093_SB0417ham002 LRB093 06237 SJM 15520 a 1 AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 417 2 AMENDMENT NO. . Amend Senate Bill 417, AS AMENDED, 3 with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment 4 No. 1, by replacing lines 32 through 34 on page 7 and lines 1 5 and 2 on page 8 with the following: 6 "(C) The area, prior to its designation, is subject to 7 (i) chronic flooding that adversely impacts on real property 8 in the area as certified by a registered professional 9 engineer or appropriate regulatory agency or (ii) surface 10 water that discharges from all or a part of the area and 11 contributes to flooding within the same watershed, but only 12 if the redevelopment project provides for facilities or 13 improvements to contribute to the alleviation of all or part 14 of the flooding."