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2    WHEREAS, On January 1, 1983, the Transmission Control
3Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, was officially
4adopted by the United States as a communication model that set
5standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple
6computer networks; this date is commonly recognized as the
7birthday of the internet; and
8    WHEREAS, In December of 1990, the World Wide Web was
9created by computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, beginning a new
10era of information sharing and communication that has touched
11every aspect of human life and spread to every corner of the
12globe; and
13    WHEREAS, Since 1990, the internet has benefited humanity
14in many ways, including increased economic development,
15increased communication between different people and cultures,
16rapid transmission of new ideas, critical news, information,
17and scientific breakthroughs, improved government services,
18and expansion of educational opportunities; and
19    WHEREAS, Along with the innumerable benefits of the
20internet, this invaluable tool has also been used by many to
21bring harm, such as cyberattacks, ransomware, online threats
22and intimidation, and the spread of misinformation, along with



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1great societal challenges such as increased social isolation,
2decreased time outside and in nature, decreased in-person
3interaction, and unhealthy distractions and addictions; and
4    WHEREAS, Our youth today have grown up alongside rapid
5technological developments and have almost constant access to
6the internet; this access has allowed our youth to experience
7some of the great benefits of the internet but has also
8resulted in our youth being highly vulnerable to the dangerous
9and harmful aspects of the internet; and
10    WHEREAS, Our youth today are exposed to online
11cyberbullying, misinformation, disturbing and psychologically
12harmful content, misinformation, increased mental health
13issues, addiction, and social isolation; these threats are
14only growing as technology and internet use rapidly expands
15and evolves in our modern technological age; and
16    WHEREAS, The State has a responsibility to provide for an
17efficient system of high quality public educational
18instructions and services; in providing this high quality
19public education to all students, it is the policy of this
20State to protect all Illinois residents, in particular our
21youth, from deceptive and unsafe communications, online
22threats and cyberbullying, online extortion, identity theft,
23misinformation, and illicit activity online; and



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1    WHEREAS, In order to protect our youth and prepare them
2for a healthy, secure, and prosperous future, it is imperative
3that our State's elementary and secondary school system
4provide a high quality education to all students, parents, and
5educators on online safety and legal and social repercussions
6of illicit online behavior; and
7    WHEREAS, Organizations such as the Illinois Judges
8Association have worked tirelessly to provide online safety
9education directly to students, parents, and educators in
10elementary and secondary schools; this education includes, but
11is not limited to, preventing and reporting incidents of
12cyberbullying, illicit activity, and unsafe behavior online
13and the legal repercussions for illicit online actions;
14therefore, be it
16ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize the work
17of organizations such as the Illinois Judges Association in
18educating our youth, parents, and schools about remaining safe
19and vigilant in the rapidly changing online environment of
20today and seek to expand this essential online safety
21education to all students, parents, and schools in our State;
22and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we recognize the value of collaboration
2between elementary and secondary schools in Illinois and the
3Illinois Judges Association, community organizations, and
4similar entities to provide comprehensive online safety
5education to all students, parents, and educators; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That we support school districts and
8organizations in efforts to provide online safety to students,
9parents, and educators of elementary and secondary schools in
10Illinois; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
12presented to the offices of the Governor, the Lieutenant
13Governor, the Attorney General, the Illinois State Police, and
14the Illinois Judges Association.