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2    WHEREAS, For half a century, the Illinois Court Reporters
3Association (ILCRA) has been the preeminent association in
4Illinois to provide continual training to Certified Shorthand
5Reporters (CSRs), also known as court reporters, on
6professionalism, neutrality, confidentiality, and ethics for
7the benefit of all litigants, defendants, and the people of
8this State; and
9    WHEREAS, Illinois court reporters are licensed CSRs who
10diligently serve as Guardians of the Record, safeguarding
11litigants' personal, private, confidential, and proprietary
12information so that such information is not improperly
13released to the public; and
14    WHEREAS, Using advanced technology, court reporters write
15in shorthand, a simultaneous verbatim report of the spoken
16word, in pretrial depositions and hearings, trials,
17arbitrations, and sworn statements, which are the critical
18foundation to the pursuit of justice in every legal
19proceeding; and
20    WHEREAS, Illinois shorthand reporters and real-time
21captioners provide Communication Access Realtime Translation
22(CART) by captioning for attorneys, litigants, and jurors in



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1legal proceedings, at business meetings, at educational
2classes and lectures, at sporting events, and at arts
3performances for many Illinoisans who are deaf or
4hard-of-hearing, have auditory processing disabilities, or for
5whom English is not their first language; and
6    WHEREAS, Court reporters and captioners preserve history
7for all Americans by translating spoken word into readable,
8searchable, storable, and usable text and electronic media;
10    WHEREAS, Illinois CSRs are licensed by the State as the
11services provided by shorthand reporters and court reporters
12have long been declared to affect the public health, safety,
13and welfare of the people of Illinois; therefore, be it
15ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we declare February 1
16through February 8, 2025 as Court Reporting and Captioning
17Week in the State of Illinois.