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2    WHEREAS, Law enforcement officers are greatly affected by
3mental health issues; according to the National Library of
4Medicine, when compared to the general population, police
5personnel have approximately twice the prevalence of
6post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and they
7are associated with a lower quality of life; and
8    WHEREAS, Depression and any related mental illness are
9serious risks for law enforcement officers, who are often
10exposed to high levels of stress and trauma; and
11    WHEREAS, Studies have found that law enforcement officers
12experience depression at nearly double the rate of the general
13population, with 12% of police officers reporting depression
14compared to 6.8% by the rest of the population; and
15    WHEREAS, Law enforcement officers are often reluctant to
16acknowledge feelings of mental illness out of fear of being
17perceived as weak or unfit for duty; and
18    WHEREAS, This reluctance, combined with a lack of mental
19health resources tailored to the law enforcement community,
20can result in mental illness being left untreated, leading to
21severe mental health crises, including suicide; and



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1    WHEREAS, Between 2011 and 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
2Statistics reported the occurrence of 24 workplace suicides by
3police personnel and six workplace suicides by correctional
4staff; and
5    WHEREAS, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is
6required by law to keep information on suicide in law
7enforcement through the Law Enforcement Officers Suicide Data
8Collection Program (LEOSDCP); and
9    WHEREAS, The LEOSDCP is meant to track the rate of suicide
10among law enforcement officers to aid agencies in better
11understanding and preventing suicides among current and former
12law enforcement officers and corrections employees; and
13    WHEREAS, The LEOSDCP report has not been updated and there
14is still a high suicide rate in law enforcement; and
15    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois has implemented programs
16and passed laws to remove obstacles and lower suicide rates
17among officers; and
18    WHEREAS, According to the National Alliance on Mental
19Illness (NAMI), despite these programs and laws, Illinois
20police still face major hurdles when seeking mental health



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1treatment; and
2    WHEREAS, In 2018, NAMI reported that four police officers
3and one firefighter in Chicago died by suicide compared to one
4police officer and one firefighter who died in the line of
5duty; and
6    WHEREAS, Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed
7in the month of May in the U.S. since 1949, and it continues to
8be observed to raise awareness on mental health; and
9    WHEREAS, Increasing awareness on law enforcement distress
10syndrome and other mental illnesses is a key component in
11safeguarding law enforcement officers' mental health to ensure
12the effective discharge of their duties in protecting lives
13and properties; therefore, be it
16we declare May 2025 as Law Enforcement Mental Health Awareness
17Month in the State of Illinois; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That we urge the Federal Bureau of Investigation
19(FBI) to effectively keep information on the prevalence of
20suicide among law enforcement through the Law Enforcement
21Officers Suicide Data Collection Program (LEOSDCP) in order to



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1help reduce the rate of suicide in law enforcement in the U.S.;
2and be it further
3    RESOLVED, That we urge the State of Illinois to establish
4its own LEOSDCP to keep statistics on suicide in law
5enforcement to reduce the profession's suicide rate statewide;
6and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That we support the implementation of programs
8to encourage the reporting and treatment of mental health
9illnesses among law enforcement officers.