SR0104LRB104 12103 ECR 22202 r


2    WHEREAS, Public libraries serve as essential community
3institutions that provide access to information, education,
4and cultural resources to all residents; and
5    WHEREAS, The governance and oversight of public libraries
6is entrusted to library trustees who play a critical role in
7ensuring that libraries operate efficiently, equitably, and in
8the best interests of the public; and
9    WHEREAS, Library trustees must navigate complex legal,
10financial, and policy matters, including issues of
11intellectual freedom, budgeting, and community engagement; and
12    WHEREAS, The Office of the Illinois Secretary of State
13provides training and educational resources for library
14trustees to enhance their knowledge of their responsibilities
15and the best practices in library governance; and
16    WHEREAS, Continuing education and training for library
17trustees is vital to maintaining strong and well-functioning
18libraries that serve the diverse needs of Illinois residents;
19therefore, be it



SR0104- 2 -LRB104 12103 ECR 22202 r

1ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge all public
2library trustees to participate in ongoing training programs
3provided by the Illinois Secretary of State to strengthen
4their ability to effectively oversee library operations and
5services; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That we encourage the Illinois Secretary of
7State to expand and enhance library trustee training
8opportunities, ensuring that all library board members have
9access to comprehensive education on governance, ethics, and
10policy matters; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
12delivered to Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias,
13the Illinois State Library, and all public library boards in
14the State of Illinois.