093_SB2079 BOB093 00150 EMB 00150 b 1 AN ACT making appropriations. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 ARTICLE 1 5 Section 5. The sum of $143,525, or so much thereof as 6 may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of 7 business on June 30, 2003, from a reappropriation made for 8 such purpose in Article 14, Section 5 of Public Act 92-538, 9 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the 10 Illinois Community College Board for distribution as grants 11 to community colleges for technology infrastructure 12 improvements. No contract shall be entered into or obligation 13 incurred for any expenditures from the appropriation made in 14 this Section until after the purposes and amounts have been 15 approved in writing by the Governor. 16 Section 10. The sum of $73,396, or so much thereof as 17 may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of 18 business on June 30, 2003, from a reappropriation made for 19 such purpose in Article 14, Section 10 of Public Act 92-538, 20 is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the 21 Illinois Community College Board for distribution as grants 22 to community colleges for technology infrastructure 23 improvements. No contract shall be entered into or obligation 24 incurred for any expenditures from the appropriation made in 25 this Section until after the purposes and amounts have been 26 approved in writing by the Governor. 27 Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much 28 thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects 29 and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the -2- BOB093 00150 EMB 00150 b 1 General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Community College Board 2 for ordinary and contingent expenses: 3 For Personal Services......................... $ 1,324,000 4 For State Contributions to Social 5 Security, for Medicare....................... 13,500 6 For Contractual Services...................... 291,500 7 For Travel.................................... 58,400 8 For Commodities............................... 8,400 9 For Printing.................................. 11,000 10 For Equipment................................. 3,000 11 For Electronic Data Processing................ 418,000 12 For Telecommunications........................ 35,800 13 For Operation of Automotive 14 Equipment.................................... 3,000 15 East St. Louis Operations .................... 1,500 16 Total $2,168,100 17 Section 20. The sum of $53,500, or so much thereof as 18 may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue 19 Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for the 20 contractual services of the Central Office. 21 Section 30. The sum of $25,000,000, or so much thereof 22 as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois 23 Community College Board Contracts and Grants Fund to the 24 Illinois Community College Board to be expended under the 25 terms and conditions associated with the moneys being 26 received. 27 Section 35. The sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof as 28 may be necessary, is appropriated from the ICCB Adult 29 Education Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for 30 operational expenses associated with administration of adult 31 education and literacy activities. -3- BOB093 00150 EMB 00150 b 1 Section 40. The sum of $1,010,000, or so much thereof as 2 may be necessary, is appropriated from the Career and 3 Technical Education Fund to the Illinois Community College 4 Board for operational expenses associated with the 5 administration of career and technical education activities 6 and grants to colleges. 7 Section 45. The following named amounts, or so much 8 thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated 9 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Community 10 College Board for distribution to qualifying public community 11 colleges for the purposes specified: 12 Base Operating Grants......................... $191,837,100 13 Small College Grants.......................... 900,000 14 Equalization Grants........................... 76,617,500 15 Retirees Health 16 Insurance Grants............................. 626,600 17 Workforce Development Grants ................. 7,475,200 18 P-16 Initiative Grants........................ 1,279,000 19 Deferred Maintenance Grants................... 2,984,600 20 Total $281,720,000 21 Section 50. The sum of $2,089,100, or so much thereof as 22 may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue 23 Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for grants to 24 operate an educational facility in the former community 25 college district #541 in East St. Louis. 26 Section 85. The sum of $120,100, or so much thereof as 27 may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue 28 Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for awarding 29 scholarships to qualifying graduates of the Lincoln's 30 Challenge Program. -4- BOB093 00150 EMB 00150 b 1 Section 90. The sum of $885,000, or so much thereof as 2 may be necessary, is appropriated from the AFDC Opportunities 3 Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for grants to 4 colleges for workforce training and technology and operating 5 costs of the Board for those purposes. 6 Section 95. The sum of $10,000 or so much thereof as may 7 be necessary, is appropriated from the Video Conferencing 8 User Fund to the Illinois Community College Board for video 9 conferencing expenses. 10 Section 100. The following named amounts, or so much of 11 those amounts as may be necessary, for the objects and 12 purposes named, are appropriated to the Illinois Community 13 College Board for adult education and literacy activities: 14 From the General Revenue Fund: 15 For payment of costs associated 16 with education and educational-related 17 services to local eligible providers 18 for adult education and 19 literacy................................... $15,829,600 20 For payment of costs associated 21 with education and educational-related 22 services to local eligible providers 23 for performance-based awards............... 10,491,800 24 For operational expenses of and 25 for payment of costs associated with 26 education and educational-related 27 services to recipients of Public 28 Assistance, and, if any funds remain, 29 for costs associated with 30 education and educational-related 31 services to local eligible providers 32 for adult education and literacy........... 7,922,100 -5- BOB093 00150 EMB 00150 b 1 From the ICCB Adult Education Fund: 2 For payment of costs associated with 3 education and educational-related 4 services to local eligible providers 5 and to Support Leadership Activities, 6 as Defined by U.S.D.O.E. 7 for adult education and literacy 8 as provided by the United States 9 Department of Education.................... 28,997,300 10 Total, this Section $63,240,800 11 Section 105. The following named amounts, or so much 12 thereof as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes 13 hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Illinois Community 14 College Board for career and technical education activities: 15 From the General Revenue Fund .................. $ 10,039,500 16 From the Career and Technical Education Fund.... 17,120,000 17 Total, this Section $27,159,500 18 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on 19 July 1, 2003.