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2    WHEREAS, Lake County residents, units of government, and
3community organizations have raised serious concerns to the
4Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) over the past
5decade regarding increased volume and speeds of traffic on
6Casey and Almond Roads in central Lake County that pose
7serious threats to public health and safety; and
8    WHEREAS, The current conditions on these roadways make it
9increasingly unsafe for residents to access their properties,
10for families with young children to let their children play
11outside, for motorists to safely travel through and within
12central Lake County, for bicyclists, pedestrians, and
13equestrians to safely cross Casey Road at Lake County's
14regional trail system's designated crossing on Casey Road, and
15for wildlife to safely cross Casey Road; and
16    WHEREAS, Data from the Lake County Sheriff's Office
17documents 28 vehicular crashes at the corner of Casey and
18Almond Roads in the past 10 years, with people injured in at
19least 10 of those crashes; and
20    WHEREAS, Data from the Lake County Sheriff's Office
21documents 83 vehicular crashes at the corner of Almond Road
22and IL Route 120 in the past 10 years, with people injured in



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1at least 11 of those crashes; and
2    WHEREAS, Lake County is home to more threatened and
3endangered species than any other county in Illinois,
4including several that reside within the multiple Illinois
5Nature Preserves adjacent to these roadways, and additional
6rare native wildlife, which have frequently been found dead
7along these roadways from vehicle collisions; and
8    WHEREAS, An alarming level of vehicle crashes, injuries,
9and wildlife collisions have made it clear that action must be
10taken at this time with no delay; and
11    WHEREAS, Numerous organizations, units of government, and
12residents have met with local officials on multiple occasions
13to find solutions to this issue, and letters have been sent to
14IDOT alerting them of these concerns and requesting that they
15collaborate with the Lake County Division of Transportation
16and township officials to address the public safety and
17environmental concerns surrounding these dangerous roadways;
19    WHEREAS, Traffic calming measures are called for in the
20Liberty Prairie Reserve Master Plan of 2013, which was created
21by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and adopted by
22the Lake County Forest Preserve District and Libertyville



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1Township; and
2    WHEREAS, Additional solutions proposed by stakeholders to
3IDOT have included reclassification of Casey Road to a
4designation that will allow for a reduced speed limit, a more
5fully controlled corner at Casey and Almond Roads, and a
6permanent closure of Almond Road at the Route 120
7intersection; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Illinois
10Department of Transportation (IDOT) to take immediate action
11and work with stakeholders to identify and implement a
12solution that will reduce the speed and amount of traffic and
13potential for additional fatal accidents on Casey and Almond
14Roads in central Lake County; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
16delivered to IDOT, the Lake County Division of Transportation,
17members of the Lake County Board, Libertyville Township, the
18Libertyville Township Road District, Warren Township, the
19Warren Township Road District, and members of the Illinois
20General Assembly representing Lake County.