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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate the Illinois Association
4of Meat Processors on the occasion of its 50 year anniversary;
6    WHEREAS, The Illinois Association of Locker and Freezer
7Provisioners was formed in 1962 when a group of small meat
8locker owners expressed the need for education concerning meat
9curing and processing, the need for assistance with
10regulations and increased inspection, and a desire to share
11business tips with others starting in the meat processing
12industry; and
13    WHEREAS, The Illinois Association of Locker and Freezer
14Provisioners legally changed their name to the Illinois
15Association of Meat Processors in 1975 to reflect the evolving
16meat processing industry, with the widespread availability of
17home freezers decreasing the demand for customers to rent meat
18lockers as well as the increased need for technical
19information for processing and regulatory needs; the legal
20name change also reflects the association's affiliation with
21the American Association of Meat Processors; and
22    WHEREAS, The Illinois Association of Meat Processors is a



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1membership-driven, non-profit corporation that serves the
2needs of small to mid-sized meat processing establishments
3throughout Illinois and the businesses that supply them; and
4    WHEREAS, The Illinois Association of Meat Processors has
5assisted members with legislative and inspective issues as
6well as membership networking though tours and the annual
7convention and trade show; and
8    WHEREAS, Throughout the history of the Illinois
9Association of Meat Processors, the focus has been to create
10opportunities through educational events and tours, develop
11partnerships with industries who support meat processing, and
12form partnerships with other agricultural organizations to
13maximize forward progress of the agricultural economy in
14Illinois; and
15    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Association of Meat
16Processors have continued to give back to their communities
17through their countless donations to food pantries and
18participation in food insecurity programs over the years,
19including such programs as the Illinois Deer Donation, Pork
20Power, Grain for Good, Feeding Illinois, Sportsmen Against
21Hunger, Hunters Feeding the Hungry, and many more; and
22    WHEREAS, For nearly 40 years, The Illinois Association of



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1Meat Processors has awarded scholarships to meat science
2students at the University of Illinois; and
3    WHEREAS, The Illinois Association of Meat Processors is
4the leading organization in Illinois that represents small to
5medium sized primarily independently owned meat processing
6establishments as well as the industry partners that serve the
7meat industry and academia in the meat science field;
8therefore, be it
11we congratulate the Illinois Association of Meat Processors on
12the occasion of its 50th anniversary and honor the many years
13of service that it has provided to the State of Illinois; and
14be it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the Illinois Association of Meat Processors as an
17expression of our gratitude and respect as the organization
18celebrates this momentous occasion.