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2    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois is home to a diverse and
3vibrant workforce that contributes significantly to the
4economic success and growth of our State; and
5    WHEREAS, As our population continues to age, the
6importance of securing financial stability and independence in
7retirement becomes increasingly evident for individuals of all
8socioeconomic backgrounds; and
9    WHEREAS, It is universally recognized that retirement
10savings are essential for maintaining financial well-being in
11later years as well as for promoting dignity, security, and a
12high quality of life; and
13    WHEREAS, Despite the importance of preparing for
14retirement, many workers across Illinois lack access to
15retirement savings options or face barriers to participation
16in employer-sponsored retirement plans, which can lead to
17financial insecurity in their later years; and
18    WHEREAS, Employers, as key partners in the workforce, have
19an ethical obligation to provide their employees with access
20to retirement savings options as part of their responsibility
21to support their employees' long-term financial health and



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1security; and
2    WHEREAS, Offering retirement options, such as 401(k)
3plans, IRAs, or other retirement savings programs, not only
4benefits employees but also strengthens our State's economy by
5ensuring that workers can retire with confidence and continue
6to contribute to the State's consumer spending and economic
7growth; and
8    WHEREAS, The retirement community is a critical segment of
9the Illinois economy whose members drive demand for goods and
10services and create jobs across various industries, including
11healthcare, housing, and entertainment, all of which enhance
12the quality of life for Illinois residents; and
13    WHEREAS, Employers who provide retirement plans
14demonstrate a commitment to the long-term well-being of their
15employees, fostering loyalty, improving employee morale, and
16helping to retain a talented workforce; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize the moral
19responsibility of all employers to ensure their valued
20employees have a path to secure retirement, and as such, we
21urge employers across the State to provide quality retirement
22savings options for their employees in recognition of the



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1importance of securing financial independence in retirement
2and the positive impact that it will have on the well-being of
3both individual employees and the State's economy as a whole.