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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to recognize Chief John W. Stenson, the
4first and only African American Chief of Police for the Peoria
5Police Department, on his years of service to his community;
7    WHEREAS, Chief Stenson began working as a patrol officer
8with the Peoria Police Department in 1966; he was promoted to
9detective in 1971, sergeant in 1973, lieutenant in 1977,
10captain in 1983, assistant chief of police in March 1997, and
11chief of police in October 1997; he retired from the Peoria
12Police Department in April 2004; and
13    WHEREAS, Chief Stenson received an associate's degree in
14police science from Illinois Central College in 1972 and a
15bachelor's degree in police administration from Bradley
16University in 1974; he later worked toward a master's degree
17at Sangamon State University, and he continued to attend
18education seminars and classes through courses at a number of
19institutions, including the University of Illinois, the
20Northwest Police Institute, the FBI Academy in Quantico, and
21the Kennedy School of Government; and
22    WHEREAS, Chief Stenson has been a contributing member in a



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1number of professional organizations, including the Central
2Illinois Association of Law Enforcement Executives, the FBI
3Alumni Association, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of
4Police, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the
5National Organization for Black Law Enforcement Executives,
6the Peoria County Association of Chiefs of Police, and the
7Police Executive Research Forum; and
8    WHEREAS, Chief Stenson has completed a great deal of
9community service throughout his working career and his
10retirement within a variety of organizations, including the
11Carver Community Center, the Counseling and Family Services
12Board, the Crittenton Care and Counseling Center, the Cultural
13Diversity Committee, the Emergency Telephone System Boar, the
14Eureka college Board of Trustees, the Family violence
15Coordinating Council, the Multi-county Narcotics Enforcement
16Group Board, the Peoria Empowerment Committee, the American
17Red Cross, the DARE Organization, the Heart of Illinois United
18Way Board, the Jail Population Task Force, the Peoria Boys
19Club, the Peoria Alternative Charter School Board, the Peoria
20Area Community Events Board, the Peoria Housing Authority, the
21Peoria Public Schools Facility Analysis Committee, Planned
22Parenthood, the Tri-County Urban League, and many more; and
23    WHEREAS, Amidst the adversities and struggles of the
24times, Chief Stenson has paved the way for many African



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1Americans in his community and beyond through his hard work,
2leadership skills, and tenacity, and he continues to inspire
3through his commitment to the mentoring of African American
4youth and community involvement; therefore, be it
7we recognize Chief John W. Stenson, the first and only African
8American Chief of Police for the Peoria Police Department, on
9his decades of service and mentorship; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11delivered to Chief Stenson as a symbol of our esteem and