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2    WHEREAS, Home fires are the biggest element of the U.S.
3fire problem for civilians and responders; and
4    WHEREAS, Eighty-six percent of all civilian structure fire
5deaths are in homes, and home fires cause $8.7 billion in
6direct property damage each year (NFPA); and
7    WHEREAS, Residential structure fires accounted for 67
8percent of firefighter injuries (USFA), and firefighters are
911 times more likely to be injured fighting structure fires
10(NFPA); and
11    WHEREAS, Home fires are deadlier today as a result of
12unprotected lightweight construction material, open floor
13plans, abundant synthetic furnishings, and emerging technology
14such as lithium-ion batteries, which make homes burn faster,
15becoming deadly in two minutes or less (UL/NIST); and
16    WHEREAS, The United States Fire Administration (USFA)
17estimates that home fire sprinklers could save thousands of
18lives each year if more were installed in homes; and
19    WHEREAS, Fire sprinklers are a proven and cost-effective
20means of protecting lives and property from the threat of



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1fire; and
2    WHEREAS, Fire sprinklers offer the highest degree of fire
3protection and are critical in saving lives and property; and
4    WHEREAS, Fire sprinklers can control a fire, and thereby
5the smoke, while it is still small, as a room can be engulfed
6in flames in less than two minutes, saving the lives of
7occupants and first responders; and
8    WHEREAS, From January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2023, a
9span of 17 years, there have been 4,031 injuries in one and
10two-family home fires in Illinois without a fire sprinkler
11system and 1,072 fatalities; and
12    WHEREAS, During that same 17-year period, there have been
13only seven injuries in one and two-family home fires in
14Illinois with fire sprinkler systems and zero fatalities
15(NFSA); and
16    WHEREAS, Including fire sprinklers in local building codes
17and community risk reduction helps support fire service
18resources, staffing, and budgets because when new housing
19stock is sprinklered it becomes safer, improving communities
20and allowing fire service resources to be directed to those at
21highest risk; and



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1    WHEREAS, Stronger state and federal support of home fire
2sprinkler education will help address confusion and anti-code
3negativity and encourage fire service advocacy of home fire
4sprinkler installation; and
5    WHEREAS, More installation of fire sprinklers in new homes
6will directly and indefinitely protect and improve communities
7of every size; therefore, be it
10we declare the week of May 11, 2025 through May 17, 2025 as
11Home Fire Sprinkler Week; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Erik Hoffer, Chicago IP Director for the National
14Fire Sprinkler Association.