093_SB1765 LRB093 10993 SJM 11618 b 1 AN ACT to create a commission to study tax expenditures 2 in Illinois. 3 WHEREAS, The State of Illinois currently is experiencing 4 a significant budget deficit; and 5 WHEREAS, In fiscal year 2001, tax expenditures totaled 6 $5,500,000,000, according to the Comptroller; and 7 WHEREAS, Certain tax expenditures may be ineffective, 8 outdated, unnecessary, or improper given the current fiscal 9 and economic climate; and 10 WHEREAS, It would be beneficial for the Governor and 11 General Assembly to have a comprehensive study of tax 12 expenditures so that it can be determined which of these tax 13 expenditures should be preserved, modified, or eliminated; 14 therefore 15 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 16 represented in the General Assembly: 17 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Tax 18 Expenditures Commission Act. 19 Section 5. Definitions. In this Act: 20 "Tax expenditures" means any exemption, exclusion, 21 deduction, allowance, credit, preferential tax rate, 22 abatement, or other device that reduces the tax revenue that 23 would otherwise accrue to the State. 24 Section 10. Tax Expenditures Commission. There is hereby 25 created the Tax Expenditures Commission. The Tax Expenditures 26 Commission shall be composed of the following individuals: 27 the Director of the Bureau of the Budget or his or her 28 designee; the Director of Revenue or his or her designee; 2 -2- LRB093 10993 SJM 11618 b 1 members of the House of Representatives to be appointed one 2 each by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the 3 Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; 2 members of 4 the Senate to be appointed one each by the President of the 5 Senate and the Minority Leader of the Senate; and one person 6 appointed by the Governor, who shall serve as Chairman. Any 7 vacancy shall be filled by the original appointing authority. 8 The Tax Expenditures Commission shall consider existing tax 9 expenditures in Illinois and make recommendations designed to 10 reduce revenue loss or promote economic development or both. 11 The Tax Expenditures Commission shall report its findings to 12 the General Assembly and the Governor no later than December 13 31, 2003, and is abolished on July 1, 2004. 14 The Tax Expenditures Commission shall hold such public 15 hearings as it deems advisable. The first meeting of the Tax 16 Expenditures Commission shall be called by the Chairman 17 within 60 days after the effective date of this Act. 18 Section 15. Act repealed. This Act is repealed on July 19 1, 2004. 20 Section 99. Effective date. The Act takes effective upon 21 becoming law.