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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate the United States Army on
4the occasion of its 250th anniversary; and
5    WHEREAS, The United States Army, then called the
6Continental Army, was founded on June 14, 1775 by the
7Continental Congress and placed under the command of Gen.
8George Washington in recognition of the need for a national
9standing army for defense; and
10    WHEREAS, The United States Army is older than the nation
11it serves, as it was founded before the signing of the
12Declaration of Independence and the adoption of the
13Constitution; the vital role of the Army cannot be overstated,
14ranging from warfighting capabilities and domestic and
15international infrastructure projects to humanitarian aid; and
16    WHEREAS, Much of the history of the United States has been
17written on battlefields around the world; this history was
18created by individuals from all walks of life, of all colors,
19creeds, religions, genders, social classes, and identities;
21    WHEREAS, The United States Army is an institution that



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1demands so much of its members; it is on behalf of the nation
2that these demands are asked and are met, repeatedly, from the
3earliest days of the founding of the United States to the
4present day and into the conflicts of the future; and
5    WHEREAS, The United States Army in the modern context
6traces its roots to the War of 1812, as a continuation of the
7Continental Army, and has seen battle on the American
8continent during westward expansion, the Civil War, and the
9Caribbean during the Spanish-American War; and
10    WHEREAS, The United States Army has not only seen conflict
11in the Americas but also Europe during the World Wars, in the
12Pacific during World War II, and on mainland Asia during the
13Korean and Vietnam wars; and
14    WHEREAS, The most recent conflicts in which the United
15States Army engaged were mostly fought in Iraq, Afghanistan,
16and North Africa in an effort to combat terrorism and
17democratize the region; and
18    WHEREAS, The United States Army must be adaptable to the
19changing nature of conflicts and global circumstances; the
20logistical capabilities of the United States Army are
21unmatched, and the noble pursuit of the individuals who make
22up the United States Army add to the long-storied lineage of



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1not only the United States Army but also of a grateful nation;
2therefore, be it
5we congratulate the United States Army on its 250th
6anniversary; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to Brig. Gen. John "Brad" Hinson as an expression of
9our highest respect and esteem.