093_SB0690sam001 LRB093 06480 JAM 13885 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 690 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 690 on page 2, in 3 line 26, by inserting after "fees" the following: 4 ", unless the court finds that the fundamental purpose of the 5 request is to further the commercial interests of the 6 requestor. If the court finds that the fundamental purpose of 7 the request was to further the commercial interests of the 8 requestor, the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees if 9 the court finds that the record or records in question were 10 of clearly significant interest to the general public and 11 that the public body lacked any reasonable basis in law for 12 withholding the record. The court shall award fees and costs 13 to a public body that prevails in litigation under this Act, 14 but only upon the court's determination that the action is 15 malicious or frivolous".