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2    WHEREAS, The American Dream has been a beacon of hope for
3generations; and
4    WHEREAS, The American Dream embodies the ideals of
5opportunity, prosperity, and upward mobility, promising that
6every person should have the chance to achieve what they
7themselves define as success and fulfillment through hard work
8and determination; and
9    WHEREAS, Many today feel as though the American Dream is
10unattainable; and
11    WHEREAS, The American Dream belongs to all of us, not just
12billionaires and multimillionaires; and
13    WHEREAS, Our highest accomplishments as a State and nation
14have been achieved when we harnessed the strengths of all
15people regardless of their identities to overcome the greatest
16of challenges; and
17    WHEREAS, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a
18centuries-old movement deeply rooted in America's founding
19principles, and its subsequent legacy of civil rights and
20social justice efforts aimed at delivering laws, policies, and



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1initiatives have enabled America to live up to our
2Constitution's promises; and
3    WHEREAS, DEI policies, from the 19th Amendment to the 1964
4Civil Rights Act to the Americans with Disabilities Act, among
5others, reflect the corrective legislative and legal actions
6taken across our nation's history to expand and guarantee
7access to the educational, economic, and civic obligations and
8capacities of our nation; and
9    WHEREAS, DEI principles and policies promote equal access
10to opportunities, foster an environment of respect and
11belonging, and ensure that every individual, regardless of
12background, can fully participate in all aspects of society;
14    WHEREAS, DEI is essential to creating a society where all
15individuals are valued, heard, and included; and
16    WHEREAS, DEI is based on removing barriers to opportunity
17so that our merits can speak for themselves; and
18    WHEREAS, DEI is committed to widening pathways to the
19American Dream for every community so that all people can reap
20the benefits of shared prosperity in our nation; and



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1    WHEREAS, Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental
2constitutional rights, protecting the ability of individuals
3to voice their ideas and opinions without interference,
4punishment, or retaliation by the government; and
5    WHEREAS, Anti-DEI activists, politicians, and corporate
6decision-makers who attempt to prohibit DEI infringe upon the
7right of individuals to freely express themselves diminish the
8diversity of perspectives that strengthen our society, and
9conflict with anti-discrimination laws; and
10    WHEREAS, Efforts to attack DEI are harmful to the bottom
11line and health of our economy; therefore, be it
14we affirm our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
15(DEI) as an essential foundation for achieving the American
16Dream and fostering environments where all individuals have
17the freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe and the
18opportunity to realize their full potential; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That we encourage local, state, and federal
20policymakers, educational institutions, workplaces, and other
21organizations to adopt and uphold DEI principles that promote
22inclusivity, protect freedom of expression, remove barriers,



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1and provide equitable opportunities for all individuals to
2pursue their dreams.