093_SB1354 SRS093 00059 PLM 00059 b 1 AN ACT in relation to townships. 2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 3 represented in the General Assembly: 4 Section 5. The Township Code is amended by changing Sections 5 210-5, 210-15 and 210-25 as follows: 6 (60 ILCS 1/210-5) 7Sec. 210-5. Application of Article; referendum.8(a) This Article applies only in those townships in9which the electors of the unincorporated area of the10township, at any regularly scheduled election held within the11township, by majority vote, authorize the township board to12exercise the powers conferred by this Article.13(b) Whenever the township board, by a resolution passed14by a majority of its members, requests that the question15whether it shall be allowed to exercise the powers conferred16by this Article be submitted to the electors of the17unincorporated area of the township, and upon the delivery of18a certified copy of the resolution to the proper election19official, the election official shall submit the question to20the electors at any regular scheduled election held within21the township.22(c) The question submitted to the electors shall be23printed in plain, prominent type upon a ballot in the form24required by the general election law. If a majority of the25electors voting on the question are in favor of conferring26powers under this Article, the proper election official shall27certify the results of the referendum to the township clerk28within 10 days after the election. The certificate shall29include (i) the date of the referendum and a summary of the30proposition submitted, (ii) the number of electors for or31against the proposition, and (iii) a description of the area-2- SRS093 00059 PLM 00059 b 1of the township within which the township board may exercise2the powers conferred by this Article.3(d) This Article does not apply in any township in which4a county ordinance or resolution is in effect regulating the5collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, and ashes.6 (Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.) 7 (60 ILCS 1/210-15) 8 Sec. 210-15. Contract for collection and disposal; 9 special district; tax. 10 (a) The township board, by a resolution passed by a 11 majority of its members,when authorized by the electors of12the unincorporated area of the township to exercise the13powers conferred by this Article,may make contracts with any 14 city, village, or incorporated town or with any person, 15 corporation, or county for more than one year and not more 16 than 15 years (i) relating to the composting or recycling of 17 garbage, refuse, and ashes within the unincorporated area of 18 the township or (ii) relating to the collection and final 19 disposition, or relating solely to either the collection or 20 the final disposition, of garbage, refuse, and ashes within 21 the unincorporated area of the township. 22 (b) For this purpose, the township board shall perform 23 one of the following: 24 (1) Declare the unincorporated area of the township 25 a special refuse collection and disposal district for tax 26 purposes. Proof of the declaration authorizes the county 27 clerk to extend a tax upon the special refuse collection 28 and disposal district in the amount specified in the 29 annual township tax levy, but not more than a rate of 30 0.15% of the value of taxable property as equalized or 31 assessed by the Department of Revenue. The maximum tax 32 rate of 0.15% authorized by this Section may be increased 33 to not more than 0.20% according to the referendum -3- SRS093 00059 PLM 00059 b 1 provisions of the General Revenue Law of Illinois. 2 (2) Provide in the contract that the users of the 3 services described in items (i) and (ii) of subsection 4 (a) shall pay the costs of the services directly to the 5 service provider. 6 (Source: P.A. 90-751, eff. 1-1-99.) 7 (60 ILCS 1/210-25) 8 Sec. 210-25. Rules and regulations; penalties. The 9 township board, by a resolution passed by a majority of its 10 members,when authorized by the electors of the11unincorporated area of the township to exercise the powers12conferred by this Article,may adopt by ordinance rules and 13 regulations relating to the collection and final disposition, 14 or relating solely to either the collection or the final 15 disposition, of garbage, refuse, and ashes within the 16 unincorporated area of the township as it from time to time 17 deems necessary and may provide penalties for the violation 18 of those rules and regulations. 19 (Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)