093_SB1523avm001 LRB093 11000 BDD 18280 v MOTION I move to accept the specific recommendations of the Governor as to Senate Bill 1523 in manner and form as follows: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 1523 IN ACCEPTANCE OF GOVERNOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS Amend Senate Bill 1523 on page 3, deleting line 33; and on page 3, line 34, by deleting "assure"; and on page 4, by replacing lines 7 through 14 with the following: "(5) Monitor State funded programs delivering services to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to determine the extent that promised and mandated services are delivered."; and on page 4, by replacing lines 25 through 33 with the following: "(7) Promote cooperation among State and local agencies providing educational programs for deaf and hard of hearing individuals.". Date: , 2003