093_SB0601sam002 LRB093 07909 JLS 12758 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 601 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 601 on page 1 by 3 replacing lines 12, 13, and 14 with the following: 4 "or services for illness on an expense-incurred basis shall"; 5 and 6 on page 2 by replacing lines 27, 28, and 29 with the 7 following: 8 "accident and health insurance or health care plan amended,"; 9 and 10 on page 5 by deleting lines 21 through 32; and 11 by deleting all of pages 6, 7, and 8; and 12 on page 9 by deleting lines 1 through 12.