Date | Chamber | Action |
8/18/2003 | Senate | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 93-0541 |
705 ILCS 35/2f-1 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-2 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-3 new |
705 ILCS 40/2 | from Ch. 37, par. 72.42 |
Adds reference to: | ||
10 ILCS 5/7-7 |
10 ILCS 5/7-8 |
705 ILCS 35/1 |
705 ILCS 35/2 |
705 ILCS 35/2a |
705 ILCS 35/2b |
705 ILCS 35/2f-4 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-5 new |
705 ILCS 45/2 |
Judicial Note (S-AM1) (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts) | |
In all, the bill creates 14 new judgeships that will be first filled by election at the 2006 general election. It appears, however, that SB75 may also result in a reduction in the number of at large circuit judgeships. Currently, there are 8 at large circuit judges in the 12th circuit, and 13 at large judges in the 18th circuit. The bill provides that 4 of the 8 in the 12th circuit are to be allotted for resident (subcircuit) judgeships, and 12 of the 13 in the 18th are to be allotted for resident (subcircuit) judgeships. Absent elections to fill vacancies in the at large judgeships that are not allotted for resident (subcircuit) judgeships, the non-allotted at large judgeships in the 12th (4 judgeships) and the 18th (1 judgeship) will be gradually eliminated. The timing of the reduction in the number of at large judgeships would depend on the occurrence of vacancies. SB75 will also have an impact on the total number of authorized associate judgeships. The total number of associate judgeships for the new circuits will be 27, an increase of one from the number authorized for the existing 19th circuit. |
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705 ILCS 35/2f-6 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-7 new |
Fiscal Note (S-AM1) (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts) | |
Based on the currently authorized salary for circuit judges, the annual salary expense for the 14 new judgeships will be $1,904,644 and the cost for payment of the Medicare portion of Social Security will amount to an additional $27,617 on an annual basis. The full annual expense will not be incurred until fiscal year 2008, since the new judgeships are not to be filled until after the 2006 general election. It appears that the fiscal impact of the bill will decrease in subsequent years due to amendatory provisions relating to at large judgeships. Absent elections to fill vacancies in the at large judgeships that are not allotted for resident (subcircuit) judgeships, the non-allotted at large judgeships in the 12th and 18th circuits will gradually be eliminated. Given a total of five at large judgeships that are not allotted to subcircuits, the fiscal impact of the bill will be reduced by $680,230 for salary and $9,863 for the cost of the Medicare portion of Social Security. In addition to 14 new judgeships, one additional associate judgeship will be added. Based on the currently authorized salary for associate judges, the annual salary expense for an additional associate judgeship will be $126,747 and the cost of the Medicare portion of Social Security will be an additional $1,838 on an annual basis. The full annual expense for the additional associate judgeship will not be incurred until fiscal year 2008, since the new judgeship will not be authorized until the new circuits are created on December 4, 2006. |
Deletes reference to: | ||
705 ILCS 35/2 |
705 ILCS 35/2a |
705 ILCS 35/2b |
705 ILCS 35/2f-3 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-6 new |
705 ILCS 35/2f-7 new |
Land Conveyance Appraisal Note (H-AM 2) (Dept. of Transportation) | |
As there are no parcels of land being conveyed in this bill, there are no appraisals to be filed by the Department of Transportation. |
Pension Note (H-AM 2) (Pension Laws Commission) | |
SB 75, as amended by House Amendment 2, may affect the employer contributions that must be made to the Judges' Retirement System. If the number of circuit and associate judges is increased due to the passage of the bill, required employer contributions to JRS will also increase by an undetermined amount. If SB 75, as amended by House Amendment 2, does not increase the number of judges, there would be no fiscal impact for any public pension fund or retirement system in Illinois. |
Housing Affordability Impact Note (H-AM 2) (Housing Development Authority) | |
This legislation will have no fiscal impact on constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence. |
State Debt Impact Note (H-AM 2) (Economic and Fiscal Commission) | |
SB 75, as amended by House Amendment 2, would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. |
Balanced Budget Note (H-AM2) (Bureau of the Budget) | |
Since this is not a supplemental appropriation bill, it is not possible to complete this note as requested. |
State Mandates Fiscal Note (H-AM2) (Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs) | |
Does not meet the definition of a State mandate. |
Correctional Note (H-AM2) (Department of Corrections) | |
Corrections population impact is none. Fiscal impact is none. |
Home Rule Note (H-AM 2) (Dept of Commerce and Community Affairs) | |
In the opinion of DCCA, SB 75 (HA #2) does not pre-empt home rule authority. |
Fiscal Note (H-AM2) (Administrative Office of the Ill. Courts) | |
SB75, as amended by HA2, expressly creates one new Resident (Subcircuit) Judgeship. Currently the 19th circuit has seven "at large" judges. A total of 12 at large circuit judges would be elected in the new 19th and 22nd circuits, a net increase in five circuit judges. SB75, as amended by HA2, would also result in the authorization of one additional associate judgeship. Based on currently authorized salary for circuit judges, the expense for a new resident judgeship in the 12th circuit will be $136,046 and the cost for payment of the Medicare portion of Social Security will be $1,973. The cost for five new circuit judgeships, based on the currently authorized salary for circuit judges, will be $680,230 plus a cost of $9,863 for payment of the Medicare portion of Social Security. Based on the currently authorized salary for associate judges, the expense for an additional associate judgeship will be $126,747 plus a cost of $1,838 for the Medicare portion of Social Security. |
Judicial Note (H-AM2) (Administrative Office of the Ill. Courts) | |
SB75, as amended by HA2, expressly creates one new Resident (Subcircuit) Judgeship. Currently the 19th circuit has seven "at large" judges. A total of 12 at large circuit judges would be elected in the new 19th and 22nd circuits, a net increase in five circuit judges. SB75, as amended by HA2, would also result in the authorization of one additional associate judgeship. |
Pension Note (H-AM3) (Pension Laws Commission) | |
If number of judges is increased contributions to JRS will also increase by an undetermined amount. If the number of judges does not increase, there will be no fiscal impact. |
Adds reference to: | ||
705 ILCS 35/2 |
Balanced Budget Note (H-AM3) (Bureau of the Budget) | |
Since this is not a supplemental appropriation bill, it is not possible to complete this note as requested. |
Judicial Note (H-AM3) (Administrative Office of the Ill. Courts) | |
SB75, as amended by HA3, expressly creates one new Resident (Subcircuit) Judgeship. Currently the 19th circuit has seven "at large" judges. A total of 12 at large circuit judges would be elected in the new 19th and 22nd circuits, a net increase in five circuit judges. SB75, as amended by HA3, would also result in the authorization of one additional associate judgeship. |
Fiscal Note (H-AM3) (Administrative Office of the Ill. Courts) | |
SB75, as amended by HA3, expressly creates one new Resident (Subcircuit) Judgeship. Currently the 19th circuit has seven "at large" judges. A total of 12 at large circuit judges would be elected in the new 19th and 22nd circuits, a net increase in five circuit judges. SB75, as amended by HA3, would also result in the authorization of one additional associate judgeship. Based on currently authorized salary for circuit judges, the expense for a new resident judgeship in the 12th circuit will be $136,046 and the cost for payment of the Medicare portion of Social Security will be $1,973. The cost for five new circuit judgeships, based on the currently authorized salary for circuit judges, will be $680,230 plus a cost of $9,863 for payment of the Medicare portion of Social Security. Based on the currently authorized salary for associate judges, the expense for an additional associate judgeship will be $126,747 plus a cost of $1,838 for the Medicare portion of Social Security. |
State Debt Impact Note (H-AM 3)(Economic and Fiscal Commission) | |
SB 75, as amended by House Amendment 3, would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. |
Land Conveyance Appraisal Note (H-AM 3) (Dept. of Transportation) | |
As there are no parcels of land being conveyed ib Senate Bill 75, as amended by HA 3, there are no appraisals to be filed by the Department of Transportation. |
Housing Affordability Impact Note (H-AM 3)(Housing Development Authority) | |
This legislation will have no fiscal impact on constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence. |
Correctional Note (H-AM 3)(Dept of Corrections) | |
There is no corrections population or fiscal impact on the Department. |
Home Rule Note (H-AM 3)(Dept of Commerce and Community Affairs) | |
In the opinion of DCCA, SB 75 (HA #3) does not pre-empt home rule authority. |
State Mandates Fiscal Note (H-AM 3)(Dept of Commerce and Community Affairs) | |
In the opinion of DCCA, SB 75 (HA #3) does not meet the definition of a State mandate. |
Date | Chamber | Action | 1/22/2003 | Senate | Filed with Secretary by Sen. Terry Link | 1/22/2003 | Senate | First Reading | 1/22/2003 | Senate | Referred to Rules | 1/29/2003 | Senate | Assigned to Executive | 2/5/2003 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 2/19/2003 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 2/28/2003 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Terry Link | 2/28/2003 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules | 3/4/2003 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Executive | 3/4/2003 | Senate | Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. John J. Cullerton | 3/4/2003 | Senate | Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Adeline Jay Geo-Karis | 3/5/2003 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted | 3/6/2003 | Senate | Do Pass as Amended Executive; 010-001-002 | 3/6/2003 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 11, 2003 | 3/11/2003 | Senate | Judicial Note Requested by Sen. Peter J. Roskam | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Judicial Note Filed As amended by Committee Amendment No. 1 | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Terry Link | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Dave Syverson | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Executive | 3/24/2003 | Senate | Fiscal Note Filed as Amended with Committee Amendment No. 1 | 3/25/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Be Adopted Executive; 011-000-000 | 3/25/2003 | Senate | Second Reading | 3/25/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Adopted; Link | 3/25/2003 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 26, 2003 | 3/26/2003 | Senate | Third Reading - Passed; 042-014-001 | 3/26/2003 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Tabled Pursuant to Rule 5-4(a) | 3/26/2003 | House | Arrived in House | 3/26/2003 | House | Placed on Calendar Order of First Reading | 3/26/2003 | House | Chief House Sponsor Rep. Jack D. Franks | 3/26/2003 | House | First Reading | 3/26/2003 | House | Referred to Rules Committee | 5/5/2003 | House | Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Extended-Rule 9(b); May 31, 2003 | 5/5/2003 | House | Assigned to Executive Committee | 5/21/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Executive Committee | 5/21/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Executive Committee; by Voice Vote | 5/21/2003 | House | Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Executive Committee; 007-003-000 | 5/21/2003 | House | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 5/21/2003 | House | Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kathleen A. Ryg | 5/21/2003 | House | Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Eddie Washington | 5/21/2003 | House | Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Jack McGuire | 5/21/2003 | House | Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Karen May | 5/22/2003 | House | Second Reading - Short Debate | 5/22/2003 | House | Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate | 5/23/2003 | House | Third Reading/Final Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 31, 2003 | 5/27/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Jack D. Franks | 5/27/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee | 5/27/2003 | House | Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/27/2003 | House | Pension Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/27/2003 | House | Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/27/2003 | House | State Debt Impact Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/27/2003 | House | Balanced Budget Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/28/2003 | House | State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/28/2003 | House | Correctional Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/28/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Judiciary I - Civil Law Committee | 5/28/2003 | House | Home Rule Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/29/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 2 Withdrawn by Rep. Jack D. Franks | 5/29/2003 | House | Fiscal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/29/2003 | House | Judicial Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 2 | 5/29/2003 | House | Pension Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Jack D. Franks | 5/29/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee | 5/29/2003 | House | Balanced Budget Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 3 Rules Refers to Executive Committee | 5/29/2003 | House | Judicial Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | Fiscal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | State Debt Impact Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | Correctional Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 3 Recommends Be Adopted Executive Committee; 007-005-000 | 5/29/2003 | House | Home Rule Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as amended by House Amendment No. 3 | 5/29/2003 | House | Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Mike Boland | 5/30/2003 | House | House Amendment No. 3 Adopted by Voice Vote | 5/30/2003 | House | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate | 5/30/2003 | House | Verified | 5/30/2003 | House | Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 064-051-001 | 5/30/2003 | Senate | Secretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 01,03 | 5/30/2003 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 01,03 - May 31, 2003 | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Terry Link | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Terry Link | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Rules Referred to Executive | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Rules Referred to Executive | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Be Adopted Executive; 008-001-004 | 5/30/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Be Adopted Executive; 008-001-004 | 5/31/2003 | Senate | Sponsor Removed Sen. Adeline Jay Geo-Karis | 5/31/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 1 Senate Concurs 033-026-000 | 5/31/2003 | Senate | House Amendment No. 3 Senate Concurs 033-026-000 | 5/31/2003 | Senate | Passed Both Houses | 6/27/2003 | Senate | Sent to the Governor | 8/18/2003 | Senate | Governor Approved | 8/18/2003 | Senate | Effective Date August 18, 2003 | 8/18/2003 | Senate | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 93-0541 |
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