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| WHEREAS, The Governor's Office of Management and Budget is |
3 |
| requiring negotiations with existing regional superintendents |
4 |
| of schools to abolish some of the statutorily created Regional |
5 |
| Offices of Education without General Assembly input; and
6 |
| WHEREAS, The Governor's Office of Management and Budget and |
7 |
| the State Board of Education are pursuing a new regional map |
8 |
| showing the reduction of Regional Offices of Education without |
9 |
| General Assembly input; and
10 |
| WHEREAS, The elected office of the Regional Superintendent |
11 |
| of Schools is statutorily created in Articles 3 and 3A of the |
12 |
| School Code; any changes to the number, duties, and |
13 |
| responsibilities of the regional superintendents can only be |
14 |
| realized with General Assembly action; and
15 |
| WHEREAS, The Regional Superintendent is the direct |
16 |
| successor of the Commissioner of School Lands; and
17 |
| WHEREAS, In 1829, the Sixth General Assembly made it the |
18 |
| duty of the body known as the County Board to appoint a |
19 |
| competent and responsible person to act as commissioner and |
20 |
| agent for the county in the sale of public lands; in 1841, the |
21 |
| General Assembly changed the title to County Commissioner, an |
22 |
| ex-officio county superintendent of schools; in 1865, the |
23 |
| General Assembly called for the election of the county |
24 |
| superintendent of schools; and |
25 |
| WHEREAS, Until 1973, there were 102 County Superintendents |
26 |
| in Illinois, one for each county; by the consolidation of |
27 |
| smaller counties into regions, that number was reduced by the |
28 |
| General Assembly to 78; in 1977, further consolidation of |
29 |
| smaller counties reduced the number of regions to 57;
in 1994, |
30 |
| the General Assembly eliminated the office of the Regional |
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| Superintendent in Cook County as of June 30, 1994; subsequent |
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| General Assembly action allowed for its reinstatement on August |
3 |
| 7, 1995; In 1995, the General Assembly reduced the 57 |
4 |
| Educational Service Regions to 45; and |
5 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3-1 of the School Code states: |
6 |
| "Quadrennially there shall be elected in every county...a |
7 |
| regional superintendent of schools, who shall enter upon the |
8 |
| discharge of his duties on the first Monday of August next |
9 |
| after his election"; and |
10 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3A-1 of the School Code states: "Each |
11 |
| county of the State shall, except as otherwise provided in this |
12 |
| Article, be designated as an educational service region"; and |
13 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3A-2 of the School Code states: "The chief |
14 |
| administrative officer of an educational service region shall |
15 |
| be designated and referred to as 'Regional Superintendent of |
16 |
| Schools' or 'regional superintendent.' Such person shall, in |
17 |
| his region, have the powers and duties and perform the |
18 |
| functions required of or exercisable by a county superintendent |
19 |
| of schools, except as otherwise provided by law."; and |
20 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3-0.01 of the School Code states: "the |
21 |
| chief administrative officer of an educational service region |
22 |
| shall be designated and referred to as the 'regional |
23 |
| superintendent of schools' or the 'regional superintendent' |
24 |
| and...the office held by the chief administrative officer shall |
25 |
| be designated and referred to as the 'regional office of |
26 |
| education'"; and |
27 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3-2.5 of the School Code states:
"the |
28 |
| regional superintendents of schools shall receive for their |
29 |
| services an annual salary according to the population, as |
30 |
| determined by the last preceding federal census, of the region |
31 |
| they serve, as set out in the following schedule.... The salary |
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| that the regional superintendent of schools receives for his or |
2 |
| her services shall be adjusted annually to reflect the |
3 |
| percentage increase, if any, in the most recent Consumer Price |
4 |
| Index..., except that no annual increment may exceed 2.9%.... |
5 |
| When regional superintendents are authorized by the School Code |
6 |
| to appoint assistant regional superintendents, the assistant |
7 |
| regional superintendent shall receive an annual salary based on |
8 |
| his or her qualifications and computed as a percentage of the |
9 |
| salary of the regional superintendent to whom he or she is |
10 |
| assistant, as set out in the following schedule.... The |
11 |
| salaries provided in this Section for regional superintendents |
12 |
| and assistant regional superintendents are payable monthly |
13 |
| from the Common School Fund."; and |
14 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3-14.2 of the School Code states: "The |
15 |
| county superintendent of schools shall exercise supervision |
16 |
| and control over all school districts within the county."; and |
17 |
| WHEREAS, Section 3A-4 of the School Code states: "After |
18 |
| October 15, 1993, each region must contain at least 43,000 |
19 |
| inhabitants.... If locally determined consolidation decisions |
20 |
| result in more than 45 regions of population greater than |
21 |
| 43,000 each, the State Board of Education shall direct further |
22 |
| consolidation, beginning with the region of lowest population, |
23 |
| until the number of 45 regions is achieved."; and |
24 |
| WHEREAS, The Governor's Office of Management and Budget is |
25 |
| not authorized to change the number and responsibilities of the |
26 |
| regional superintendents; and |
27 |
| WHEREAS, Before any changes are considered to the School |
28 |
| Code in relation to regional superintendents, the General |
29 |
| Assembly should focus on what is in the best interest of |
30 |
| students, teachers, and parents; therefore, be it
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| the House Appropriations - Elementary & Secondary Education |
3 |
| Committee shall hold subject matter hearings with regard to the |
4 |
| regional delivery of educational services and that the |
5 |
| Committee's chairperson shall post notice of each hearing as |
6 |
| provided under House Rule 21; and be it further
7 |
| RESOLVED, That the Committee shall receive testimony on the |
8 |
| current structure of regional delivery of educational services |
9 |
| and that issues that should be examined include teacher |
10 |
| professional development activities, teacher certification |
11 |
| services, life-safety inspections, and other statutory |
12 |
| regional office of education responsibilities and duties; and |
13 |
| be it further |
14 |
| RESOLVED, That the Committee shall report its findings and |
15 |
| recommendations on regional superintendent service delivery to |
16 |
| the House of Representatives by filing a copy of its report |
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| with the Clerk of the House no later than January 1, 2006.