
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 189,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 9,300
For Printing....................................... 6,200
For Equipment..................................... 67,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 105,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 34,350
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 16,200
Total $30,469,565
Section 235. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,178,600
For Student, Member or Inmate Compensation ........ 2,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 669,484
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 243,316
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment...................................... 1,500
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property....................................... 9,300
Repair and Maintenance of
Electronic Data Processing Equipment............. 500
In-House Repair & Maintenance...................... 200
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 12,000
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 227,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 323,200
Electricity...................................... 6,000
Water............................................ 2,000
Pharmaceutical Services.......................... 7,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,900
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,500
Computer Software................................ 1,200
For providing Meals at ICRE-Wood and
ICRE-Roosevelt............................... 194,985
For In-State Travel................................ 2,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,200
Educational and Instructional Supplies............. 600
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 6,500
Food Supplies.................................... 3,000
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 19,800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,000
For Printing....................................... 2,700
For Equipment..................................... 33,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 70,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 21,400
Total $5,075,185
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Secondary Transitional Experience Program..... 60,000
Section 240. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 14,512,900
For Personal Services related to
Food Services................................... 51,528
For Personal Services related to
Forensic Programming........................... 138,325
For Personal Services related to
Maintaining Medical Records..................... 81,144 For Personal Services related to
Psycho/Social Programs......................... 125,235
For Personal Services for the
Hospital Administrator.......................... 95,760
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 3,158,380
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,147,874
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 17,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 499,900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 29,400
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 75,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 30,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 9,700
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,030,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 91,300
Gas............................................ 244,000
Electricity.................................... 508,900
Water........................................... 14,300
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 12,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 13,300
Computer Software............................... 23,500
Accreditation Services.......................... 11,800
For contracts related to
Hiring temporary staff......................... 8,343
For In-State Travel................................ 5,650
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 10,900
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 3,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 25,100
Food Supplies.................................. 291,100
Household and Cleaning Supplies................. 78,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 700
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 11,900
For Printing....................................... 3,850
For Equipment..................................... 47,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 177,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 23,300
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 11,400
Total $22,624,389
Section 245. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 53,319,000
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director.............................. 121,116
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................ 11,248,610
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 4,088,169
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 37,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 445,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment....................... 8,800
In-House Repair & Maintenance.................. 479,600
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 109,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 4,600
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 675,700
Institutional Burial Services................... 23,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 159,900
Gas.......................................... 1,591,000
Electricity.................................. 1,017,100
Water.......................................... 106,900
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 90,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 22,700
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 100
Computer Software.................................. 700
Vocational Training............................. 25,000
For In-State Travel................................ 3,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 76,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies.......... 22,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 108,500
Food Supplies................................ 1,611,400
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 908,900
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 98,800
For Printing...................................... 16,050
For Equipment.................................... 129,825
For Telecommunications Services.................. 159,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 91,200
Total $78,800,970
Section 250. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................. 156,805,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................ 33,006,074
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................. 11,995,651
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................ 519,100
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 378,800
Rental of Office Equipment................... 1,299,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 28,600
Postage and Postal Charges................... 4,531,400
Computer Software................................ 7,800
For contract related to the
Link II Project........................... 15,135,600
For contracts related to a geographic
Analysis and caseload support................. 81,662
For contracts related to
Hiring Temporary Staff........................ 43,787
For In-State Travel.............................. 403,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies........................ 200
For Equipment.................................... 514,250
For Telecommunications Services................ 2,992,600
For TANF Reauthorization Infrastructure........ 3,000,000
Total $230,744,224
Payable from the Special Purposes Trust Fund:
For Operation of Federal Employment Programs:
Personal Services.............................. 856,800
Retirement..................................... 141,900
Social Security................................. 65,500
Group Insurance................................ 328,500
Contractual Services............................. 7,200
Grants....................................... 6,446,900
Total $7,846,800
Section 260. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 138,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 29,111
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 10,580
For Contractual Services.......................... 51,100
For In-State Travel................................ 3,250
For Equipment......................................... 50
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,500
Total $234,891
Section 270. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,951,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 410,834
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 149,313
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 44,200
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 15,200
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 100
For contracts related to
Hiring temporary staff........................ 11,960
For In-State Travel............................... 61,650
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 14,800
For Equipment..................................... 16,250
For Telecommunications Services................... 43,200
For Expenses for the Development and
Implementation of Cornerstone:
Personal Services.............................. 163,900
Retirement...................................... 27,100
Social Security................................. 12,500
Contractual Services........................... 148,700
Equipment....................................... 78,500
Telecommunications.............................. 89,000
Grants......................................... 188,700
Total $3,427,707
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For Expenses Related to Public Health Programs:
Personal Services.............................. 470,900
Retirement...................................... 78,000
Social Security................................. 36,000 Group Insurance.......................................... 127,200
Contractual Services........................... 322,250
Travel.......................................... 44,950
Telecommunications............................... 7,500
Total $1,086,800
Payable from the DHS State Projects Fund:
For Operational Expenses for Public Health Programs:
Personal Services.............................. 254,500
Retirement...................................... 42,100
Social Security................................. 19,500
Group Insurance................................. 47,700
Total $363,800
Payable from the USDA Women, Infants
and Children Fund:
For Operational Expenses Associated
with Support of the USDA Women,
Infants and Children Program:
Personal Services............................ 2,815,100
Retirement..................................... 466,200
Social Security................................ 215,300
Group Insurance................................ 731,400
Contractual Services........................... 660,500
Travel......................................... 127,000
Operation of Auto............................... 14,000
Telecommunications.............................. 71,000
Refunds...................................... 5,592,700
Total $10,680,600
Section 280. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 120,700
For Retirement Contributions...................... 25,405
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 9,234
Total $15,339
Section 290. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 11,928,100
For Personal Services related to
Physical Therapy................................ 73,600
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 64,635
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,539,843
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 923,075
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,400
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 10,500
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property...................................... 44,200
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment...................... 23,200
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 77,600
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 17,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 4,200
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 239,200
Institutional Burial Services.................... 4,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 168,100
Gas............................................ 279,900
Electricity.................................... 178,200
Water........................................... 20,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 34,900
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,700
Computer Software................................ 4,200
For In-State Travel................................ 2,450
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,800
Educational and Instructional Supplies............. 100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 166,200
Food Supplies.................................. 352,200
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 247,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,300
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 4,000
For Printing....................................... 4,200
For Equipment..................................... 24,825
For Telecommunications Services................... 34,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 14,100
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program...... 1,000
Total $17,500,028
Section 300. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 29,918,000
For Personal Services for the
Facility Director............................... 93,252
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 6,317,068
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,295,861
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 73,400
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment........................................ 500
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 250,900
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
And Mechanical Equipment....................... 3,000
In-House Repair & Maintenance................... 99,500
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 47,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 12,400
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 515,900
Institutional Burial Services...................... 700
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 700,500
Gas............................................ 307,000
Electricity.................................... 434,400
Water.......................................... 255,000
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 97,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 12,300
Computer Software................................ 4,800
For In-State Travel................................ 1,750
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 31,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies........... 1,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 72,000
Food Supplies................................... 59,500
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 299,300
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 43,600
For Printing....................................... 4,500
For Equipment..................................... 72,675
For Telecommunications Services.................. 138,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 25,750
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 24,700
Total $42,212,256
Section 305. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 37,273,600
For Personal Services related to
Dietary Services............................... 107,105
For Personal Services related to
Physical Therapy................................ 61,872
For Personal Services for the
Facility director............................... 83,136
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 7,898,787
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 2,870,717
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll............................. 35,700
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture or
Equipment..................................... 71,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real
Property..................................... 178,400
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 30,000
In-House Repair & Maintenance.................. 433,200
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 48,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 20,900
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 785,400
Institutional Burial Services.................... 1,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 346,700
Electricity.................................. 1,159,200
Water.......................................... 737,700
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 83,900
Pharmaceutical Services.......................... 5,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 13,600
Computer Software................................ 2,400
For contracts related to
Hiring temporary staff......................... 5,000
For In-State Travel................................ 7,050
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 96,000
Educational and Instructional Supplies............. 600
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 116,500
Food Supplies.................................... 8,600
Household and Cleaning Supplies................ 343,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 3,100
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 85,300
For Printing....................................... 9,100
For Equipment..................................... 60,975
For Telecommunications Services.................. 154,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 123,700
For Expenses Related to Living Skills Program..... 11,100
Total 53,277,542
Section 310. The amount of $8,589,600 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for expenses related to the hiring of 175 additional frontline staff in the Division of Human Capital Development local offices and 200 additional frontline staff in state operated facilities over the levels appropriated in this Article.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Rights to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 107,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 22,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 8,300
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,200
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 2,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 59,700
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 1,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 600
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 300
For In-State Travel............................... 10,700
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 11,300
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze.................... 2,000
Total $262,300
Section 7. The sum of $155,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Rights for the purpose of funding expenses associated with the Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes as provided in Public Act 95-0425.
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Rights to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,512,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 739,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 268,700
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 5,600
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 5,000
Hospital and Medical Services...................... 400
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
For In-State Travel............................... 22,400
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 10,100
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 25,000
Total $4,596,000
Payable from Special Projects Division Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,680,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 353,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 128,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 414,000
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 800
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 200
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 4,500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,200
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,300
For In-State Travel............................... 23,600
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies...................... 3,300
For Printing....................................... 6,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,500
Total $2,623,700
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Rights for expenses relating to the investigation and processing of human rights cases in the following ways for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 833,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 175,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 63,800
For In-State Travel............................... 62,400
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,000
For Printing...................................... 22,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,500
Total $1,182,500
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Rights to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 111,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 23,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 8,500
For In-State Travel............................... 11,800
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies...................... 1,500
For Printing......................................... 500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,500
Total $159,000
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Human Rights Commission to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 447,700
For Salaries of Administrative Law Judges........ 636,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 228,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 83,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 12,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 8,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 20,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 11,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 70,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,200
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 12,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,000
For Printing....................................... 7,000
For Equipment:
Library Books.................................... 6,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 7,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,000
Total $1,572,200
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 79,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 16,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 6,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,000
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 200
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,200
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 300
For In-State Travel............................... 37,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 3,800
For Printing......................................... 800
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze...................... 400
Total $174,500
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Expenses Associated with
Support of Federally Funded Public
Health Programs................................. 300,000
For Operational Expenses to Support
Refugee Health Care............................. 514,000
Total, Public Health Services Fund $814,000
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Expenses of Public Health Programs........... 750,000
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,066,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 645,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 234,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage................... 110,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 20,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 2,000
Facilities Management Revolving
Fund Payments............................... 3,680,000
Auditing and Management Services................ 28,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 394,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
For In-State Travel............................... 58,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 76,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,000
For Printing...................................... 83,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 138,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 12,900
Total $8,552,700
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Group Insurance............................... 41,000
For Contractual Services:
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 70,000
Auditing and Management Services................ 25,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 60,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 5,000
For In-State Travel............................... 10,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,400
For Printing......................................... 500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 200,000
Total $416,700
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 388,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 81,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 29,700
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 8,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 2,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 30,000
For In-State Travel................................ 4,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,200
For Printing....................................... 8,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 266,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,900
For Expenses for Public Health
Prevention Systems.............................. 242,000
For Expenses Associated with the Childhood
Immunization Program............................ 234,000
Total $1,322,100
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Expenses Associated
with Support of Federally
Funded Public Health Programs................. 1,250,000
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Expenses of EPSDT and other
Public Health programs.......................... 150,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 501,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 105,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 38,300
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 21,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 1,700
For Telecommunications Services................... 14,800
For expenses of the Adverse Pregnancy
Outcomes Reporting Systems (APORS)
Program......................................... 378,600
For operating expenses of the Center
for Rural Health................................ 461,700
Total $1,524,900
Payable from Rural/Downstate Health Access Fund:
For expenses associated with the Rural/
Downstate Health Access Program................. 100,000
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For expenses related to Epidemiological
Health Outcomes Investigations and
Database Development.......................... 4,130,000
For expenses for Rural Health Center to
expand the availability of Primary
Health Care................................... 2,000,000
Total $6,130,000
Payable from Community Health Center Care Fund:
For expenses for access to Primary Health
Care Services Program per Family Practice
Residency Act................................. 1,000,000
Payable from Illinois Health Facilities Planning Fund:
For expenses, including refunds, for
Health Facilities Planning Board.............. 1,110,400
Payable from the Long Term Care Provider Fund:
For Expenses of Identified Offenders
Assessment and other public health and
safety activities............................. 2,000,000
Payable from the Regulatory Evaluation and Basic
Enforcement Fund:
For Expenses of the Alternative Health Care
Delivery Systems Program......................... 75,000
Payable from Public Health Special State Projects Fund:
For expenses associated with Health
Outcomes Investigations and
other public health programs.................... 750,000
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 390,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 82,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 29,900
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services................ 800
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 500
For In-State Travel............................... 43,200
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training........................... 1,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,100
For Printing....................................... 1,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 13,800
For Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze.................... 300
For Expenses of the Prostate Cancer
Awareness and Screening Program................. 297,000
For Expenses Associated with Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program............ 250,000
Total $1,116,000
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 588,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 123,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 45,000
For Group Insurance.............................. 381,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 10,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 95,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 140,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 3,000
For In-State Travel............................... 95,300
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training........................... 5,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 9,800
For Printing...................................... 22,000
For Equipment:
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............. 6,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 32,500
Total $1,566,700
Payable from the Maternal and Child
Health Services Block Grant Fund:
For Operational Expenses of Maternal and
Child Health Programs........................... 440,000
Payable from the Preventive Health
and Health Services Block Grant Fund:
For Expenses of Preventive Health and
Health Services Programs...................... 1,226,800
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Expenses for Public Health Programs........ 1,000,000
Payable from the Metabolic Screening
and Treatment Fund:
For Operational Expenses for Metabolic
Screening Follow-up Services.................. 3,144,700
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 11,583,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,438,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 886,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 12,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 6,500
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 9,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 1,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 1,500
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 30,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,100
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 800
For In-State Travel.............................. 800,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 10,100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 100
For Printing....................................... 3,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 62,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze.................... 1,300
For Expenses of the Assisted Living
and Shared Housing Program...................... 241,800
Total $16,091,700
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,356,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,127,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 409,800
For Group Insurance............................ 1,400,000
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 30,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 25,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 140,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 10,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 30,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 969,400
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training.......................... 20,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,800
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 25,000
For Expenses of Monitoring in Long Term
Care Facilities............................... 1,750,000
Total $11,318,400
Payable from the Long Term Care
Monitor/Receiver Fund:
For Expenses, Including Refunds,
Related to Appointment of Long Term Care
Monitors and Receivers........................ 2,400,000
Payable from the Home Care Services Agency
Licensure Fund:
For expenses of Home Care Services
Agency Licensure................................ 500,000
Payable from the End Stage Renal Disease
Facility Licensing Fund:
For expenses of the End Stage Renal Disease
Facility Licensing Program...................... 385,000
Payable from the Regulatory Evaluation
and Basic Enforcement Fund:
For Expenses of the Alternative Health
Care Delivery Systems Program................... 75,000
Payable from the Health Facility Plan
Review Fund:
For Expenses of Health Facility
Plan Review Program and Hospital
Network System, including refunds............ 2,000,000
Payable from the Hospice Fund:
For Grants for hospice services as
defined in the Hospice Program
Licensing Act.................................... 25,000
Payable from Assisted Living and Shared
Housing Regulatory Fund:
For operational expenses of the
Assisted Living and Shared
Housing Program, pursuant to
Public Act 91-0656............................. 225,000
Payable from the Public Health Special State
Projects Fund:
For Health Care Facility Regulation.............. 250,000
Payable from Innovations in Long Term Care Quality
Demonstration Grants Fund:
For demonstration grants for nursing homes..... 2,500,000
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,712,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 781,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 284,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 30,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 200
For In-State Travel.............................. 213,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 11,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 900
For Printing....................................... 4,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 40,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze.................... 4,100
For Expenses Incurred for the Rapid
Investigation and Control of
Disease or Injury............................... 586,200
For Expenses of Environmental Health
Surveillance and Prevention
Activities, Including Mercury
Hazards and West Nile Virus..................... 496,300
For Expenses for Expanded Lab Capacity
and Enhanced Statewide Communication
Capabilities Associated with
Homeland Security............................... 521,200
For expenses associated with implementing
an integrated pest management program........... 193,000
For expenses to support implementation
of Bio-Monitoring............................... 250,000
For Deposit into the Lead Poisoning
Screening, Prevention, and
Abatement Fund................................ 1,672,000
Total $8,808,200
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,311,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 486,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 176,800
For Group Insurance............................ 1,007,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 80,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............ 150,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 606,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 110,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 3,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 7,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 10,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 306,500
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training........................... 7,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 16,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 171,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 19,100
For Printing...................................... 35,400
For Equipment:
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus........... 413,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 143,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze.................... 7,600
For Expenses of Implementing Federal
Awards, Including Services Performed
by Local Health Providers..................... 4,925,700
For Expenses Related to the Summer Food
Inspection Program............................... 45,000
Total $11,040,700
Payable from the Food and Drug Safety Fund:
For Expenses of Administering
the Food and Drug Safety
Program, including Refunds................... 1,400,000
Payable from the Safe Bottled Water Fund:
For Expenses for the Safe Bottled
Water Program.................................... 75,000
Payable from the Facility Licensing Fund:
For Expenses, including Refunds, of
Environmental Health Programs.................. 659,900
Payable from the Illinois School Asbestos
Abatement Fund:
For Expenses, Including Refunds, of
Administering and Executing
the Asbestos Abatement Act and
the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency
Response Act of 1986 (AHERA)................... 952,500
Payable from the Emergency Public Health Fund:
For expenses of mosquito abatement in an
effort to curb the spread of West
Nile Virus.................................... 3,413,600
Payable from the Public Health Water Permit Fund:
For Expenses, Including Refunds,
of Administering the Groundwater
Protection Act................................. 200,000
Payable from the Used Tire Management Fund:
For Expenses of Vector Control Programs,
including Mosquito Abatement................... 500,000
Payable from the Lead Poisoning Screening,
Prevention, and Abatement Fund:
For Expenses of the Lead Poisoning
Screening, and Prevention Program,
including Refunds............................ 2,283,100
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Expenses of Conducting EPSDT
and other Health Protection Programs.......... 1,700,000
Section 75. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for expenses of programs related to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV):
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 183,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 38,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 14,000
For In-State Travel............................... 11,400
For Expenses of an AIDS Hotline.................. 355,000
Total $601,900
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Expenses of Programs for Prevention
of AIDS/HIV.................................. 4,651,600
For Expenses for Surveillance Programs and
Seroprevalence Studies of AIDS/HIV............ 1,500,000
For Expenses Associated with the
Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS
Resource Emergency Act of
1990 (CARE) and other AIDS/HIV services...... 44,100,000
Total $50,251,600
Section 80. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 844,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 177,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 64,600
Total $1,087,100
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 266,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 56,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 20,400
Total $342,800
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,506,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 317,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 115,200
Total $1,938,400
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 40,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund
Payments...................................... 610,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 10,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,200
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 23,600
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training........................... 1,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 301,600
Wearing Apparel.................................. 1,600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies........... 500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,100
For Printing....................................... 8,800
For Equipment:
Machinery, Implements and Tools.................... 100
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............. 1,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 29,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze...................... 900
For Expenses of Increasing and
Maintaining Laboratory Capacity for
the Rapid Response to Outbreaks or
Incidence of Infectious Diseases
or Injury....................................... 112,300
For Operational Expenses to Provide
Clinical and Environmental Public
Health Laboratory Services.................... 3,824,400
Total, General Revenue Fund $4,977,100
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 225,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 47,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 17,500
For Group Insurance............................... 65,000
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 10,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 30,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 4,000
For In-State Travel................................ 6,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 13,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 283,400
Wearing Apparel.................................. 1,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 2,800
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................... 500
For Printing....................................... 5,000
For Equipment:
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............ 86,300
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,500
Total, Public Health Services Fund $801,900
Payable from the Public Health Laboratory
Services Revolving Fund:
For Expenses, Including
Refunds, to Administer Public
Health Laboratory Programs and
Services...................................... 3,000,000
Payable from the Lead Poisoning
Screening, Prevention, and Abatement Fund:
For Expenses, Including
Refunds, of Lead Poisoning Screening,
Prevention and Abatement Program............. 1,347,100
Payable from the Public Health Special State
Projects Fund:
For operational expenses of regional and
central office facilities..................... 1,900,000
Payable from the Metabolic Screening
and Treatment Fund:
For Expenses, Including
Refunds, of Testing and Screening
for Metabolic Diseases....................... 5,379,100
Section 85. The following named amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For In-State Travel............................... 18,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,300
For Printing....................................... 7,400
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,700
For Operational Expenses for Breast and
Cervical Cancer Screenings and other
Related Activities............................ 1,050,000
For Expenses of the Women's Health
Promotion Programs.............................. 927,700
For Operational Expenses of State-
wide Women's Healthline.......................... 86,400
For Operational Expenses for Educational
Programs to Reduce Breast Cancer................. 25,100
For Deposit into the Penny Severns
Breast and Cervical Cancer Research
Fund............................................ 200,000
Total $2,322,900
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 139,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 29,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 10,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 119,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 5,500
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 50,000
Auditing and Management Services............... 150,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 10,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 3,000
For In-State Travel............................... 22,600
For Out-of-State Travel for federally required
education and training........................... 4,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,300
For Printing...................................... 17,300
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,000
For Expenses of Federally Funded Women's
Health Program................................ 2,600,000
Total $3,179,100
Payable from the Public Health Special
State Projects Fund:
For Expenses of Women's Health Programs......... 200,000
Section 95. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Public Health for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 247,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 52,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 18,900
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 4,000
For In-State Travel............................... 28,600
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,300
Total $356,600
Payable from Fire Prevention Fund:
For Expenses of EMS Testing...................... 400,000
For Expenses of EMS staffing and
Program Activities............................ 1,023,000
Total $1,423,000
Payable from the Public Health Services Fund:
For Expenses of Federally Funded
Bioterrorism Preparedness
Activities and other Public Health
Emergency Preparedness....................... 61,000,000
Payable from the Heartsaver AED Fund:
For expenses associated with the
Heartsaver AED Program.......................... 125,000
Payable from the Trauma Center Fund:
For Expenses of Administering the
Distribution of Payments to
Trauma Centers................................ 6,000,000
Payable from the EMS Assistance Fund:
For Expenses of Administering the
Distribution of Payments from the
EMS Assistance Fund, Including Refunds.......... 300,000
Payable from the Federal Civil Preparedness
Administrative Fund:
For Costs Associated with Illinois
Terrorism Task Force Approved
Purchases for Homeland Security............... 2,100,000
Payable from the Public Health Special
Projects Fund:
For all costs associated with Public
Health preparedness including first-
aid stations and anti-viral purchases........... 450,000
Section 100. The amount of $2,699,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Public Health from the General Revenue Fund for costs and expenses related to or in support of the Shared Services Center.
Section 105. The amount of $180,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Public Health for expenses related to the hiring of 14 additional frontline staff over the levels appropriated in this Article.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,112,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 234,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 85,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 11,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 25,200
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,500
Legal Fees....................................... 1,700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 10,000
For In-State Travel............................... 48,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 5,000
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Equipment:
Library Books.................................... 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 268,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 40,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 21,300
Total $1,892,100
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,469,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 730,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 265,400
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 8,200
Legal Fees...................................... 10,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 45,800
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,700
For In-State Travel............................... 78,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 12,700
For Printing...................................... 11,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 68,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 36,000
Total $4,738,100
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,170,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 246,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 89,600
Total $1,507,000
Payable from Anna Veterans Home Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 933,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 196,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 71,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 42,000
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 2,000
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 19,800
Auditing and Management Services................. 5,000
Legal Fees......................................... 700
Hospital and Medical Services................... 66,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 97,000
Electricity..................................... 88,000
Water............................................ 8,900
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified.............. 5,300
Pharmaceutical Services........................ 198,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 300
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 1,500
For In-State Travel............................... 12,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies..... 70,800
Food Supplies.................................. 142,100
Wearing Apparel.................................. 3,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies........ 44,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 3,600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 4,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment:
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............. 5,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 1,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 8,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 10,300
Total $1,116,500
Section 75. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 16,835,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 3,543,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,287,900
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Total $21,672,500
Payable from Quincy Veterans Home Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 6,507,400
For Member Compensation........................... 25,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,369,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 497,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,200
Repair and Maintenance Real Property........... 350,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 7,500
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 16,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 15,000
Legal Fees...................................... 10,000
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 523,100
Institutional Burial Services.................... 1,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 597,000
Gas............................................. 21,200
Electricity.................................... 457,900
Water.......................................... 145,300
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............ 133,300
Fire Protection Services....................... 100,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 3,000
Subscription and Information Services........... 11,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 15,000
For In-State Travel................................ 7,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 55,000
Mechanical Supplies............................. 19,900
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride and Road
Use Abrasives.................................. 2,000
Coal and Coke.................................. 315,700
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 2,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.. 1,760,600
Food Supplies................................ 1,516,200
Wearing Apparel................................. 39,900
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies....... 378,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 8,500
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 69,400
For Printing...................................... 11,900
For Equipment:
Machinery, Implements and Tools................. 30,000
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............ 34,000
Library Books.................................... 5,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 42,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 36,500
Total $8,633,500
Section 85. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,842,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees for the addition of beds........... 1,644,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 1,154,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 419,700
Total $7,061,500
Payable from LaSalle Veterans Home Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,630,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 343,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 124,700
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 132,800
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,000
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 28,200
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,600
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 155,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 253,200
Gas............................................ 140,000
Electricity.................................... 170,200
Water........................................... 16,900
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 11,900
Pharmaceutical Services........................ 609,800
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,500
For In-State Travel................................ 8,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 8,300
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 5,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.... 184,500
Food Supplies.................................. 358,100
Wearing Apparel................................. 12,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies....... 133,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 5,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 15,000
For Printing....................................... 4,600
For Equipment:
Machinery, Implements and Tools.................. 5,000
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............ 29,400
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 2,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 13,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 10,900
Total $4,436,100
Section 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 11,971,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,519,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 915,800
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Total $15,412,100
Payable from Manteno Veterans Home Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,254,000
For Member Compensation............................ 5,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 474,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 172,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 98,400
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 7,700
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 600
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 1,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 4,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 8,800
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,300
Legal Fees....................................... 1,600
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 364,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 341,200
Gas............................................ 396,300
Electricity.................................... 453,000
Water........................................... 41,100
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 30,200
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,700
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
For In-State Travel................................ 5,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 23,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 1,200
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride and Road
Use Abrasives................................. 17,500
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 1,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies.. 1,325,900
Wearing Apparel................................. 15,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies....... 143,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 16,600
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................ 22,400
For Printing....................................... 9,800
For Equipment:
Machinery, Implements and Tools................. 35,000
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus............ 32,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 10,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 37,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 44,600
Total $6,405,800
Section 105. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for costs associated with the operation of a program for homeless veterans at the Illinois Veterans’ Home at Manteno for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 311,600 For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 65,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 23,800
Total $401,000
Section 110. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the GI Education Fund to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 502,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 105,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 38,400
For Group Insurance.............................. 139,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 200
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,600
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
For In-State Travel............................... 77,900
For Out-of-State Travel for training............... 8,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 2,700
For Printing...................................... 13,800
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 29,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 23,300
Total $963,600
Section 115. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Veterans’ Affairs Federal Projects Fund to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for operating and administrative costs associated with the Troops to Teachers Program.
Section 120. The amount of $382,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for expenses related to the hiring of 40 additional frontline staff over the levels appropriated in this Article.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 3,587,346
For Retirement Contributions..................... 755,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 274,400
For Contractual Services for:
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 70,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 35,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 7,000
For Printing....................................... 1,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 115,650
For Attorney General Representation
On Child Welfare Litigation Issues............. 574,100
Total $5,420,627
For expenditures for private funds for
Child Welfare Improvements..................... 360,000
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 306,436
For Retirement Contributions...................... 64,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 23,442
For Contractual Services
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,100
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 2,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,500
For In-State Travel............................... 11,700
For Printing......................................... 200
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,500
Total $437,878
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................ 4,434,600
For Retirement Contributions...................... 933,440
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 339,250
For Contractual Services
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 107,000
For Printing......................................... 200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 7,000
Total $5,842,490
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 366,700
For Retirement Contributions...................... 77,190
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 28,052
For In-State Travel.............................. 163,000
For Printing....................................... 3,400
For Telecommunications Services................... 10,500
Total $648,842
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 67,794,100
For Retirement Contributions.................. 14,269,980
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 5,186,248
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 22,500
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 4,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 8,000
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 2,000
Legal Fees...................................... 64,000
Hospital and Medical Services................... 15,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 175,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 500
Travel, Non-State Employees..................... 20,000
For In-State Travel............................ 3,962,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Lab Supplies............. 3,800
For Printing..................................... 210,500
For Equipment:
Scientific Equipment and Apparatus............ 18,500
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,661,500
Total $93,418,128
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 51,287,600
For Retirement Contributions.................. 10,795,526
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 3,923,500
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 2,500
Hospital and Medical Services................... 12,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 55,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 500
For In-State Travel............................ 1,529,000
For Commodities for:
Food Supplies...................................... 100
For Printing....................................... 2,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 247,200
For Child Death Review Teams..................... 120,000
Total $67,975,328
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,415,695
For Retirement Contributions..................... 508,480
For State Contributions to
Social Security, for Medicare.................. 184,800
For Contractual Services
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 4,000
Film and Audio Visuals............................. 100
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 275,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 750
For In-State Travel............................... 92,500
For Printing..................................... 140,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 616,500
For Title IV-E Reimbursement
Enhancement.................................. 4,128,800
For AFCARS/SACWIS Information
System...................................... 20,370,400
Total $28,737,025
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,939,400
For Retirement Contributions..................... 408,224
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 148,364
For Contractual Services
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 6,000
For In-State Travel.............................. 100,000
For Commodities:
Food Supplies...................................... 100
For Printing......................................... 400
For Equipment for training materials and Exhibits.... 500
Total $2,602,988
Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,960,166
For Retirement Contributions..................... 623,085
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 226,452
For Contractual Services
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 40,000
Hospital and Medical Services................... 50,000
For In-State Travel............................... 47,500
For Printing......................................... 500
Total $3,947,703
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Children and Family Services to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 15,370,179
For Retirement Contributions................... 3,237,728
For State Contributions to
Social Security.............................. 1,175,818
For Contractual Services
Medical Consultant Fees.......................... 4,000
For In-State Travel............................... 43,000
Total $19,830,725
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission for the purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.. 5,645,500
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System................... 1,188,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 431,900
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 100
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payments.. 197,200
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 25,100
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,500
Subscription and Information Services............ 2,220
For In-State Travel.............................. 175,000
For Printing...................................... 13,000
For Equipment..................................... 26,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 22,750
For Telecommunications Services.................. 138,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 15,000
Total $7,888,370
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.... 327,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 68,935
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 25,054
For In-State Travel............................... 20,500
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Equipment...................................... 8,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 11,250
Total $465,239
Section 10. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Interpreters for the Deaf Fund to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission for administration and enforcement of the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Council on Developmental Disabilities Federal Fund to the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 146,600
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 150,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 62,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 22,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 222,600
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 3,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 25,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 6,000
For In-State Travel............................... 16,500
For Printing...................................... 25,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,500
Total $714,800
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State Appellate Defender to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.. 9,786,866
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................. 2,060,037
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 748,695
For Contractual Services relating to
postage and postal charges...................... 41,500
For In-State Travel............................... 86,100
For Printing...................................... 36,100
For Electronic Data Processing................... 341,713
For Telecommunications Services................... 77,378
For Law Student Program........................... 74,527
Total $13,252,916
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State Appellate Defender to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses of the Post Conviction Unit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.... 549,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 115,601
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 42,041
For Contractual Services relating to
postage and postal charges....................... 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 15,000
For Printing....................................... 3,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 10,275
For Telecommunications Services.................... 8,450
Total $744,567
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts, as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named, are appropriated to the Office of the State Appellate Defender for expenses related to federally assisted programs to work on systemic sentencing issues appeals cases to which the agency is appointed:
Payable from State Appellate Defender
Federal Trust Fund............................. 200,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund
For Matching Funds.............................. 63,176
Total $263,176
Section 20. The following named amount of $2,883,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Litigation Trust Fund to the Office of the State Appellate Defender for expenses incurred in providing assistance to trial attorneys under item (c) (5) of Section 10 of the State Appellate Defender Act.
Section 25. The following named amount, $231,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State Appellate Defender for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Expungement Program.
Section 30. The sum of $3,716, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Appellate Defender for deposit into the State Appellate Defender Federal Trust Fund.
Section 35. The sum of $3,716, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Appellate Defender Federal Trust Fund for a refund to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue for
Collective Bargaining Unit................. 4,130,021
For State’s Employee’s Retirement Pick-up:
Payable from General Revenue Fund for
Collective Bargaining Unit................... 165,200
For State’s Employee’s Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund for
Collective Bargaining Unit................... 869,327
For State Contributions to Social Security
Payable from the General Revenue Fund for
Collective Bargaining Unit................... 315,946
For County Reimbursement to State
For Group Insurance:
Payable from the State’s Attorney Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund .................... 198,750
For Contractual Services
Payable from General Revenue Fund for:
Payroll Employees............................... 40,200
Gas.............................................. 9,100
Electricity..................................... 30,800
Water............................................ 3,200
For Contractual Services
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor County Fund for:
Payroll Employees............................... 17,000
Gas.............................................. 2,000
Electricity...................................... 4,000
Water.............................................. 500
For Contractual Services for
Rental of Real Property
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 235,000
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund......................... 136,000
For In-State Travel
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 31,000
Payable from the State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund.......................... 11,000
For Printing
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 7,500
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund......................... 5,000
For Telecommunications
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 12,500
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund 17,050
For Law Intern Program
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 40,000 Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................ 13,700
For Continuing Legal Education
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 125,000 Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund 75,000
Illinois Public Labor Relations Act:
For Personal Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................ 101,000
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................ 51,500
For State Contribution to the
State’s Employee’s Retirement System Pick Up:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 4,040
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund......................... 2,060
For State’s Employee’s Retirement System:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 21,259
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................ 10,840
For Contribution to Social Security:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................. 7,726
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund......................... 3,939
For County Reimbursement to State for Group Insurance:
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................ 15,900
For Contractual Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 6,666
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund....................... 169,200
For Travel:
Payable from General Revenue Fund...................... 666
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................... 800
For Commodities:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 1,000
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................... 600
For Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 4,666
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund......................... 1,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from General Revenue Fund.................... 1,000
Payable from State’s Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor’s County Fund........................... 800
For Expenses Pursuant to Drug Asset Forfeiture
Procedure Act:
Payable from Narcotics Profit Forfeiture
Fund........................................... 675,000
For Expenses Pursuant to P.A. 84-1340, which
requires the Office of the State’s
Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor to conduct
training programs for Illinois State’s
Attorneys, Assistant State’s Attorneys
and Law Enforcement Officers on techniques
and methods of eliminating or
reducing the trauma of testifying in
criminal proceedings for children
who serve as witnesses in such
proceedings; and other authorized
criminal justice training programs:
Payable from General Revenue Fund................. 60,000
For expenses Related to federally
assisted Programs to assist local
State’s Attorneys including special
appeals, drug related cases and
cases arising under the Narcotics
Profit Forfeiture Act on the request
of the State’s Attorney:
Payable from Special Federal Grant
Project Fund................................. 1,000,000
For Local Matching Purposes:
Payable from General Revenue
Fund............................................ 75,000
For Expenses Pursuant to the Capital
Crimes Litigation Act:
Payable from the Capital Litigation
Trust Fund..................................... 300,000
For Appropriation to the State Treasurer for
Expenses Incurred by State’s Attorneys
Other than Cook County:
Payable from the Capital Litigation
Trust Fund..................................... 500,000
Total $9,509,456
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the following divisions of the Department of Corrections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 8,765,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,845,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 670,500
For Contractual Services
Contractual Payroll Employees................... 18,500
Contractual Expenses Reimbursement to
State Employees................................... 300
Communications Consolidation Payments.......... 112,200
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 28,400
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 28,800
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 37,200
Rental, Real Property........................ 3,226,100
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment. 1,127,000
Auditing and Management Services................. 2,100
Legal Fees................................... 1,047,000
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 120,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 214,300
Gas............................................ 137,400
Electricity.................................... 202,100
Water............................................ 9,300
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............. 10,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 45,600
Travel-Contractual Employees..................... 1,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 70,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 10,500
For Travel....................................... 132,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 44,500
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 400
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 300
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 6,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 500
For Printing....................................... 2,400
For Equipment.................................... 718,400
For Electronic Data Processing................. 6,516,300
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,989,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 365,200
For Tort Claims.................................. 816,000
Total $28,322,400
Section 10. The amount of $9,656,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Corrections from the General Revenue Fund for expenses related to Statewide hospitalization services.
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Corrections:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 13,880,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 15,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,921,800
For State Contributions to Teachers'
Retirement System................................. 4,500
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,061,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 33,500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 26,400
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 1,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................... 1,000
Rental, Office Equipment....................... 132,400
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified........................ 4,363,800
Computer Software............................... 32,100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 1,000
For Travel......................................... 5,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 54,000
Educational and Instructional Material
and Supplies.................................. 119,200
Industrial and Shop Materials.................... 2,600
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 100
Food Supplies.................................... 7,100
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 1,900
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 5,300
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................... 600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 400
For Printing...................................... 46,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 60,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 15,900
Total $22,796,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 50,609,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 85,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 10,652,800
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 3,871,600
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll Employees.................. 368,200
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 11,900
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 12,600
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 10,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................... 6,300
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 87,800
Rental, Real Property........................ 1,941,600
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified....................... 26,495,900
Hospital and Medical Services................... 10,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 74,500
Gas............................................. 99,600
Electricity.................................... 260,600
Water........................................... 44,000
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............. 17,700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 42,000
Travel-Contractual Employees.................... 30,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Computer Software.................................. 300
For Travel In-State............................... 60,300
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 41,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 65,000
Educational and Instructional Material
and Supplies.................................... 1,100
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 100
Food Supplies................................... 54,700
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 2,800
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 2,600
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 4,000
For Printing...................................... 28,000
For Equipment..................................... 26,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 6,939,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................ 5,335,000
Total $107,293,200
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Corrections from the General Revenue Fund for:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 17,452,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 330,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,673,500
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,335,100
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll Employees.................. 228,000
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 4,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 98,200
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 11,600
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 3,200
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 80,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 32,600
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 3,200
Rental, not elsewhere classified................. 3,400
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 243,100
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,727,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 77,600
Gas............................................ 210,600
Electricity.................................... 513,100
Water.......................................... 123,400
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 263,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 600
Travel, Non-State Employees........................ 100
For Travel In-State............................... 14,300
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................ 31,000
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 24,800
Mechanical Supplies................................ 300
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 2,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 200
Food Supplies................................ 1,368,500
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 4,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 30,600
For Printing...................................... 20,900
For Equipment..................................... 31,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 93,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 150,400
Total $31,211,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 20,271,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 285,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,267,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,550,800
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll Employees................... 84,600
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 4,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 71,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 10,000
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 9,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 92,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 24,100
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 500
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.............................. 300
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,559,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 72,000
Gas.............................................. 1,200
Electricity.................................... 896,700
Water.......................................... 230,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,900
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 300
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,000
For Travel........................................... 6,700
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 33,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 15,000
Mechanical Supplies............................. 19,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 3,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 7,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,289,100
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 400
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,900
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 17,600
For Printing...................................... 19,600
For Equipment..................................... 31,600
For Telecommunications Services.................. 101,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 86,500
Total $33,086,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 18,718,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 338,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,940,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,432,000
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 3,300
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 50,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.............................. 700
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 3,100
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 80,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 27,200
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,980,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 96,500
Gas............................................ 479,100
Electricity.................................... 591,300
Water.......................................... 233,000
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 228,300
Fire Protection Services......................... 1,700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 17,400
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,400
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................... 9,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 8,400
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 6,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,499,900
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,300
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 31,600
For Printing...................................... 18,300
For Equipment..................................... 31,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 92,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 178,900
Total $32,121,600
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 12,286,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 92,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,586,200
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 939,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 3,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 16,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 1,500
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 1,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 29,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 24,100
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,100
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 331,100
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,284,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 14,900
Gas............................................ 414,000
Electricity.................................... 328,500
Water........................................... 20,800
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............. 29,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 12,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 5,800
For Travel......................................... 4,700
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 21,600
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 8,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 3,600
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 100
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 2,400
Food Supplies.................................. 355,100
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 100
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................... 300
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 2,400
For Printing....................................... 9,600
For Equipment..................................... 22,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 37,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 59,000
Total $19,951,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 31,721,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 360,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 6,677,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,426,700
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 177,500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 20,600
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 25,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 75,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 54,000
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 9,438,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 75,000
Gas.......................................... 2,208,400
Electricity.................................. 1,015,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 40,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 600
For Travel......................................... 7,000
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 15,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 31,000
Mechanical Supplies............................. 33,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment......................... 10,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 4,000
Food Supplies................................ 2,095,700
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 1,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 3,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 28,700
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 11,300
For Printing...................................... 32,800
For Equipment..................................... 44,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 160,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 383,800
Total $57,178,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 23,261,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 159,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,896,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,779,500
For Contractual Services
Contractual Payroll Employees................... 12,000
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 24,700
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 127,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 8,600
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 54,700
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 75,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 39,800
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 10,800
Rental, not elsewhere classified................. 3,400
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 926,400
Hospital and Medical Services................ 5,694,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 106,900
Gas............................................ 577,700
Electricity.................................... 477,300
Water........................................... 88,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,200
For Travel........................................ 35,900
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................... 9,600
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 31,800
Mechanical Supplies............................. 24,900
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................ 50,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 9,800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,084,600
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 500
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 6,400
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 3,200
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 23,700
For Printing...................................... 24,300
For Equipment..................................... 45,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 135,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 245,800
Total $40,072,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 15,668,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 238,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,298,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,198,700
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 15,500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 55,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 1,000
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 29,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 46,500
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 21,100
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,890,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 55,200
Gas.......................................... 1,153,900
Electricity.................................... 379,200
Water.......................................... 105,800
Utilities, Sewer and Water Services............ 268,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 14,400
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 700
For Travel........................................ 11,200
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 34,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 11,800
Mechanical Supplies............................. 16,700
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 6,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,000
Food Supplies.................................. 965,900
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,200
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 4,000
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 1,000
For Printing...................................... 10,100
For Equipment..................................... 26,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 125,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 173,400
Total $25,830,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 13,997,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 149,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,942,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,069,300
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 92,900
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 4,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 55,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 21,000
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,000
Rental, Film and Audio-Visual Aids............... 1,000
Professional and Artistic Services -
Vocational Counseling......................... 255,000
RSAT - Meth Pilot Programs.................. 5,687,000
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs 773,100
Placement – Csac.............................. 250,000
RSAT........................................... 20,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,660,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 20,700
Gas............................................ 196,300
For Travel In-State............................... 10,500
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 4,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 9,500
Mechanical Supplies................................ 100
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 7,000
Food Supplies.................................. 533,800
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,100
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 7,300
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 3,500
For Printing...................................... 11,300
For Equipment..................................... 25,900
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 66,800
Total $28,822,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 23,355,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 267,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,916,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,786,700
For Contractual Services
Communications Consolidation Payments.............. 1,700
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 12,300
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 17,100
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 29,500
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 15,300
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 67,600
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 24,800
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 600 Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 388,900
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,654,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 41,900
Gas............................................. 43,800
Electricity.................................. 1,160,500
Water.......................................... 186,200
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 202,600
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 900
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................... 6,900
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 49,300
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 2,100
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 1,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 8,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,761,000
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 1,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 700
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,000
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 500
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 18,700
For Printing...................................... 25,600
For Equipment..................................... 39,400
For Telecommunications Services................... 72,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 143,000
Total $39,313,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 21,570,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 323,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,189,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,522,600
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 2,100 Repair and Maintenance, Real Property...................... 65,200
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 4,000
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 9,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 84,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 26,400
Rental, not elsewhere classified................. 5,400
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,628,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 92,100
Gas............................................ 396,900
Electricity.................................... 622,000
Water.......................................... 424,900
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 329,200
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 23,100
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 4,400
For Travel........................................ 15,900
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 28,700
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 9,100
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 2,400 Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 2,700
Food Supplies................................ 1,606,200
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,400
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 17,800
For Printing...................................... 13,700
For Equipment..................................... 38,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 83,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 142,100
Total $36,285,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 17,658,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 302,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,717,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,350,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 5,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property............ 2,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 12,000
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 58,700
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 60,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 20,100
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,000
Rental, not elsewhere classified................. 5,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,565,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 73,700
Gas............................................ 373,200
Electricity.................................... 590,900
Water.......................................... 115,000
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 177,300
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 700
For Travel......................................... 9,000
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 27,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 15,500
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 2,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 3,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 3,500
Food Supplies................................ 1,663,100
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 500
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,500
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 16,000
For Printing...................................... 19,500
For Equipment..................................... 27,400
For Telecommunications Services................... 61,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 102,400
Total $31,062,400
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 26,613,500
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 442,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,601,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,035,900
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 45,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 92,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 3,400
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 48,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 36,500
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 100
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 188,300
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,505,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 68,000
Gas............................................ 160,200
Electricity.................................... 866,300
Water.......................................... 138,100
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............. 85,300
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 18,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 300
For Travel In-State................................ 2,400
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................... 7,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 22,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 1,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 100
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment......................... 13,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 2,700
Food Supplies................................ 1,678,200
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 800
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,400
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................... 800
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 34,000
For Printing...................................... 21,200
For Equipment..................................... 32,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 58,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 217,200
Total $40,041,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 23,174,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 299,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,878,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,772,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 4,300
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 191,500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 45,800
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified.................................... 117,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 46,800
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 500 Hospital and Medical Services.................. 5,465,800 Building and Grounds Maintenance.................. 58,400 Gas 557,700
Electricity.................................... 640,100
Water.......................................... 106,200
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 270,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 27,300
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,200
For Travel........................................ 20,700
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 46,700
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 33,300
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 4,400
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................... 200
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 6,400
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 3,200
Food Supplies................................ 2,367,800
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,400
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 29,600
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 6,400
For Printing...................................... 29,700
For Equipment..................................... 27,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 113,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 91,700
Total $40,446,300
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 12,886,200
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 219,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,712,400
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 985,800
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment.................................. 100
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property............ 8,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 59,300
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 5,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 29,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 22,300
Rental, Real Property.............................. 300
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 270,000
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,829,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 42,900
Electricity.................................... 660,700
Water.......................................... 117,400
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 165,500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,800
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 600
For Travel In-State................................ 8,800
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 12,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 10,800
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 8,900
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 1,300
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 7,100
Food Supplies.................................. 609,500
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 800
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,900
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................... 500
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 10,800
For Printing...................................... 13,100
For Equipment..................................... 22,700
For Telecommunications Services................... 97,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 126,900
Total $22,956,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 20,234,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 366,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,259,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,548,000
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment.................................. 500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 42,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 27,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 87,300
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 29,600
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 138,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,987,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 61,300
Gas............................................ 476,100
Electricity.................................... 259,100
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 269,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 29,400
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 12,000
For Travel In-State................................ 5,700
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 15,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 17,200
Mechanical Supplies............................. 40,000
Coal and Coke.................................. 265,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................ 60,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 5,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,539,400
Forage, Farm and Garden Supplies................... 500
Office and Library Equipment
not exceeding $100.............................. 2,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,800
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 25,000
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 2,500
For Printing...................................... 19,600
For Equipment..................................... 33,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 162,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 423,200
Total $33,449,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 47,313,300
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 333,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 9,959,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 3,619,500
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 5,500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 39,300
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 29,100
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 17,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 120,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 51,500
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,000
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified........................... 90,300
Hospital and Medical Services................ 5,381,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 209,700
Gas.......................................... 1,268,900
Electricity.................................... 879,900
Water.......................................... 456,300
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 410,800
Fire Protection Services........................... 100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 53,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 200
Computer Software................................ 3,500
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 17,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 32,500
Mechanical Supplies............................. 10,100
Industrial and Shop Materials.................... 1,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 4,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 8,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 7,000
Food Supplies................................ 3,792,700
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 200
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 3,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,800
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 3,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 62,500
For Printing...................................... 32,100
For Equipment..................................... 47,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 169,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 193,000
Total $74,629,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 25,310,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 235,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,327,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,936,200
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 56,600
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 14,000
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 12,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 73,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 36,000
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 500
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified.......................... 328,800
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,686,400
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 92,000
Gas............................................ 548,900
Electricity.................................... 757,300
Water.......................................... 300,400
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 408,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 200
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,100
For Travel In-State............................... 19,200
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................... 17,500
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 33,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 2,200
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 3,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,300
Food Supplies................................ 1,884,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 2,400
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 14,000
For Printing...................................... 21,900
For Equipment..................................... 26,400
For Telecommunications Services................... 74,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 177,300
Total $42,415,900
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 34,906,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 212,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 7,347,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,670,300
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 21,100
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 34,600
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 20,900
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 25,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 185,200
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 40,000
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 15,100
Rental, not elsewhere classified................. 5,100
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,621,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 145,300
Gas.......................................... 1,697,200
Electricity.................................... 590,800
Water.......................................... 371,900
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 208,300
Fire Protection Services......................... 6,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 28,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 3,700
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 7,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 16,700
Mechanical Supplies............................. 30,400
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 2,300
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 4,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 5,100
Food Supplies................................ 1,884,400
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 1,500
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,100
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 8,400
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 100
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 64,900
For Printing...................................... 22,700
For Equipment..................................... 40,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 200,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 137,700
Total $55,589,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 15,137,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 223,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,186,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,158,000
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 2,500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 103,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 45,800
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 85,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 31,200
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,984,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 40,900
Gas............................................ 718,800
Electricity..................................... 85,800
University Central Plant Services............... 52,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 19,300
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 200
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 1,700
For Travel In-State............................... 17,100
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 4,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 13,200
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 5,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 4,500
Food Supplies................................ 1,037,100
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 300
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,100
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 19,300
For Printing...................................... 11,500
For Equipment..................................... 30,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 45,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 122,500
Total $25,193,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 20,599,500
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 368,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,336,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,575,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 41,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.............................. 200
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 72,700
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 3,400
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,100
Hospital and Medical Services................ 4,574,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 111,200
Gas............................................ 416,000
Electricity.................................... 486,100
Water........................................... 89,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 16,200
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 600
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 74,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 25,300
Mechanical Supplies................................ 900
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 5,800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 2,000
Food Supplies................................ 1,880,500
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 200
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 2,500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 26,200
For Printing...................................... 17,000
For Equipment..................................... 22,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 142,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 120,500
Total $35,015,400
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 18,955,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 173,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,990,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,450,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 4,500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 17,500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 1,600
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 32,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 83,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 16,500
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,200
Professional and Artistic Services, not
elsewhere classified:
Substance Abuse Program.................... 5,455,000
Job Preparation/ Work Force................ 3,798,800
Clinical Services.......................... 3,150,000
Home Building Training....................... 624,000
Sheridan Spring/Wire Training................ 412,000
CSACs........................................ 300,000
Residential Substance Abuse................ 2,097,100
Sheridan Expansion........................... 975,300
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,386,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 80,300
Gas............................................ 575,400
Electricity.................................... 520,000
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 200,000
Fire Protection Services......................... 1,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 14,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 9,300
For Travel........................................ 13,500
Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 6,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 27,500
Mechanical Supplies............................. 23,800
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 6,900
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment......................... 10,400
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 4,400
Food Supplies................................ 1,211,900
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 4,600
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 5,300
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 3,300
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 27,300
For Printing...................................... 15,000
For Equipment..................................... 28,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 98,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 96,200
Total $46,909,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 17,503,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 103,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,684,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,339,000
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 23,300
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 48,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 2,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 65,000
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 9,700
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 3,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,732,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 46,500
Gas............................................ 232,300
Electricity.................................... 461,500
Water........................................... 67,600
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............. 31,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 30,500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
Computer Software.................................. 800
For Travel In-State............................... 12,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 14,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 3,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 2,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 900
Food Supplies.................................. 673,000
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 200
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 700
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,700
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 8,000
For Printing...................................... 13,600
For Equipment..................................... 31,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 115,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 86,100
Total $28,349,900
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 64,781,800
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 236,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 13,635,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 4,955,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 28,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 275,600
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 185,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 242,700
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 65,800
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 40,100
Professional and Artistic Services:
Religious Services.............................. 7,000
Psychological Testing......................... 102,700
Screening and Assessment at R & C.............. 181,300
Hospital and Medical Services............... 10,017,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 248,800
Gas.......................................... 2,221,700
Electricity.................................. 1,045,800
Water.......................................... 279,500
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 227,300
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 33,600
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,600
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 11,200
For Travel In-State.............................. 161,300
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 24,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 138,700
Mechanical Supplies............................. 59,600
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas........................ 15,700
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 300
Food Supplies................................ 3,582,800
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 600
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,700
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 8,200
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 85,000
For Printing...................................... 91,500
For Equipment..................................... 55,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 184,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 354,000
Total $103,592,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 14,386,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 241,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,028,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,100,600
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 25,200
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 50,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 5,000
Fire Extinguisher Services....................... 4,600
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 54,100
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 26,300
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,489,300
Professional and Artistic Services
not Elsewhere Classified:
Substance Abuse Treatment................... 311,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 36,500
Electricity.................................... 693,600
Water.......................................... 113,400
Utilities, not elsewhere classified............ 115,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 6,300
For Travel In-State................................ 3,100
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 12,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 18,000
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 4,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 3,000
Food Supplies.................................. 944,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 2,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 1,100
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 24,800
For Printing...................................... 13,100
For Equipment..................................... 19,200
For Telecommunications Services................... 56,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 67,200
Total $24,855,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 22,583,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 346,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,753,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,727,700
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,700
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property............ 7,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 33,500
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 18,500
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 88,900
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 29,900
Professional and Artistic Services –
Substance Abuse Treatment and Counseling...... 299,200
Water Treatment................................. 2,700
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,817,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 49,700
Gas............................................ 605,900
Electricity.................................... 505,900
Water.......................................... 274,100
Utilities, Sewer Services...................... 178,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 16,200
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 2,500
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 21,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 22,300
Mechanical Supplies............................. 33,300
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment......................... 12,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 2,400
Food Supplies................................ 1,521,300
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 2,600
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,400
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,800
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 24,300
For Printing...................................... 16,000
For Equipment..................................... 28,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 121,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 136,900
Total $35,291,900
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,600,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 76,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,178,900
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 428,500
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 6,600
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 161,600
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 2,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 51,400
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 2,200
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 408,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 22,000
Gas............................................ 338,900
Electricity.................................... 448,000
Water........................................... 88,100
Utilities, Sewer Services....................... 81,700
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 700
For Travel In-State............................... 10,900
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners.................. 5,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 19,200
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 8,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 500
Food Supplies.................................. 456,600
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 700
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 100
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 5,100
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 7,500
For Printing...................................... 11,700
For Equipment..................................... 73,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 95,600
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 101,400
Total $9,692,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 20,938,500
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 234,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,407,400
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,601,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,500
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 79,900
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 8,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 108,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 27,000
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 1,600
Professional and Artistic Services –
Substance Abuse Treatment..................... 349,900
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,813,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 87,000
Gas............................................ 147,300
Electricity.................................... 531,500
Water........................................... 43,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 32,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 300
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 12,000
For Travel In-State................................ 5,300
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 67,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 41,600
Mechanical Supplies............................. 64,000
Coal and Coke.................................. 255,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 2,800
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,500
Food Supplies................................ 1,572,700
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies.............. 2,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,300
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 4,500
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100...................... 300
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 12,000
For Printing...................................... 15,300
For Equipment..................................... 28,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 69,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 131,100
Total $32,697,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 21,267,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................... 300,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,476,500
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,626,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 2,400
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 64,200
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 2,800
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment................................... 63,400
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 22,500
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,729,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 110,500
Gas............................................ 379,000
Electricity.................................... 669,300
Water.......................................... 265,900
Utilities, Sewer Service....................... 104,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 17,200
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 400
For Travel In-State............................... 16,100
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Prisoners................. 38,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 19,500
Mechanical Supplies............................. 14,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 5,200
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 6,100
Food Supplies................................ 1,671,700
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 700
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,100
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 12,900
For Printing...................................... 20,100
For Equipment..................................... 14,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 83,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 143,900
Total $35,151,700
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Corrections from the Working Capital Revolving Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 8,840,900
For the Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation.................................. 1,897,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,860,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 676,300
For Group Insurance............................ 2,559,900
For Contractual Services:
Contractual Payroll Employees................... 79,300
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 10,200
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.............. 500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 406,100
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 2,300
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Equipment.................................. 500,400
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 48,900
Rental, Real Property.......................... 478,400
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 3,200
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 5,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 6,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 94,100
Gas................................................ 900
Electricity..................................... 74,200
Water.............................................. 700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 33,900
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 400
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums............... 2,900
Computer Software.............................. 140,700
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 10,700
For Travel In-State............................... 45,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 62,400
Educational and Instructional Material
and Supplies...................................... 200
Mechanical Supplies............................ 211,500
Industrial and Shop Materials................ 6,432,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment......................... 37,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies....................................... 29,300
Food Supplies............................... 11,731,900
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies............ 269,200
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 4,300
Small Tools, not exceeding $100................. 12,400
Medical, Scientific, and Laboratory
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 59,100
For Printing....................................... 9,400
For Equipment.................................. 1,170,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 61,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................ 1,018,500
Total $38,889,100
Section 55. The amount of $12,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Corrections for expenses related to frontline staff.
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Corrections for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the Department of Corrections
Reimbursement and Education Fund:
For payment of expenses associated with
personal services, fringe benefits
and group insurance for 15 employees
with School District Program................. 1,200,000
For personal services, fringe benefits
and group insurance expenses for 71
employees associated with miscellaneous
programs, including, but not limited to,
medical costs and food expenditures.......... 6,600,000
TOTAL $8,200,000
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the following divisions of the Department of Juvenile Justice for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008:
For Contractual Services:
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................... 100
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 1,400
Legal Fees....................................... 6,900
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing................... 703,400
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,000
For Tort Claims................................... 47,000
Total $760,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees..................................... 7,181,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,511,600
For State Contributions to Teachers'
Retirement System................................. 2,700
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 549,400
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................... 500
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 28,300
Professional and Artistic Services for Post
Secondary Vocational Courses.................. 562,800
Contractual Services – Mentoring and Tutoring
Services, GED Testing, Scoring and Issuance
of Certificates................................ 20,800
For Travel In-State................................ 2,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 16,000
Educational and Instructional Material
and Supplies................................... 17,800
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 800
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 700
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 10,200
For Printing....................................... 9,100
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 5,100
Total $9,922,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 924,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 194,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 70,700
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.............. 300
Rental, Office Equipment........................... 800
Professional and Artistic Services
after care expansion........................ 3,202,500
Residential Treatment and Advocacy Services
for juvenile parolees......................... 728,900
St. Clair County Halfway Back Program.......... 215,700
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs –
grant match................................... 115,300
Performance Based Standards for youth........... 16,400
Case Management Services –
grant match..................................... 7,200
Rehabilitative Counseling and case management.... 6,900
Transitional Services for juvenile parolees –
grant match..................................... 2,500
Gas............................................ 150,700
Electricity...................................... 7,700
Water............................................ 4,700
Computer Software.................................. 300
For Travel In-State................................ 6,700
For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth...................... 1,800
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 23,300
For Printing....................................... 1,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 87,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 117,700
Total $5,887,700
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Juvenile Justice from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,607,400
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 10,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 969,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 352,500
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 3,800
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified...................................... 4,300
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................. 4,200
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 8,800
Rental, Real Property........................ 1,398,100
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 800
Professional and Artistic Services for Substance
Abuse Counseling.............................. 138,700
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 844,400
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 23,100
Gas............................................. 45,300
Electricity..................................... 95,200
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,000
For Travel In-State.................................. 500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 8,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 400
Food Supplies.................................. 189,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 1,100
For Printing....................................... 4,500
For Equipment..................................... 14,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 30,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 31,000
Total $8,789,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 14,226,100
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 64,900
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 38,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,008,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,093,300
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 16,200
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 24,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 1,900
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
Of Merchandise................................. 45,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 41,200
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 15,500
Professional and Artistic Services
Substance Abuse Programs...................... 232,600
RSAT............................................ 26,900
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,383,200
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 41,800
Gas............................................ 144,200
Electricity.................................... 216,700
Water.......................................... 111,800
Utilities, Sewer Services....................... 71,400
Pharmacies, Prescription Drugs................... 1,300
Fire Protection Services........................... 200
Computer Software.................................. 200
For Travel In-State................................ 8,800
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth...................... 9,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 26,700
Mechanical Supplies............................. 11,100
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 3,700
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies.......................................... 600
Food Supplies.................................. 580,900
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 11,100
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 7,800
For Printing...................................... 14,600
For Equipment..................................... 40,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 78,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 49,400
Total $21,647,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 11,089,200
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 84,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 13,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,352,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 854,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 8,100
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 44,400
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 12,300
Repair and Maintenance, for costs associated
with Sewer Services............................ 27,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 43,300
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 7,300
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 6,600
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,255,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 26,900
Gas............................................ 303,200
Electricity.................................... 277,900
Water........................................... 32,900
Utilities, Sewer Services....................... 27,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 12,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 900
For Travel In-State................................ 4,900
For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth...................... 1,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 11,700
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 3,800
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,700
Food Supplies.................................. 279,600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 9,900
For Printing....................................... 3,400
For Equipment..................................... 21,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 57,400
Total $16,925,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 10,310,400
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 94,000
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 16,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,191,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 796,000
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 4,300
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 139,100
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 14,400
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 1,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 28,600
Rental – Laundry Machines........................ 8,200
Professional and Artistic Services – RSAT...... 105,100
Hospital and Medical Services................ 3,249,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 17,300
Gas............................................ 204,400
Electricity.................................... 253,600
Water........................................... 16,500
Utilities – Water and Sewer Services............. 8,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 14,500
Computer Software................................ 7,800
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 1,900
For Travel In-State............................... 11,300
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,200
Mechanical Supplies................................ 100
Industrial and Shop Materials...................... 200
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
off-Road Equipment.............................. 6,900
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 1,000
Food Supplies.................................. 390,600
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 400
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 10,500
For Printing....................................... 8,600
For Equipment...................................... 5,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 92,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 58,000
Total $18,073,300
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 6,309,500
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 83,600
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation...................................... 8,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,345,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 489,000
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 1,200
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 12,200
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 2,000
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment.............. 800
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 15,600
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 8,900
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 100
Professional and Artistic Services –
Substance Abuse Services...................... 245,200
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 615,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 6,000
Gas............................................. 33,500
Electricity..................................... 98,700
Water............................................ 7,500
Utilities – Sewer Expenses....................... 8,100
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,400
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
Contractual Services – Barbering Services........ 5,100 For Travel In-State............................................. 1,600
For Travel Allowances for Committed,
Paroled and Discharged Youth...................... 4,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 3,100
Mechanical Supplies................................ 600
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,400
Food Supplies.................................. 121,400
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 100
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 700
Printing........................................... 4,700
For Equipment..................................... 25,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 19,900
Total $9,510,900
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,497,000
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 84,700
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 12,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 543,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 197,500
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment.................................. 200
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 37,800
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 3,300
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................. 9,000
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 9,400
Professional and Artistic Services – Mental
Health Services............................... 186,500
Hospital and Medical Services.................. 262,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 9,100
Gas............................................. 33,200
Electricity..................................... 50,900
Water............................................ 4,500
Utilities – Water Services....................... 4,800
Pharmacies, Prescription Drugs.................. 46,800
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,400
Contractual Services – Barbering Services.......... 600
For Travel In-State.................................. 600
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 5,300
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 1,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,100
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies........................................ 3,200
Food Supplies.................................. 101,300
Forage and Farm and Garden Supplies................ 300
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 800
For Printing....................................... 2,600
For Equipment..................................... 20,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 13,100
Total $4,171,900
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees................................... 13,479,500
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 93,100
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 45,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 2,856,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 1,038,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 26,700
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 87,600
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 14,500
Repair and Maintenance, not elsewhere
classified..................................... 14,600
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 81,300
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 29,000
Rental, Motor Vehicles............................. 700
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment...................................... 21,100
Substance Abuse Screening...................... 119,200
Substance Abuse Treatment – Harding Cottage.... 163,900
Hospital and Medical Services................ 2,139,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 50,800
Gas............................................ 703,000
Electricity.................................... 232,300
Utilities – Sewer expenses..................... 120,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 32,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 100
Contractual Services:
Barbering Services............................. 24,000
Drinking water testing service................... 4,000
Seamstress Services and lab work for water....... 5,600
For Travel In-State............................... 23,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 26,700
Mechanical Supplies............................. 29,200
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment.......................... 1,700
Food Supplies.................................. 461,300
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 8,500
For Printing...................................... 16,400
For Equipment...................................... 9,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 98,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 126,000
Total $22,183,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 5,273,700
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 77,300
For Student, Member and Inmate
Compensation..................................... 17,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,126,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 409,400
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 5,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 68,400
Repair and Maintenance:
Fire Alarm Monitoring and Maintenance........... 8,100
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 13,300
Rental, Office Equipment......................... 9,600
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 7,500
Professional and Artistic Services:
Drug Abuse Counselor........................... 55,800
RSAT........................................... 56,200
Hospital and Medical Services................ 1,163,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 31,900
Gas............................................. 99,000
Electricity.................................... 116,300
Water............................................ 9,000
Utilities – Sewer Services...................... 11,800
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,000
Contractual Services for Hair Care Services..... 11,600
For Travel In-State................................ 1,400
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,700
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 2,100
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts
for Off-Road Equipment............................ 700
Food Supplies.................................. 148,600
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100..................... 900
For Printing....................................... 8,600
For Equipment..................................... 21,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 33,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 28,400
Total $8,830,700
Section 25. The sum of $489,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Juvenile Justice from the General Revenue Fund for costs and expenses associated with payment of statewide hospitalization.
Section 30. The sum of $1,606,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Juvenile Justice for expenses related to frontline staff.
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Juvenile Justice for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the Department of Corrections
Reimbursement and Education Fund:
For payment of expenses associated
with Personal Services, Fringe
Benefits and Group Insurance for
27 employees for the operation of
School District Programs.................... 2,500,000
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,513,700
For Personal Services for Sworn Officers....... 1,090,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 758,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 275,700
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 40,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property.......... 120,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 124,400
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 3,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise................................. 20,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 80,000
Rental, Real Property........................... 38,900
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment....................................... 2,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment... 436,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 7,800
Medical Consultant Fees......................... 35,400
Legal Fees..................................... 130,000
Professional and Artistic Services for
Expert Witness fees and consulting............. 20,000
Hospital and Medical Services................... 22,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 25,000
Gas.............................................. 2,000
Electricity...................................... 1,000
Water........................................... 75,000
Utilities, sewer services....................... 75,000
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 230,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 10,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services..... 20,000
Computer Software................................ 5,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 10,000
For Travel In-State............................... 16,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 25,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory
Supplies....................................... 50,000
Household Laundry and Cleaning Supplies.......... 2,000
Office and Library Supplies, not
exceeding $100................................... 6,000
Equipment, not exceeding $100................... 75,000
For Printing...................................... 90,000
For Equipment..................................... 34,700
For Telecommunications Services.................. 249,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 325,000
For Contractual Services:
For Payment of Tort Claims........................ 28,000
Total $7,073,900
Payable from the State Police Vehicle Fund:
For purchase of vehicles and accessories...... 10,000,000
Payable from the State Police Vehicle
Maintenance Fund:
For Operation of Auto.......................... 1,000,000
Section 10. The sum of $65,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Asset Forfeiture Fund to the Department of State Police for payment of their expenditures as outlined in the Illinois Drug Asset Forfeiture Procedure Act, the Cannabis Control Act, the Controlled Substances Act, and the Environmental Safety Act as follows:
For Personal Services............................. 40,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System..................... 6,600
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 3,100
For State Contributions for Group Insurance....... 15,900
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,237,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 891,900
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 324,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 3,700
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property........... 15,000
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment.......... 300,700
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................. 2,500
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 18,300
Rental, Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment......................................... 700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 2,400
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums............... 2,600
Computer Software.............................. 394,100
For Travel In-State............................... 10,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 26,000
Educational and Instructional
Materials & Supplies.............................. 500
Gas Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off-Road Equipment.............................. 1,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 1,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning Equipment,
not exceeding $100................................ 500
For Printing...................................... 35,200
For Equipment...................................... 3,100
For Electronic Data Processing................. 1,997,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 439,000
Total $8,707,000
Payable from LEADS Maintenance Fund:
For Expenses Related to LEADS System
For Personal Services.......................... 245,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 41,500
For State Contributions to Social Security...... 18,800
For State Contributions for Group Insurance..... 79,500
Total $385,300
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 55,903,200
For Personal Services of Sworn Officers....... 29,196,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................ 17,912,600
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 6,510,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture
and Office Equipment.......................... 31,000
Repair and Maintenance of Aircraft and Boats... 155,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 56,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery
and Mechanical Equipment...................... 49,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment............ 500
In House Repair and Maintenance,
Purchase of Merchandise....................... 46,100
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 285,500
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 21,700
Rental of Real Property........................ 158,700
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 31,700
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment... 303,700
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 10,000
Medical Consultant Fees............................ 100
Hospital and Medical Services................... 68,100
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 45,200
Gas.............................................. 7,000
Electricity.................................... 303,600
Water............................................ 6,700
Utilities, Sewer Services........................ 2,200
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 114,800
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,500
Surety Bond and Insurance Programs............. 102,600
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 400
Computer Software.............................. 311,100
Operating Taxes and Licenses..................... 9,400
For Travel In-State.............................. 213,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 166,700
Educational and Instructional Materials......... 10,300 Mechanical Supplies................................ 2,100
Fuel, Oil and Bottled Gas....................... 23,500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off-Road Equipment........................... 110,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 4,100
Forage, Farm and Garden Supplies................... 500
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100............................ 27,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 4,700
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,200
For Printing..................................... 120,700
For Equipment.................................... 376,100
For Telecommunications Services................ 5,697,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment............... 12,174,900
Total $130,577,300
Payable from the Road Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 96,549,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 20,322,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 7,386,100
Total $124,258,800
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
Conviction Surcharge Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,335,100
For Personal Services for Sworn Officers......... 868,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 674,400
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 245,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 651,200
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture
and Office Equipment............................. 500
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 40,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment........................... 3,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment............ 500
In House Repair and Maintenance,
Purchase of Merchandise....................... 17,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 18,000
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment..... 1,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 22,000
Gas............................................. 50,000
Electricity.................................... 110,000
Water........................................... 10,000
Utilities, Sewer Services........................ 7,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 2,000
Computer Software................................ 2,000
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 200
For Travel In-State............................... 34,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 13,500
Educational and Instructional Materials.......... 9,500 Fuel, Oil and Bottled Gas............................ 500
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off-Road Equipment............................. 3,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 1,800
Forage, Farm and Garden Supplies................. 3,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100............................. 1,500
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 2,500
Medical, Scientific, and Lab Equipment
not exceeding $100............................. 3,500
For Printing...................................... 26,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 115,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 212,200
Total $5,486,100
Payable from the State Police Services Fund:
For Payment of Expenses associated
with the Fingerprint Program:
For Personal Services........................ 3,586,300
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement System............................. 593,900
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 274,400
For State Contributions to Group Insurance... 1,018,400
For Payment of Expenses associated
with the Federal and IDOT Program:
For Personal Services....................... 5,794,700
For State Contributions to Employees’
Retirement Systems........................... 908,500
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 84,000 For Payment of Expenses associated
with Miscellaneous Programs:
For Personal Services........................ 1,883,000
For State Contributions to Employees’
Retirement System............................ 311,800
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 144,100
For State Contributions for Group Insurance.... 398,400
Total $14,997,500
Payable from the Illinois State Police
Federal Projects Fund:
For Payment of Expenses associated
with the Federal Projects Fund
For Personal Services........................ 3,246,800
For State Contributions to Employees’
Retirement Systems........................... 325,900
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 163,300
For State Contributions for Group Insurance.... 367,300
Payable from the Sex Offender Registration Fund:
For expenses of the Sex Offender
Registration Program............................ 20,000
Payable from the Motor Carrier Safety Inspection Fund:
For expenses associated with the
enforcement of Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulations and related
Illinois Motor Carrier Safety Laws:
For Personal Services....................... 1,467,400
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems........................... 243,000
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 21,300
For State Contributions for Group Insurance... 253,400
For Auto Equipment............................ 314,900
Payable from the Sex Offender Investigation Fund:
For expenses related to sex
offender investigations.......................... 50,000
Total $6,473,300
Section 50. In the event of the receipt of funds from the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, through a grant from the Criminal Justice Information Authority, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Police Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Trust Fund to the Department of State Police for payment of expenses associated with Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention:
For Personal Services............................ 252,200
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement Systems............................. 41,800
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 19,300
For State Contributions for Group Insurance....... 50,400
Total $363,700
Section 60. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of State Police for the expenses of Fraud Investigations:
For Personal Services.......................... 2,652,600
For Personal Services for Sworn Officers....... 1,655,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 906,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 202,900
Total $5,417,400
Section 70. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services......................... 35,675,700
For Personal Services for Sworn Officers......... 661,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 7,648,600
For State Contributions to
Social Security............................... 2,779,800
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture
and Office Equipment.......................... 15,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 95,500
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 49,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 6,600
In House Repair and Maintenance,
Purchase of Merchandise....................... 59,100
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 163,900
Rental of Real Property...................... 1,712,600
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.... 23,800
Rental of Film and Audio Visual Aids............... 100
Statistical and Tabulation Services............. 61,800
Professional and Artistic Services:
Proficiency Testing Services.................. 37,500
Lockbox Services for FOID..................... 44,000
Outsourcing FOID Hardcard Production......... 423,200
Outsourcing for FOIC Card data
Entry and scanning......................... 106,300
Hospital and Medical Services.................... 4,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 235,000
Gas............................................ 227,800
Electricity.................................... 569,100
Water........................................... 10,200
Utilities, Sewer Services........................ 9,600
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 251,200
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 100
Computer Software............................... 24,900
Operating Taxes and Licenses.................... 45,400
For Travel In-State............................... 29,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies.................... 206,700
Educational and Instructional Materials.......... 2,000 Mechanical Supplies.................................. 700
Industrial and Shop Materials...................... 100
Fuel, Oil and Bottled Gas.......................... 400
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off-Road Equipment............................. 1,000
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100........................... 761,400
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies........ 30,600
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100............................ 28,600
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 3,800
Medical, Scientific, and Lab Equipment
not exceeding $100............................ 14,700
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning Equipment
not exceeding $100............................. 2,900
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................... 6,800
For Printing...................................... 67,300
For Equipment.................................. 1,128,600
For Telecommunications Services.................. 586,300
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 97,800
For Operational Expenses Related to the
Combined DNA Index System....................... 441,400
Total $54,352,600
For Administration and Operation of
State Crime Laboratories:
Payable from State Crime Laboratory Fund:
For expenses associated with State Crime Lab
For Personal Services.......................... 51,600
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement System............................ 10,900
For State Contributions to Social Security...... 3,900
For State Contributions for Group Insurance.... 15,900
Payable from State Offender DNA
Identification System Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 520,100
For State Contributions to State Employees’
Retirement System............................ 131,100
For State Contributions to Social Security...... 39,800
For Group Insurance............................ 159,000
Section 80. The sum of $273,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of State Police, Division of Forensic Services and Identification, from the Firearm Owner’s Notification Fund for the administration and operation of the Firearm Owner’s Identification Card Program.
Section 85. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for Internal Investigation expenses as follows:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,715,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 361,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 131,200
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture
and Office Equipment........................... 2,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP Equipment.......... 1,000
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 18,000
Rental of EDP Equipment.......................... 1,000
Professional and Artistic Services............... 7,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 800
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 400
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 100
For Travel In-State................................ 2,000
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,000
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies........... 600
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100............................. 2,500
For Printing....................................... 3,200
For Equipment...................................... 8,100
For Telecommunications Services................... 76,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 210,000
Total $2,547,700
Section 90. The amount of $683,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of State Police for expenses related to forensic scientists and telecommunicators.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to Capital Development Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from the Capital Development Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,644,759
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 977,675
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 355,324
For Group Insurance............................ 1,124,800
For Contractual Service:
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment............................... 20,000
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property............ 1,500
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.............................. 200
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 6,500
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 65,300
Rental, Motor Vehicles.......................... 18,500
Rental, Real Property............................ 9,500
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment.... 60,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services................ 800
Computer Software................................ 2,500
For Travel In-State............................... 26,200
For Commodities – Office & Library Supplies....... 34,500
For Equipment..................................... 10,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 108,800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 24,100
For Operational Expenses:
For Personal Services.......................... 165,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 27,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 12,000
For Group Insurance............................. 51,000
Total $7,748,958
Payable from the Capital Development Board Revolving Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 1,636,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 344,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 125,200
For Group Insurance.............................. 799,200
For Contractual Services:
Communications Consolidation Payments........... 12,000
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 8,000
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 8,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 64,800
Rental, Motor Vehicles.......................... 13,300
Rental, Real Property............................ 2,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment.... 99,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 2,300
Computer Software............................... 14,000 For In-State Travel............................................. 198,900
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 10,600
Office and Library Supplies,
not exceeding $100................................ 800
For Printing...................................... 17,200
For Electronic Data Processing................... 185,200
For Telecommunications Services.................. 119,500
Total $3,677,100
Payable from the School Infrastructure Fund:
For operational expenses related to
the School Infrastructure Program:
For Personal Services.......................... 370,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 55,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 23,000
For Group Insurance............................ 100,000
For Equipment.................................... 2,000
Total $550,000
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the State Fire Marshal, as follows:
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 6,584,200
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,385,900
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 503,700
For Group Insurance............................ 2,043,600
For Contractual Services
Communications Consolidation Payments............ 5,000
Repair and Maintenance, Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 8,000
Repair and Maintenance, Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment............................ 2,000
Repair and Maintenance, EDP equipment............ 2,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
Of Merchandise.................................. 2,000
Rental, Office Equipment........................ 15,000
Rental, Motor Vehicles........................... 1,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment... 685,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 60,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 3,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 8,000
Computer Software............................... 10,000
For Travel In-State............................... 85,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies..................... 25,100
Educational and Instructional Material
and Supplies.................................... 4,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 2,000
Office and Library Equipment,
not exceeding $100.............................. 5,000
Small Tools, not exceeding $100.................. 5,000
Household, Laundry, and Cleaning
Equipment, not exceeding $100.................. 1,000
For Printing...................................... 42,500
For Equipment.................................... 383,000
For Electronic Data Processing................. 1,201,000
For Telecommunications........................... 190,100
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 307,700
For Refunds........................................ 6,000
Total $13,576,300
Payable from the Underground Storage Tank Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 1,150,000
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 242,100
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 88,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 414,600
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance, Real Property............ 5,000
In-House Repair and Maintenance Purchase
of Merchandise.................................... 500
Rental, Office Equipment........................... 500
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payment... 172,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 18,000
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services...... 1,000
For Travel In-State................................ 7,000
For Commodities...................................... 500
For Equipment..................................... 61,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 53,000
For Telecommunications............................ 40,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 80,000
For Refunds........................................ 4,000
For Expenses of Hearing Officers.................. 75,000
Total $2,414,100
Section 10. The sum of $314,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fire Prevention Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for administrative expenses of the Elevator Safety and Regulation Act as follows:
For Personal Services............................ 222,000
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 26,600
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 17,000
For Group Insurance............................... 48,800
Total $314,400
Section 15. The sum of $185,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Firefighters' Memorial Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for expenses related to the maintenance of the Illinois Firefighters' Memorial, holding the annual Fallen Firefighter Ceremony, and other expenses as allowed under Public Act 91-0832.
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Office of the State Fire Marshal as follows:
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
For expenses of hearing officers................ 25,000
Total $25,000
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
For Expenses of Life Safety Code Program
Contractual Services............................. 3,000 Travel 7,000
Commodities...................................... 6,000
Printing......................................... 4,000
Total $20,000
Payable from the Fire Prevention Division Fund:
For Expenses of the U.S. Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act
Underground Storage Program
For Personal Services.......................... 278,400
For State Contributions to the State
Employees' Retirement System................... 43,600
For State Contributions to Social Security...... 20,600
For Group Insurance............................. 54,900
Total $400,000
Payable from the Emergency Response
Reimbursement Fund:
For Hazardous Material Emergency
Response Reimbursement........................... 5,000
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Prisoner Review Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 705,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 148,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 53,900
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance Furniture and Office
Equipment........................................ 5,200
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,000
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payments.. 191,200
Rental Film and Audio-Visual Aids.................. 300
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 9,700
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 2,200
For In-State Travel............................... 36,100
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 8,700
For Printing....................................... 6,700
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 17,600
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,100
Total $1,216,200
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Prisoner Review Board for all costs associated with the purchase and operation of vehicles and equipment:
For Contractual Services.......................... 15,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Vehicle and Maintenance Fund to the Prisoner Review Board for all costs associated with the purchase and operation of vehicles and equipment:
For Equipment.................................... 130,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 70,000
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Police Merit Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 198,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 41,700
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 15,100
For Contractual Services:
Repair and Maintenance of Furniture and
Office Equipment................................ 8,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property. .......... 300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,000
Rental of Motor Vehicles......................... 3,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 72,000
Legal Fees...................................... 20,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 9,000
Occupation Job Analysis Lieutenant.............. 17,000
Psychological Interviews........................ 86,200
Job Knowledge Test Development.................. 37,000
Promotional Exercises........................... 53,600
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 4,000
For In-State Travel................................ 7,500
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 4,000
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 12,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 6,000
Total $617,700
Section 5. The sum of $31,570,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Metropolitan Fair and Exposition Authority Improvement Bond Fund to the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority for debt service on the Authority's Dedicated State Tax Revenue Bonds, issued pursuant to the "Metropolitan Fair and Exposition Authority Act", as amended, and related trustee and legal expenses.
Section 10. The sum of $131,996,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the McCormick Place Expansion Project Fund to the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority for debt service on the Authority's McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, issued pursuant to the "Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act", as amended, and related trustee and legal expenses.
Section 15. The sum of $42,515,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Sports Facilities Fund to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority for its corporate purposes.
Section 20. The sum of $694,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority for replenishment of a draw on the debt service reserve fund backing bonds issued on behalf of Spectrulite Consortium Inc.
Section 25. The sum of $366,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority for replenishment of a draw on the debt service reserve fund backing bonds issued on behalf of Waste Recovery-Illinois and related trustee and legal expenses.
Section 30. The sum of $971,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority for replenishment of a draw on the debt service reserve fund backing bonds issued on behalf of Alton Center Business Park.
Section 35. The sum of $1,483,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority for replenishment of a draw on the debt service reserve fund backing bonds issued on behalf of Laclede Steel-Illinois.
Section 40. The sum of $292,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority for replenishment of a draw on the Debt Service Reserve Fund backing bonds issued on behalf of Waste Recovery – Illinois and related trustee and legal expenses.
Section 45. The amount of $1,384,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget for ordinary and contingent expenses associated with the sale and administration of General Obligation bonds.
Section 50. The amount of $425,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget for ordinary and contingent expenses associated with the sale and administration of Build Illinois bonds.
Section 55. The amount of $304,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget for the purpose of making payments to the Trustee under the Master Indenture as defined by and pursuant to the Build Illinois Bond Act.
Section 60. The sum of $14,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Civic Center Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget for the principal and interest and premium, if any, on Limited Obligation Revenue bonds issued pursuant to the Metropolitan Civic Center Support Act.
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named in this Section, are appropriated to the State Treasurer for the payment of interest on and retirement of State bonded indebtedness:
For payment of principal and interest on any and all bonds issued to the Anti-Pollution Bond Act, the Transportation Bond Act, the Capital Development Bond Act of 1972, the School Construction Bond Act, the Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act, and the General Obligation Bond Act:
From the General Obligation Bond Retirement
and Interest Fund:
Principal.................................. 606,151,200
Interest................................. 1,088,645,700
Total $1,694,796,900
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 637,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 134,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 48,800
For Contractual Services
Facilities Management Revolving Fund payments.. 340,000
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 700
Subscription and Information Services.............. 700
For In-State Travel................................ 6,400
For Printing....................................... 2,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 28,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 12,700
For Administration and operations of
Displaced Homemaker Grant Program................ 50,000
Total $1,261,900
Section 15. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 914,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 192,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 69,900
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
For In-State Travel............................... 45,500
For Printing....................................... 1,200
For Telecommunications Services.................... 8,200
Total $1,232,000
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................ 2,246,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................... 472,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 171,800
For Contractual Services:
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 16,000
Subscription and Information Services.............. 200
For In-State Travel............................... 35,000
For Printing....................................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,100
Total $2,976,700
Payable From the Child Labor and Day and
Temporary Labor Services Enforcement Fund:
For Administration of the Child
Labor Law and Day and Temporary
Labor Services Act.............................. 400,000
Section 25. In addition to any other funds appropriated for that purpose, the sum of $206,400 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Labor for all costs associated with promoting and enforcing the Equal Pay Act and the Victims Economic Security and Safety Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Military Affairs to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 358,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 75,400
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 27,400
For Contractual Services
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 900
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 1,300
Subscription and Information Services.............. 500
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 500
For In-State Travel............................... 10,200
For Commodities
Office and Library Supplies..................... 20,100
For Printing....................................... 1,800
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 16,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 15,700
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
Gasoline, Oil and Anti-Freeze................... 10,000
For Lincoln’s Challenge........................ 2,451,500
Total $2,992,400
Payable from Federal Support Agreement Revolving Fund:
Lincoln’s Challenge............................ 4,889,700
Lincoln’s Challenge Allowances................. 1,200,000
Total $6,089,700
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 4,628,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System................... 974,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................ 354,100
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 390,400
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment..................................... 13,300
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 22,500
Rental of Real Property......................... 47,800
Rental of Machinery and Mechanical Equipment....... 900
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 90,500
Gas.......................................... 1,684,000
Electricity.................................... 853,300
Water........................................... 20,100
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified............. 14,300
Asbestos Abatement Costs......................... 1,700
For Commodities
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 9,700
Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride and Road
Use Abrasives.................................. 2,000
Fuel Oil and Bottled Gas......................... 6,000
Gas, Oil and Replacement Parts for
Off-Road Equipment............................. 1,500
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies........ 200
Household, Laundry and Cleaning Supplies........ 20,000 Household, Laundry and Cleaning Equipment,
Not Exceeding $100............................. 3,000
For Equipment
Machinery, Implements and Tools................. 23,400
Total $9,161,600
Payable from Federal Support Agreement Revolving Fund:
Army/Air Reimbursable Positions................ 9,145,900
Total $9,145,900
Section 15. The sum of $11,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Federal Support Agreement Revolving Fund to the Department of Military Affairs Facilities Division for expenses related to Army National Guard Facilities operations and maintenance as provided for in the Cooperative Funding Agreements, including costs in prior years.
Section 20. The sum of $415,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Federal Support Agreement Revolving Fund to the Department of Military Affairs Facilities Division for expenses related to the Bartonville and Kankakee armories for operations and maintenance according to the Joint-Use Agreement, including costs in prior years.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees....................................... 33,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 7,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................... 2,600
For Contractual Services
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 20,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 5,000
For In-State Travel................................ 3,000
For Printing....................................... 3,300
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 6,600
For Telecommunications............................ 29,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 6,600
Total $118,000
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
For In-State Travel................................ 2,500
For Printing......................................... 500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 12,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 5,000
Total $26,000
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 887,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 186,800
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 68,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 367,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 12,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 15,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 11,600
For In-State Travel............................... 10,000
For Commodities:
Medical, Scientific and Laboratory Supplies...... 1,000
For Printing....................................... 2,500
For Electronic Data Processing................... 223,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 12,000
Total $1,847,100
Payable from the Emergency Management
Preparedness Fund:
For an Emergency Management
Preparedness Program.......................... 5,000,000
Payable from the Federal Civil Preparedness
Administrative Fund:
For Terrorism Preparedness and
Training costs in the current
and prior years.............................. 99,300,000
For Terrorism Preparedness and
Training costs in the current
and prior years in the Chicago
Urban Area.................................. 168,300,000
Payable from the September 11th Fund:
For grants, contracts, and administrative
expenses pursuant to 625 ILCS 5/3-653,
including prior year costs...................... 100,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 410,600
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System................................ 86,400
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 31,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 5,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 7,600
For In-State Travel................................ 2,000
For Printing....................................... 2,300
For Equipment..................................... 96,000
For Telecommunications............................ 57,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 41,000
Total $739,700
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 860,900
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System............................... 181,200
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 65,900
For Group Insurance.............................. 277,200
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,400
For In-State Travel............................... 21,000
For Printing....................................... 1,500
For Equipment.................................... 110,000
For Telecommunications............................ 98,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 50,000
Total $1,671,500
Payable from the Emergency Management
Preparedness Fund:
For an Emergency Management
Preparedness Program.......................... 4,500,000
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,053,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 432,300
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 157,100
For Group Insurance.............................. 543,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,000
For In-State Travel............................... 70,000
For Printing...................................... 15,000
For Equipment..................................... 20,000
For Telecommunications............................ 22,500
For Operation of Auto.............................. 4,000
Total $3,329,700
Section 30. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees.................................... 2,846,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 599,000
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 217,700
For Group Insurance.............................. 742,600
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Electricity..................................... 92,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
For In-State Travel............................... 50,000
For Printing......................................... 500
For Equipment..................................... 30,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 343,600
For Operation of Auto............................. 11,000
Total $4,934,100
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 329,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System..................... 69,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 25,200
For In-State Travel................................ 1,900
For Printing......................................... 500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,800
For State Share of Individual and Household
Grant Program for Disaster Declarations
in Current and Prior Years:..................... 492,000
Total $922,300
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 412,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System..................... 86,800
For State Contributions to Social
Security......................................... 31,500
For Group Insurance.............................. 136,500
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
For In-State Travel............................... 26,000
For Printing....................................... 2,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 5,200
Total $703,700
Payable from the Emergency Management
Preparedness Fund:
For Emergency Management Preparedness.......... 4,500,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,278,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 269,100
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 97,800
For Group Insurance.............................. 331,800
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,000
Electricity...................................... 1,800
Postage and Postal Charges......................... 100
For In-State Travel............................... 20,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment..................................... 25,000
For Telecommunications............................. 7,900
For Operation of Auto............................. 13,000
Total $2,051,800
Section 70. The sum of $215,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Sheffield Agreed Order Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the care, maintenance, monitoring, testing, remediation and insurance of the low-level radioactive waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois.
Section 75. The sum of $602,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility Development and Operation Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for use in accordance with Section 14(a) of the Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act for costs related to establishing a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees... 650,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 136,966
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 49,779
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 500
Facilities Management Revolving Fund Payments.. 179,700
Professional and Artistic Services.............. 35,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 14,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services.............. 4,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 5,200
Association Dues................................. 9,800
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 700
For In-State Travel................................ 8,200
For Commodities:
Office and Library Supplies...................... 6,100
For Printing...................................... 13,500
For Equipment...................................... 5,500
For Electronic Data Processing.................... 82,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 22,050
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 9,000
Total $1,233,195
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for awards, grants and operational support to implement the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act:
Payable from the Motor Vehicle
Theft Prevention Trust Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 154,800
For other Ordinary and Contingent Expenses ...... 157,400
For Refunds....................................... 75,000
Total $387,200
Section 5. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes named, to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority:
Payable from the Violence Prevention Fund:
For Personal Services for Frontline Employees.... 440,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 92,742
For State Contribution to
Social Security.................................. 33,706
For Group Insurance.............................. 114,500
For In-State Travel............................... 15,300
For Printing....................................... 4,600
For Equipment...................................... 1,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 1,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 1,000
Total $704,448
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 600
Repair and Maintenance, EDP Equipment............ 1,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 4,000
Rental of Film and Audio-Visual Aids............... 200
Rental, Not Elsewhere Classified................... 200
Statistical and Tabulation Services.............. 5,000
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums................. 100
Non-Employee Travel, Vendor Permit................. 800
Advertising........................................ 200
Subscription and Information Services............ 1,000
Registration Fees and Conference Expenses.......... 200
Computer Software................................ 3,900
Total $17,200
Section 20. The amount of $177,700, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority for the Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Council Program for personal services for frontline employees.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission:
For Personal Services:
Non-Merit Compensation Employees.............. 5,615,200
Other Essential Frontline Employees............. 307,300
Arbitrators................................... 3,902,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,246,600
For Arbitrators' Retirement System............... 821,400
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 751,600
For Group Insurance............................ 2,955,600
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 21,300
Rental of Real Property........................ 148,600
Gas.............................................. 2,900
Electricity.................................... 925,200
Water.............................................. 300
Utilities, Not Elsewhere Classified................ 200
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 168,100
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 25,100
Subscription and Information Services............ 3,200
Copying, Photographic and Printing Services........ 900
For In-State Travel.............................. 125,000
For Printing...................................... 17,500
For Telecommunications Services................. 60,000
Total $17,098,300
Section 10. The amount of $59,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission for printing and distribution of Workers' Compensation handbooks containing information as to the rights and obligations of employers.
Section 15. The amount of $162,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission for the implementation and operation of an accident reporting system.
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 422,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 89,000
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 32,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 190,800
For Contractual Services
Repair and Maintenance of EDP
Equipment...................................... 8,000
Statistical and Tabulation Services............ 130,900
Surety Bond and Insurance Premiums................. 100
Subscription and Information Services............ 5,000
Computer Software................................ 5,000
For In-State Travel................................ 3,000
For Printing....................................... 1,000
For Equipment...................................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 50,000
Total $945,300
Section 25. The amount of $796,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission for costs associated with the establishment, administration and operations of the Insurance Compliance Division of the workers’ compensation anti-fraud program administered by Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Section 30. The amount of $149,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Operations Fund to Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission for costs associated with the establishment of the Medical Fee Schedule and other provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Judicial Inquiry Board to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Essential
Frontline Workers.............................. 318,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees’ Retirement System.................... 66,900
For Retirement – Pension pick-up.................. 12,200
For State Contributions to
Social Security................................. 23,300
For Contractual Services
Freight, Express, and Drayage.................... 1,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 7,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 5,800
Legal Fees..................................... 235,000
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 3,000
Court Reporting and Filing Services............. 15,000
Subscription and Information Services............ 3,500
Operating Taxes and Licenses....................... 400
For In-State Travel............................... 15,000
For Commodities.................................... 1,000
For Printing....................................... 3,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 4,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 1,000
Total $716,400
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Law Enforcement Training Standards Board:
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
Conviction Surcharge Fund:
For Personal Services............................ 954,500
For Personal Services for
Necessary Administration......................... 121,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 226,500
For State Contributions to
Social Security.................................. 82,300
For Group Insurance.............................. 392,730
For Contractual Services
For Facilities Management Revolving
Fund Payments................................ 197,000
For Rental of Real Property...................... 3,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 17,000
For In-State Travel............................... 17,100
For Printing....................................... 1,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 17,400
Total $2,030,630
Payable from the Police Training Board Services Fund:
For payment of and/or services
related to law enforcement training
in accordance with statutory provisions
of the Law Enforcement Intern
Training Act.................................... 100,000
Payable from the Death Certificate Surcharge Fund:
For payment of and/or services
related to death investigation
in accordance with statutory
provisions of the Vital Records Act............. 400,000
Section 5. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Power Agency for its ordinary and contingent expenses.
Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the East St. Louis Financial Advisory Authority to meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit Compensation
Employees...................................... 165,200
For Personal Services for Other Essential
Frontline Workers............................... 33,100
For Contractual Services........................... 9,000
For Postage........................................ 2,500
For Telecommunications Services.................... 2,800
Total $212,600
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Transportation:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 16,286,800
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,428,200
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 1,245,900
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 5,200
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 42,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment..... 300,900
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 100,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 14,000
Repair and Maintenance of EDP................... 10,700
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 40,800
Auditing and Management Services............... 700,000
Legal Fees................................... 1,411,800
Building and Grounds Maintenance................. 5,800
Gas............................................. 23,800
Electricity..................................... 77,400
Water.............................................. 700
Postage and Postal Charges..................... 185,200
For Travel....................................... 302,700
For Printing..................................... 250,300
For Equipment..................................... 50,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 200,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 200,000
Total $24,882,600
Section 10. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For the Department's share of costs
with the Illinois Commerce
Commission for monitoring railroad
crossing safety................................. 155,000
Total $155,000
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Tort Claims, including payment
pursuant to P.A. 80-1078........................ 540,300
For representation and indemnification
for the Department of Transportation,
the Illinois State Police and the
Secretary of State provided that the
representation required resulted from
the Road Fund portion of their normal
operations...................................... 250,000
Total $790,300
Section 20. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 5,378,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,132,200
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 411,500
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management...................... 2,559,700
Computer Software.............................. 451,900
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Equipment...................................... 7,000
For Electronic Data Processing................. 7,000,000
For Telecommunications........................... 400,000
Total $17,371,200
Section 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,450,900
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,357,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,947,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 4,600
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 15,900
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 16,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 859,000
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 82,400
Repair and Maintenance of Electronic Data
Processing.................................... 72,700
In-House Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,386,800
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 9,500
Auditing and Management Services............... 152,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 42,700
Gas............................................. 23,100
Electricity..................................... 77,000
Water.............................................. 700
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 25,000
Computer Software............................... 15,800
For Travel....................................... 351,700
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,500,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 200,000
Total $37,690,700
Section 60. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Transportation Safety Highway Hire-back Fund to the Department of Transportation for agreements with the Illinois Department of State Police to provide patrol officers in highway construction work zones.
Section 70. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for grants to local governments for the following purposes:
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
arising from local Traffic Signal
Maintenance Agreements created by Part
468 of the Illinois Department of
Transportation Rules and Regulations.......... 3,000,000
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
arising from City, County, and other
State Maintenance Agreements.................. 10,000,000
Total $13,000,000
Section 75. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds....................................... 25,000
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Division of Traffic Safety:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 5,834,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,228,100
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 446,300
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 88,200
Repair and Maintenance of
Office Equipment............................. 1,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property.......... 5,200
Rental of Real Property.......................... 5,000
Building and Ground Maintenance.................. 1,500
Computer Software............................... 98,100
For Travel........................................ 84,900
For Printing..................................... 150,000
For Equipment...................................... 3,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 130,000
Total $8,076,600
Section 100. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds........................................ 8,800
Section 105. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Cycle Rider Safety Training Fund, as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to the Department of Transportation for the administration of the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program by the Division of Traffic Safety:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 216,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 45,600
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 16,600
For Group Insurance............................... 49,600
For Travel......................................... 8,000
For Printing....................................... 1,900
For Equipment...................................... 2,100
Total $340,200
Section 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,355,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 916,700
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 333,200
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees........................................ 200
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 600
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 10,600
Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and Mechanical
Equipment.................................... 149,700
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 100
Rental on Machinery and Equipment............... 74,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 19,500
Gas............................................. 32,000
Electricity..................................... 38,100
Water............................................ 3,700
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 2,000
Computer Software................................ 1,600
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunications Services................... 26,300
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 400,000
Total $6,564,600
Section 120. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 84,720,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System................. 17,832,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 6,481,100
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 5,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 37,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 86,100
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 213,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment..................... 2,525,600
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 187,400
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 36,700
Rental on Machinery and Equipment.............. 151,000
Auditing and Management........................ 140,500
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 63,900
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 291,000
Gas............................................ 593,700
Electricity.................................. 4,834,400
Water........................................... 23,800
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 64,000
Computer Software................................ 3,800
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 56,500
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 6,843,900
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................. 1,500
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 26,400
For Equipment.................................. 1,300,000
For Telecommunications Services................ 1,681,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 9,000,000
Total $137,301,400
Section 125. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,503,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,638,300
For State Contributions to Social Security..... 1,951,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,400
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 12,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 98,000
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 247,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 247,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,623,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 8,500
Rental on Machinery and Equipment.............. 104,300
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 17,700
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 56,600
Gas............................................. 82,200
Electricity.................................... 515,700
Water........................................... 11,900
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 22,500
Computer Software................................ 6,100
For Travel........................................ 95,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 18,300
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,628,500
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 41,400
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............... 7,900
For Equipment.................................... 700,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 300,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $43,940,000
Section 130. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 23,092,000
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,860,600
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,766,500
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,100
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,900
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 26,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 290,400 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 156,900
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,080,600
Rental of Office Equipment...................... 30,400
Rental on Machinery and Equipment............... 26,200
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 19,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 44,300
Gas............................................ 127,900
Electricity.................................... 491,000
Water........................................... 57,000
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 10,500
For Travel........................................ 60,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 7,400
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,620,400
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 18,000
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 89,100
For Equipment.................................... 797,500
For Telecommunications Services.................. 245,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,500,000
Total $39,481,900
Section 135. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 22,667,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,771,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,734,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 6,800
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 38,100
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 166,200 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 193,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,330,300
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 200
Rental of Real Property............................ 300 Rental of Machinery and Equipment......................... 51,500
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 36,200
Gas............................................ 115,600
Electricity.................................... 506,700
Water............................................ 9,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 20,000
For Travel........................................ 80,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 15,100
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,571,700
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 15,700
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............... 8,900
For Equipment.................................... 979,300
For Telecommunications Services.................. 246,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $38,587,600
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 20,014,600
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,212,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,531,100
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,300
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 4,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 26,300
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 50,300 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 259,800
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 909,500
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,500
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 51,200
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 41,600
Gas............................................. 67,700
Electricity.................................... 573,400
Water........................................... 23,400
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 32,600
For Travel........................................ 75,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 10,400
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,650,400
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 18,900
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 174,200
For Equipment.................................. 1,003,100
For Telecommunications Services.................. 183,600
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,000,000
Total $33,938,000
Section 145. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 25,298,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 5,325,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,935,320
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees..................................... 22,200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 27,700
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 361,400 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 380,300
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,691,400
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 9,000
Rental of Real Property.......................... 2,100
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 34,100
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 17,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 60,000
Gas............................................. 91,800
Electricity.................................... 727,000
Water........................................... 27,100
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,000
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 13,800
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 2,031,900
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 15,200
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 93,900
For Equipment.................................... 727,800
For Telecommunications Services.................. 245,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 3,200,000
Total $42,438,800
Section 150. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 20,453,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 4,305,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,564,700
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,100
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 6,800
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 14,200
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 136,900 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 403,600
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,196,300
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 3,800
Rental of Machinery and Equipment............... 58,800
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 16,500
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 31,400
Gas............................................. 78,100
Electricity.................................... 369,200
Water........................................... 43,800
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 18,500
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 3,000
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,469,200
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment.............. 80,100
For Equipment.................................... 906,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 160,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,500,000
Total $39,921,300
Section 155. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 33,066,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 6,960,000
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 2,529,600
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees..................................... $4,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 10,300
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment....... 7,600
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property........ 245,500 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment.......................... 72,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 445,500
Rental of Office Equipment................... 1,933,400
Rental of Real Property......................... 53,600
Rental of Machinery............................. 58,600
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 20,000
Building and Grounds Maintenance............... 212,200
Gas............................................. 95,300
Electricity.................................. 1,500,800
Water.......................................... 106,100
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 30,000
Computer Software................................ 4,200
For Travel....................................... 100,000
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies............................. 15,600
Abrasives for Road Use....................... 1,383,100
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................. 1,500
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 492,400
For Equipment.................................. 1,298,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 576,500
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 4,000,000
Total $55,222,400
Section 160. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees...................... 18,037,200
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,796,700
For State Contributions to Social Security .... 1,379,900
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 3,000
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 25,800
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property......... 46,500 Repair and Maintenance of Machinery and
Mechanical Equipment......................... 391,300
In-house Repair and Maintenance.............. 1,441,100
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 1,300
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................... 600
Rental of Real Property.......................... 2,600
Rental of Machinery............................. 10,600
Hospital and Medical Service.................... 13,300
Building and Grounds Maintenance................ 27,800
Gas............................................. 51,500
Electricity.................................... 328,200
Water........................................... 59,600
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 11,200
For Travel........................................ 53,100
For Commodities:
Mechanical Supplies.............................. 5,200
Abrasives for Road Use......................... 965,100
Fuel and Bottled Gas............................ 16,900
Gas and Oil for Off-road Equipment............. 165,500
For Equipment.................................... 885,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 140,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.......... 2,100,000
Total $29,961,000
Section 165. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of Aeronautics Operations:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees:
Payable from the Road Fund..................... 4,711,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 991,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 360,400
For Contractual Services Payable from the Road Fund:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 1,000
Freight, Express and Drayage.................... 13,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 11,000
Repair and Maintenance of
Aircraft and Boats......................... 1,419,500 Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 2,000
Repair and Maintenance or Machinery............. 47,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 349,900
Rental of Office Equipment....................... 6,000
Rental of Real Property......................... 10,000
Hospital and Medical Service..................... 5,600
Building and Grounds Maintenance................... 500
Postage and Postal Charges...................... 67,000
Computer Software............................... 27,000
For Contractual Services Payable from Air
Transportation Revolving Fund:
Repair and Maintenance of
Aircraft and Boats........................... 505,000
In-house Repair and Maintenance................ 495,000
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the General Assembly:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 130,000
For Travel: Executive Air Transportation
Expenses of the Governor's Office:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............ 130,000
For Travel:
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 100,000
Payable from the Road Fund....................... 205,000
For Telecommunications Services:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 94,200
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
Payable from the Road Fund........................ 28,800
Total $9,709,400
Section 175. The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for such purposes as are described in Sections 31 and 34 of the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended.
Section 185. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds...................................... 35,000
Section 190. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Aeronautics Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For Refunds.......................................... 500
Section 195. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses incident to Public Transportation and Railroads Operations:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,458,100
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 517,400
For State Contributions to Social
Security........................................ 188,000
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 7,600
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment........ $500
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 4,400
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Equipment...................................... 7,500
For Telecommunications Services................... 40,000
Total $3,250,900
Section 205. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for administrative expenses incurred in connection with the purposes of Section 18 of the Federal Transit Act (Section 5311 of the USC), as amended, provided such amount not exceed funds made available from the Federal government under that Act.
Section 280. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses incident to the operations and functions of administering the provisions of the "Illinois Highway Code", relating to use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds by the counties, municipalities, road districts and townships:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 6,956,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,464,300
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 532,200
For Group Insurance............................ 1,742,200
For Contractual Services:
Contribution Reimbursement to State
Employees...................................... 7,600
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment....... 2,400
Repair and Maintenance of Real Property............ 500
In-house Repair and Maintenance.................. 4,400
Rental of Office Equipment......................... 100
Computer Software.................................. 500
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Printing...................................... 28,000
For Equipment..................................... 12,800
For Telecommunications Services................... 23,900
For Operation of Automotive Equipment.............. 5,100
Total $10,810,400
Section 290. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Illinois Highway Safety Program under provisions of the National Highway Safety Act of 1966, as amended:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,181,000
For State Contributions to State Employees'
Retirement System............................... 248,600
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 90,300
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 208,000
For Travel........................................ 72,000
For Printing..................................... 185,200
For Equipment..................................... 61,400
Total $2,046,500
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 215,000
For Employee Retirement
Contributions Paid by State....................... 4,300
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 38,300
For State Contributions to Social Security........ 22,500
For Travel........................................ 11,900
For Printing....................................... 1,600
For Equipment..................................... 20,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............. 35,000
Total $387,700
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 4,654,700
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 828,400
For State Contributions to Social Security ....... 60,000
For Contractual Services:
Rental of Motor Vehicles....................... 133,000
Computer Software................................ 3,500
For Travel........................................ 97,000
For Printing...................................... 10,200
For Equipment.................................... 163,400
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 268,300
Total $6,218,500
For Contractual Services.......................... 95,000
For Printing....................................... 5,200
Total $100,200
For local highway safety projects
by county and municipal governments,
state and private universities and other
private entities.............................. 9,300,000
Section 295. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Program under provisions of Title IV of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 2,328,500
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 490,100
For State Contributions to Social Security ...... 178,100
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage....................... 200
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment......... 800
Rental of Motor Vehicles........................ 41,900
Auditing and Management........................ 315,400
Postage and Postal Charges....................... 1,500
For Travel....................................... 250,000
For Printing...................................... 10,300
For Equipment..................................... 98,300
For Telecommunications Services................... 75,100
Total $3,790,200
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 6,254,400
For State Contributions to State
Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,113,100
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 478,400
For Contractual Services:
Freight, Express and Drayage..................... 1,000
Repair and Maintenance of Office Equipment...... 11,300
Rental of Office Equipment..................... 179,400
Building and Ground Maintenance.................. 2,100
Computer Software............................... 53,100
For Travel....................................... 349,500
For Printing...................................... 71,800
For Equipment.................................... 628,400
For Telecommunications Services.................. 722,100
For Operation of Automotive Equipment............ 723,200
Total $10,587,300
Section 300. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Section 163 Impaired Driving Incentive Grant Program (.08 Alcohol) as authorized by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 294,500
For Travel........................................ 30,000
For Equipment.................................... 199,000
Total $523,500
For local highway safety projects
by county and municipal governments,
state and private universities and
other private entities........................ 2,300,000
Section 305. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the agencies hereafter named, are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for implementation of the Alcohol Traffic Safety Programs of Title XXIII of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended by the SAFETEA-LU:
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees........................... 5,000
For the State Contribution to State
Employees’ Retirement System........................ 900
For the State Contribution to Social
Security............................................ 400
For Travel........................................... 500
For Printing...................................... 22,000
For Telecommunication Services..................... 2,000
Total $38,800
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees......................... 191,100
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System..................... 34,100
For the State Contribution to Social
Security.......................................... 2,800
For Equipment..................................... 81,700
Total $309,600
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management...................... 1,117,300
For Travel........................................ 10,100
For Printing...................................... 60,600
Total $1,188,000
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees.......................... 42,000
For Employee Retirement
Contributions Paid by State......................... 800
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System...................... 7,500
For the State Contribution to Social
Security............................................ 700
For Contractual Services:
Auditing and Management........................ 200,000
For Travel......................................... 6,000
For Printing....................................... 3,500
For Equipment.................................... 100,000
For Telecommunication Services....................... 100
Total $370,100
For Personal Services for Non-Merit
Compensation Employees....................... 1,192,000
For the State Contribution to State
Employees' Retirement System.................... 212,200
For the State Contribution to Social
Security......................................... 16,600
For Printing....................................... 4,000
For Equipment.................................... 122,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 99,800
Total $1,647,400
For Printing...................................... 20,000
Total $20,000
For Travel........................................ 25,000
For Printing....................................... 5,000
Total $55,000
Section 125. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2008, from the appropriations heretofore made in Article 360, Section 5, Section 35, Section 115, Section 120, Section 125, Section 130, Section 135, Section 140, Section 145, Section 150, Section 155, Section 160, and Section 295 of Public Act 95-0348, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes as follows:
Central Offices, Administration and Planning
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 393,400
Central Offices, Division of Highways
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 286,100
Day Labor
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 655,300
District 1, Schaumburg Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 7,673,800
District 2, Dixon Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,910,200
District 3, Ottawa Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,932,600
District 4, Peoria Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,335,600
District 5, Paris Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,631,800
District 6, Springfield Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,672,200
District 7, Effingham Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 2,102,700
District 8, Collinsville Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,628,800
District 9, Carbondale Office
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 938,200
Division of Traffic Safety, Commercial Motor
Vehicle Safety Program
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks.............. 210,000
Division of Traffic Safety, Commercial Motor
Vehicle Safety Program
For the Department of State Police
For Purchase of Cars and Trucks............ 1,300,000
Total $21,977,300
Section 130. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from a reappropriation herein made in:
Section 85 GRF Aeronautics
of this Article until after the purpose and the amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.
Total, Article 68A $23,670,700
Section 995. All amounts appropriated in this Act are in addition to all other amounts appropriated for the same purposes for fiscal year 2009 in any other Public Acts.
Section 999. Effective Date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2008.