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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to
3congratulate the Phil and Karen Borgic family of Borgic Farms,
4Inc. in Raymond on the occasion of being named the 2025 Family
5of the Year by the Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA);
7    WHEREAS, Each year, the IPPA honors a pork producing
8family who has contributed to the long-term success of the
9industry through leadership and pork promotion on the local,
10state, and national levels; and
11    WHEREAS, Phil Borgic and his wife, Karen, are third
12generation farmers who have been involved in the Illinois pork
13industry since before they were married in 1982 and have
14striven to maintain the tradition of quality and family focus
15of Illinois farmers; today, Phil serves as president and CEO
16of Borgic Farms, Inc., and Karen serves beside him as the
17office and finance manager; they both have become mainstays in
18the industry over the decades; and
19    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic graduated from Lincolnwood
20and Morrisonville High Schools in 1974, respectively, before
21attaining their associate's degrees from Lincoln Land
22Community College; Phil then earned a bachelor's degree in



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1agricultural economics from the University of Illinois; after
2graduation, he returned to Montgomery County and began working
3at the family farm full-time, primarily running the crop
4operation; after marrying in 1982, he and Karen took over the
5family farm after his parents, Erval and Betty Borgic, retired
6in 1991; and
7    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic continued to grow and
8evolve Borgic Farms, which was originally established when his
9parents started a diversified farm of crops, dairy, beef,
10chickens, and pigs in Montgomery County in 1952; during Phil
11and Karen's management, the farm reduced its focus on crops
12and expanded the hog operation in 1994, and it shifted from
13farrow-to-finish to a farrow-to-wean farm in 1999; under their
14guidance, the farm has grown since the early 2000s to include
15two sow farms, two wean-to-market farms, and over 50 grower
16partners across Illinois, marketing 450,000 pigs annually
17along with a 1,200-acre grain operation; over the years, their
18team has also hosted over 40 farm tours to help educate the
19public about the pork industry; they and their team celebrated
20the 50th anniversary of Borgic Farms' incorporation in 2024;
22    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic have been heavily involved
23with the pork industry throughout the world; Phil was a member
24of the IPPA Board from 1998 to 2014, serving two terms as



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1president in 2008 and 2009, and he was a two-term member of the
2National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) Board of Directors from
32014 to 2020; he has also served on multiple committees for
4NPPC, the National Pork Board, the U.S. Department of
5Agriculture, and multiple legislators; Karen has been involved
6in both county and state pork producer groups, helping with
7fundraisers, pork stands, and Illinois Pork Expo hospitality
8rooms, and she was a previous recipient of the Elanco Bell
9Ringer Award; they recently received the honor of serving as a
10featured family in the U.S. export standards video that is
11shared with foreign countries as a model for the health and
12wellness standards of U.S. pork; and
13    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic not only serve and maintain
14Borgic Farms but also remain actively involved in their
15community through assisting local churches, food pantries, the
16Central Illinois Food Bank, and countless other organizations;
18    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic are the parents of Mike,
19Kevin, and Michelle, who have all been involved with the pork
20industry through internships and careers on the state and
21national levels, and they are the grandparents of Grayson and
22Ava, who serve as the unofficial mascots of Borgic Farms; and
23    WHEREAS, Phil and Karen Borgic continue to grow their



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1legacy throughout their family and community while instilling
2pride in their team at Borgic Farms, inspiring the
3organization to continue to grow and evolve with an eye toward
4the future; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the
7Phil and Karen Borgic family of Borgic Farms, Inc. on being
8named the 2025 Family of the Year by the Illinois Pork
9Producers Association (IPPA), and we thank the family for
10their hard work and dedication to their community and the pork
11industry; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Phil and Karen Borgic as an expression of our
14esteem and respect.